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Neighbours Episode 5158 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5157 - 5159>>
Episode title: 5158: Let's Be Friends
Australian airdate: 28/02/07
UK airdate: 08/05/07
Writer: Martin McKenna
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: None
Summary/Images by: Emily/Izzy-da-vixen
- Elle worries that Steiger is going to work out what they did, but Paul tells her that Ned will take the blame not them.
- Frazer tells Rosie to get mad at him; not Ringo.
- Zeke teases Rachel that she has the hots for Ringo.
- Pepper kisses Rosie.
Number 30
As they break off the kiss, Pepper is rather flustered and apologises, but Rosie goes to kiss her again. This time it's longer, and Ringo arrives back and spots them. Pepper breaks it off though, and thanks Rosie for the pep talk before heading out the house.
The Flat
Paul arrives, but Ned isn't overly happy. Paul points out he saved him from gambling, but Ned doesn't see it as a great situation as he's still stuck in the flat and can't even pay his friends back. Paul tells him not to worry as he's going to pay off his debt for him. Ned isn't sure what to think, but Paul gets him up and out as they are going shopping.
As Pepper helps out cleaning at the garage, Janae spots her jeans and asks where she got them from, as she really likes them. Pepper tells her the name of the shop, but isn't keen on Janae checking the brand name, explaining that her hands are all greasy. Carmella and Oliver arrive, so Janae shows them her new truck. Carmella comments that Peppers jeans really suit her, and getting all conscious, Pep goes and puts a pair of overalls on.
While Carmella and Oliver kiss outside, Pepper isn't so sure they'll last, especially after he caught her in bed with Dylan. Janae points out that everyone's allowed to make a mistake, but Pepper doesn't see it like that, and claims they're delusional. Angry, Janae points out that maybe she's the single one because she's delusional.
Lassiter's Complex
Ringo tells Frazer that maybe things just weren't meant to be between him and Rosie. Ringo believes he's not Rosie's type, especially after what he just saw.
In the car park, Toadie and Rosie arrive wondering how Pepper will be after the incident at the school. As a motorcyclist comes past, fully clad in leather, Rosie starts drooling.
ROSIE: He's hot.
Toadie thought she'd be more into the Italian men, but Rosie claims she likes a bit of grunt. The motorcyclist takes off the helmet, and reveals themselves to be Steph.
TOADIE: What about your girls?
Rosie is shocked.
Back on the bench, Frazer stares into space. Ringo didn't think it would be such a big deal as he thought they were over each other anyway.
FRAZER: Well, now we're really over.
The Flat
Now in a fully furnished flat, Paul encourages Ned to invite some ladies around and woo them. Ned isn't overly keen and wonders why Paul is so keen to help him. Paul informs him it's because he looks after people who are loyal and help him. He picks up the phone and encourages Ned to call the sales ladies.
Scarlet Bar
Toadie and Rosie come in for some lunch, and bump into Frazer on the way, but he declines the offer of joining them. Instead Frazer grabs Oliver as he arrives with Carmella and asks to talk; it's urgent. Carmella heads to the bar to try and sign Steph up as her first client with her fruit and veg delivery service. Steph agrees to meet her in the office to talk.
Oliver is shocked to hear what Frazer has just told him, and starts grinning. Frazer isn't so impressed.
OLIVER: Well, they've both been through the Frazer Yeats experiment; obviously that's put them off men for life!
FRAZER: It's not my fault.
OLIVER: No, no. This is not a representation on your masculinity, it's fine. It's just, maybe you're a gate way date.
FRAZER: What is a gay way date?
OLIVER: A gate way date is when a man is so in tune with his feminine side, he can bring out any girls inner K.D. Lang.
FRAZER (totally shocked): It's not my fault.
General Store
Janae apologises to Pepper for being so rude to her earlier. She explains that there's a lot on her mind at the moment with Kerry being so ill and Lassiter's not looking good, but Pepper understands.
Pep asks if she can asks her a question. What's in a kiss between friends? Janae suddenly explodes talking about Boyd kiss with Glenn. Pepper explains she didn't know about it, but they can talk about it if she likes.
PEPPER: Boyd loves you, I'm sure he didn't mean anything.
JANAE: You don't just kiss someone, unless there aren't strong feelings there though, right?
PEPPER: People kiss for all sorts of reasons.
She continues to explain how she and Rosie were talking about a guy and then they suddenly kissed. Janae tells her to back up - they kissed. Pepper plays it down, that there was nothing meant by it, and has a laugh about it. She points out that it was probably the same with Boyd; the reason for it had gone, before it had even started.
The Flat
As Paul hosts drinks for the ladies that have come over, Ned isn't so comfortable with the idea. Paul tells him to take the opportunity to create a new identity for himself, but Ned would rather stick to who he is.
PAUL: We're you that happy with who you were before
Ned stares blankly, so Paul suggests they go enjoy themselves.
General Store
"Dear Rachel,
When you're around me words I want to say just stop. But I want you to know I think you're real hot. I wish I could tell you how I feel - I guess I am to scared to open up and be real.
Happy Valentine's Day
Tongue-tied (heart)"
Ringo arrives with a new design for the blog, so Rachel quickly hides the card. She reckons the design is fantastic; he admits he spent his savings getting it going again, as it was him who blew it in the first place. She asks what his next article is going to be about. He mentions he's got gossip on Pepper, but Rachel is more interested in something political; as they're not a grubby gossip column. Ringo seems disappointed, but understands her vision for the blog. She gets up to leave, but drops the card. He wonders why she finds him so interesting.
RACHEL: He's romantic and poetic, not something you'd understand.
Rachel leaves and Pepper and Janae come over.
RINGO: If she knew who it really was, then she wouldn't treat me this way.
Pepper and Janae reckons that he should just show her who he really is.
Number 30
Carmella reckons that they only way they are going to be able to create business for themselves is to cut prices to lower than Uncle Ray's. Oliver isn't so sure if it will work, especially with people like Steph being so loyal.
Frazer is busy working with the weights in the lounge. Ringo lets on that it's because Rosie kissed Pepper; which Carmella just finds amusing. Frazer isn't so impressed, but Carmella starts talking how if they end up sharing a room, she can come out of the closet bedroom too. Oliver suggests that they may be getting a little ahead of themselves.
Ramsay Street
As Rosie walks home she sees Steph with her bike. She starts talking about the bike, but as soon as Steph offers her a ride, she makes a move. She's about to head home, but decides to go and spend the night in the office instead; claiming she needs her space.
Ringo watches on from the side of the house, as Rachel opens another valentine card.
"In every waking breath and in deepest sleep, I find myself whispering your name. Meet me at seven at the General Store if your heart is game, (squiggle)"
General Store
Ringo arrives, but Rachel isn't impressed to see him, and lets on that she's meeting someone, so rather he went away.
RINGO: Your romantic poet?
RACHEL: How do you know?
He starts reciting one of the poems to her, and she watches on shocked.
Scarlet Bar
Pepper offers to stay and have dinner with Janae, but she tells her to go back and talk to Rosie. Over at the bar, Frazer offers to help Steph out with some DIY. At first she declines, but then decides to take him up on his offer. Stripping off his shirt in a very manly fashion he picks up the drill. Toadie arrives and makes a comment, and Oliver is about to spill the beans before Carmella drags him away to a table.
Toadie wonders what is going on as Frazer falls off the step ladder. Steph tells him to go and sit down, but Frazer refuses to admit injury. The others watch on and laugh.
General Store
Rachel is freaked out at realising it was Ringo. She thinks that he set her up, but he tries to tell her he was being genuine. She tells him that she only likes people who are honest with her, and to stay out of her way at school and at home.
Number 30
Pepper arrives back just as Rosie is about to leave. Rosie asks that they don't make it a big deal, but Pepper points out that by running away she is making it a big deal. Rosie admits that there was nothing to it, but Pepper thinks that it was just them showing that they cared for one another in a friendship way, and she doesn't want to lose their friendship.
PEPPER: We can so get past this
ROSIE: We're already past it
Still looking rather uncomfortable, Rosie agrees that they have a laugh about it in future. They agree to keep it there little secret. However they aren't aware that their secret is spreading like wildflower over at the bar.
Scarlet Bar
Steph is shocked to hear about the kiss. She tells Oliver about the whole bike incident earlier and they have a laugh, though Carmella isn't impressed. Returning to the table, Carmella realises that Frazer has meanwhile told Toadie, who reckons it makes them all the more interesting.
Pepper and Rosie enter the bar, arm in arm, and head to the bar. The others look on mysteriously.
The Flat
Paul says goodbye to the ladies and encourages Ned to come out; he's got something he wants Ned to do for him. Ned informs him that he won't and he wants Paul to take all the furniture back too. Paul asks for him to listen to the offer, but Ned refuses and sends him home.
PAUL: OK, well I'll be back to retrieve all this stuff, and change the locks, and what will you do then, eh? Where will you go?
Lassiter's Complex
As Paul walks across the complex, Ned, dressed all in black with a robber's balaclava on, comes past and mugs him. The number 30 gang appear from the bar and go to help Paul, but he tells them not to bother chasing the 'guy'.
The Flat
NED: You proud Paul? Look what you turned me in to.
Paul brings Ned a drink as he sits on the table looking at the money. He tells him he is proud, but Ned really doesn't look convinced. Paul reckons they should celebrate a job well done; complete with witnesses. Ned worries about getting caught, but Paul points out that they didn't. Lots of people would be jealous to have a swing at him like that.
<<5157 - 5159>>
Rosie Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5158
Rosie Cammeniti, Pepper Steiger

Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5158
Ringo Brown

Pepper Steiger, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5158
Pepper Steiger, Janae Hoyland

Pepper Steiger, Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5158
Pepper Steiger, Janae Hoyland

Frazer Yeats, Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5158
Frazer Yeats, Ringo Brown

Toadie Rebecchi, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5158
Toadie Rebecchi, Rosie Cammeniti

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5158
Steph Scully

Janae Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 5158
Janae Hoyland

Ringo Brown in Neighbours Episode 5158
Ringo Brown

Rachel Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5158
Rachel Kinski

Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5158
Rosie Cammeniti

Carmella Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes in Neighbours Episode 5158
Carmella Cammeniti, Oliver Barnes

Toadie Rebecchi, Frazer Yeats, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5158
Toadie Rebecchi, Frazer Yeats, Steph Scully

Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5158
Rosie Cammeniti

Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5158
Pepper Steiger

Paul Robinson, Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5158
Paul Robinson, Ned Parker

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