This week on Neighbours
- Worries over whether Sonya will fall for something.
- Kate still upset over Mark leaving and blaming Sophie.
- Karl admitting his concerns to Susan.
- Problems for Lucas.
- Michael irate with Ivan.
Previously on Neighbours
Ivan asking for pics of Tash and then her finding out he was showing them around.
Paul telling Lucas his dad has died.
Lucas is sitting quietly nursing a beer and his thoughts when Toadie comes in for a bottle of non- alcoholic cider. He tries to engage Lucas in conversation about Mark but naturally Lucas' mind is elsewhere and although he replies to Toadie's questions, he leaves as quickly as possible.
Harold's Store
Chris tells Summer about what happened with Lucas. Karl comes over to chat to him about it and what happened with Lucas too, although Karl tries to suggest it was down to Lucas having a bad day.
Lassiters carpark
Ivan pulls into the carpark having been out for lunch with Tash. She is still unhappy at him over the photos and his mate in particular for staring at her the whole time.
IVAN: You're hot, what do you expect?!
He apologises again for the photos and reluctantly agrees not to invite him along again before Tash gets out of the car and he drives off.
Tash complements Chris on his look when she enters the bar and finds him playing pool. After he finds out she's been with Ivan, he tries to warn her but she's having none of it.
Michael joins them and Tash lies over what they've been doing (shopping together) and agrees to have a coffee with her dad since he's earned himself a break.
Lucas' mind still isn't on work when Chris returns (Lucas called him) and he begins by apologising for what happened and inviting him back to work, although he doesn't explain why he reacted like he did.
Number 28
Sum tells Andrew about what she is doing at the newspaper whilst trying to ignore his taunts over what coffee his dad has at certain times of the day!
Unfortunately, Karl is the unwitting victim when he arrives home just as she is attempting to throw an object at Andrew (Karl caught it) for the coffee taunts! She quickly apologises and he asks about her internship although has a little subtle dig at Paul before deciding to go feed the chooks.
Alone, Andrew thinks the dig was said because Karl hates him being around, although Sum doesn't think that. They instead talk about how Chris is getting on but that is quickly forgotten when Andrew (and half the school) receives an email from Macca with the photos of Tash!
Michael tries to tempt Tash into doing some work experience but she doesn't fancy the idea citing that Year 12 is stressful enough without adding to it.
Summer and Andrew enter the bar and decide plan how they are going to handle things - he's to distract Michael so she can tell Tash. The plan swings into action and Tash is upset when she sees the email and hears that most of the kids at school will have seen it too.
SUMMER: I'm sorry Tash, its everywhere.
Lassiters Complex
An irate Tash attacks Ivan when she finds him working in the complex. She doesn't mince her words either and doesn't believe a word that he is saying. When he goes to check with his mate, she grabs the phone from him and throws it to the ground, destroying it completely.
Lucas gets a call from Dan with details of his dad's funeral and mentions that he doesn't think he will be able to get there.
Chris returns with a socket set from home (Lucas couldn't find the one he needed) since his dad never uses them. The mention of Chris' dad seems to get Lucas emotional again although he doesn't show it in front of Chris.
Harold's Store
"Already eating like a true mechanic," Lucas remarks after Chris puts in his lunch order (a sausage roll and a meat pie!). Chris asks about Lucas' apprenticeship after he told a tale of someone he did his apprenticeship with and if he still likes the job. Lucas replies that he does because there is nothing else he'd rather do and Chris talks a bit about his dad wanting him to be strictly white collar even if Chris doesn't want to do a job like that. Chris asks that Lucas keeps quiet about what he is doing since his dad doesn't know and when Chris goes to get their food, Lucas sits for a moment and ponders on all this 'dad' talk.
Tash is surprised to see her dad still in the pub when she enters (he decided to work there instead of at school) and she lies over the real reason she needs a word with Summer. She heads over to where Sum and Andrew are sitting and naturally she doesn't want to talk about the email although Andrew suggests she should tell her dad since it would be better coming from her than him finding out. "He's not going to find out," she says and Sum points out half the kids at school know so he's bound to find out but she is adamant that somehow she will prevent him from finding out.
Sum tries to talk to Tash about it now they are alone (Andrew is over talking with Michael) but she doesn't want to, almost trying to play down the whole thing by saying she isn't the only one to have racy photos of themselves out, and indeed claiming she is the one with the power because she looks awesome!
Andrew and Michael come over and he tells Tash about heading back to school (he's got work to do and emails to check) but will see her at home for supper. Upon hearing the word 'email' Tash tries to tempt her dad into a very early tea at the bar and he agrees to it before heading off to get some drinks for them. Sum reminds her that he will be checking his email at some point but she still thinks luck is on her side and he won't be sent it. Since Tash doesn't seem to be listening to neither of them, they decide to head off.
Lucas tells Chris that it's finishing time and knocks back his offer of locking up. He also hands back the socket set and gives him some advice - say he's sorry and to keep his head down. "Is that what you did with your dad?" Chris asks and again it stirs up the emotions in Lucas but this time instead of keeping things to himself, he opens up to Chris and tells him about his dad dying earlier on that day. Chris immediately offers his sympathy and then puts 2+2 together over why Lucas blew up earlier. Now that it's in the open, Lucas decides to take Chris up on his offer to lock up for him.
Road somewhere
Lucas goes on a bike ride before pulling up somewhere and as 'Moment of doubt' plays, he begins to get emotional although doesn't cry fully.
Karl tells Michael and Tash about his planned holiday with Susan before saying bye to them both. After Michael says he isn't yet hungry, Tash challenges him to a game of pool. As he racks up the balls, he dishes out the complements to his daughter on how she is knuckling down, preparing for the future by attending the study sessions at the Uni. This causes Tash to have an attack of the guilts and she excuses herself momentarily from him and heads to the office area where she breaks down crying and the continuing 'Moment of Doubt' song blends in so well with this scene too just like the one previous.
Harold's Store
Toadie begins to regret speaking (again!) to Lucas when he finds him nursing a coffee when he enters the store. Lucas then gets a text message but whatever it is, he doesn't seem happy to receive it.
Michael takes delight in thrashing Tash at pool and suggests they order now since he's finally hungry. Tash heads off to the toilets and Michael is digging out is laptop when Lucas comes into the bar. Lucas suggests he checks his email instead of the weather forecast he was planning on checking because something is doing the rounds. "Sounds ominous," Michael replies as he loads his email up. Top of the list is one from RANGA9 entitled 'Daddy's Girl' which he thinks is SPAM until Lucas tells him to open it. As soon as he does, he is shocked by what he sees and Lucas tells him he thought he'd better know.
Final commercial break later and Michael is sitting shell- shocked when Tash returns from the toilets. He doesn't say anything to her, instead just opens up the laptop and immediately she begins apologising and is promptly told to gather her things as they are heading home. Michael then gives her a look which says more than words can at this moment in time to Tash.
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Lucas regretting not picking up the phone (to his dad).
- Paul telling Lucas to go to the funeral
- Lucas attending the funeral.
- Michael telling Tash that stuff online stays there forever.
- Ivan unrepentant when Tash blames him.
- Michael working out how the photos of Tash got spread around.