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Neighbours Episode 6286 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6285 - 6287>>
Episode title: 6286
Australian airdate: 07/11/11
UK airdate: 05/12/11
Writer: Mal Tolhurst
Director: Jonathon Dutton
Guests: Dane Canning: Luke Pegler
Malcolm Kennedy: Benjie McNair
Noah Parkin: Orpheus Pledger
Amber Goddard: Kylee Ellis
Maggie Bryan: Kendal Rae
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
This week on Neighbours
- Andrew confronting Kate over her kissing Noah.
- Jade receiving red roses.
- Jade pashing Malcolm and defending what they are doing.
- Paul determined to stop the development.
- Summer panicking about her exams.
Previously on Neighbours
Summer upset that she was the one responsible for PirateNet closing.
Jade and Mal pashing.
Sophie interrupting Kate's chat with Noah.
Harold's Store
Kate lets Sophie into the store and gives her the thumbs up over the shortened hairstyle. Soph tries to chat to her about camp but Kate quickly ushers her out (so they can go home) in case she spots Noah there but it appears he's slipped out the back door as when Kate goes to check the kitchen area he isn't there.
Number 26
Dane is enjoying the barbie leftovers when he gets a call from Kyle. Jade tries to avoid taking the call but Dane forces her to talk to him. Kyle thanks her for the pressie he received from them and announces he's back next week!
Rhys enters the kitchen to thank Dane again for his help and since he won't take any money for what he did, Rhys invites him instead to go for a drink, which he is happy to accept.
Jade is invited too but declines the invite, and as soon as the boys exit the house, she texts Mal asking if he wants to come over!
Number 28
Mal announces to his dad he is off for a drink! Karl invites himself along but Mal talks him out of going.
Number 26
Mal arrives at #26 and begins pashing Jade as soon as the door closes! They break off to have a drink and a bit of a chat but that doesn't last long and they are soon heading in the direction of her bedroom!
Number 24
Sophie chats to Kate and Lou about camp and he ribs her about her new hairdo! They receive an unexpected and most unwelcome visitor - Noah, who is round to find out how Sophie got on at camp. Kate's attempt to get rid of him fails when Sophie sees him at the door and it gets worse for Kate - Sophie invites him to stay for dinner!
Number 28
Andrew declines Karl's offer of dinner as he exits Summer's room - he expresses his concern to Karl about Summer stressing out over PirateNet closing down. "Give her time," Karl suggests.
Erinsborough News
Andrew arrives with dinner from home - Lorraine's delicious lasagne. They chat about his exams but Paul twigs something else is up because he isn't exactly forthcoming with exam chat. Andrew unloads to him about Summer/PirateNet and Paul reminds him about his offer to Summer before pointing out he needs to keep his studying up too. Andrew then talks his dad into allowing him to use the editing suite to edit the history wall footage citing the quicker he calms Summer down the better it is for him!
Number 24
Kate sits quietly as Sophie tells all about camp. Noah then invites Sophie to a gig he is going to and invites Kate along too. She tries her best to not go but Sophie pleads with her to change her mind.
Commercial break later and Noah is on the phone getting their tickets. Kate then plays her trump card - she isn't going but has persuaded Lou to accompany Sophie instead (she didn't want her going into the city alone). Lou has got his essentials ready - a bottle of water and earplugs and is going despite Noah trying his hardest to talk Lou out of it. Just as they are leaving, she pulls Noah back for a quick word.
KATE: Hey Noah, don't you ever try and manipulate me into doing something like that again.
NOAH: I wasn't.
KATE: Leave Sophie out of it, this is between you and I.
He seems a bit puzzled with that but replies, "okay," however Sophie shouting on him prevents the conversation from continuing.
Dane is continuing to take advantage of Rhys' hospitality by tucking into more food! Rhys is surprised he isn't out on the pull and gives him his tips on picking up women, "just say you are a doctor!" "How come you are still single?" Dane asks and Rhys replies that he is "choosy"! Rhys spots a couple of ladies sitting at the other side of the bar and wants Dane to use those magic words to pull them.
Number 26
Mal is after some food following his "exercise session" with Jade and as he tucks into the barbie leftovers, she suggests he heads home as the boys could be home soon.
But the boys are busy trying to pull the two lassies and using the claim that they are both doctors seems to be winning the ladies over!
Number 26
Mal proposes something else - ignoring the fact the boys could be home soon and that he's hungry in favour of more "exercise" beginning with pashing Jade again.
The ladies are lapping up the medical talk but a spanner is thrown into their plan when Karl comes into the bar! Karl subtly questions "Dr Canning" over his supposedly saving a kid's life but the lassies see through the story and bail!
DANE: (to Rhys) Foolproof eh?!
Rhys suggests trying again since Karl has now left but Dane's been put off his mojo.
Number 26
Mal breaks the pash session so they can head again to her room!
Rhys and Dane finish their drinks and decide to head home.
Number 26
It's like déją vu as Mal and Jade head to the fridge for beer and food following their "exercise session" but this time they hear Dane and Rhys coming home so grab the beers and head out the back door.
Number 26 backyard/Number 26
Jade wants Mal to jump over the back fence but he's refusing to, telling her he isn't a teenager. She gives him another option - hiding, which he also refuses to do just as the guys enter the house looking for her.
Back outside, Jade isn't giving Mal any option but to jump the fence as inside the guys moan about her polishing off the food. Looking out the window, Dane thinks he's seen something move and no it isn't another rat, unless it's a massive one!, so the boys head into the backyard.
The boys enter the backyard to find Jade clearing the BBQ, which she is happy to get out of doing now they've arrived!
Number 28
Mal creeps back into the house and turns down the offer to share the wine Karl has just opened. Karl then spots Andrew heading out of the house with Summer's laptop. After explaining what he intends doing with it, Karl allows him to take it away.
Number 24
Lou arrives home with his earplugs still in, so doesn't hear Kate asking where Sophie is. Once she catches his attention, he explains that Sophie is outside saying goodnight to Noah.
Sophie follows in a few seconds later and Kate sends her off to bed but before she does, Soph thanks her sister for allowing her to attend the gig.
Erinsborough News
Andrew reviews the footage and sees Kate and Noah kissing!
Commercial break later and Paul finishes off a call to return to "help" Andrew but Andrew has moved the footage off the interesting part. Paul heads home leaving Andrew the keys to lock up and he quickly gets out his phone to call Kate. He gets her voicemail so leaves a message asking for her to call back, its important!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Andrew telling Kate he knows about the kiss.
- Kate explaining things to Andrew and asking that he deletes it.
- Andrew refusing to do what Kate asks.
- Jade returning some missing clothing items to Mal.
- Mal reassuring his dad things are okay with himself and his wife.
- Dane and Rhys suggesting dating advice.
- Jade receiving some flowers and letting rip at Mal.
<<6285 - 6287>>
Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6286
Kate Ramsay, Sophie Ramsay

Jade Mitchell, Dane Canning in Neighbours Episode 6286
Jade Mitchell, Dane Canning

Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6286
Kyle Canning

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6286
Karl Kennedy

Malcolm Kennedy, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6286
Malcolm Kennedy, Jade Mitchell

Noah Parkin, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6286
Noah Parkin, Kate Ramsay

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6286
Andrew Robinson

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6286
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Noah Parkin, Sophie Ramsay, Lou Carpenter, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6286
Noah Parkin, Sophie Ramsay, Lou Carpenter, Kate Ramsay

Noah Parkin, Lou Carpenter, Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6286
Noah Parkin, Lou Carpenter, Sophie Ramsay

Dane Canning, Rhys Lawson in Neighbours Episode 6286
Dane Canning, Rhys Lawson

Malcolm Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6286
Malcolm Kennedy

Dane Canning, Rhys Lawson, Karl Kennedy, Amber Goddard, Maggie Bryan in Neighbours Episode 6286
Dane Canning, Rhys Lawson, Karl Kennedy, Amber Goddard, Maggie Bryan

Malcolm Kennedy, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6286
Malcolm Kennedy, Jade Mitchell

Dane Canning, Rhys Lawson, Jade Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6286
Dane Canning, Rhys Lawson, Jade Mitchell

Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6286
Karl Kennedy, Andrew Robinson

Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6286
Sophie Ramsay

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6286
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Kate Ramsay, Noah Parkin in Neighbours Episode 6286
Kate Ramsay, Noah Parkin

Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 6286
Andrew Robinson

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