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Neighbours Episode 6378 from 2012 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6377 - 6379>>
Episode title: 6378
Australian airdate: 11/04/12
UK airdate: 09/05/12
Writer: Sarah Mayberry
Director: Laurence Wilson
Guests: Aidan Foster: Bob Morley
Ajay Kapoor: Sachin Joab
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
- Aidan and Chris make up after a fight.
- Summer catches Andrew kissing a girl at Tash's party.
- Tash's party turns into a nightmare.
- Paul write a very in- depth article about the lack of police presence at Tash's party. Ajay is suspicious.
- Susan sees Paul's emails and realises he was behind the party going wrong.
Erinsborough news
Susan comes to see Paul and tells him to print a retraction - Ajay did nothing wrong. Paul refuses, but Susan will not be moved. She says she'll write an expose in the paper. Paul tells her she'll have to self-publish(!)
A musical montage (why?) of Summer and Andrew looking depressed, looking at photos of Tash's party on Facebook. On Twitter, Summer writes, "Can't eat. Can't think. Can't sleep. #breakupssuck" and closes her laptop.
Harold's Store, the following morning
Paul sees Andrew and comes over and tells him that the insurance company will pay out on the car. He'll throw in some extra too so that Andrew can get a decent car. Andrew is surprised, and Paul produces a cheque for $5,000! Andrew is chuffed.
Susan comes in and tells Paul that there's no retraction in the paper. He says there won't be one - he's agreed to pay for the repairs to Tash's house, so as far as he's concerned, it's job done(!) Ajay will just have to look after himself. Susan protests that Paul set Ajay up and won't let it all just fade away. If Paul doesn't sort things out, she'll go public with what she knows.
Erinsborough News
Paul comes in and asks Summer why she's "bleating about a broken heart" on the paper's Twitter feed. Summer realises to her horror that she's posted on the paper's account rather than her own! She frantically opens her laptop, apologising profusely. Paul is more concerned that Summer and Andrew have split up. He asks her if it's serious. She says it is.
PAUL:(gently) Just...try to be more careful in future, eh?
SUMMER: I will, I'm sorry.
He goes into his office.
Chris and Aidan are preparing to go out for a picnic when Andrew calls round. He sits down and makes himself at home, not noticing that Chris and Aidan have any plans. He starts talking to Chris about cars. They generously sit down with him and start looking at his print-outs.
Erinsborough News
Summer tells Susan that she can't find any stories to follow up. Susan has a look at her list of possible stories, but they are slim pickings. Summer suggests that she could get a new angle out of Tash's party, but Susan puts her off, saying it's old news now.
Paul sees Ajay and offers him the chance to tell "his side of the story"(!) Ajay is not impressed and tells Paul he wants nothing to do with him. When Ajay has gone, Susan comes over and tells Paul she still wants a retraction.
Erinsborough News
Summer finds some of the Facebook messages that Susan printed out in Susan's bin. She then observes Paul and Susan arguing and her suspicions are raised.
Harold's Store
Summer is calling around trying to find out who started the Facebook invites to Tash's party. One name keeps coming up - Conrad Jackson.
Kyle comes in and Summer tells him about Conrad Jackson and that his Facebook profile has been deleted. Kyle suggests she gets Andrew to help her, and she awkwardly tells him that she and Andrew have broken up. Kyle looks stricken, but she tells him it's fine. He sympathises and offers his support.
While Andrew is in the bathroom, Aidan tells Chris to just tells Andrew they have plans! Andrew comes back and engages Chris in a deep conversation again.
In the hall, Chris apologises to Aidan. Aidan says he understands, Andrew is heart-broken after all. He'll come back later.
Harold's Store
Summer is writing a piece about Tash's party when Susan comes in. Summer tells her that she's found out a Conrad Jackson Facebook profile that's suspicious. Susan says as long as the piece is about defending social media, that's fine. She looks a bit worried, though.
Erinsborough News
Paul sees Summer's story and tells her that he doesn't think the story is worthy of the Erinsborough News - it's more for a student paper. He says if she comes into his office in five minutes, he'll give her a few other leads.
Susan sees Ajay and asks if Paul has apologised yet. Ajay says he hasn't. Also the Council are going to debate whether Ajay is a fit person to serve out his term of office. Susan sympathises and assures him that there are a lot of people on his side.
Chris and Andrew have narrowed down the cars to just one. Aidan comes back. Chris awkwardly tells Andrew that he can't come for a test drive, as he and Aidan have arranged to go on a picnic. Andrew suddenly realises he's trashed their afternoon and apologises. He heads off.
Susan tells Paul that it's his last chance to print a retraction. She's written an article exposing Paul which she'll go public with - in the West Waratah Star!
Paul is still protesting to Susan, but she is unmoved - Ajay has done nothing to deserve the way Paul has pursued him. Summer comes in and says she wants to get back to the Conrad Jackson article. Paul puts her off with another story.
When Summer has gone, Paul tells Susan that if she prints the article, he'll sack Summer.
SUSAN: Even your wouldn't stoop that low.
PAUL: Try me. You publish that article and I'm going to make sure she's out on her ear and that nobody else will touch her! Your choice.
Susan looks shocked.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Summer is still researching the Conrad Jackson article.
- Summer talks to some of the party- goers.
- Susan tells Summer that there is no story.
- Kyle starts the repairs to No.32.
- Summer tells Susan that she's putting her job before the truth. Susan says it's not her job she's putting on the line - it's Summer's.
<<6377 - 6379>>
Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6378
Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6378
Andrew Robinson

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6378
Summer Hoyland

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6378
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6378
Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6378
Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland

Andrew Robinson, Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6378
Andrew Robinson, Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas

Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6378
Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland

Ajay Kapoor, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6378
Ajay Kapoor, Paul Robinson

 in Neighbours Episode 6378

Kyle Canning, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6378
Kyle Canning, Summer Hoyland

Chris Pappas, Aidan Foster in Neighbours Episode 6378
Chris Pappas, Aidan Foster

Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6378
Susan Kennedy, Summer Hoyland

Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 6378
Paul Robinson, Summer Hoyland

Susan Kennedy, Ajay Kapoor in Neighbours Episode 6378
Susan Kennedy, Ajay Kapoor

Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas in Neighbours Episode 6378
Aidan Foster, Chris Pappas

Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6378
Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Summer Hoyland, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6378
Summer Hoyland, Paul Robinson, Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6378
Susan Kennedy

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