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Neighbours Episode 5166 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5165 - 5167>>
Episode title: 5166: Great Balls Of Ire
Australian airdate: 12/3/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Piet Collins
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Oliver Barnes: David Hoflin
Ringo Brown: Sam Clark
Lolly Allen: Adelaide Kane
- "Lovely Elevator Music" by The Brunswick Music Group
- "Essence Changed" by Bomba
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Izzy-da-vixen
Ringo wishing he could be as confident around girls as he is with Lolly.
Carmella telling Oliver that she has to show Uncle Ray what she is made of.
Paul and Elle concocting up a plan to split Carmella and Oliver up.
Scarlet Bar
Paul arrives to see how Elle's plan to split Carmella and Oliver up is going and finds out it isn't. She isn't enthralled about wanting to use one if his plans because they scare her and asks to be given time to prove herself, which he agrees to on condition that she makes him proud!
No. 30
Carmella arrives back from throwing a rock through Uncle Ray's window and doesn't get a round of applause from Oliver because he doesn't want her to get hurt. She replies back that she won't and Oliver questions how she can flip from being god's servant one minute to being a thug the next.
CARMELLA: I became a nun to run away from my problems. I'm not running anymore.
Oliver accepts her reasons but issues her an ultimatum - keep up with these games with Uncle Ray and he will walk away from her and the business.
No. 30 backyard
Ringo is trying to pluck up the courage to join Zeke and Lolly in the pool but she comes to his rescue saying it is better for him to work on his tan (he does look rather pale). Rachel brings over some food courtesy of Lou and Lolly runs after him to say thanks for the food but there is no need to run after her.
Back at the pool, Rachel "politely" asks Zeke to leave...if he wants to see his next birthday so she can spend time alone with Ringo. Naturally Zeke leaves and Rachel tries to get Ringo to join her in the pool but he is stalling until she accidentally pushes him in the water. He is struggling in the water while Rachel thinks he is joking around but Lolly appears back and helps him to the side before having a go at Rachel reminding her what happened to Sandy last week. Rachel looks a bit put out, like everyone knows the joke bar her, while Lolly goes to see how Ringo is doing since he is now out of the water.
No. 28 backyard
Zeke arrives home and overhears Karl on the phone to someone saying that Susan is getting suspicious because money has gone from their account but when he hears her come out of the house, he quickly hangs up and lies over who he has been talking too. Susan departs to go for a run (she wants to get fit because she is covering Pepper's PE classes at the school) and Karl gets back on the phone. Zeke makes himself known and that he heard the earlier call and wants to know what it was about. Karl replies that he has been very selfish and he needs to talk to both himself and Rachel but Susan must not find out.
The General Store
Paul isn't impressed at the plan Elle has come up with and whether it is co-incidence or not but just at the back of them entering the store was Ollie and Carmella with extra veggies Harold and Lou ordered. They are oblivious to having ordered any extra supplies and when the camera pans over to Paul and Elle we can tell from their smirks who was responsible for requesting the veggies. Their plan backfires though when not only are Lou and Harold delighted with the quality of the veggies but at the prospect of getting some free herbs too as a trial from their new supplier.
Back with the now non-smirking duo, Paul has a dig at Elle for her plan not working and so she agrees to go with his ideas instead "whatever it takes to wipe those stupid smiles off their faces".
No. 30
Rachel lets herself in to apologise to Ringo for chucking him in the water but he just wants to forget about it. She tries a different tactic to get him to talk, that he has shut down because he has something to hide, but that doesn't work and he tells her to find another hobby because his problems aren't that interesting. Rachel leaves and Ringo looks like he could kick himself and Lolly replaces her. She tells him to trust Rachel, that she won't think he is a loser, she didn't. He points to that she is just a friend whereas Rachel is a potential girlfriend and going out with someone who can't swim won't look cool.
LOLLY: Well I guess it all boils down to what you are more afraid of - water or losing Rachel.
The General Store
Lou scares Harold when he appears modelling a hockey mask and stick because he wants Lolly to get into team sports because it is good for getting troubled teens back on track. Harold (after telling Lou he looks like Freddie Krueger) reminds him Lolly isn't into team sports and suggests the Girl Guides instead.
LOU: (doing a Freddie Krueger impression) Freddy says no.
Zeke enters and when he spots Rachel, says that Karl is looking for them but she isn't really fussed until Zeke mentions that he thinks something is going down because he heard Karl talking to a woman, "the other woman". The kids begin to wonder if Karl is having an affair because Susan can't handle the changes that have been happening lately.
ZEKE: He wouldn't would he?
RACHEL: Well he's done it before.
The both agree that they don't want Karl and Susan to break up and Rachel asks Zeke if he is up to making sure nothing changes at home.
No. 30 backyard
Lolly helps a scared witless Ringo into the pool, saying he can beat his phobia. He takes two steps into the water and tries to get out, saying that he is cured but she coaxes him back, joking that if something did go wrong, she knows how to give mouth to mouth!
RINGO: Thanks very much but I prefer the taste of my own slobber.
She jokes back with him that the way things are with Rachel, that is the only action he will get! Her plan to take his mind off it has worked as they finish descending into the pool and begin walking across the pool. Ringo begins to get scared when he realises where he is but she gently coaxes him along pointing out how far he has come.
No. 28 backyard
Karl is about to feed the animals when Rachel and Zeke storm up to him and start telling him that it would be crazy to throw it all away with Susan. Karl hasn't got a clue what they are going on about but says he needs to talk to them both because it affects them all.
RACHEL: Just say what you've got to say.
KARL: Okay, I just want you to know that I haven't taken this decision lightly.
RACHEL: Karl, can't you just sit down with Susan and work this out?
KARL: (shocked) Of course I will. I just wanted to talk to you two first. I want to do the right thing.
ZEKE: How can this be the right thing?
KARL: (puzzled) Em, perhaps you'd better hear me out first yeah?! I want to ask your permission to propose to Susan on the upcoming London trip.
ZEKE: ...
RACHEL: Oh my god!
The kids quickly realise they've been barking up the wrong tree and both immediately hug Karl, giving him their approval. They quickly act normally when a half-dead Susan comes home from her run because he wants it to be a surprise. She breathlessly wants to know what the excitement was all about and Karl lies saying it was something Chop did. Zeke backs him up but quickly adds that Karl was also giving them $50 to go shopping with! The kids hold out their hands and begrudgingly Karl hands over the cash, telling them to enjoy themselves. Susan is immediately suspicious given the "cost" was $50 and still breathlessly, tells him she will find out!
Scarlet Bar
From a distance, Paul and Elle watch while Ollie and Carmella finish chatting before going to get the herbs from their new supplier. With the lovebirds departed, Paul gets out his mobile to get Ned to follow them but Elle stops him, telling him it is time *they* go their hands dirty so they can get the job done properly!
No. 30
Ringo makes some foul looking milkshakes as thanks for Lolly helping him with his water problem. She tells him to talk to Rachel because he is hot and has problems so no girl will be able to resist him! "I'm not some project to be worked on," replies Ringo but again she tells him to talk to her.
The General Store
Rachel and Zeke are discussing the wedding and he wonders if they should buy an engagement pressie with the money Karl gave them but she scoffs at him, saying that they will extort more money out of Karl before they leave!
ZEKE: You're more like Bree every day.
Lou re-enacts his scaring tactics with the hockey mask this time when Lolly enters and tries to get her interested in going for a try out with the local hockey team but her mind is more occupied watching Ringo who entered the store at the back of her.
Ringo sits down with Zeke and Rachel and apologises for what happened earlier and tells her why. Brainy Zeke confirms that he has hydrophobia and at Rachel's prompting he says why - he was almost killed by a jet ski when Frazer was teaching him to swim, and spent 2 weeks in hospital and hasn't been able to go near water since. Tenderly, Rachel offers him sympathy and offers to teach him how to swim and Ringo smiles back thanking her. Aww and Lolly gives him a thumbs up too.
No. 30
Rachel is trying to teach Ringo how to swim and first up is removing his shirt...so he can stick his head into a basin of water to get used to the feeling of being under water. He manages that successfully but wonders what Ollie and Carmella (they came in and quickly leave) will say about what they saw. To make him feel better, Rachel tells him about her secret - she can't go anywhere without her favourite stuffed toy. Both agree to keep each other's secrets.
The van grinds to a halt because it is out of petrol on the way to get the herbs and Ollie and Carmella eventually both decide to go and get petrol after a quick frolic! They head off and don't notice Paul and Elle pull up in their car, still suitably armed with smirking faces.
No. 30
Next on Rachel's guide to swimming is having Ringo lean over a stool, pretending he is swimming. She then gets him to remove his shirt again on the pretence of checking out his muscles before kissing him. Aww. But it isn't aww for too long as Rachel storms off after he tries to take things too far from what she is obviously comfortable with (he led her back to the table and tried to lay her back while he was on top).
Paul walks back to his car with a detonator in his hand after planting something in the Moco van. He lets Elle push the button after retreating more into a safer position.
ELLE: Bombs away.
But the device fails to go off and Paul tells her to do it again but it still doesn't work, so he goes off to check it out but Elle pulls him back when they spot Ollie and Carmella heading back to the van and putting the supplies in it.
PAUL: Oh, don't worry it, minor hiccup. Uncle Ray will try again tomorrow.
Elle wants to warn them because it might go off but Paul pulls her back saying it won't. Ah, she spoke too soon because literally seconds after she said that the bomb goes off. Paul and Elle genuinely have fear on their faces but knowing them, the champers will be out soon enough.
<<5165 - 5167>>
Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5166
Paul Robinson, Elle Robinson

Carmella Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5166
Carmella Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes

Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5166
Ringo Brown

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5166
Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5166
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5166
Zeke Kinski

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5166
Elle Robinson

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 5166
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5166
Rachel Kinski

Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5166
Rachel Kinski, Zeke Kinski

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5166
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Zeke Kinski, Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5166
Zeke Kinski, Rachel Kinski

Oliver Barnes, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5166
Oliver Barnes, Carmella Cammeniti

Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5166
Elle Robinson, Paul Robinson

Oliver Barnes, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5166
Oliver Barnes, Carmella Cammeniti

 in Neighbours Episode 5166

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5166
Elle Robinson

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