- Declan smashing Steph's car windows
- Steph wallowing in misery at home
- Declan denying he scrawled 'GUILTY' across Steph's driveway
- Donna admitting she hasn't been able to cry over Didge yet
- Zeke blowing up at Sunny for researching Didge's death
- Sunny not accepting Zeke's apology
- Elle & Lucas arguing about Steph's involvement in the crash
Harold's Store
Lucas has just heard about the driveway incident from Steph and is upset on her behalf. Steph feels bad about burdening him with her woes, but Lucas holds her hand and says that's what mates are for. Elle walks in and scowls at their close proximity, causing the two of them to quickly unlatch their hands. Elle and Steph make stilted small talk until Steph leaves.
LUCAS: (off Elle's look) What? She needed a friend.
ELLE: So you decided to set up a secret meeting?
LUCAS: A secret meeting? Elle, you own this place.
But an argument is prevented when Elle's editor, Josh, asks Elle for a serious chat. He's angry that she covered up the Parker police report to save her boyfriend, but informs her that as of tomorrow, Lucas is front page news.
Lassiter's Complex
Elle chases after Josh, taking her shoes off in the process so she can run without the risk of a stiletto stack. She apologises for going behind his back, but she wants to prove to him that she's a damn good journalist. Relenting, Josh delegates her to editing the letters page until he's not cranky with her anymore.
When Josh leaves, random comedian Tim Vine makes a random cameo appearance to ask Elle where the "La-see-ters" hotel is.
ELLE: (dismissive) I'm busy sorry.
TIM: (muttering) Aussies.
ELLE: (annoyed) English!
Today's useless cameo brought to you by La-see-ters; the hotel of choice for random comedians. Lucas finds Elle to check if she's OK, but is startled to learn that the West Warratah Star have a copy of the accident report. Elle can't protect him anymore.
Harold's Store
Toadie and Dan are also talking about the graffiti at Steph's place, but Dan is distracted by how glum Ringo, Donna and Sunny look. Dan admits to Toad that it'll be full on not having Bridget at school. The guys leave and Zeke joins the teens. Ringo says they're supposed to see the counsellor at school, but Zeke thinks he's all counselled out after his sessions with Dr Levi. He tries to catch Sunny's eye, but she just walks off. Ringo asks if Donna's OK.
DONNA: Not really. It's like I'm standing still while everything else is moving.
She's not sure if going back to school is such a good idea, but Zeke figures it'll give them something else to think about. Ringo brings up the counselling again, figuring it will help. But Donna thinks the only thing that will help is having Didge back.
Number 26
Rebecca finds Declan packing his bag for school. He admits that he doesn't feel like a school kid anymore - desks, libraries and books all seem pretty useless to him now.
REBECCA: It will get easier.
DECLAN: No it won't. I don't want it to.
The topic of Steph is brought up, making Declan's blood boil, but Rebecca is adamant that her son has to let his anger go otherwise it will consume him: then there'll be no way back. Declan doesn't respond.
Erinsborough High - Classroom
The teens are touched to see the tribute the other students have put together for Didge on her and Declan's desk. There's flowers, photos and a signed memorial book. Declan arrives and is equally moved by the gesture. He sits down and Dan starts to talk, but his voice is drowned out by music as the camera closes in on Declan, trying not to cry.
Erinsborough High - Corridor
Ringo finds Declan trying to compose himself at the lockers (he was just in a counselling session). Donna sees the teens but doesn't stop to talk. Sunny and Ringo follow her into the classroom where Donna sadly proclaims that counselling sucks. She thought that if anything would make her cry it would be talking about Bridget, but it didn't happen. Sunny asks if Donna really wants to cry, but Donna, noticing Declan walk in, shuts down and races out of the room.
Lucas looks over the books - every single booking has been cancelled in the wake of the accident report. Realising there's no point staying open, he morosely slides down the roller door.
Erinsborough High - Corridor
Zeke finds Sunny and says he doesn't blame her for avoiding him, he really lost it yesterday. He explains that he did the same research when his dad died - but it didn't help. He had the answer but he didn't have the reason.
ZEKE: You never get a reason. And then I saw you doing the same thing and I knew it wouldn't help. So I just lost it. I'm sorry... And I want to say it won't happen again.
SUNNY: What does that mean?
ZEKE: Well I can't promise that it won't happen. I'd be lying. But I'll try my best. Just think about it.
Harold's Store
Ringo, walking with Zeke and Sunny, is leaving a concerned message on Donna's voicemail, but they soon find her sitting at a table reading. The teens want to know if she's OK and Donna admits that she's started to read The Bible.
DONNA: I'm India's Godmother. I don't know anything about God, I just thought I better do some research.
RINGO: Babe, I'm pretty sure being a Godparent doesn't have to have much to do with God.
DONNA: (serious) Well I'm going to put the God back in Godmother. Have you read this stuff? It's full on. This woman just got turned into a pillar of salt... I probably won't tell India that one till she's a bit older, it might freak her out.
The teens are smiling but Donna insists that it isn't funny - she has big responsibilities now that Declan isn't really interested in the 'God' stuff. Sympathetic, Sunny says Donna will be a great Godparent. The teens leave Donna alone to read.
Erinsborough High - Corridor
Declan overhears Zeke on the phone to Steph (organising a DVD night to cheer her up). Full of rage, Declan asks when Zeke is moving out of #32 and becomes angrier when Zeke says he's going nowhere.
ZEKE: Look, I know Steph isn't your favourite person...
DECLAN: No, she's yours! By doing this you're choosing Steph over Bridget.
ZEKE: I'm not choosing anyone.
DECLAN: Yes you are.
ZEKE: Didge was my friend!
DECLAN: Really? Rubbish way of showing it.
ZEKE: I think you need to back off, mate.
(Declan responds by grabbing Zeke by the collar and shoving him against the wall)
DECLAN: (angry) Yeah? Or what, huh? What are you going to do?
ZEKE: (yelling) Go ahead, hit me! If that's what you really want then hit me! But sooner or later you're going to have to let us back in.
Masking his hurt with a scowl, Declan gives Zeke one last shove before striding off. Sunny and Ringo go to Zeke's side, staring after Declan in slight shock.
Number 26
Declan bursts inside and pitches his school bag to the ground. Rebecca emerges from the hallway, concerned about her son's temper.
DECLAN: School sucks. I wish I wasn't there. Wish I could just leave. Disappear.
REBECCA: Don't you ever, ever say that again, please. Like it or not your life's not about you anymore and it hasn't been since Bridget got pregnant.
Declan's face falls at the mention of Didge and he softly says that he can't do this. Rebecca sits next to Declan, and with some gentle coercing, pulls him into a hug. He rests his head on her shoulder, allowing himself to be her little boy again for one moment. Declan explains that he nearly punched Zeke, but stopped himself.
REBECCA: You're going to find your way through this. We all will. Somehow.
Declan's face crumples and Rebecca hugs him tighter. Sweetest. Mother/Son. Combo. Ever.
Number 32
Zeke moodily takes off his school jumper to reveal his haphazard shirt underneath from where Declan accosted him. His brooding is interrupted when Sunny sends him a text message: Can u come over? Urgent!
Number 28
Sunny leads Zeke into the lounge where Donna and Ringo are already sitting on the floor with candles in front of them. And they've all managed to colour co-ordinate their clothes with the decor too, how considerate of them. Sunny explains that in her culture when someone dies there are a few rituals that are performed to celebrate the person's life. Her favourite one is to light candles and tell stories about the person that has passed away.
SUNNY: The main important thing is to be able to share our memories.
RINGO: Shouldn't Dec be here?
ZEKE: He's not ready.
SUNNY: We had a beautiful friend and we lost her. (Sunny speaks Korean) I'm blessing Bridget on her trip to heaven.
Sunny then starts to sing a song in her native tongue (the Korean version of Unforgettable perhaps...), while Zeke and Ringo wish Didge a safe travel. The camera then pans to Donna, who is finally letting out her tears. It's actually quite a beautiful scene - Hany does a really lovely job.
Elle quietly gets out of her car, opens up the hood and takes out some random part before throwing it under the vehicle. Knocking on the garage door, she persuades Lucas to help her out so it'll stop making funny noises. While he's occupied, she snoops around his desk until she finds the Parker paperwork that has Steph's signature on it. Finding the part under Elle's car, Lucas goes inside to find out what his girlfriend's game is, just as Elle hides the paper.
ELLE: The books are full of cancellations.
LUCAS: News travels fast.
ELLE: It wasn't you that serviced the car, that was Steph's mistake.
LUCAS: I'm not dobbing her in.
ELLE: So you're just going to lose this? How's that fair?
LUCAS: Everyone deserves a break. Besides, it could have easily have been me who made the mistake.
ELLE: Well it wasn't.
LUCAS: We'll cope, OK? End of discussion.
Lucas goes back outside to put the part back in Elle's car. After he exits, Elle takes another look at the paperwork and comes to a decision.
Charlie's Bar
Elle meets up with Martine, a colleague from work, and hands over the paperwork. Martine's amazed that Elle's given her such a big scoop. Elle looks slightly guilty about what she's done - but there's no turning back now.