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Neighbours Episode 5232 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5231 - 5233>>
Episode title: 5232: Push Me, Fool You
Australian airdate: 12/06/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Katrina Foster
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Ringo Brown: Sam Clarke
Oliver Barnes: David Hoflin
Karen Warren: Fleur Murphy
- "Cover You In Kisses" by Vassy
Summary/Images by: JA/Emily
Janae struggles in the sea during a swim.
Ringo looking upset about Rachel's cruel words about Carmella
Ringo and Rachel catch Zeke and Lolly's first date disaster on camera
Ned runs into the sea when he realises Janae is in trouble.
The Beach
On realising that Janae is in trouble, Ned wastes no time in getting that gorgeous body all wet and slippery. He runs into the sea and swims about frantically searching for Janae, screaming her name with every spare breath.
Number 30
Oliver is leading a blindfolded Carmella into their bedroom, it seems that he has a surprise for her. Either that or he has Elle in the room too, and thinks that Carmella would be better off blindfolded. It seems that the former is true, when Carmella is led into the room, and presented with what Oliver and Carmella think is a beautiful antique chest of drawers, but it looks pretty rubbish to me. Oliver figured that the room needs a bit of cheering up, and the ever deluded Carmella agrees that she loves it, and it's just the thing. I think it's going to take more than a chest of drawers to cheer up this pair. Three weeks at Disney World wouldn't even do it, going by the way their faces have been tripping themselves lately. But you know that this storyline is destined to run for all eternity, so for now the two of them are content to believe that a chest of drawers is all they need to restore their rocky relationship. Carmella is all over Olly like a rash, to express her gratitude, personally I would have preferred a bunch of roses and some chocolate, but it seems that the drawers have done it for Carmella. But things never run smooth for these two do they, as Carmella puts her foot in it, it has just dawned on her that all the times she had assumed that Oliver had been sneaking off to see Elle, he was actually arm deep in bee's wax rubbing it lovingly into these drawers. Oliver, ever the cheerful one seems to take offence to this, so the happy mood between the two diminishes and Oliver disappears for lunch, and the sad puppy look that Carmella seems to have recently perfected returns. When Carmy spots some of the pills that Charlotte previously prescribed her, she hesitates for a moment with a longing look towards the pill bottle, but she comes to what little senses she has and throws them in the bin.
The Beach
Worried Ned, is still beating off the waves in his search for Janae. But it seems that Janae has somehow managed to get herself to shore, she wearily lays on the sand as she fights to get her breath back. Ned spots her and rushes out of the sea to her aid. When he realises she is OK, his emotions overcome him and he grabs Janae in his huge arms (lucky Janae ) As Janae fights for breath, unable to speak, Ned looks lovingly in to her eyes, and it moments away from making his move, but Janae soon gets her breath back to push him away, accusing him of pawing her. Ned denies that he was trying it on, he was merely relieved that she hadn't drowned. Janae is quick with the accusations too, telling Ned that she was calling out for help, but he couldn't hear her as he was flirting with the two women on the beach, it seems that there is an ever so slight tone of jealously in Janae's voice as she says this, it seems that the two of them are just not able to admit that they like each other. Janae continues to berate Ned telling him that he is having a crack at her because of her vulnerability, something which Ned strenuously denies, despite his obvious attraction to her.
JANAE: Just admit that you like me.
NED: You're such a child, I like women my own age.
JANAE: Too bad they don't like you.
Janae defiantly storms off, leaving a hurt and dejected Ned alone on the beach.
Number 30
Aspiring Rupert Murdoch, a.k.a. Rachel is bemoaning the lack of support for the blogzine. As she and Ringo read the reviews. One scathing review states that it wishes that Rachel K would 'blog off' a sentiment which going by her recent behaviour I am beginning to sympathise with. Ringo tries to reassure Rachel, but his interest wanes when a sad looking Carmella comes through to the kitchen looking for Rosie. With Rosie out bridesmaid shopping, Carmella heads for the door without another word, but Ringo is hot on her heels.
Out in the hallway, Ringo expresses concern towards Carmella, as he worriedly asks her what's up. It doesn't take long before he figures out that it's Oliver who is to blame for Carmella's mood. Carmella sadly admits to Oliver that she thinks that she and Oliver are over, and Ringo suggests that she ends it. Something that Carmella is not so keen to do, as she is worried that she will never find anyone else, hardly the best reason to stay with someone now is it Carmella? Ringo tries to reassure Carmella, but the green-eyed monster that is Rachel jumps in to ask for her boyfriend back, and Carmella makes her excuses and leaves, apologising for dragging Ringo into her problems. From the look on his face Ringo like being dragged into them.
A Popular Campsite
Ned seems to be popular with the ladies, with one in particular asking Ned for cricket lessons. Janae looks on with just a little hint of jealously in her eyes, and when Ned comes to see if she is OK, she accusingly asks him if it's one of his beach friends. Janae asks Ned for the car keys, as she wants to go home, but it's not long before Ned is pointing out that she doesn't have a license, but Janae doesn't see any other option in getting home. Doting Ned offers to drive her, but when Ned's admirer asks him to continue the lesson, Janae says that since they have come all this way they may as well stay. Ned teases her by asking if she trusts him to control himself not to jump on her. Janae doesn't answer, she merely tells him to get back to his 'friend' and disappears into her tent, no doubt to fantasise about Ned.
Number 30
The emotional yo-yo that is Carmella seems to all of a sudden have perked up and is now in a merry mood, as she phones Oliver, telling him to come home, with a bottle of wine, though she doesn't want him to think that she is being bossy. As she hangs up, she retrieves the pill bottle from the bin and takes another longing look at it. Does she really think that the answer to her relationship woes lies at the bottom of a pill bottle.
The Hospital
Paul tells Elle that he needs to get out of the hospital, she suggests a trip to the beach or the lake, but she tries pretty hard to veto Paul's Ramsay Street idea. Paul starts to smell a rat, he realises that Elle is hiding something from him, when she is so keen for him not to go to Ramsay Street. Elle rather unconvincingly tells her father that she is just worried about him, but Paul is not so sure and suspicion is written all over his face.
The Scarlet Bar
It seems that Paul has got his own way, as he and Elle now sit in the Scarlet Bar. I'm guessing that Paul might have thought that he would be going to the Watering Hole (ah those were the days) but I'm afraid you are going to have to fast forward 20 years Paul, you're now in The Scarlet Bar. Who should they run into but Oliver. Paul has no idea who he is, until he mentions his parents, Paul mentions that they are a lovely couple, not realising that they are dead. Paul wants Oliver to sit down and join them, but he tells him that he would love to, but he can't. With a look to Elle it is certainly clear that Oliver would love to join them at the table, but his conscience kicks in as he rather unsubtly mentions that he needs to get back to his girlfriend. It seems Paul is rather perceptive in his amnesiac state, as he has something to tell Elle.
PAUL: That girlfriend should be you.
ELLE: Don't go there.
PAUL: Well there's obviously something between you.
ELLE: No there's not.
PAUL: But you'd like there to be.
ELLE: I never said that.
The Campground
Ned seems to be enjoying the attention of the many lovely ladies giving him the eye, and it's not something that has escaped Janae as she emerges from her tent, to tell Ned that she wants to go to sleep and tells him to ask his new friends to keep the noise down.
Janae turns on her heels to apologise to Ned for the incident at the beach, she tells him that he knows that he is a good guy who would never put the moves on her. Ned half-heartedly mutters a 'no' when clearly in his head he is thinking that of course he would given half a chance. The chemistry between the two is electric, and I must say it is quite dangerous is the middle of a woodland area, any more chemistry simmering between the pair and these two are going to start a bush fire. Ned's new cricket friend comes to get her claws back in to Neddy, and makes it obvious to Janae that she is marking her territory, if she were anymore obvious she would have peed on him, and thank god on this occasion she restrained herself. Ned's friend asks Janae if she wants a drink, Janae politely declines, but tells Ned and the cricket lady to go for it and knock themselves out. Janae heads back to her tent, and the cricket lady tries to pull Ned towards the party, as Ned watches Janae disappear he looks from her tent to the party with a look of disappointment.
Ramsay Street
Elle helps Paul out of the car in Ramsay Street. All the time bleating on about the situation between herself, Oliver and Carmella. Paul looks as bored by the story as I am, but he does look delighted to be back home. He spots Number 26 and heads towards it with earnest. Elle has to point out that he doesn't live there anymore, something that seems to upset him, he remembers that he married Terri at Number 26, and Jim gave them Number 30 as a wedding present. Looking round the street, Paul guesses that he might live at Number 22, and Elle delighted that this might be a breakthrough on the memory front confirms that indeed he does live there. It doesn't seem to be any sort of recent memory for Paul though, he merely remembers that he used to live there with Gail. Paul rushes inside as fast as his legs will take him, eager to see what his life now is.
Number 22
Paul walks into the house, and is amazed at how much taste he has. The only problem is that he can't see anything of himself there, it could be anyone's house. Paul searching for some sign of himself there, he spots a pair of trainers under the sofa and claims them as his own, but when he realises that they don't fit, Elle has to break it to them that they are Ned's shoes. Elle explains to Paul that Ned has been living there recently to keep her company, before hurriedly pointing out that it's 'not in that way.' An observant Paul muses that there could never be anyone else in that way as long as she has Mr Barnes in her head. Paul has some words of advice for his daughter:
PAUL: Elle, everybody chooses their own destiny, and for some strange reason you've chose masochism. What you need to do is work out why it is you're willing to be in love with somebody who's not available, and then once you've worked that out you will find love again, I'm sure of it.
Elle doesn't seem to be so sure though as she mulls over her father's words in her head.
Number 30
The never-ending story- Chapter 1087: Oliver and Elle love each other so much (for the moment) they are smooching on the bed, talking to each other and laughing. How long will it last for this time I hear you ask? Well the answer is of course not long, as Carmella again puts her foot in it when she confuses her firt date with Will as her first date with Oliver, and it's not long before he is taking offence again, and jumping out of Carmella's arms as fast as he can. It seems strange that he would be so annoyed at this little faux pas, when he only a few days earlier told Carmella, the girl he is supposed to be dating, that he was in love with someone else, and she didn't bat an eyelid. Anyway, here we go again, ANOTHER argument between the two ensues, and Oliver accuses Carmella of being too clingy, and wanting it to work too much. It's obvious that Oliver is looking for the first ticket out of Carmellaville on a one way flight to Elleville.
As I wait with baited breath during the commercial break, praying that it won't be a continuation of this argument, my prayers have not been answered as still the two of them are banging on about something or nothing. Oliver seems to be completely incensed that Carmella was lying down with him, thinking about his brother, which I think is a bit rich considering that he was probably thinking about Elle. Carmella is adamant that she wasn't actually thinking about Will, and it's not long before she realises that Oliver is looking for a way out. As a few boring seconds of their argument ensues, I lose the will to live. I would summarise the argument, but just read back every episode that they have been in the past few weeks and you will pretty much get the jist of it. The argument doesn't last long, predictably they are loves young dream again, as they AGAIN say that they hate fighting and are making up AGAIN. *yawns*
Number 28
Ringo is telling Rachel that he wishes there was something he could do to help Carmella, but Rachel having lost every ounce of compassion in recent times doesn't understand. Rachel thinks that Carmella should take her problems to her girlfriends or her sister, not to Ringo. Ringo asks Rachel to promise him that they will never end up like Oliver and Carmella (please god make this promise be fulfilled, watching once couple's endless love/hate relationship has been bad enough) Ringo tells Rachel that if they fall out of love they will just end it, Rachel gives Ringo a patronising look, telling him that it's never going to happen, and to appease him promises that it will never be them.
It seems that Rachel hasn't been concentrating all that much on the conversation, as she has been tinkering away on the computer. When Ringo eventually looks at the screen, he realises that Rachel has posted the video of Lolly and Zeke's failed kiss, something that she has entitled 'Rate my tragic romantic moment' Ringo can't believe that they would be OK with it, but one look at Rachel, and he realises that they are not OK with it, and perhaps Rachel has not sought their permission to use it. Ringo is quite mad at Rachel for being so cruel, but her ruthless streak ensues again, as she tries to justify her actions, she needs it for her blogzine.
The Campsite
When Janae wakes up, she heads for Ned's tent, only to find that it hasn't been slept in. When she does spot a semi-naked Ned with the cricket woman sprawled all over him, she asks him if he slept well, and a 'well you know' and a telling look implies that perhaps sleeping wasn't what he was doing. Janae doesn't seem how to react to this piece of news, so doesn't react at all. Ned asks if they are OK, and Janae tells him that they are, as she enthusiastically heads off for their training. Ned throws an appreciative look towards the cricket girl, but his admiring glances are saved for Janae as he watches her run off ahead.
Number 30
If you are still awake and even less likely still interested, Carmella and Oliver are draped all over each other, not something that Ringo is delighted to see. When Oliver heads off to work, Carmella tells Ringo that she and Oliver are OK, and it's all thanks to him. Ringo modestly doesn't take all the praise and disappears. When he does it's not long before Carmella is popping the pills.
Number 22
Janae and Ned are home from their camping trip. They tell Elle that they had a good time. There is a glimmer of hope for the Janed shippers when, with a loving look to Ned, Janae tells Elle that he is a good trainer, and Ned caringly tells Janae that she must promise him that she will rest. But all our dreams are shattered, when Janae tells Ned to return the favour by calling Karen (who is obviously the cricket girl) and runs out the door. Elle is keen to hear who Karen is, but Ned tells her that it's a long story. He tries to head off for a shower, but Elle persists in finding out the gossip on Karen. Ned is not keen to talk about her, and even less keen to talk when Elle suggests that he and Janae are going to get together. Poor Ned is a bit touchy, so Elle wants to know what happened, she thinks he made his move too soon. Ned explains what happened at the beach, he says that there was a bit of a moment, so to convince Janae that he wasn't hitting on her he convinced Karen to pretend that she liked him to make Janae jealous, he even slept in the car to make Janae think that he was with this woman. He admits to Elle that he has feelings for Janae.
NED: I never thought I could fall for someone like her, I guess I was just denying it to myself.
ELLE: Well why don't you tell her, you've got nothing to lose.
NED: If someone told you that they found you physically repulsive what would you do?
ELLE: She actually said that?
NED: Pretty much.
ELLE: well, you have to stop seeing her.
NED: I can't.
ELLE: You have to. Everyone's in charge of their own destiny, and you are choosing masochism.
NED: I am?
ELLE: Why pine over someone that doesn't love you? Deal with it and then you will find love.
Recycling some advice already given to her, Elle tries to help Ned out. She tries to convince him that staying away from Janae is the right thing to do, but it doesn't seem like an option that Ned is keen to take.
<<5231 - 5233>>
Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5232
Ned Parker

Carmella Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5232
Carmella Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes

Carmella Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5232
Carmella Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes

Janae Hoyland, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5232
Janae Hoyland, Ned Parker

Ringo Brown, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5232
Ringo Brown, Rachel Kinski

Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5232
Carmella Cammeniti

Elle Robinson, Oliver Barnes, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5232
Elle Robinson, Oliver Barnes, Paul Robinson

Janae Hoyland, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5232
Janae Hoyland, Ned Parker

Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5232
Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5232
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5232
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Oliver Barnes, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5232
Oliver Barnes, Carmella Cammeniti

Ringo Brown, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5232
Ringo Brown, Rachel Kinski

Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5232
Ned Parker

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5232
Elle Robinson

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