Carmella thinks Oliver and Elle are getting back together, but Oliver informs her they're not.
Pepper informs Mary that she thinks it is Kevin who is stalking her.
Frazer asks Rosie not to pity him. She tells him it's love.
Frazer's Hospital Room
Frazer asks why Rosie is telling him this now. She explains how she realised how much she loved him when the accident happened and she was holding him waiting for the ambulance. He still doesn't believe it and calls it pity. He points out that there are other guys at the pool who are in a worse situation than he is.
FRAZER: What's the point? I'll go through all that pain and suffering, and for what? I'll still be stuck in this chair. And there's no way I'm going to let you feel sorry for me.
ROSIE: You are so pathetic right now, and it's not because of the chair.
She gets up and leaves.
Number 30 Poolside
As Oliver comes out with the washing, he calls over to Carmella who's lounging by the poolside. However she is asleep, and soon rolls over, falling into the pool. Oliver rushes to her aid, and helps her out.
Number 30 Inside
Pepper is handing out new keys, having had the locks to the house changed. She apologises for needing it to be done. Rosie points out it was probably time they changed the locks after all the strange people who have lived in the house prior to them. Insert: Reference to Lance's Sci-fi! They decide that they deserve a treat, so choose a night out.
Scarlet Bar
It seems a 'wild night out' equates to very random dancing at the Scarlet Bar. As the four of them grove on the dance floor, they soon realise Rosie took some extra one-on-one classes with the dance teacher. Over at a table, Toadie and Abby are finishing up drinks, she asks if he'd like to dance, but he'd rather head back to hers and watch a DVD with Zoe; they pay up and leave.
At the bar, Rosie tells Pep to stop worrying about Kevin. She's not though; she worrying about his mum, Mary, who is lonely. Rosie doesn't think it's a good idea to get too involved, and warns Pep to keep her distance from his family altogether.
Number 30
Next morning, Carmella is about to head out on the fruit run, when Oliver appears. Realising she's had next to no sleep, he warns her not to drive when tired, especially after what happened by the pool the previous day. She informs him she can't afford not to deliver, so he offers to come along.
Hospital Swimming Pool
Frazer slowly manoeuvres himself from his wheelchair onto the contraption, and is slowly lowered into the pool.
Scarlet Bar
As Oliver and Carmella drop the veg off to the Scarlet Bar, Paul asks to speak to Oliver. He informs him he's set up a meeting with Napier to organise his inheritance for him, and has asked Toadie and Rosie to be present. Oliver isn't sure he'll be able to make the meeting however, as he's offered to help Carmella. Paul is shocked to hear he'd rather spend time with Carmella than talk about inheriting his fortune. Carmella returns, so they leave.
Furious at the Paul in the Scarlet Bar, Oliver comes over and asks Elle to be in on whatever it is she is doing to bring Paul down. It seems Oliver is determined to bring Paul down too, even though revenge isn't his style. Elle doesn't think it'll work as in Paul's eyes Oliver is out of the picture. Oliver explains the meeting with Napier and points out that Paul doesn't seem to think that way. They agree to bring him down together.
OLIVER: We are the last people who he'd suspect; he's not going to know what hit him.
They exchange evil glares.
Later, Oliver has gone and Paul arrives home, to find Elle pretend crying. She explains to her father how she knows she wasn't supposed to, but she's fallen for Oliver. Paul doesn't see the issue; this way she gets to control the Barnes fortune, and marry for love; a win, win situation. All she needs to do now is get Carmella out of the picture somehow. Elle points out the small problem of winning Oliver back, as she broke it off with him. Paul, however, doesn't remember and realises she told him one of the times his hearing went odd.
Hospital Swimming Pool
Oliver arrives as Frazer finishes up swimming a length of the pool, with some support from an assistant. Frazer admits that a guilt trip from Rosie made him look at himself. Oliver comments it's good to have him back, and agrees to a drink with him down the pub later; if Frazer is able to get a day pass organised.
Lawyer's Office
Rosie is dictating a letter to Abby, but Abby isn't able to keep up with her typing. Rosie heads into Toadie's office to pick up the dictaphone. They end up talking about Frazer, and Rosie wonders how he got over Steph. Listening at the door, Abby overhears that Toadie still cares for Steph and is just trying to get on with life without her, the best way he can.
Scarlet Bar
Oliver arrives just as the meeting about his inheritance starts. Paul isn't impressed by his delay, but Oliver is more concerned with telling Rosie about Frazer, and making up with Elle, than talking pleasantries to Paul. With the meeting underway, Toadie suggests offering Napier 80% as part of the deal, but Paul's hearing fades out again, and he makes an odd comment before leaving them all to it.
Lawyer's Office
Rosie and Toadie are discussing the oddness of Paul at the meeting, when Abby comes through with a message from Frazer. Rosie gets up quick smart and heads out the door to go and visit him, leaving Toadie to present Abby with her first pay slip. She's disappointed in the amount she's received after tax deductions, and points out she would've earnt more at dial-a-dinner-date. Toadie tells her to ask if there's anything more she needs.
Frazer's Hospital Room
Rosie arrives looking very hopeful, and Frazer is pleased to see her. He apologises and admits that it was her words the previous day that got him up and about again. He's decided to take the race-track to court, to get the compensation he needs to get moving again. She asks why he didn't talk to Toadie if it was a lawyer he needed, but he admits he does want her support too.
FRAZER: I do need you in my a friend
ROSIE: Yeah, of course; always.
They agree it's worked for them in the past, so it'll work for them now.
Lawyer's Office
Abby gets off the phone and wonders how she's going to get four thousand dollars to pay her daughter's orthodontic bill. Toadie tells her quitting the dial-a-dinner-date was the right thing to do and writes her out a cheque for the required amount. Rosie arrives back, followed by Napier, Oliver and Elle, so they head in to start the meeting.
Scarlet Bar
Carmella and Pepper arrive, and it seems Carmella is tired once again. Pepper points out it's only lunchtime, but Carmella admits she's already had a long day. She tells Pepper how Oliver helped her out with the delivery earlier, and it made a huge difference; plus they are getting along again now too.
Paul arrives, and Pepper points out her troubled exes. Carmella heads to the bar to allow Paul and Pepper to talk. He apologises for not realising how serious her stalking situation actually was. He offers to help out in finding the guy in ways that the police aren't able to.
Toadie's Office
Toadie starts off proceedings by setting out the particular laws they want to talk about. However, Napier cuts him off and informs Oliver he just wants to make things right. Alan's chest starts to tighten as he explains to Oliver it's all his; as it should be. Everything. Alan collapses with a heart attack, so Rosie is quick to call the ambulance.
As they wait for the ambulance to arrive, Alan insists on telling Oliver about his family, and why they weren't fair to him. But he isn't able to say anymore as he becomes too short on breath.