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Neighbours Episode 5921 from 2010 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5920 - 5922>>
Episode title: 5921
Australian airdate: 10/05/10
UK airdate: 28/06/10
Writer: Pete McTighe
Director: Adrian Holmes
Guests: Warwick James: David Lennie
Marsha Peterson: Liz Perry
Michael Williams: Sandy Winton
Natasha Williams: Valentina Novakovic
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Emily
This week on Neighbours
Andrew irate.
Summer upset.
Libby wanting Karl to butt out of her love life.
Paul explaining why he needs to turn Lassiters around.
Naomi asking Ringo for space... then shouting for help.
Kate dancing again.
As the titles begin there are some alterations - Michael has joined the BBQ scene with Lucas and Toadie and Natasha has joined the pool scene with Harry and Summer.
Previously on Neighbours
- Paul suing Michael.
- Summer finding out that the guy Lyn is interested from her online dating lives in Ramsay Street!
Number 26
Lyn tells Summer why she is in a hyper mode - she's arranged a date with Sophisticated Guy 52 (SG52) for that afternoon! Sum tries to talk Lyn out of it which surprises Lyn given she was previously all for it, so she puts it down to just looking out for her but Lyn is so excited.
LYN: He sounds really dishy.
Number 22
Rebecca tries to get the situation with Paul and Michael resolved. Paul admits that he doesn't want to go to court... as long as Michael pays him the $12k he wasted due to Natasha lying about her age. Michael explains that he doesn't have that sort of money, so Paul offers a compromise instead - he can pay just for the campaign and as a 'thank you' they can keep the posters! Toadie butts in to say that there is surely some middle ground but Paul is insistent.
PAUL: There is no negotiation. You either pay up now or you pay in court, it's your choice.
Natasha wants her dad to tell Paul where to stick it and he replies she isn't helping but Paul signals that discussions are over.
Ramsay Street
Toadie follows Michael and Natasha out of the house and tries to tell Michael about what Paul is like.
Michael orders Natasha home when she wants to go back and talk to Andrew. The two of them end up having an argument in the middle of the street - she wants her dad to give his permission for the photos to be used but he doesn't because he feels the photos make her look like an underage stripper.
Number 22
Rebecca is trying to work on Paul to get the situation with Michael resolved but he reminds her that if the money doesn't get repaid they can't run another campaign to get listeners to PirateNet which means no new advertisers bringing in money to the station.
PAUL: This is our livelihood we're talking about here darling, I need you onboard for this lawsuit.
REBECCA: I don't feel good about it.
PAUL: You don't have to; all you have to do is agree.
REBECCA: (hesitantly) Fine.
Harold's Store
Michael comes off the phone to his lawyer and Lyn flirts with him when she brings him his drink. Summer quizzes her on it when she returns to the counter, explaining that she's just practicing for later.
Summer takes her drink and heads over to where Harry is sitting and they wonder if Michael is SG52. Harry isn't comfortable discussing it full stop but Summer is worried in case SG52 is married.
SUMMER: That is total public humiliation for my Nan and World War 3 on Ramsay Street.
They try going through the male residents and Harry wants to rule out Karl but Summer points out he's had affairs before. Both rule out Toadie and Harry suggests Michael but she's fine with him as he's hot for an older guy! Lucas is also ruled out.
Harry suggests telling Lyn that SG52 lives on Ramsay Street but Sum replies that Lyn will be too freaked out to ever date again - how they are handling things means nobody gets hurt.
Harry wants to hear the profile again, so Summer reads it out - a mature entrepreneur, distinguished, independently wealthy with a wicked sense of humour - and when she finishes, he has an inkling as to who it could be...
Ramsay Street
... Paul! They watch him exit the house and Summer knows that she must cancel the meeting, so Harry points her in Paul's direction to do that. However, Paul isn't interested in chatting to her or answering her questions and gets into the car and drives off.
Lou approaches them to find out what they are up to and if he can help... and in avertedly lets slip that he is Lyn's date.
HARRY: I think I'm going to throw up.
SUMMER: Yes me first.
"We need a plan" Harry announces and the duo head off after failing to rope Andrew in to help.
Natasha catches Andrew as he heads off and wants the two of them to work together to fix things with their fathers but he rejects her offer and continues on his journey.
Paul reports back to Rebecca that two advertisers have backed out following the failed advertising campaign.
Andrew arrives with his research on civil cases to show Paul which he takes but doesn't pay much attention to. He apologises again to his dad but Paul replies that it's his fault too - he forgets how young Andrew is at times and suggests that if he really wants to help then he can stay away from the Williams family.
And talking of the Williams family, Michael arrives to tell Paul that he is countersuing him because Andrew failed in his basic duty of care by not checking Natasha's ID.
MICHAEL: Mistakes seem to run in the family eh? Your biggest was making an enemy of me.
And as we head into the commercial break, today's trip down memory lane is to 2001 and a photo of Dee Bliss.
Toadie confirms to Paul and Rebecca that Michael has a case and reckons it's so Paul drops his legal challenge. "Still want to give the neighbours that lovely warm welcome?" he sarcastically asks his wife!
Natasha arrives after getting a text from Andrew and suggests they work together.
Number 24
Summer and Harry are trying to think of how they can stop Lyn and Lou meeting up but all their suggestions would mean having to get into their dating accounts. Harry has a brainwave - getting a romcom expert in... and Toadie appears after a call from Summer!
They give Toadie a brief rundown on what they are after and he gives them the answer - providing decoys so their date is ruined to keep the real couple apart.
Harold's Store
Summer has the decoys all lined up but just needs to get Lyn and Lou matched up to them.
Lyn falls for the plan brilliantly when she meets Warwick, the new SG52, and they step outside although that seems more due to the flatulence problem he has!
Lou enters the store and notices that Lyn's off on a date... and wonders where the guide dog is! He makes small talk with Harry until his date enters the store and when she does, Marsha refuses to shake Lou's hand after the intro's because she doesn't do physical contact!
Lassiters Complex
Lyn and Warwick are making polite conversation but things don't go well when he makes it clear that he doesn't like children. He heads into the store to get them some coffees and Lyn asks for a short black because she hasn't got long after she sees him scratching at his butt when he walks away.
Meanwhile at the other side of the complex, Andrew and Natasha are trying to come up with a solution to their advertising problem when Andrew suddenly has a brainwave.
Number 32
Natasha and Andrew have summoned their respective fathers (plus Rebecca) to show them their solution - they've redone the image (using a stencil) so it looks less revealing and best of all the solution doesn't cost anything and it can be ready to roll out in a matter of days.
Rebecca gives it her thumbs up but Michael still thinks its exploitation which leads to another ding- dong with Paul until Rebecca calls a halt to point out that it's a win- win situation - Natasha gets to be a model she wants and Michael now has the less revealing image that he wanted. Michael still isn't being won over but Natasha pleads with her dad not to stand in her way.
Begrudgingly Michael signs on the dotted line to allow Natasha's image to be used before Toadie delivers the documents to Paul and Rebecca and gives them the legal go- ahead. Paul is in a gloating mood now and wants to celebrate with champers, including sending a glass over to Michael but Rebecca warns against provoking him!
During all this Andrew and Natasha have been making serious eyes at each other, so he goes over to invite her to the store but Michael firmly says no and leads her out of the bar instead. On the way out, she stops her dad to thank him for changing his mind.
MICHAEL: You don't need people like them to go places.
NATASHA: I know, but I like people like them.
Lassiters Complex
Lyn's date isn't exactly going well although Warwick does invite her to a nudist camp in the Otways that he knows!
Summer is observing the date and reporting to Harry who is keeping and eye on Lou's date and his is going about as well as Lyn's is!
Harold's Store
Marsha announces she doesn't do meat, alcohol, sport or intimate relations! Lou suddenly realises the time and announces that he has to go to work. He looks highly relieved when she leaves the store!
Lassiters Complex
Warwick notices Marsha depart the store as he is telling Lyn that its men who should rule the home! Lyn curtails the date and that they won't be meeting again before heading into the store as fast as she can.
From her hiding place, Summer gives Warwick the big thumbs up.
Harold's Store
Harry subtly asks Lou about his date as Lyn enters the store. He isn't exactly happy and wonders why he bothered.
LOU: (to Lyn) Do you know what? I thought you had become the most intolerable woman I've ever met but you just got pipped!
Lou departs and Summer casually asks Lyn how her date went.
LYN: If I wanted to go out with Neanderthal man, I could have dated Lou Carpenter.
Lyn heads off to the kitchen and Harry remarks to Summer that they did it but after seeing Summer's body language, adds why do they both feel bad. "It's for the best" Summer replies and is cheered up when Harry suggests they share a slice of cake outside at a table.
Both of them reach for the door handle at the same time and Summer has a wistful look on her face as she pauses for a moment before following Harry outside.
Lassiters Complex
Normal service is resumed between Lou and Lyn - both bickering away at each other as we return from the final commercial break.
Summer remarks just the same too, when the camera pans on them, with Lou and Lyn having entered the store.
Harry jokes if Sum still thinks internet dating is the way to meet someone and she replies "maybe not." She asks if he'd go online for a date (he wouldn't), what his profile would say (doesn't know) and what would his ideal date be - catching a band in the city, followed by a ride on the Ferris wheel rounded off with a horror movie at the midnight cinema.
SUMMER: What movie?
HARRY: Whatever you wanted.
Harry then realises his slip of the tongue and quickly amends it to "whatever she wanted". Sum then asks how the night would end. He is struggling for a reply so Sum suggests "like this" before the two of them lean in and kiss each other... watched on from the other side of the complex by Andrew who doesn't exactly look happy for his friends!
Tomorrow on Neighbours
- Harry happy at Summer kissing him.
- Steph quizzing Summer about the kiss.
- Lucas urging Andrew to tell Summer he likes her.
- Summer not wanting to lose her friendship.
- Trouble at Blokes Club.
- Andrew confronting Harry.
- Natasha planting seeds of doubt in Summer's mind.
- Summer confronting Harry.
<<5920 - 5922>>
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier, Toadie Rebecchi, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 5921
Andrew Robinson, Paul Robinson, Rebecca Napier, Toadie Rebecchi, Natasha Williams, Michael Williams

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5921
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Natasha Williams, Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 5921
Natasha Williams, Michael Williams

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5921
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Rebecca Napier

Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5921
Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5921
Lou Carpenter

Harry Ramsay, Toadie Rebecchi, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5921
Harry Ramsay, Toadie Rebecchi, Summer Hoyland

Warwick James, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5921
Warwick James, Lyn Scully

Michael Williams, Natasha Williams in Neighbours Episode 5921
Michael Williams, Natasha Williams

Michael Williams in Neighbours Episode 5921
Michael Williams

Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Rebecca Napier in Neighbours Episode 5921
Paul Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Rebecca Napier

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5921
Summer Hoyland

Lou Carpenter, Marsha Peterson in Neighbours Episode 5921
Lou Carpenter, Marsha Peterson

Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5921
Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland

Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5921
Harry Ramsay, Summer Hoyland

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