Susan bunks in with Tom on the camping trip
Toadie tells Steph that he met Abby through Dial a dinner date'
The Camp
Tom and Susan are in their tent, Tom is looking forward to getting some sleep but Susan tells him that they won't be getting any sleep as teachers at a school camp, because as soon as they go to sleep all hell will break loose among the gang of hormonal teenagers outside. Susan predicts that any minute someone will come in to check if they are alseep. Tom thinks that they should give the kids some credit, but right on cue Zeke arrives in the tent, telling Susan that he has a rash on his neck. Susan can't see anything, but Zeke insists that it's really itchy. Susan thinks that it's a mozzie and gives Zeke some cream for it.
Outside the tent
Zeke meets Rachel outside, who is keen to know if Susan and Tom were in their pyjamas, Zeke tells her that they were still in their tracksuits. Zeke also answers Rachel's other questions, Susan and Tom's beds were far apart and they had no wine. It seems that Rachel and Zeke are keen to ensure that none of the old sparks between Susan and Tom are going to be flying in the tent tonight.
Toadie's Office
Toadie is searching through his filing cabinet, he must be feeling extra efficient to be in the office at that time of night. Steph arrives with his mobile phone, she jokes that she thinks that it was Toadie's plan to leave it on the bar, so that he could lure Steph back to his office. Toadie jokes that he must be transparent, and gives Steph a kiss.
When he checks his messages there are a lot from someone called Ted Nash, who Toadie tells Steph is a property developer who is looking for a lawyer in Melbourne, and Toadie was hoping to be that lawyer. When speak of the devil, there is a knock at the door and it is Ted Nash himself. Toadie is surprised to see him, and is quick to offer an explanation for not answering his messages, telling Ted that he has just got his phone back. As Steph leaves, Ted's eyes are fixed on her, but Toadie doesn't seem to notice. He tells Ted that he wasn't expecting him until tomorrow, but before Ted explains to Toadie the reasons for him arriving early he has a lawyer joke to tell Toadie, which goes as follows:
How do you stop a lawyer from drowning?- Shoot him.
It seems that Toadie has already heard the joke, as he fills in the punch line before Ted can.
Ted wants to seal the deal with a night on the town, telling Toadie that unless he really irritates him on the night out, Toadie has got the job. Ted also tells Toadie that he should bring 'The Voluptuous Astrid' Toadie at first doesn't seem sure who Astrid is, but Ted reminds him it's his Swedish sex pot, he also notices that Toadie still has a photo of 'Astrid on his desk' the same one he had on his desk is Sydney.
It turns out that the photo is of Steph, and not keen on irritating Ted as he had previously warned, Toadie doesn't tell the truth, but goes along with the pretence that Steph is actually 'Astrid'. Toadie tells Ted that Astrid is out of town, but Ted is clearly not as stupid as he looks, as he has just seen 'Astrid' in Toadie's office. So it seems that Toadie will have to invite 'Astrid' to the night out after all.
The Scarlet bar
Toadie is filling in Steph on her new persona as 'Astrid' Steph looks sceptical at the thought of having to be Swedish, and Toadie tells her that actually, she is a princess from Stockholm. Toadie tells Steph that when Ted first saw her photo on his desk in Sydney, he didn't want to admit to him that it was the woman who he loved, but the downside was that she was married, so he made up the story about Astrid instead. Toadie begs Steph to just play along, she isn't keen saying that she can't speak Swedish, but Toadie says that it won't be a problem because Ted can't speak Swedish either. Toadie tells Steph that he also told Ted that she can't speak a word of English, and Steph looks even less impressed at the prospect of a night just sitting there with Toadie and Ted saying nothing. Steph says that she can't do it, because she doesn't have a babysitter, but Toadie insists that Janelle will baby-sit. Steph still doesn't feel comfortable at the prospect, but Toadie is insistent.
When Charlotte Stone comes into the bar, Steph is saved from the conversation for a few moments, she apologises to Charlotte, who is looking for Boyd, Steph was supposed to call Charlotte earlier, to tell her that Boyd has gone away to visit Max, but she forgot. Steph says that Boyd will understand if Charlotte has to get someone else for the job, but a worried Charlotte tells Steph that will be easier said than done, as she leaves the bar.
When Charlotte has gone, Toadie is keen for an answer from Steph, she tells him that she can't do it, she is not the trickster/scammer type of girl, and she would just ruin it for him. Toadie looks disappointed.
Susan's tent
Wherever the school camp is, it must get excellent cell phone coverage, as Susan is taking a call on her mobile, from Karl in London. She is busy trying to tell him what a great time the kids are having, but he cuts her short, he has to go suddenly. That is becoming a bit of a habit for Karl, what is the point in calling Susan if he never has any time to have a proper conversation with her. Susan tells Karl that if he has to go it doesn't matter, but it obviously does as a disappointed Susan hangs up the phone.
Tom comes in, he senses that Susan is not in a good mood, and she tells him she is just upset that all Karl can talk about is Holly and Izzy, she thinks that she should be more understanding, as it is understandable that Karl should be excited about the whole thing. Tom knowingly asks Susan if Karl ever asks about her during their brief conversations, and Susan assures Tom that he does, before changing her answer to sometimes, and eventually not really. She concedes to Tom that Karl is over there doing his own thing, and that is just fine, but it seems that it's herself that she is reassuring rather than Tom. Susan tells Tom that she is boring herself now, and it is his fault for being too good a listener.
SUSAN: It's your fault, you're just too good a listener.
TOM: It's a hangover from the dog collar, but I can set up a confessional if you like.
Susan laughs, and looks at Tom, it seems that some of that old spark is back.
Lassiter's restaurant
Toadie apologises to Ted and his partner for 'Astrid's' absence, and Ted makes no secret of the fact that he is very disappointed. Toadie says that it will give them a better chance to discuss their business issues, but Ted bluntly tells Toadie that business meetings are boring. Ted makes no secret of the fact that he wants Astrid to be there, and Toadie tries to offer excuses, but before he can say anything else, it looks like Astrid has changed her mind and has turned up after all. Steph's (oops I mean Astrid's) hair is looking very styled, she must have done that quickly. Ted is delighted to see her, and Toadie reminds then that she doesn't speak any English, to which Ted assures him that she doesn't need to. Astrid offers her greetings.
Ted tells her that it is a pleasure to meet her, and addresses her as 'your highness' Toadie tells Ted and his business partner to forget the protocol, Astrid likes to play it cool. Toadie goes to get Astrid a glass of champagne while Ted tries to notion to her to sit down.
Susan's Tent
Susan tells Tom that one of the things she loves about Karl so much is that he is a great father. Tom asks if she is jealous of Izzy, Susan says that she's not, but she is jealous of something. She thinks for a minute, and then says that she is jealous of the old Susan, the person that she was in between her marriages to Karl, Tom says that he is not sure that he understands, and Susan is not sure if she does either. She says that in her time as a single time there was loneliness and responsibility, but she got through it, and she was proud of herself for doing so. She never felt taken for granted.
TOM: Is that how you feel now, taken for granted?
SUSAN: Yeah, a bit. I'm trying to be so understanding for Karl and everything he's going through.
TOM: But it's difficult with him being so far away?
SUSAN: And I don't know when he's coming back, and I miss him so much, but I don't want to put that pressure on him.
TOM: It sounds like something's gotta give.
SUSAN: Oh listen to banging on, just deal the cards.
Susan and Tom begin to play cards and Susan apologises for spending the whole evening moaning about Karl, and not asking Tom anything about him. Tom says that it's fine as there is not much to say, but Susan says that there must be.
TOM: You're the only woman who ever captured my heart, you know that.
SUSAN: I always admired that about you, your directness.
Susan seems to look tenderly at Tom, and Tom looks almost too embarrassed to meet her eye.
SUSAN: For what it's worth Tom, when we were together my feelings for you were genuine.
TOM: They're still there, I can feel it, not as strong, but the attraction is still there from you to me.
Susan tries half heartedly to refute Tom's claims, but it certainly looks like she is thinking about what Tom is saying.
TOM: You want to be that Susan again, the one between the marriages to Karl, The one that fell in love with me. I would give everything to kiss you again.
Tom moves his face closer to Susan, but not close enough so that she can kiss him, Susan says nothing, but outside Lolly makes her way to the tent, and sees the shadows from the light inside. From the shadows on the canvas it looks like Susan and Tom are in an embrace, and from Lolly's expression that is what she thinks too. Before she can go to the tent to see her teachers about what she had originally planned to, she makes her way quick sharp back to the camp.
Lassiter's Restaurant
It looks like the party are really enjoying themselves, as Toadie shares a few hilarious anecdotes with Ted and Co. Ted continues to tell his jokes, which are a bit lame and sexist, but he looks like the type of guy that finds that sort of thing funny. This time he thinks that the group would be entertained by this one:
What do you call a blonde in a freezer- A frosted flake.
Astrid gives a little laugh, feigning non-comprehension, it seems that Ted was relying on the fact that she can't speak English, and thinks that she won't understand that he is effectively issuing an insult to her. Toadie senses that Steph may not be too impressed with Ted, so suggests that they look at some contacts for the business, but Ted insists that there is plenty of time for that, and picks up his champagne glass in earnest.
When Ted proceeds to ask the group 'What's the difference between a blonde, a brunette and a redhead?' Steph kicks him, which is a shame, as I was eager to know the punch line to that joke. Steph, posing as Astrid of course just giggles and looks at Toadie, when Ted complains that she has kicked him. Toadie improvises quickly telling Ted and his business partner that Astrid had meant to kick him instead, as it's sign language between the two to signify that she wants more to drink.
Toadie obliges Astrid's request, and while he is away Ted and his partner observe that 'she wants it now' and that she is 'a regular spitfire' Steph takes a slug of her champagne, in an effort to hide her annoyance at what the two men are saying about her, under the impression that she will not understand. Ted tells his partner that he would like to light her fuse. His partner thinks that they should maybe take a squizz at the contracts, but Ted disagrees, he thinks that they should enjoy a little bit more of Tim Collins & associates hospitality, since they are after all footing the bill. He looks at Steph/Astrid as he says it, and she is forced to do nothing but give a giggle.
TED: Let's see what's for desert?
GRANT: Swedish tart?
Steph giggles, but she has had just about enough of the men, so grabs the two by the collars and gives them a bit of advice.
STEPH: I've had just about as much as I can take from you Neanderthal jerks, now you sign those contracts or your wives will find out exactly what you get up to on your business trips. If you
breath a word of this to Toadie, I'll put more holes in you than Swedish cheese.
As Steph frees them from their grasp, the two men are too shocked to say anything.
Susan & Tom's tent
Tom and Susan are offering apologies to each other, Tom insists that it was his fault, he took of advantage of the fact that she is feeling vulnerable, but Susan insists that he only nearly took advantage of it. Tom is evidently not finished yet, and he has a few more revelations to spill.
TOM: I'm still in love with you, and I can't tell myself otherwise.
SUSAN: Don't do this.
TOM: I'm just being honest. Can you honestly say that you feel nothing for me?
SUSAN: I'm not in love with you Tom..
TOM(In a raised voice): That's not what I asked. Look you and Karl have things to sort out, and if you can't I'm here.
Susan makes her self scarce, obviously this is not a conversation that she wants to be having, so goes off to check the kids.
Lassiter's restaurant
Toadie and Steph are dancing after dinner. Toadie still doesn't understand why Ted and Grant left so quickly. Steph says that she thinks that after the contracts were signed, they wanted to get back so that they could call their wives. Toadie thinks that is a strange thing for Ted to want to do, since he usually refers to his wife as the ball and chain. Steph changes the subject saying she can't believe that Toadie had a picture of her on his desk in Sydney.
TOADIE: I can't believe how hot you look as a Swede, maybe I should take the princess back to her castle, and show her how grateful I am.
STEPH: How do you propose to do that?
Toadie moves in for a kiss, but Steph stops him.
TOADIE: What? It's the second date, I thought you were allowed to kiss on the second date.
STEPH(in a funny voice): Ja, but I am Astrid from Sweden remember, and now you've had one date with Astrid, and one date with Stephanie.
TOADIE: Oh what?
STEPH: Which means that you have been two timing Stephanie, oh you just wait until Stephanie finds out.
Toadie tries to appease her, but Steph insists that he calls her Astrid, before the two start laughing, and sit at the table.
Meanwhile, Simon the Maitre'D refuses to seat Paul, who has just come in for a meal. He says that he is under strict instructions from Mr Barnes and Miss Robinson not to serve him in the restaurant. Paul doesn't look too impressed by the news that it is Elle keeping him out, but is forced to leave when Simon threatens to call the police if he won't comply. Steph and Toadie watch with grins on their faces, and huge forkfuls of desert as Paul leaves.
The Campsite
Everyone is woken up early by Lolly's terrible playing of the recorder. Rachel tells her that she hardly got any sleep, because Lolly kept her awake talking in her sleep. Rachel thinks that she might have been better off sleeping in with Tom and Susan, and Lolly quickly says that it might have been best if she had. Lolly tries to brush off her comment, but Rachel is suspicious.
Lolly goes to wake Ringo and Zeke, she is greeted with a terrible smell, as you would expect from a tent of boys. Lolly tells Ringo that he has to help her collect sticks for the fire, and he reluctantly grumbles his way out of bed. When they are alone she tells him to forget about the sticks, she just wanted an excuse to get him on his own. Ringo puts a hand on her shoulder and tells Lolly that he is with Rachel now, and he is promptly given a whack across the head for doing so. Lolly calls him a fat head, and says that the reason she wanted to get him on his own is because she wants to talk to him, and get his advice on something. She tells Ringo that she saw Tom and Susan kissing in their tent last night. Ringo is shocked, they don't know if they should tell Rachel and Zeke about it. They decide that it would be best not to. Ringo says that neither Rachel or Zeke need to know as he places a hand on Lolly's shoulder. Rachel conveniently arrives to hear this last bit of the conversation, before Ringo or Lolly notice that she is there, Rachel angrily makes her way back to the main campsite. What is it that she thinks the pair are hiding from her.
Ned's Flat
Paul obviously still hungry searches the fridge in vain for something to eat, but all he seems to find is an empty carton of milk, he angrily throws that back in the fridge, as he goes to answer the door. There is nobody at the door. All he finds is a box of his belongings with a note that says 'I still care about you. - Elle'
Paul is not that impressed, he crumples up the note, and kicks the boxes over, before slamming the door.
The Camp
The group are going walking in the woods, but poor Susan is exhausted by the pace, Tom suggests that he goes on, and she wait behind for the stragglers, an invitation that Susan gladly accepts.
Lolly and Zeke seem to be getting on well on the walk, as Lolly tells Zeke that he has done some pretty cool stuff. Zeke refuses to believe that anyone would think that he was cool, after all he is the kid with a worm farm, but Lolly tells him that she once had an ant farm. Zeke seems to be a bit shy when Lolly asks him to help her up, telling her that he is sure she will manage, what a gent huh?
Susan is retracing her steps whilst waiting for the stragglers, and sure enough she finds a couple of kids who are not moving at all, instead they are indulging in another kind of sport- tonsil tennis. It turns out to be Rachel and Ringo. Susan tells them to get a move on, as there is a time and a place for that sort of thing. Rachel insists that she thought that she had a bug in her hair, but Susan is wise to this old line, and embarrasses the two when she asks Rachel what was in her hair yesterday down by the lake. Susan thinks that it might have been an eel, Rachel offers an apology. Susan tells them to catch up with the others or she is going to hand out a detention.
Ringo mutters the word hypocrite under his breath as he passes Susan, but when Susan asks him to repeat himself, he insists that he didn't say anything, Susan obviously heard him the first time though, and is thoughtful about what he could have meant.
Scarlet Bar
Paul and Charlotte are having a drink. Paul says that he may have been exaggerating before when he said he had never felt better, and that he could really do with a massage. The pair flirt, as Charlotte says that she is not sure she can fit him in, and Paul says that she had told him before she was free all afternoon. Steph interrupts the party though, when she asks for payment, she tells him that his card has been declined. At this the doctor says that she is very busy and has to get back, obviously she is not in the mood for giving out free massages today. Before Paul can run after her, he tells Steph to try the card again, but she says that she can't as she already called the bank, and they have asked her to cut the card in half, as she has done. Paul is taken aback and refuses to pay, telling Steph that when this gets sorted out he will be expecting an apology from her. Toadie can't believe that she would let him walk out without paying, but Steph says that he will pay all right, in blood. She says that she has seen the humiliated look that Paul wore a second ago before, on her mum's face when he dumped her on her wedding night. Toadie concludes that Steph feels nothing for him, Steph says that all she feels is an insatiable desire to gossip, and disappears to phone Lyn to fill her in.
The Campsite
Susan eventually makes it back to the campsite after the hike, it looks like she is in pain, she says that she has pulled a muscle in her calf, and she will have to stay off her feet. She says that as that is the case, she is not going to be much use at the camp, so she has rung the school who are sending a replacement. Tom asks if it's about what happened last night, but Susan insists that it's not. Tom doesn't believe her, it seems that he can still read Susan, and she is forced to admit that actually it is about what happened. Tom apologises saying that he got carried away, and it won't happen again. He think that he was right though about Susan still having feelings for him. Susan tries to deny it, but Tom urges her to admit it to herself instead of running away from the truth.
Dr Stone's Surgery
Paul barges in on the doctor, telling her he needs a favour, she says that if he wants money she is not in a position to be giving him any, but he says that he wants his life back. Charlotte says that now is not a good time, with Boyd away she has lots of paperwork to catch up on, but Paul is not going anywhere, he says that he was tricked into signing documents giving Elle control of his business, Dr Stone thinks that he needs a lawyer, but Paul insists that it's a doctor he needs, he wants her to sign a report that declares him of unsound mind. Now I am sure that there are many viewers who would be happy to sign that report, but Dr Stone is not so keen, but Paul is insisting.
CHARLOTTE: Paul, what you are proposing I do is illegal. What sort of doctor do you think I am?
PAUL: I'm prepared to wager that you're the sort who listens to cash. So how does $100,000 sound? A hundred grand for a document that rules me incompetent.
It looks like the doctor is tempted by Paul's offer.