Zeke asking Susan and Karl for help in enlisting the support of Taylah's dad.
Dan lying to Sam about why he has to work late at school.
Sam seeing Dan and Libby dancing in a compromising position.
Erinsborough High
Dan throws Libby back in a flourish. They're suddenly very close. Sam, looking hurt and confused, walks away from her position outside the classroom. Totally unaware, a flustered Libby ends the lesson. Dan apologises.
Number 30
Sam is sitting at the kitchen table when Dan gets back. She enquires about his meeting and he doesn't give anything away. Sam organises his dinner for him. Dan looks guilty.
Charlie's Bar
Karl and Zeke are meeting Brad and Taylah for discussions, but Brad isn't prepared to negotiate on his ban, he just wants to make his position clear. Karl encourages him to listen to Zeke's point of view - they're young adults, not children. Brad won't listen to Zeke's explanation for being in Taylah's room. Brad brings up Rachel's relationship with Angus and uses it as evidence of poor parenting. Despite her protests, Brad escorts Taylah from the premises.
Number 26
Bridget tells Ringo that she doesn't understand Taylah's dad's attitude - Zeke's a nice guy. Ringo explains that it's because they're getting serious. Bridget suddenly dives in for a kiss.
In the kitchen Steve's moaning to Riley that he finds it weird for Didge to be bringing home a boyfriend - it's never been this serious before.
MIRANDA: I think it's great. It might bring out her feminine side.
STEVE: Yeah, or make her pregnant.
Miranda accuses Steve of being melodramatic - they can count on Didge taking things slow. So it's a bit of a shock when they walk into the lounge and find her all over him. She jumps away and Miranda, Steve and Riley return to the kitchen. Ringo wonders what the fuss is about, before both of them realise that neither of their parents have ever seen them kiss before. Ringo suggests going to have dessert in the kitchen - if he wants to be with her, he has to get along with her family.
General Store
Riley is trying to deter Brad from reporting on Angus' sentencing, but Brad won't budge. The teens enter. Zeke asks after Taylah, and Brad tells him he's taken away her phone. She's currently at home applying for girls' Catholic schools. The guys agree that it's harsh and Ringo's grateful to have Bridget's dad instead. They explain that Ringo told Steve he only had good intentions towards Bridget, which apparently worked. Zeke bemoans the fact that all he gets from Mr Jordan is abuse. Declan, Zeke and Rachel look away as Ringo and Bridget kiss. Ringo gets up, whilst the other three tease Bridget for the Public Display of Affection.
Ringo thanks Riley for being there the night before and making things easier with Steve. Riley explains that he did it for Bridget and warns Ringo not to mess her around.
Rebecca walks in on Sam who is crying in her office. She apologises for not knocking and asks if Sam wants to talk. Sam keeps crying so Rebecca hugs her and offers to get a cup of tea or some chocolate. Sam confesses how unhappy she is and that Dan has been lying to her. Rebecca suggests that she talks to him - things might not be as bad as she thinks. Sam tells her that she has proof things are that bad. Rebecca can't understand why she's putting up with it. Sam admits that she has bi-polar and her illness had put Dan through hell. Rebecca doesn't think this gives him an excuse to treat her badly and still thinks she should talk to him, but Sam assures her she's fine.
General Store
Lou brings a load of orders over to Marco and then serves Sam who then takes one of her pills. Steve wonders whether he's still in Rebecca's bad books. Riley appears and Miranda asks if he's had a bad day at work, which he has. Miranda suggests a story on over-protective fathers. Steve interjects that he's got a right to be protective - his daughter's touching tonsils with an eighteen-year-old. Miranda defends Ringo for the way he behaved with Steve. Steve doesn't think that counts for much - he could still mess her around but Riley assures them that since his threat of violence that's not going to happen. Miranda isn't too impressed, Steve is.
Libby says hi to Sam as she comes in. Sam asks Libby how the curriculum meeting went the night before. Libby's a bit taken aback but sticks with Dan's story.
Charlie's Bar
Libby wants a triple vodka and orange - Steph suggests she holds the vodka and Libby agrees. Libby explains that Dan's been lying to Sam about the dancing. Steph is a bit bewildered by the fact that they were dancing together alone at all. Libby admits they had a moment, which involved nearly kissing. She feels terrible that he's been lying to his wife and angry at him for putting her in that position. Steph recommends staying away from him and Libby reluctantly agrees, although they have to teach the kids dancing together that afternoon.
Erinsborough High
Hehehe. Dan's going to be teaching the kids the Rumba (that's the dance of lurve for anyone not acquainted with it) but Libby hasn't arrived yet, so he asks Zeke to be his partner. Weirdly, the laughter doesn't seem to be coming from the kids, whose mouths are shut, but a later-added sound effect. Luckily Zeke's saved from the humiliation by Libby's entrance. Dan encourages her to take over the teaching. They demonstrate the dance hold and then the basic rumba step. She goes to put the music on (I've Never Been to Cuba, quelle surprise) whilst Bridget suggests Ringo come over later. When he hears Riley will be there, he decides he'd rather she come to his place. Taylah arrives, to Zeke's surprise and delight. The kids try out the steps, not that brilliantly, but Libby thinks it's good. I reckon it might have helped if she'd told them you don't move on the first beat of the bar, but whatever. Dan asks Libby if she plans to keep ignoring him and it seems that she does. She escapes to offer more dance tips.
Erinsborough High
The kids run outside onto the steps. Declan demonstrates some terrible dancing. Ringo says he enjoyed the Rumba - the thought it was sexy. Bridget's not convinced it's cool for anyone under eighty. Ringo raises his eyebrows and Rachel smiles awkwardly. Bridget wants to know what's going on but Rachel says she'll explain later.
Taylah tells Zeke that her dad's told her he wants to spend more time with her, which she thinks it's both good and bad. She hopes it will make him chill out a bit, maybe in time for the formal.
TAYLAH: How long can you wait for me?
ZEKE: Only forever.
They kiss. Declan and Ringo chuck bottles at them, which breaks them apart. They high five but seem to miss each other's hands.
Inside, Dan tells Libby they need to work things out between them because it's making their teaching impossible. That's the reason, Libby says, that she's quitting. Dan's shocked, but Libby just means the dance lessons. Helen is going to find someone to replace her. Libby explains that it's because he made her lie to Sam. He looks suitably embarrassed and apologises. He says he was just trying to protect Sam from her own insecurities. Dan thinks he should be the one quitting - he has no idea what he's doing. Libby doesn't care, as long as they're apart.
Outside, Taylah leaves Zeke because her dad will be home from work soon. She promises to be good in an attempt to get her phone back - Zeke really wants to talk to her tonight.
Despite the ballroom dancing, Bridget still thinks the formal will be fun. Ringo reminds her of her earlier comment, but Bridget insists she didn't mean it and, besides, anything she does with him is fun. Ringo asks if Declan and Rachel plan to partner up for the evening, but Declan tells them that Rachel isn't even sure if she's coming. Bridget tells her it won't be the same without her. Rachel's not keen on going out in public with Angus' sentencing coming up. Bridget offers to punch anyone giving her a hard time, but Rachel doesn't think that will help. Declan is looking forward to seeing Bridget dressed up. Zeke tells them Taylah's gone home and he might as well. They go back inside.
Number 30
Sam offers to cook dinner. Dan says they need to talk. Sam avoids the issue by suggesting that they go out for dinner and going to get changed. Dan continues to unpack the shopping and then moves towards her handbag. Sam shouts through suggestions for dinner and they decide on Chinese, whilst Dan takes out Sam's pill box and counts the number remaining. Sam walks back in and asks him what he's doing.
Erinsborough High
The kids are making progress with the rumba and have moved on to some out-of-time-looking New Yorks. The Parker Cleaning Team appears in the doorway. Miranda admires her daughter and is pleased she's falling in love, whereas Steve is still worried about her getting hurt. Rachel spots them spying and Steve tries to drag Miranda away to do some vacuuming.
By the lockers, Rachel is shocked to see Angus. He half smiles at her.
Erinsborough High
Angus has come back to collect some things his lawyer thinks might be useful. Rachel points out that he's breaking his bail conditions by being there and could go to jail for it. Angus says that in a strange way he was hoping to see her. He thought he must hate her, but Rachel strenuously denies it. Angus points out that she still hasn't made her victim impact statement, but Rachel tells him the reason: she's never considered herself a victim.
Meanwhile, Steve and Miranda are still watching the dance class and reminiscing about their first dance - according to Steve, the Time Warp on the pool table of a hotel. Or maybe the Macarena at her cousin's wedding. Then he gets serious, remembering their real first dance - waltzing on New Year's Eve. They hug and re-enact it.
Angus tells Rachel he's really missed her and Rachel assures him the feeling's mutual. He says he should go, but he can't get past Rachel without her putting her hand on his face. He looks shocked and the camera reveals Miranda and Steve standing behind Rachel, watching.