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Neighbours Episode 5085 from 2006 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5084 - 5086>>
Episode title: 5085: To Katya Thief
Australian airdate: 27/10/06
UK airdate:
Writer: Piet Collins
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Katya Kinski - Dichen Lachman
Loris Timmins - Kate Fitzpatrick
Mishka Schneiderova - Deborah Kennedy
Mary Sheen - Maree Mulcahy
- "Shower" by Sandrine
- "Lamplighterfirefighter" by Panika
Summary/Images by: Shona/Izzy-da-vixen
Lou gets a bullet in the mail from Mishka's husband.
Elle still loves Dylan but hopes their past won't get in the way of the vote at Lassiter's tomorrow.
Loris kisses Ned.
Guy blackmails Katya.
Number 28
Katya calls Guy and says she'll get him the money but she needs Mary's number first. She hangs up just in time as Susan bursts through the door with some wonderful news - Billy and Anne are going to have a baby! Susan is well thrilled but, she tells Katya:
SUSAN: You're so not...
Katya smiles and agrees that it's great news. Susan asks why she's down but Katya assures her it's nothing she can't fix. Susan wonders if Ned's the cause of the problems but Katya says it's only good news on that front. Susan decides to crack open the bubbly.
General Store
Lou is hiding cleaning in the kitchen. Mishka assures him it's perfectly safe out in the store; Igor is just being silly as he knows no one in Australia. Lou reminds her that he must know the person who brought the letter to him. Mishka says that Igor is in no way powerful enough to do something in Australia; maybe in Russia but not 'Aussie'. Lou reminds her of the Russian Embassy fakes a few months back. He starts to say they aren't suited to each other - maybe these type of things happen everyday in her world but they don't in Lou's.
MISHKA: You don't want to share my world?
Lou tells her it won't work. He tells her to take the note, bullet and the sausage she brought for him and go.
Scarlet Bar
Lyn appears and tells Elle she thinks she should take a break from preparing for the meeting tomorrow. She knows she's doing it for Cam and, if he were here, he'd be saying the same thing. Elle wants the development to happen how Cam wanted it - so he'll be remembered. Dylan will be siding with Loris so the deciding vote will be down to Mr Two-Percent. She's been trying to win him over but she has no idea how he'll vote.
Number 26
Loris is talking about the same thing and she hasn't a scooby how he's going to vote either.
Ned bursts in without even knocking (does he like live there now or something?) He wants a 'chat' with Loris. GlamJanelle™ and Dylan make themselves scarce as Ned tells Loris he'll understand if she votes against his Lassiter's training studio proposal after what happened. Loris thinks it makes business sense and will vote for it. When Ned tries to bring up 'what-happened-today' she tells him to quit while he's ahead. They'll never mention it again.
Once he's gone Janelle admits she wanted more fireworks from their confrontation. Loris would rather talk about what Dylan's wearing tomorrow. Elle told him to be casual but Loris says she's playing him like fiddle - he has to dress smart. Janelle thinks he should dress sexy to make Elle jealous and Loris agrees it's a good idea.
Scarlet Bar
Lyn offers to take the meeting if Elle feels too intimidated by Dylan but Elle won't let her feelings get in the way.
Number 26
Dylan thinks that Cam's ideas are pretty good but Loris disagrees. This isn't down to a grudge against Paul - it's more good business sense. Cam's ideas are very expensive and the hotel is fine the way it is. She tells him to dress smartly and do what she says.
General Store
Harold is chuffed to hear Billy and Anne's good news and expects that Susan will be going to visit ASAP. Susan jumps up, saying he's a genius. She runs out while Harold chuckles at her reaction.
In the back Lou ducks down at the sound of the door closing (it does rather sound like a gunshot).
Ned appears, wanting a word with Harold. He tells him that Loris is down and it would be a shame to ruin a good friendship. His kiss with her was down to wires being crossed - he was the rebound guy! Harold would rather he didn't explain but Ned does anyway. He was just the ego boost after Loris' marriage fell apart and now they're just good friends. Loris needs someone who's more her match - so, if Ned was Harry, he wouldn't give up on her.
In the car park Katya walks along, dressed quite glamorously with big sunnies on. She stops at a nice Audi, looks and smiles at it, then checks her surroundings before getting a case out of her bag and unzipping it. A moment later and Katya has broken into it. She manages to silence the car alarm and start the engine, smiling to herself, before driving away.
Scarlet Bar
This is where they're having the shareholders meeting, sitting around the smallest table ever. Elle and Lyn arrive and the first matter is Ned's fitness training. Loris and Dylan vote yes and Elle surprises Loris by being in favour too (she informs Loris that she can separate the personal side of things from business matters unlike some people).
#2 - Cam's redevelopment plans. Elle doesn't look chuffed when she picks up an email from Mr Two Percent. The motion has been rejected and Loris wants Lyn to take a note that it was 51% against to 49% for. Dylan interjects - he hasn't cast his vote yet.
Behind Some Buildings
Katya stops the car. A woman - Mary - is waiting for her; she calls her Cathy, and congratulates her on her nice work. As Mary hands over a thick envelope she tells her she looks much better than the last time she saw her. Mary drives the car away and Katya pulls out a huge wedge of cash from the envelope, looking pleased with herself.
Scarlet Bar
Loris is raging at Dylan and Dylan isn't that chuffed either, saying the 9% share she gave him was not a gift but her way of buying a piece of him. Loris says it was a grandmother's gift. Dylan is adamant that these proposals are a great idea. Loris thinks Elle has got to him.
LORIS: I'm sorry to tell you this but you're just like your father - weak to the core!
She has a good mind to take her share back but Dylan says he's not selling. They return to the table where Dylan still hasn't given a firm yes. Loris wants the meeting to be closed but doesn't have the jurisdiction. Dylan doesn't see sense in reworking the exterior but the new rooms and multimedia conference centre are great. Elle makes the compromise and thus the proposal is passed - 58% to 42%.
Number 26
Janelle thinks Dylan does have business sense and he knows Lassiter's so well. Loris thinks the renovations will bring them to the brink.
Harold comes in but I'm so outraged by the ad for 'Tripping Over' running along the bottom of the screen that I miss it completely (if the ads during the end credits weren't enough... *grumble grumble*)
Anyhoo, Harold's brought some Tazzle over to share with Loris, who's so sorry for what she did.
Mishka races in and presents the bullet to Janelle, saying it's her work. Janelle says she deserved it - sending those flowers was a nasty trick! Mishka starts to say how mad Lou'll be when he finds out but Janelle knows he'll never believe it. She can be very persuasive when it comes to Lou. Mishka asks if she doesn't have better things to do with her time than play silly games (obviously unaware that that's practically all the Neighbours do these days - they find the time, trust me). She should be 'shamed' about Stingray and his drunken escapades. Janelle thinks it's all lies. Harold and Loris' reactions make it clear to Janelle that there is actually more than a grain of truth to this. Loris says Scott does have a problem with booze but she went to help him and he's been to AA. Harold adds, regretfully, that Scotty's still in the grip of his problem.
Number 30
Katya appears, saying she missed Ned, before deciding to slam him up against the hallway wall and kiss him senseless.
General Store
Lyn has been instructed by Paul to take Elle out and celebrate. She sees that Elle's been crying but Elle assures her that they're happy tears. Lyn thinks Cam would've been so proud of her - the hotel will be his legacy. Elle just wishes she had focused on that from the start instead of being so angry (and making Max think he was mad and splitting up his family and yada yada yada).
LYN: You handled your grief in the best way possible. I know what you did for Steph - you can stop being so humble.
Elle tries to argue otherwise but Lyn knows where all the food deliveries came from. It's so wonderful that Elle has so much compassion for the Hoylands.
Susan appears, still very smiley and pleased looking, and announces her good news. Lyn goes off with her to chat.
Elle spots Dylan and thanks him for today. Dylan says Cam was a good bloke and deserved this tribute. Elle wants to borrow him later - she has to do a taste test for Lassiter's and he has a great palate. Dylan would never knock back free food.
Their attention is drawn to Ozzie, who's shaking a sachet of sugar in each hand either side of his face - how cute.
Number 26
Janelle has a touch of the HoylandAngst™. Loris is explaining that Stingray didn't want to worry his mum. Janelle had no idea it was so bad he would steal from his sister; Mishka was right - she is a bad mother. She had to chuck Scotty out but look what happened. Loris understands why she had to do it. Janelle tries to call Scott, upset that she blew him off yesterday - too caught up in her own concerns. Harold's sorry he didn't tell Janelle sooner.
Stingray isn't answering his mobile. Loris feels foolish for thinking one AA meeting would solve everything and Harold says Stingray never even went to the meeting.
Janelle calls the hotel to find Scott didn't use his room last night - no one knows where he is.
General Store
Cue another gunshot sound as Harold opens the kitchen door. Lou is about to keel over with all the frights he's getting.
HAROLD: The Russians aren't coming - you can relax.
Lou thinks that's easy for him to say. Harold informs him that he's been an unwitting pawn - the flowers came from Mishka and the letter from Janelle. Harold thinks all the conniving is terrible and can't believe that Lou actually seems to be enjoying it!
LOU: Two hotblooded ladies willing to do anything to win my affection...what's not to enjoy?
Lou finds Mishka at a table and tells her he has a plan. Since both she and Janelle are going to extraordinary lengths to win his affection it's only fair he gets one date with both of them - after which he will choose. Mishka thinks it's too easy - she has the perfect date in mind.
Number 28
Lyn and Susan come in, talking about Susan going to visit Billy and Anne. Susan tells Lyn that Karl hasn't much time off after visiting Libby, while she has a year's leave sitting there. Lyn wonders whether she's worried that Karl will transform the house into a recording studio when she's gone but Susan's more worried about Audrey not getting on with Karl again. She can be very destructive!
Actually, it's really the kids that Susan's worried about. Lyn reminds her that if things go pearshaped she could be back in a day. She knows how good a dad Karl can be - maybe she has to give him and the kids a chance.
SUSAN: Sure - I can always come back...for whatever reason.
LYN: Susan, can't you go a week or so -
Susan thought she could but when he went to see Libby it was a nightmare - she couldn't sleep! She and Lynnie have a giggle.
Elle and Dylan are trying some fancy cakes. Elle starts to mess up Dylan's hair, calling him Mr 'Floppy Hair' and wondering why the nickname didn't stick. Dylan thinks it's because there's nothing floppy about his hair.
After agreeing on some cakes Dylan muses they made a pretty good team. He thinks they should look at some of the upgrade proposals, assuring her that he has nowhere else to go. Can't they just hang out?
Elle wonders what that constitutes. Dylan says he's happy around her and Elle's happy she can help. She kisses him.
Number 26
Lou is pitching his date plan to Janelle. She looks like she's going to cry and Lou thinks it's down to the date, saying she can switch nights with Mishka, but she tells him about Scotty being an alcoholic. Lou reassures her, saying he'll come home. Janelle thinks she's lost him for good as she wasn't there for him when he needed her. Lou hugs her.
Susan and Katya have just done a big shopping - Susan wants the kids to be prepared when she's gone. She tells her that if any of the kids need her while she's away they should phone and she'll come back right away. Katya assures her they'll be fine. Susan leaves and Ned appears.
Katya presents him with a very expensive looking watch. Ned thinks it's stunning.
NED: I never thought David Beckham and I'd have anything in common.
He wonders how she could afford it and she reveals she put on a lucky bet. She thought she'd spoil him.
Katya wonders if he ever wants life to be more fun. She's sick of being 'most people' - she works and just gets by, but shouldn't life be more than that? Ned wonders if she's found religion. She says she's just going to make the most of every day.
He goes off and Katya turns round to see a Porsche parked in front of Lassiter's. She smiles again and you just know what that means.
<<5084 - 5086>>
Katya Kinski, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5085
Katya Kinski, Susan Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Mishka Schneiderova in Neighbours Episode 5085
Lou Carpenter, Mishka Schneiderova

Lyn Scully, Oscar Scully, Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5085
Lyn Scully, Oscar Scully, Elle Robinson

Ned Parker in Neighbours Episode 5085
Ned Parker

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5085
Katya Kinski

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5085
Katya Kinski

Mary Sheen in Neighbours Episode 5085
Mary Sheen

Loris Timmins, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5085
Loris Timmins, Dylan Timmins

Harold Bishop, Loris Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5085
Harold Bishop, Loris Timmins

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 5085
Lyn Scully

Elle Robinson in Neighbours Episode 5085
Elle Robinson

Elle Robinson, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5085
Elle Robinson, Dylan Timmins

Elle Robinson, Dylan Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5085
Elle Robinson, Dylan Timmins

Janelle Timmins in Neighbours Episode 5085
Janelle Timmins

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 5085
Lou Carpenter

Katya Kinski, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5085
Katya Kinski, Susan Kennedy

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5085
Katya Kinski

Katya Kinski in Neighbours Episode 5085
Katya Kinski

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