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Neighbours Episode 5202 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5201 - 5203>>
Episode title: 5202: Lie In The Sky
Australian airdate: 01/05/07
UK airdate: 24/07/07
Writer: Stuart Gaunt
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Charlotte Stone: Rachel Gordon
Terrence Chesterton: Scott Johnson
Summary/Images by: Emily
- Frazer and Rosie enter a new relationship, admitting that it's a new thing for both of them.
- Harold is told that recommending a clairvoyant, conflicts with the beliefs of the Salvation Army.
- Charlotte and Terrence discuss how they plan to rip Paul off. Charlotte reckons he only has days to live.
- Harold leaves the Salvation Army.
Terrence surprises Charlotte with his arrival, and she isn't too impressed by the way people think they can just drop into the surgery at any hour. Terrence enquires as to how the plot against Paul is going, but she's worried about him dropping dead in her care; how would she survive a medical enquiry. Terrence suggests recommending him to a specialist, to shift the blame, but Charlotte isn't so sure. He tells her to think of the cash, but she informs him to keep the thinking side of the deal to him.
General Store
Sky is busy informing Harold that she has another meeting with Terrence arranged when a very lively Carmella arrives. Sky jokes that what she needs is a baby, referring to Kerry, as it causes instant exhaustion, Carmella doesn't see the joke and instead offers to baby-sit. As Harold gives her the bill, she goes for her pocket and ends up spilling her pills all over the floor. In a sudden panic (like it's the end of the world) she worries that she hasn't got the right number. Harold admits it is pricey, but as she heads off Sky and Harold don't seem so convinced.
Number 30
Rosie chases after Frazer as he is clearly upset over something; he asks for some time alone and heads out. Rosie desperate to talk to someone and almost in tears calls Pepper, desperate to know where she is. As she turns to talk to the cat, jumpy Carmella arrives back offering an ear, but Rosie doesn't seem so thrilled at the idea.
General Store
After closing up for the day, Sky questions if Harold is really ready to quit the Salvo's. He admits it wasn't quite what he had planned, but if they don't believe in the spiritualist stuff then its right for him. He reckons it's probably the right time a chapter of his life closed.
Terrence pops his head around the door, and Sky welcomes him in. Harold offers to take Kerry home to bed, leaving the two to talk. Sky praises her grandfather for helping so much with Kerry. Terrence comments that it's good to see the spiritual side of Harold. Sky thanks him for the other day with the meeting with everyone. She tells him how Janelle agreed to scatter Stingray's ashes over the skate park, and that it meant a lot to her.
Number 30
Rosie describes to Carmella how she and Frazer failed at their first attempt at physical romance when she had to help him up onto the bed. Carmella points out that he probably just wanted to impress her and felt like he'd let her down, after all the romance novels she reads. Carmella starts babbling on about something or other and Rosie isn't impressed. She admits she's not the best person to talks to and apologises for the way she spoke to her last week.
CARMELLA: Can we still be sisters?
ROSIE: If we must!
Carmella points out that Frazer wants it to be special for her on her first time, but being in the chair, he is vulnerable. She tells her that they'll get there.
Paul strolls in and asks Charlotte for the medical certificates, proving that he wasn't of sound mind when he signed the contracts for Lassiters. She explains it's not as easy as getting out of PE, and enquires to his symptoms, but he isn't interested and offers her one hundred grand instead. She enquires as to where he plans to get the money from, but he tells her to be back in the morning with the certificate and he'll have the cash.
As Paul leaves, Frazer arrives. It seems they know each other as they are both surprised to see one another there.
It would appear that Charlie, the lady Frazer knew as a whiz at card counting has now become Dr Charlotte Stone. She explains that she'd had enough and decided to qualify as a doctor instead. She wonders if the wheelchair is Frazer's latest scam, and is shocked to hear it's for keeps. He's given up scamming and Charlotte isn't surprised; she could read the signs before he jacked it in. He admits he did start looking over his shoulder. She reminisces to a fling they had back when they were card counting; Frazer admits he wasn't all that great, and decides to head off. On hearing that he is dating Rosie, Charlie asks that they keep their history a secret. Frazer explains that he doens't really keep it a secret from his friends.
CHARLOTTE: And she knows we cleaned over $300,000 in a year taking cleaners to the casinos?
They agree to leave the past where it is. As Frazer heads out, Charlotte asks about the flowers; Frazer admits things aren't great at the moment so Charlotte offers him a scotch and an ear.
FRAZER: Dr Stone, some things never change!
Number 30
As Rosie is on the phone to a hotel trying to find Pepper, Carmella goes to take another tablet. Rosie stops her, and has no luck with the phone call. Carmella advises her that she's worrying about Pepper because it stops her worrying about Frazer. Rosie tells her to stop being silly, but she asks Rosie the difference between her friend having a good time and her boyfriend feeling sorry for himself.
Coffee Shop
Terrence is helping Sky try to communicate with Scott by herself but she is struggling. He relays a message that Scott was happy with the way they spread his ashes, and that he's been trying to communicate with her through her dreams. Sky recalls how her dreams have been amazing and intense. Terrence tells her it's all about comfort, and Scott is asking him to comfort her. They hug.
Paul's Flat
Harold pops over offering Paul a potato pie. Paul kindly declines, but Harold insists, so Paul takes it. Once Harold has left, Paul takes the dish over to the kitchen and immediately starts scoffing down the pie. It would seem he's just a little bit hungry!
Coffee Shop
Sky apologises, but thanks him for the comfort. He agrees everyone needs it from time to time, but that perhaps they should call it a night. Sky doesn't want to and asks him to give it try. He closes his eyes and starts calling out Sky's name, as though he is Scott. She replies, and they kiss.
Paul's Flat
Rosie pops by enquiring after Frazer, so Paul invites her in for a cup of tea. He twigs that it's something to do with Frazer's disability, as he's been there himself. Rosie doesn't reckon it was that bad, but Paul reminds her of the time Frazer joked about him in a hurdle race. He explains that at the time he was his own worst enemy in thinking that everyone was against him and saw him differently. He explains how Izzy copped the worst of it as he thought the only reason she was around was because of pity. Rosie asks what happened, and he tells her how Izzy stayed and dragged him screaming and kicking back to the world.
PAUL: Rosie, stick with it alright? It's going to take time, and it's going to take every ounce of energy you can muster. But he'll come around.
Meanwhile, Frazer is busy telling Charlotte how fantastic and loyal Rosie is, even when he stuffs it up. She reminds him there are therapists he could talk to, but he points out it's a little too private to discuss with a stranger. She offers him her services as someone who knows him, to talk about it. Frazer isn't so sure, so she explains as a counsellor; he kindly declines. He finishes his scotch and heads off.
Coffee Shop
Terrence tries to excuse the moment by explaining how when a spirit takes over they are in charge of your actions. Sky asks him to leave, and he apologises for not being in control as the one with more experience. She admits she asked for it, but he maintains he shouldn't have let it happen. He tries explaining that it was Stingray who was being persistent, but Sky can't cope with it and starts crying. He leaves.
Charlotte hides the second scotch glass as Terrence returns. He informs her he's heading back to the hotel, but she twigs that it's happened again. She warns him to keep his hands away from Sky or she will kill him.
Coffee Shop
As Sky grabs her bag, she falls down in tears in the darkness of the Coffee Shop
Next morning, Carmella arrives, panicking about losing her prescription, and is shocked when Charlotte offers to write her another one, just like that, no questions asked. Charlotte does however ask Carmella about how long Rosie and Frazer have been going out for.
Lassiter's Park
Rosie finds Frazer sitting by the lake. He admits he stayed with a mate from rehab, who has offered him a room for a week or two. Rosie thanks him for the flowers, but asks why they just can't talk about it. Frazer reckons they need some space as they can't keep going the way they are.
In the surgery, Carmella and her big mouth make another mistake as she lets slip that Frazer and Rosie are having a bit of trouble in the bedroom, and they still haven't done it yet.
Lassiter's Park
Rosie tells Frazer that the physical side of the relationship can wait as long as it takes.
ROSIE: And if you're finding it hard to move on, because you're stuck thinking about the person you were before the accident, then you need to know I love the man you are now, and I want you to come home with me where you belong.
He lifts up the arm on his wheelchair and pulls her over into his lap. They kiss as though no one else in the world exists. All together now. Aww.
<<5201 - 5203>>
Terrence Chesterton in Neighbours Episode 5202
Terrence Chesterton

Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby), Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5202
Sky Mangel, Kerry Mangel (baby), Harold Bishop

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5202
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5202
Rosie Cammeniti

Carmella Cammeniti, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5202
Carmella Cammeniti, Rosie Cammeniti

Charlotte Stone, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5202
Charlotte Stone, Paul Robinson

Charlotte Stone, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5202
Charlotte Stone, Frazer Yeats

Sky Mangel, Terrence Chesterton in Neighbours Episode 5202
Sky Mangel, Terrence Chesterton

Rosie Cammeniti, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5202
Rosie Cammeniti, Paul Robinson

Charlotte Stone, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5202
Charlotte Stone, Frazer Yeats

Charlotte Stone, Terrence Chesterton in Neighbours Episode 5202
Charlotte Stone, Terrence Chesterton

Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 5202
Sky Mangel

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5202
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5202
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5202
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

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