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Neighbours Episode 6149 from 2011 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<6148 - 6150>>
Episode title: 6149
Australian airdate: 28/04/11
UK airdate: 26/05/11
Writer: Peter Dick
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Constable Wes Holland - Daniel Hamill
Car yard Customer - Suzanne Pereira
Summary/Images by: Holing/Graham
- Toadie asking Sonya to do the right thing by Callum by leaving
- Callum suggesting that Sonya tells him more stories about Pop
- Sonya happily telling Jade that Cal wants to know her
- The corrupt cop threatening Kyle at the Car yard
- Kyle telling Mark but Mark not believing him
Car yard
Mark has brought Constable Holland over to sort out the allegations. Kyle repeats the story of what happened but the Constable vehemently denies any wrongdoing. Mark puts it down to a misunderstanding and Kyle puts that down to Mark being too arrogant to see that his "cop mates" are wrong.
Harold's Store
Lucas is surprised that Mark doesn't intend to do anything about Kyle's allegations.
MARK: I've known Wes Holland for years, alright, he's straight as.
LUCAS: Of course, 'cause bent cops wear that sign around their neck, don't they, that says "I'm a bent cop".
MARK: That kid's just confused.
LUCAS: Alright, granddad.
Lucas confides that he saw Kyle and Constable Holland talking and something looked off. Mark explains that when a cop is questioning someone, it may look "threatening" when it's really just normal cop business. Lucas doesn't buy it and calls Mark out for choosing not to help Kyle.
Number 30
Lucas has come by to drop off Mark's set of keys - the extra ones he had made even though he only lived there for a week. While he's there, Toad wants him to give Sonya's mail to her since she hasn't had it redirected yet. Callum and Sophie are playing Wii on the sofa and Sophie pipes up that she won't talk to Sonya because Sonya made Callum cry. Lucas is disappointed that Toadie can't be civil but Toad still wants to keep his distance.
Number 24
Lucas arrives home to Sonya and Jade looking at baby pictures of Callum. Jade suggests that Sonya gives them to Cal since he's never seen a baby picture of himself but Sonya doesn't want to give the photo to Cal behind Toadie's back. Sonya comes up with an idea - she can't bring the photo to Toadie, but Lucas can. Lucas is reluctant to play messenger but Sonya guilt trips him by saying it's for Callum's sake while Jade plays on his ego by calling him a fence- sitter.
Harold's Store
Poor Lucas is complaining that he's stuck in the middle.
LUCAS: How did I get dragged into this?
KATE: 'Cause you're a nice guy.
LUCAS: No I'm not. I go out of my way to be mean!
Speaking of a guy who goes out of his way to be mean, Paul strolls in, sees the photo and jokes that it's Lucas' love- child. Lucas jokes that it's more likely to be Paul's! Lucas confirms that it's Callum and Paul is confused before he realises that Lucas is playing messenger between Toad and Sonya. He wants to know whether Lucas is on Toadie's side or Sonya's side but Lucas wants to remain impartial. Paul advises that he choose one side or else he'll make enemies out of both of them.
Number 30
Lucas has come to pass the photo on but Toadie is less than thrilled. He's annoyed that Sonya's stirring up trouble but before they can reach an agreement about what to do with the photo, Callum has overheard them talking about him so he wanders in. He's thrilled about the photo, but seeing Toadie's reaction, he pretends that it's weird and says that he doesn't want to keep the photo. Lucas can tell that Callum doesn't mean it but Toadie can't, so Lucas walks out with Toadie hot on his heels.
Ramsay Street
They argument continues as Lucas tells Toadie off for being a hypocrite. Toad can't get over the fact that Sonya lied but Lucas points out that Toadie lied to Sonya about his fake relationship with Steph. The difference was that Sonya forgave Toadie for his lie but Toadie can't forgive Sonya for hers. Finally picking a side, Lucas tells Toadie that he's taking Sonya's.
Number 30
Toadie pulls out a photo album and looks at photos of Sonya.
Number 24
Toadie has waited until Sonya left to come and chat with Lucas. He's been thinking about what Lucas said and has come to the conclusion that Lucas is wrong. He got into a relationship with Sonya with honest intentions and had no idea what was coming around the corner with Steph. Sonya, however, knew who Callum was right at the beginning and went into the relationship with dishonest intentions. Lucas agrees that while that may have been the case, Sonya then fell in love with Toadie and was definitely not faking that. Toad is still unconvinced.
Car yard
Kyle is just about to make a sale when he's interrupted by Constable Corrupt. Constable Holland threatens Kyle again but Kyle has no cash on him - no matter, Holland will expect a call later and double the amount. From a distance, Mark is staking out the place and has seen the exchange. He spots a security camera on a nearby business.
Mark is having some movie- time by watching the security tapes from the camera. He spots the police car drive up and fast- forwards to the part where we see Holland roughing Kyle up.
Later, Mark has called Kyle over. Kyle is annoyed at the summons but Mark insists that he sits down and shows him the video. When Mark finds that Kyle is supposed to meet up with Holland later, he thinks it may be the best chance to make a bust.
KYLE: Do you want me to wear a wire?
MARK: What do you think this is, Hawaii Five- O?
Mark asks whether he can trust Kyle not to stuff it up but Kyle retorts that he should be the one with trust issues! Mark cops that one in the chin and confirms that Kyle is up for it, before they both do some square- jaw tensing.
Even later, we're still at Charlie's where Sonya strolls in to check how Lucas went with the photo. Lucas apologetically hands the photo back and tells Sonya that Cal did want it, but didn't want to upset Toadie. She thanks him for trying and a totally random Paul says "told you" to Lucas as Sonya walks away.
Car yard
The meeting is underway and Constable Corrupt wants his money. Kyle hands over an envelope and the second that Holland turns, he almost crashes into an angry Detective Brennan. Mark demands the envelope and Holland is cocky that he'll be fine because it's his word against Kyle's. Mark assures him that he saw the whole thing and Holland tells him that he has no idea what he's just done before smirking.
Harold's Store
Mark tells Kyle that there will now be an internal investigation and there may be charges, and they both hope that Holland gets nailed. They order two coffees from Kate, which Kyle is paying for, so Mark offers to buy the cake. Kate and Jade are super confused at why Mark and Kyle are suddenly buddy- buddy and the guys call it discrimination that two guys can't have cake together without it being "weird" before leaving to get a table.
JADE: Was way hotter when they were fighting, huh.
Number 24
Sonya is looking at her box of memorabilia when Sophie arrives home. Sonya tries to talk to her but Sophie just walks off. Lucas comes home and while Sonya has her back turned to make tea, Lucas sneaks off with some things from her box.
Number 30
Toadie is trying to annoy a gaming Callum into going out for a footy kick with him. Cal finally relents and goes to get changed and while he's off, Lucas drops by to show Toadie the things he's picked up - concert ticket, photo of Toadie and Sonya - things that Sonya's kept because it means a lot to her. Lucas tells him he'd be an idiot to throw away a chance at happiness.
<<6148 - 6150>>
Constable Wes Holland, Kyle Canning, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6149
Constable Wes Holland, Kyle Canning, Mark Brennan

Lucas Fitzgerald, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6149
Lucas Fitzgerald, Mark Brennan

Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald, Callum Jones, Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6149
Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald, Callum Jones, Sophie Ramsay

Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6149
Jade Mitchell, Sonya Mitchell, Lucas Fitzgerald

Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6149
Kate Ramsay, Paul Robinson, Lucas Fitzgerald

Callum Jones in Neighbours Episode 6149
Callum Jones

Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6149
Toadie Rebecchi, Callum Jones, Sophie Ramsay

Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6149
Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6149
Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6149
Toadie Rebecchi, Lucas Fitzgerald

Customer, Constable Wes Holland, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6149
Customer, Constable Wes Holland, Kyle Canning

Kyle Canning, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 6149
Kyle Canning, Mark Brennan

Sonya Mitchell, Lucas Fitzgerald in Neighbours Episode 6149
Sonya Mitchell, Lucas Fitzgerald

Constable Wes Holland, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6149
Constable Wes Holland, Kyle Canning

Mark Brennan, Constable Wes Holland in Neighbours Episode 6149
Mark Brennan, Constable Wes Holland

Jade Mitchell, Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning in Neighbours Episode 6149
Jade Mitchell, Mark Brennan, Kyle Canning

Sophie Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 6149
Sophie Ramsay

Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Mitchell in Neighbours Episode 6149
Lucas Fitzgerald, Sonya Mitchell

Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6149
Lucas Fitzgerald, Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 6149
Toadie Rebecchi

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