- Adam meets Allan for the first time. Allan warms Adam that he will be keeping his eye on him.
- Ned tells Janae that Mickey is his son.
- Paul and Gail talk about going back, and share a steamy kiss.
Number 22
Gail breaks away from her kiss with Paul, telling him that she doesn't want to do what she did the last time, Paul hurt her. Of course he can't remember.
PAUL: Gail, I love you I know that. I know that I have hurt you.... Look if you can't love me again then just say the word and I will walk out on your life forever, but if you have even the tiniest feeling for me, then I will make sure that I spend the rest of my life making sure that you feel safe enough to love me again. Honestly I swear.
Gail says nothing, but wastes no time in recommencing her snogging session with Paul.
Number 30
Steiger and Janelle are standing in the dark looking out the window, Steiger is spying on Pepper and Adam. When Pepper and Adam come in Steiger, Janelle and Janae retreat to the kitchen.
When Adam and Pepper come in, Adam tells her what a lovely time he had, and moves in for their first kiss, but Pepper isn't so obliging.
PEPPER: I once chipped a tooth on first kiss before. It was nobody's fault but mine, but it did make me realise how dangerous it is when you don't know each other's mouths very well.
Adam seems like he likes to take risks and moves in for the kiss, and there are no tooth chipping incident, but when Pepper asks for a second kiss, Adam plays it cool, and says that he is going to make a move. They do arrange to another date tomorrow night though.
Ned has some breakfast for Mickey, but poor Mickey isn't too keen on fruit muesli, he is used to chocolate cereal, Ned doesn't want him filling up on sugar though, taking to fatherhood like a duck to water. Mickey isn't happy though, and refuses to eat his breakfast, telling Ned that he won't eat his breakfast. He locks himself in the bathroom, refusing to come out ever, and leaving Ned exasperated.
The General Store
Steph wonders if Harold is the one that chose the fancy costume that Kerry is wearing, but Harold is keen to point out that it is nothing to do with him, it was Sky's choice. Harold tells Steph that it's for the beautiful baby contest, but Steph doesn't think that the contest is a very good idea. Harold agrees, blaming it all on Janelle and Sky.
When Adam comes in Steiger is quick to get on his case, telling Adam that Pepper doesn't need any more problems at the moment, so tells Adam to sling his hook. Adam is not so keen to take advice from Steiger though, and doesn't waste any time in saying so.
STEIGER: She's had a rough trot lately.
ADAM: Really? Well I'm sure she doesn't need it spread around by a father who can't mind his own business. By the way how's the spewing.
Uh-oh from the look on Sergeant Steiger's face, it looks as though a thorough police check on Adam will be on the cards.
Ramsay Street
Gail and Elle are surprised to see that Paul would dare to clean his own car, but he seems to be enjoying it. Paul also insists that Elle skip work and come on a family picnic, which seems to delight Elle, especially as her dad is so keen to get her to come, when she had assumed that it would just be for himself and Gail.
Number 26
Steiger is airing his suspicions about Adam, he bets his badge he is dodgy, but Janelle is trying to get him off the case. Pepper arribes just in time. She wants to borrow some wine glasses, her father is quick to assume that wine glasses mean that she is moving too fast with Adam. Steiger asks Pepper how much she knows about Adam, and she is quick to defend him, but Steiger won't let it drop, telling Pepper that he is hearing alarm bells, he thinks that Adam might have had a violent past. Pepper tells her father that she is going to trust her own instincts. Janelle warns her to be cautious.
Mickey is still locked in the bathroom, and Ned can't seem to find a way to get him out. Luckily Janae is there to rescue the situation, she asks Ned to play cards, just loud enough for Mickey to hear her. Ned concedes that he is hopeless with kids. Janae and Ned stick cards to their foreheads, a game I have never played before, but they seem to be having fun. It also has the desired effect, as it lures Mickey from the bathroom, and eating some of his breakfast. He does ask if his mum will be back to collect him, although Janae wants to tell him the truth, Ned assures him that she will. When Mickey again retreats to the bathroom, Janae warns Ned that it might have been a bad move, in case Kirsten doesn't turn up. Before they can say anymore on the matter, Kirsten does indeed turn up. Mickey is delighted to see his mum, and more delighted to see that she has brought him some chocolate cereal. Janae asks Kirsten where she has been, and she says that she needed some space. Kirsten heads to the park with Mickey, promising Ned that they will be back later to say a proper goodbye.
The General Store
Paul apologises to Elle for things being so confusing, but she is understanding, telling him that it is all a part of him getting better. She calls him dad, but quickly corrects herself to Paul, but is delighted when Paul says that dad will be fine.
When Janelle arrives, she is not impressed with the outfit. Harold says that he will be coming to the contest to keep an eye on Janelle.
Steph rushes in to give Charlie to Toadie, and again tells Janelle that she doesn't agree with baby competitions. Janelle suggests that Steph is only upset as she knows that Charlie would never beat Kerry in the contest, but Toadie refuses to indulge her, telling her that he thinks that the contest is exploitative, and he is glad that Charlie isn't part of it. Janelle stokes the fire by accusing Toadies words of being 'loser talk.'
The Beautiful Baby Contest
Janelle is eyeing up the competition.
JANELLE: Some of these babies stand a better chance if they turn them upside down and put a bonnet on their butts.
Harold reminds Janelle not to be mean to the competition.
The judge is none other than Gino, now there is a blast from the past. Janelle is not too impressed when another entry is announced- Charlie Hoyland kitted out in a cowboy outfit. Harold is quick to point out to Toadie that he thought that the competition was exploitative, but Toadie says that he is there to prove that Charlie is the cutest baby there. I am sure that there are a few people on the board that would beg to differ, but lets see what the judges think. Lucky for Charlie that one of the judges seems to be his grandmothers best friend, but we all know that nobody in Erinsborough is biased don't we.
A Picnic Spot Somewhere
The reunited Robinsons are enjoying their picnic. According to Paul life can't get any better. He refers to Gail as his wife, and Gail has no immediate objections. Paul thinks that he is a very lucky man, who has woken up to a perfect world. When Paul goes to the car for more drinks, Gail tells Elle that it's weird, she thinks that Paul is trying to live in a bubble. Gail thinks that he should know that he has other kids. She tells Elle that even though Paul has had the chance to start his life again, they can't, because they know the truth and it doesn't work that way.
The Beautiful Baby Contest
Gino is ready to announce the winners of the contest, but not before he cracks a joke, which nobody laughs at, poor Gino. Anyway everyone sits on tenterhooks as the runner up is announced, it is..... a baby called Rahmen or something, and Janelle takes this as a sign that Kerry must have won. Harold tries to remind her that it's just a bit of fun, but pushy grandparent Janelle tells Harold that if Kerry doesn't win she is going to go ballistic.
Gino announces the winner as Lois Arthurson. Janelle doesn't seem so impressed, but surprisingly it is Harold who stands up to declare that there must have been a mistake, and makes his way to the stage to confront Gino.
HAROLD: Kerry's the obvious winner, anyone can see that. This other baby, it's chewing on it's own foot.
GINO: The judges decision is final.
HAROLD: Well let the judges face me and explain this travesty.
Gino calls for security, but Harold is removed from the stage by Janelle and Toadie, as he leaves he is very vocal towards the other participants, when he declares the competition to be a disgrace.
GINO: This happens every year.
Number 26
Ned tells Janae that he is really going to miss Mickey. He wants to be able to see him more than twice a year. Janae urges Ned to tell Mickey that he is his dad, but Ned thinks that he should respect the fact that Kirsten hasn't told him.
JANAE: When he's older he is going to find you, and ask why his dad knocked back the chance to get to know him. What are you going to say then?
Ned isn't sure, it seems that Janae is having a positive effect on the lovely Ned.
The General Store
The not so beautiful babies and the adults are discussing the contest, Toadie is sure that it's rigged and Gino is on the take. Hey guys ever thought that it might be because your babies are not the cutest in Erinsborough? No? well I don't know what to tell you. Janelle has one positive to take from the competition however.
JANELLE: It was worth it just to see the inner bogan in Harold.
HAROLD: Please don't remind me.
Over at the door, Pepper notices that Adam has a bandage on his hand, he says that it was a work thing, but perhaps remembering her father's word she seems rather suspicious. When Steiger sees this, he tries to go after them, but Janelle reigns him in, telling him to sit tight.
At that moment a happy Steph arrives to announce that she is running for a seat on council. She shows her publicity picture, one of her on her bike, and Toadie doesn't think that it's the way to go. Apparently the people of Erinsborough want to elect Nerds to the council. Steph tells Toadie to put his money where his mouth is, and he agrees to be her campaign manager. It's only then that Steph asks why Charlie is dressed as a cowboy, but before we can see Toadie's response, the camera cuts to the next scene, isn't that a shame.
Number 22
Paul is putting the final touches to a romantic dinner for two, but it seems that it won't materialise as Gail announces she is going home.
PAUL: What about today? It was perfect.
GAIL: I know, but it wasn't real.
PAUL: Gail, I know we're meant to be together. I know that you love me.
GAIL: I love the memories. I love the thought of what we were twenty years ago, but that's not we are now.
PAUL: We are to me.
GAIL: You're not well Paul. You've lost half your life.
PAUL: I don't want that back.
GAIL: I know, but if I stay I'm worried I'm going to lose half my life too. I'm sorry.
A tearful Gail heads for the door, with Paul hot on her heels.
PAUL: Gail, please. Tell whatever it is you want me to do and I will do it. Just don't go please, I need you here, I need you by my side.
GAIL: We'll stay in touch, I promise.
Gail heads for the door crying uncontrollably. Elle leaves to take her mother to the airport, leaving Paul standing alone in the lounge forcing back the tears and failing miserably.
Number 30
Adam is impressed with the dinner, but Pepper is still keen to ask about the wound on his hand, he jokes that it was a in a fight, and it prompts Pepper to ask him to leave. He can't understand why she wants him to go, but she says nothing so he leaves.
The General Store
Ned has bought Mickey a miniature pair of boxing gloves, and he is keen for Janae to assure him that Mickey will like them. Janae asks Ned if he is going to tell Mickey that he is is father, Ned says that he thinks it will be for the best if he says nothing, as he doesn't think that he is ready to be a dad.
When Kirsten arrives, Mickey isn't with her. She tells him that Mickey is asleep in his room, and she won't be going back for him.
KIRSTEN: I've had him for eight years Ned, now it's your turn to look after him, and my turn to have a life.
Ned is understandably shocked.