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Neighbours Episode 5159 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5158 - 5160>>
Episode title: 5159: Glenn At Work
Australian airdate: 01/03/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Ben Marshall
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Frazer Yeats: Ben Lawson
Oliver Barnes: David Hoflin
Glenn Forrest: Cleopatra Coleman
Abby Stafford: Lousie Crawford
Zoe Stafford: Emily Farrell
James Osterbero: Mark Collard
Summary/Images by: JA/Izzy-da-vixen
*Glen warning Boyd that Janae deserves to know the truth
*Steph watching on as Toadie and Abbie enjoy their date.
*Paul being attacked by a masked man, then he and Ned reaping the profits.
Ned's flat
Paul is there to give Ned his cut of the robbery, he is reluctant to take it.
PAUL: Prefer to donate it to a lost dog's home would you? Would that salve your conscience? Come on admit it Neddy, you loved our little act.
NED: Hitting you was OK I guess.
PAUL: ...
NED: You are one sick puppy.
Yes Ned, you are one to talk, having just robbed your neighbours, and making $5000 on a faked mugging.
Paul tells Ned that he is a lost soul, he needs to find himself by 'grabbing life by the proverbials' he tells Ned that he can teach him how to have self control and power over others, but will Ned be tempted by this offer.
Scarlet Bar
Janae and Boyd are enjoying a romantic candle lit dinner. Boyd is telling Janae is brilliant, especially as she volunteered bone marrow without any hesitation for Kerry. Janae tries to cheer up the mood by suggesting that they go dancing, but Boyd is not keen as he has an early night.
When Elle and Glenn arrive at the bar, Boyd decides that he wants to go dancing after all.
As Janae goes to touch up her make up, she bumps into Elle and Glenn at the bar, Elle enquires how the family is, but Janae delivers a scathing attack on what Paul is doing to them. Glenn breaks the tension, by snidely enquiring when her car will be ready, Janae needs another day on it, the water pump has gone too, and she is waiting on a part.
As Janae disappears, Elle tells Glenn as she glances at Boyd, that he must be thinking about her (Glenn) the whole time, Glenn tells her to cut it out, but Elle says that's the way she sees it.
The General Store
Steph and Charlie are just back from the petting zoo, and they bump into Toadie, who wants to know what Charlie's favourite animal was. Steph tells him that he ignored every animal there except the zoo keepers Collie.
Toadie tells Steph that he wants to walk them to the car as it's dangerous after what happened to Paul. As he walks them out they bump into Abbie and her daughter Zoe, Toadie seems delighted to see them.
ZOE: Is he your boyfriend?
ABBIE: Ermm....
ZOE: He's not handsome.
TOADIE: Well, neither's Al Pacino, but he's still a sex symbol..... That was slightly inappropriate.
ABBIE: She started it.
ZOE: Who's Al Pacino?
TOADIE: Well you wouldn't know, because you have such bad taste. It's a pleasure to meet you Zoe.... I once heard that you once ate four crackers all at the same time all with topping on it, is that true?
ZOE: YES!!!!
TOADIE: Wow that is so cool, because I like living life on the edge too.
Toadie and Zoe seem to be getting on really well, and Steph looks uneasy as she watches, Toadie suggests that they all sit down for a night cap, but Steph says that Charlie has to get to bed.
Abbie comments on how cute Charlie is, but something tells me she was just being polite, it's one of those things that you say isn't it.
Toadie looks slightly disappointed as Steph and Charlie leaves.
The house formerly known as 'The House of Trouser' now full to the rafters with many eclectics- Number 30
Frazer is sitting on the couch, looking a bit sorrowful.
OLIVER: What's wrong?
FRAZER: You Know
OLIVER: Ah is it your ability to turn straight chicks gay? Well you stay away from Carmella right.
FRAZER: Go and deliver vegetables...
Oliver tells Frazer to talk to Rosie about it, but he says that it is none of his business. Oliver asks Frazer to come out with him for the day, but he has agreed to go to the bar to do some odd jobs for Steph.
Paul's Pad
Ned is helping Paul inside, who is sore all over. He thinks that they should go for victim compensation, as there would be a few grand in it, but Ned tells him point blank NO!
Elle shouts from outside, and Paul tells him to scarper.
PAUL: Quick out the back, she doesn't know that your my idiot.
Paul shows Elle the proceeds, and says that he will try to stitch up the Timmins. Elle tells him that he has to leave them alone, no more games.
Just at that moment Glenn appears and Elle and Paul worry that she has heard their conversation. As they sit down for breakfast, they concoct a story, telling Glenn that he won big at the casino, Glenn is still suspicious, and keeps asking questions.
Paul complains about the pain in his arm, and Glenn offers to get him a painkiller, as she is out of earshot, Paul warns Elle to make sure that her friend bought their story.
The General Store
Carmella is giving Oliver and Frazer their orders as they are delivering produce.
Carmella tells Steph, that she is dropping off a free sample to get her hooked on Celestial Fruit. Steph tells her not to reveal her cunning plans to her customers, Carmella takes that as Steph agreeing to be a customer as she didn't say potential customer, Steph tells her if the stuff is good enough she will consider a regular deal.
Steph spots Abbie saying goodbye to one of her customers, he thanks her for last night, and plants a kiss on her cheek. Steph angrily storms over to Abbie telling her that she wants a word...NOW. Abbie looks worried.
Ramsay Street
Janae and Boyd are returning from their night out, Glenn and Elle are watching.
ELLE: Eurgh... watching them is like watching a slow train crash.
Glenn asks why she has it in for them, Elle says that's not the case, but Glenn thinks that Paul has it in for the Timmins, and she then asks if Elle really believes the story about him being mugged. Something doesn't ring true. Glenn thinks that Elle and Paul always seem as if they are plotting something dodgy, Elle tries to convince her that it is all on the level, but Glenn doesn't seem so convinced.
The General Store.
Abbie and Steph are really having a go at each other.
ABBIE: Who he is has got nothing to do with you.
STEPH: You see, Toadie's my friend, and if I find you are running around on him.
ABBIE: I'm not running around on him, James was just a business thing.
STEPH: Really? Yeah cos it really looked like business.
ABBIE: I'm telling you the truth.
STEPH: I don't believe you.
ABBIE: Well maybe it's not Jared with the problem, maybe it's you.
STEPH: What are you on about?
ABBIE: Just forget it, just accept that I'm with Jared, and I care about him, and lie him a lot, and I am not going to mess around with that.
STEPH: Well you better not.
TOADIE (Coming over to the table) : Is everything OK?
ABBIE: Yeah fine, I'm just going to grab my coffee, do you want to help me choose my cake?
TOADIE: Yeah orange and poppy seed.... Are you sure everything is alright?
ABBIE: Yeah we were just getting to know each other.
Abbie then tells Toadie that Zoe was very taken with him, and she would lie to see him again. Toadie asks if she is free tonight, she says she is and with a kiss she leaves.
Steph is still giving Toadie evil looks, and Toadie is suspicious, Steph marches over to Toadie, and asks how much he knows about Abbie. Toadie says that he does, and it's enough to now that he likes her.... a lot. Again Steph looks disappointed.
The Scarlet Bar
Paul asks Elle if Glenn is going to be a problem, if there are any doubts about her, he wants her on the first boat back to Tasmania. Elle says that she is completely clueless, but it might be a good idea to keep their heads down for a while, as she thinks that Paul is leading Elle astray.
Paul says that Glenn has done her job, she has de-stabilised Boyd and Janae, and it's time to send her home.
Frazer and Oliver are telling Carmella that they are going into renovation, as they get to work, Carmella hollers to Steph that her fruit and veggies are there, but when Steph is less than enthusiastic, Carmella wonder's if everything is OK. Steph takes a seat and tells Carmella her concerns, Toadie's new girlfriend is running around on him. Carmella wonders why Steph hasn't told Toadie, but Steph says that she doesn't want to tell him, as he would hate her.
They are distracted, as Carmella is staring at Frazer....
STEPH: Hey, I thought you were only meant to have eyes for Oliver.
CARMELLA (With a laugh): I've just had an idea to boost your numbers.
Steph looks as though she is very interested to now more....
Boyd's Uni
Glenn runs into Boyd, she is looking for the lecture theatre, as there is a guy from Atlanta giving a lecture that she had missed in Hobart. Boyd offers to show her where to go, and she asks him if that will be weird, he tells her that it won't and that they should stop acting weird around each other.

The Scarlet Bar.
Carmella and Steph are putting their evil plan in to action, they are fiddling with the heating, to make Frazer sweat.
There seems to be a lot of women gathered around a table, watching Frazer in action. Carmella starts to spray Frazer with a spritz, he is mad, but she tells him for health and safety reasons she has to spray him, he eventually has to take his vest off, to a rapturous applause from the women assembled at the tables.
STEPH: One more degree and I reckon that we can get some boxer action going.
At that Toadie comes into the bar, and Carmella tells Steph to take her chance and have a word with him.
STEPH: Toad, I have some bad news for you, it's about Abbie.
TOADIE: What about her?
STEPH: I'm just not sure that she is being honest with you, I saw her this morning with another guy.
STEPH: Don't you see that she is using her kid to win you over, she's just trading in on your good nature.
TOAIDE: Right! You don't know Abbie, so you have no right to judge her. It's disappointing Steph, very disappointing..
Toadie storms out.
Boyd's Uni
Glenn is telling Boyd that the lecture was great, and she might finish her degree in Erinsborough. Boyd tells her not to even think about it, and he doesn't know why she is even still there. It's bad enough that they are living on the same street, but now she is turning up to his classes.
Glenn tells Boyd, that things aren't finished between them, and he should admit it to himself. He tells her that what happened between them was just a fling, and tells her to go away, he doesn't want to see her again.
The General Store
Abbie is meeting Toadie for a coffee. He tells her that Steph has told him about seeing her with a bloke this morning. Predictably Abbie tells him that it was a client, and he shouldn't worry as she is just a dinner date and that is as far as it goes. Strange that dinner lasted all the way through to the morning.
Abbie worries that Toadie is embarrassed, but he tells her that he is worried, as he thinks that she may meet someone else through her work, that's how she met him, and maybe she will meet someone else who she will think is better than him.
Abbie cuts him off and thanks him for showing her how he feels, by reacting like that, he is showing that she means something to him. She gives him a hug, and then gives him a big kiss. Looks like things are hotting up.
Ned enters the General Store and shoots a look to Paul and Elle who are standing in the corner. Elle clocks Paul's suspicious look to Ned, and tells him that there was a vibe, she wants to know what is going on between them. Paul denies all knowledge, and they sit at a table, where Ned makes his way towards them.
NED: So I hear you got bashed last night Paul?
PAUL: Unfortunately yes.
NED: Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke.
With that he leaves, and Elle concludes that Ned really doesn't like Paul, gosh that woman is intelligent. It looks like she has had the wool pulled even more tightly around her eyes.
At The Garage.
Glenn is demanding to have her car back, as she wants to get out of this place.
Janae says that she will have it ready as soon as she can, but Glenn thinks that Janae is messing with her.
GLENN: Is this some sort of revenge for me and Boyd?
JANAE: Why would I play games? You're too insignificant.
GLENN: Are you convincing me or yourself?
JANAE: Oh get over it, it was one kiss OK?
GLENN: You're and even bigger sucker than I am, You know he never told me about you in Tazzy.
JANAE: I don't want to talk about it.
GLENN: He lied. I didn't know anything, but what he told me. He said he loved me, he said he felt more alive with me than anyone else and I believed him.
JANAE: Shut your mouth
GLENN: And now I'm in the way he wants rid of me.
JANAE: You know what, get out of here right now.
GLENN: Your precious husband I didn't just kiss.
Janae slaps Glenn right across the face, how I wish I was Janae at this point, what I wouldn't give to slap Glenn after that little tirade.
GLENN: Two weeks we had together, body and soul Janae, body and soul.
Glenn waltzes off and Janae looks gutted.
Ned's Flat
Paul has brought over beers and snacks and a DVD. He tells Ned that he wants to get the cleaners in to his flat, so that they have a place to hang out together and relax, it doesn't seem that Ned is too keen on the idea.
Paul congratulates him for abusing him in front of Elle, as she is completely off his case. Ned says that Paul shouldn't spend as much time hanging out at the flat, as Elle will get suspicious and Ned helpfully shows him the door.
NED: We're business partners, not friends, lets not muddy that line.
PAUL: Actually we are partners in crime, all we've got is each other.
NED (with a huge sigh): Great
The Scarlet Bar
Steph and Carmella are congratulating each other on their little scheme as Frazer's hot body is very much still on display, and there are still a table full of admirers checking him out.
Oliver asks him if he is checking out any of them, but Frazer is still sulking. Oliver tells him to move on, chicks like the metrosexual type of guy these days, Frazer has to stop expressing his feelings, as it's the strong silent, lets get physical type of guy these days. Oh yes I would get physical with Frazer anytime.
In The Office
Janae tells Boyd that Glenn has been to the garage, and tells him that Glenn told her that more happened in Tasmania than Boyd has let on, Boyd swears to Janae that Glenn is lying and that a kiss was all that happened.
<<5158 - 5160>>
Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5159
Steph Scully, Charlie Hoyland

Ned Parker, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5159
Ned Parker, Paul Robinson

Glenn Forrest in Neighbours Episode 5159
Glenn Forrest

Steph Scully, Oliver Barnes, Frazer Yeats, Carmella Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5159
Steph Scully, Oliver Barnes, Frazer Yeats, Carmella Cammeniti

Glenn Forrest, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5159
Glenn Forrest, Elle Robinson

Glenn Forrest, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5159
Glenn Forrest, Elle Robinson

Abby Stafford, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5159
Abby Stafford, Toadie Rebecchi

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5159
Elle Robinson

Glenn Forrest, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5159
Glenn Forrest, Boyd Hoyland

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5159
Janae Hoyland

Glenn Forrest, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5159
Glenn Forrest, Janae Hoyland

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5159
Janae Hoyland

Carmella Cammeniti, Steph Scully, Frazer Yeats in Neighbours Episode 5159
Carmella Cammeniti, Steph Scully, Frazer Yeats

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5159
Janae Hoyland

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