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Neighbours Episode 6199 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6198 - 6200>>
Episode title: 6199
Australian airdate: 07/07/11
UK airdate: 04/08/11
Writer: Pete McTighe
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Jim Dolan - Scott Parmeter
Summary/Images by: Holing/Graham
- Karl excitedly training for mountain climbing in Peru
- Susan reaching out to Jim
- Kate taking her frustration and anger out on Sophie
- Toadie inadvertently finding out that Brennan is dead
Police Station
There's some crazy slow- motion stuff as a dazed Toadie sits down and recalls being told that he has to keep Brennan's death a secret.
Number 24
Kate is half- heartedly watching TV but unable to concentrate so she makes herself a cuppa.
Jim umms and ahhs about the menu - he thinks he should go healthy but decides to go the steak with a dessert as well since he doesn't need to worry about cholesterol anymore. Susan politely answers his questions about her life, her children, but then gently tells him that he needs to face reality and talk about his health.
Number 30
Callum and Sophie are having a rather boring sleepover because they're watching a movie that Callum loves but Sophie does not because they've seen it a million times. Cal's really enjoying it though because he keeps shushing Sonya when she tries to talk to him. Callum suggests a footy game, but Soph isn't too keen on that either. Toadie comes home looking really gloomy but he just puts it down to tiredness.
Dinner is finished and Jim confesses that he's having trouble wrapping his head around the fact that there's all these things he had always planned to do but won't have the chance. He has no family and there aren't really any friends to lean on, but he rejects the idea of counselling.
JIM: A head- shrinker? No thanks. No, I don't trust them; they'll probably have me clucking like a chicken, or...
Susan offers to recommend a few good ones, but he's not interested. He thanks Susan for listening to him and she tells him to take care of himself.
Erinsborough Gym
Karl is on the exercise bike being pushed on by Jade. And annoyed by Lou, who teases Karl about being on a health kick. Lou asks Jade for some information about their water aerobics class, but what he's really interested in are potentially good looking women.
LOU: Ladies of a certain age who don't shrivel up too much when you chuck them into water.
JADE: It's a fitness class, Lou, not a bar.
LOU: I'm a multi- tasker!
He takes a pamphlet but decides to stick around to annoy Karl some more since he doesn't have much else to do.
Number 30
Callum and Sophie are bickering about what to do and what game to play until a frustrated Toadie tells them to stop it. Callum starts questioning Sophie on her bad mood and brings up Kate and Brennan, which prompts Toadie to tell Callum off for not minding his own business. Toad threatens to cancel the sleep over and everyone lapses into a moody silence.
Number 30
Sonya is all chirpy in a stark contrast to Toadie who has a massive weight on his shoulders. She sees that something is still wrong but he blames it on a case at work that he's worried about.
Number 28
Susan comes home to an empty house and a note from Summer saying that she's at Andrew's house. Susan rings Lib for a chat but gets her voicemail, so she sits down. Unsure of what she should do with herself, she glances at her watch and heads out the door again.
Erinsborough Gym
Karl's finishing up with his session and Lou is still next to him and trying to annoy him. Susan has come around and Karl asks how her dinner with Jim was, and how Jim was. She tells him that Jim is trying to be brave and Karl checks that Susan is OK as well.
KARL: I'll get out of these leggings and I'm all yours.
SUSAN: Feel free to leave them in the change room.
Number 30/Number 24
It's full moon on Ramsay Street. Toadie tosses around in bed, unable to sleep. He picks up his phone, but changes his mind and starts to dress. He opens the bedroom door to head out, but he can't do it so he sits back down on the bed with a heavy heart.
Meanwhile over at number 24, Kate isn't even trying to sleep. She's up watching TV when Sophie, who is totally over the sleepover, comes home.
Number 30
Toad is surprised to see Callum alone as Sophie left the night before. Toadie apologises for being in a mood the night before but Cal puts the fault squarely on Sophie for always being in a bad mood. Toad advises that Cal cut Soph a bit of slack because she's having a rough time with Kate since they were close to Brennan.
CALLUM: I wish that people would just say what they were thinking. Everything would be so much easier if people were just honest in the first place.
This strikes quite the chord with Toadie.
Number 28
Zeke has elected to go old- school and send a postcard to Karl and Susan from Paris, where he and Rachel are holidaying.
KARL: Listen, you didn't tell me about last night.
SUSAN: Oh, like I said nothing to tell.
KARL: Susan Kennedy, I've known you long enough to not play that game.
Susan confides that it was harder than she anticipated.
KARL: You should talk to me!
SUSAN: You were in such a good mood; I didn't want to spoil it.
KARL: You're my wife; you're supposed to spoil my good moods.
Speak of the devil; Jim has come around to thank Karl and Susan for listening and being so understanding. Karl tells Susan to make sure that she takes care of herself while trying to take care of someone else.
Number 24
Lou declines Kate's offer for brekky.
LOU: Not before a swim - and some fishing.
KATE: Fishing?
LOU: Water aerobics! Time to catch me a mermaid.
He invites a door knocking Toadie on his fishing expedition but Toad says no with much confusion. Sophie's digging around for a charger and Kate tells her to grab one from the box on her dresser. While Toadie is wrestling with his conscience, Sophie comes back out with a box - except it wasn't from the dresser, it's the box with Mark's things in it. Kate tells Sophie off and seeing Toadie's strange mood, she thinks that Sophie did something wrong at the sleepover that wasn't and apologises for her. Toad assures her that it wasn't like that. Upon seeing Mark's things, he changes his mind about telling Kate and leaves.
Number 30
Toadie starts slamming doors, unaware that Sonya is home. He tries to make his escape to work but Sonya encourages him to talk to her and unable to keep it to himself any longer, he blurts out that Mark is dead.
TOADIE: I found out by accident and the police have told me to keep quiet, and I'm actually having a really hard time dealing with this because he stayed at my house, and Callum worships him and he's a really good bloke.
Voice breaking, he tells Sonya that Mark left because he was a key witness in a corruption case and not because he got a big promotion and moved elsewhere like everyone thinks. After giving Toadie a big hug, Sonya realises the impact it would have on Kate. Sonya tells Toad that Kate needs to know but Toad can't bring himself to tell her.
KYLE: This is our business I'm trying to set up.
LOU: The business I financed.
(Kyle seeks advice from Toadie at Charlie's)
KYLE: You have got to get me out of this contract I signed with Lou. It can't be legal.
TOADIE: You signed it, it's legal.
(Lou has Kyle doing work all over the place)
LOU: The operator - that would be you - agrees to do a reasonable amount of maintenance for the financial backer - that'd be me.
(Kate looks like she's about to burn Mark's belongings)
(Sonya chats to Kate)
SONYA: You and Mark, were you gonna get back together?
KATE: Yeah, I thought so.
(Sonya and Toad in their bedroom)
SONYA: She needs to know, Toadie.
TOADIE: I could get charged, I could get disbarred.
(Hayes and Toadie at Charlie's)
HAYES: I don't want this situation compromised by you or by anyone.
(Sonya and Toad in their bedroom again)
TOADIE: I can't be the one to tell her.
<<6198 - 6200>>
Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6199
Toadie Rebecchi

Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6199
Kate Ramsay

Susan Kennedy, Jim Dolan in Neighbours Episode 6199
Susan Kennedy, Jim Dolan

Sophie Ramsay, Sonya Mitchell, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6199
Sophie Ramsay, Sonya Mitchell, Callum Jones

Susan Kennedy, Jim Dolan in Neighbours Episode 6199
Susan Kennedy, Jim Dolan

Jade Mitchell, Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 6199
Jade Mitchell, Karl Kennedy, Lou Carpenter

Toadie Rebecchi, Sophie Ramsay, Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6199
Toadie Rebecchi, Sophie Ramsay, Callum Jones

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6199
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6199
Susan Kennedy

Jade Mitchell, Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 6199
Jade Mitchell, Lou Carpenter, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6199
Toadie Rebecchi

Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6199
Kate Ramsay

Callum Jones, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6199
Callum Jones, Toadie Rebecchi

Karl Kennedy, Jim Dolan in Neighbours Episode 6199
Karl Kennedy, Jim Dolan

Toadie Rebecchi, Kate Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6199
Toadie Rebecchi, Kate Ramsay

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6199
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6199
Toadie Rebecchi, Sonya Mitchell

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