- Lucas finding out his dad has died
- Tash's topless photos being sent to everyone
- Michael finding out what Tash has done
Number 32
It's a full moon again in Ramsay Street as Michael angrily orders Tash inside to deal with the incident. But Tash has decided that lying is the best policy and tells her dad that someone must have photoshopped her head onto someone else's body. Michael doesn't believe her and wonders why she's just giving her classmates more ammo to disown her. He asks her who took the photos but Tash claims that she doesn't know.
Charlie's Bar
Lucas is quietly watching the motor racing on TV when he gets a call from Dan. They make small talk about baby Adam, but the conversation soon turns to their dad's funeral, which is tomorrow. Dan isn't sure that he's going to go, and Lucas hasn't made up his mind either. Lucas just wishes he had've picked up the phone when their dad rang him so he could've spoken to him one last time.
Number 32
Tash tells Michael that she has no idea who took the photos and is offended when he asks if she posed for them. But Michael says he doesn't know what to think when it comes to his daughter anymore.
MICHAEL: You used to be the smartest kid in the class but I haven't seen much of her lately. I don't think you get how serious this is. When things like this go online they're there forever.
He asks her one last time if she knows who took the photos. With her eyes welling up with tears, Tash says no and that she doesn't know how they wound up all over the internet either. Frustrated, Michael grabs his car keys and leaves. Tash rings Ivan and leaves a message on his voicemail, telling the "jerk" to pick up his phone.
Charlie's Bar - Next Morning
Paul drops his car keys off to Lucas but says he doesn't have to service it if he's got other things on today. However, Lucas is determined to do anything he can to avoid thinking about his dad's funeral. Paul finds out the funeral's at one o'clock.
PAUL: Do you want a bit of advice?
LUCAS: Would it matter if I said no?
PAUL: A man dies, his son should be there to say goodbye.
LUCAS: Dan's not going.
PAUL: Dan was always the weak one. I expected a bit more from you, Lucas.
LUCAS: I'll fix your car, the rest is none of your business.
PAUL: Trust me, in a few years time you are going to wish that you went.
Paul urges him to go and pay his respects, but Lucas bluntly replies that he didn't respect his dad to begin with. Nodding, Paul lets Lucas be.
Lucas is trying his best to fix Paul's car and forget about his dad, but it's proving to be hard when he keeps staring at his suit hanging up (there just in case he changes his mind).
Charlie's Bar/Number 32
Chris is on the phone to Tash while Ivan and his mates muck around near the bar. Tash is trying to convince Chris to tell people at school to delete the raunchy emails. Chris says he'll try but he can't force anyone. Things turn ugly when Michael walks into the bar and overhears Ivan and his crew talk about the photos. Chris fills Tash in on all the gory details, mainly when Michael storms over, informs the men that the girl in the photos is his daughter and pitches Ivan's phone into a jug of beer.
First Commercial Break
Number 32
Tash sits on the couch and cries about her crappy life. She jumps up when Michael gets home, but he's only there to pick up his surfing gear and leave again.
It's twelve o'clock and Lucas has decided to put on the suit. Chris calls in just as Lucas is polishing his shoes. Realising where he's going, Chris asks if he needs any help, but Lucas says he'll be fine. He's not fine, though, when a song starts playing on the radio that reminds him of his dad. And his day gets worse when he realises he's put oil all over his funeral outfit.
Lassiter's Complex
Back in his normal clothes, Lucas finds Paul having a coffee out the front of the hotel and returns his car keys. Paul can't help bringing up the fact that it's nearly one, but Lucas says he wrecked his one and only suit. He adds that his old man is probably up there thinking "you've stuffed up again like always".
PAUL: I missed my dad's funeral.
LUCAS: And you've never forgiven yourself. Yeah, yeah, I get it.
PAUL: No I'm not big on regrets. But it doesn't change the fact that I should have been there.
LUCAS: What's it matter anyway? He's not going to know if I'm there or not.
PAUL: Oh come on, the funeral's not for him. I'll be telling my kids to go to mine. I'll put it in the will if I have to.
LUCAS: Don't you reckon they'd go anyway?
PAUL: Elle, yeah sure. Andrew... I mean we're in a good spot at the moment but he's a lot like me that boy. A little bit too much actually. Still I'll make sure that he goes, even if it's just to make sure that I'm really gone.
Paul notices one of his male employees walk by, sizes him up and then tells him to take off his suit. Lucas just gapes at Paul like, 'are you serious right now?'.
Funeral Parlour
Lucas drives up and parks right in front of the hearse (probably not the best place there, mate). He warily gets out of the car and quickly takes the Lassiter's badge off his suit when he notices it still attached. Lucas then collects a service booklet (his dad's name is Patrick Fitzgerald) from two attendees, but gets upset when he looks at his dad's photo on the front.
Second Commercial Break
Funeral Parlour
Lucas is back in his car and watches the last of the funeral guests head inside. He takes out his mobile and calls his dad's number. The voicemail says, "Paddy Fitzgerald, leave a message". Lucas quickly hangs up the phone and speeds away.
Charlie's Bar
Paul finds Lucas having a beer and asks how the funeral went. For a split second Lucas considers telling him that he didn't go in, but then just says "it was a funeral". Paul says at least Lucas will feel glad that he went. He picks up the suit Lucas has left on the table and tells him that Elle sends her love. When Paul leaves, Lucas gets his mobile and rings his dad's number again to hear his voice - but the line has now been disconnected.
Michael comes in from his surf and stares out at the waves, contemplating what to say to Tash next.
Number 32
Tash is moping on the couch when Michael arrives home and says they need to talk. Keeping his voice calm, Michael tells his daughter he ran into Ivan at Charlie's and asks if she kept seeing him when he told her not to. Tash admits to that, but then keeps on lying when she says that Ivan must have taken the photos when she wasn't looking. Michael wants to know why she didn't just tell him that from the start, but Tash says she didn't want him to be angry.
MICHAEL: What made you start seeing him again?
TASH: I missed him. I know you guys all said he was no good, but I really thought he loved me. And now he's gone and done this. I'm such an idiot.
Michael tells his daughter that Ivan can't get away with this. She's a minor, so he's calling the cops. Alarmed, Tash tells her dad not to ring them, saying that she doesn't want to make a bigger deal out of it all. But Michael's mind is made up. While he's on the phone, Tash goes out the front door.
Ramsay Street
Just as Tash walks down the driveway, Ivan pulls up in his car and tells her that he wants to talk to her.
Third Commercial Break
Ramsay Street/Number 32
Ivan sneers at Tash and says her dad's a nut job and that she owes him two phones. Michael hears yelling from inside the house and quickly heads out. Ivan takes hold of Tash's arm and demands that she get her dad off his back. Tash says the whole mess is Ivan's fault, but Ivan smirks and says that no one made her do anything. It was her decision to take the photos. Tash says her dad is calling the cops but Ivan doesn't care - the cops can't touch him and Tash knows it. Michael suddenly appears and whirls Ivan around to punch him square in the face.
MICHAEL: You stay away from my daughter!
TASH: Dad! What have you done?
(Tomorrow on Neighbours)
(Kate gets nasty with Sophie in her grief over Mark)
KATE: You know if you hadn't been so selfish I probably wouldn't have missed him and I'd be with him right now.
(Callum and Sophie play a trick on Sonya involving the school garden)
(Michael pays a visit to the cops)
MICHAEL: She's seventeen she should be protected.
(But so does Ivan)
IVAN: That's assault. Sounds like I did nothing wrong, but you did.