- Gabby resigning from the General Store.
- Janae telling Janelle that she just let her Dad walk all over her.
- David asking Liljana to believe he is innocent.
No. 24
Harold is telling David he believes he is innocent but Lil doesn't say she does too, even after prompting by Serena. Instead she tells him he's constantly lied to her since they arrived in Erinsborough and doesn't like how he achieves his goals. David protests his innocence saying he may have done bad things but he isn't a criminal and questions what she has said by asking if he stole this money out of some sort of impulse. Lil says she doesn't know.
Ramsay Street/No. 24
Lil and Harold are coming down the stairs from Number 24 with Harold questioning her if she believes David is guilty of fraud. She tells him that she doesn't know what to believe.
David is telling Serena that he may have made bad or stupid decisions but not criminal ones and his reputation is everything to him and he wouldn't want to put it at risk and that he respects the law and abides the rules.
Lil tells Harold that David makes his own rules, especially if he isn't getting his own way, and Harold replies that he'd never resort to theft. Lil thinks it might then have been creative accounting and asks him if David would be tempted.
David tells Serena he has never been tempted and he's been handling other people's money for years and why would he start now. Serena tells him that she believes him, and when David says that Lil has him tried and convicted already, she says that Lil is only angry because he borrowed money from Paul and if that hadn't been mentioned then things would have been fine.
Harold still thinks it is a mistake and that they all should give him the benefit of the doubt as he is facing a crisis and that David needs to know they are on his side.
Scarlet Bar
Paul is on the phone to John distancing himself from David's actions saying that he acted alone. DetectiveIzzy has been listening, and Paul asks if she missed anything - Izzy says she was just trying to confirm the gossip before asking how much it cost him to set David up. Paul tries to play it cool by saying David is the guilty one, and why would he risk his credibility and lose money. Izzy subtly suggest that it may be to win Lil but will Lil be happy if she discovers how he got her?
IZZY: She won't hear anything from me. You keep keeping my secrets and I'll keep keeping yours.
Conveniently Paul's phone starts ringing and Janelle wonders where her order is.
Susan comes in to join Janelle and Lyn, and they want to know if she knows any more news gossip about David. Lyn hopes it isn't true, citing that David does seem to live beyond his means. Susan says she does too, and does that make her suspicious too? She adds that David is a good bloke and a friend. Janelle starts ranting about David bagging her kids' behaviour when he's got the hands in the till. Susan offers the good old 'innocent until proven guilty', which Janelle counters with the 'where there's smoke there's fire'. Lyn changes the subject by asking Susan how her day went - "same old, same old" - so Janelle brings up Susan handing out the detentions, so she tells Janelle that Bree is doing really well at school. This surprises Janelle, especially when Susan points out that she missed 9 months of school! Janelle cheers up when Susan tells her that Bree is way out in front of some of her classes.
JANELLE: As long as she's got a book in her hand, she's as happy as a pig in preverbals!
No. 26
We cut quickly to see Bree not reading a book but putting make up on instead. She reads a passage from a book about a character having inner beauty and intelligence, before wiping the make up (mask) off.
No. 24
Lil has obviously agreed with Harold now and apologises to David for not doubting him earlier, asking if Toadie can help them. David says that Toadie told them to hold tight until the police have finished their enquiries (considering how Toadie hasn't won a case yet I don't think I'd want him as my lawyer ). The phone rings and interrupts their conversation and David tells Serena that if it is the press then just say 'no comment'. Lil picks up on why he said that - David being on the council. Harold adds his tuppenceworth in by saying it will be a bigger scandal. David tells them that he couldn't care less what the public think because his family believe him. Serena comes back and says that it was Jonesie, and he wanted to know if David made a killing on buying the TOG Industry shares that they were talking about last week. David goes to protest his innocence again, but it looks like everyone doesn't believe him now.
Lil is now giving David the third degree following the phonecall. David asks what he is supposed to have done with the money then? She says he got caught and reminds him he stole from a charity and you can't get much worse.
DAVID: I'll tell you what's worse. I've spent seventeen years of my life with you, and you're standing there claiming not to know me. When have I ever done anything illegal?
LILJANA: If you didn't take it, then tell me; tell me who else could have?
The General Store
Lou is trying to complete his crossword and asks Bree to help him spell a word (hyperbole), so he tells her that she should enter a spelling competition. Bree asks why and Lou says to have fun, and that there is a neat prize to be won - $200 of books of the winner's choice. Bree suddenly cheers up and goes to look at the competition details. Harold comes in telling Lou he's better off here and whilst Lou goes to make them a cuppa, Harold answers the phone and suddenly cheers up.
Scarlet Bar
Lil is telling Susan that she wants to believe David but there has been so many lies. Susan says she had that too when Karl was going through his drinking problems, and tells her that despite the evidence David may be innocent as DetectiveIzzy brings over their drinks. Lil admits that part of her wants him to be guilty so she can not love him any more. Paul enters and Izzy tells him that Lil needs him to put on his 'knight in shining armour uniform' to comfort her, and that it is "romantic in a twisted kind of way". He asks her what she knows about romance as her relationships are based on secrets and lies. Shocked Izzy tells him that they are both even then before leaving Paul to look at Lil.
No. 24
David is sitting in the dark when Serena comes home. She asks him if he did it and he shakes his head.
No. 26
Lyn is trying to pronounce one of the works Bree has to spell (onomatopoeia), which Janelle thinks means it is the Italian for "go piddle on a rug". Bree correctly spells it and Lyn tells her she is good and Bree asks her to give her more to spell, so Janelle wonders why her kids have suddenly found education! Lyn tells Bree she will win the competition, so Janelle tells her not to go filling her head, but Lyn says that encouragement goes a long way. Janelle now tries gets her to spell words backwards when Bree says the one she gave her was too easy.
Following a nice night scene of Melbourne we head to...NotKerry's flat
Gabby apologies to Harold for how small her place is and thanks him for coming over. Harold says she can come to the store for a chat, but she tells him she can't, as she had to sell the car to pay her rent. When Harold goes to say why didn't she ask him for money, she tells him that she doesn't want to take advantage of him but she didn't know who else to turn to. Harold gives her a hug and tells her to tell him what has happened.
Scarlet Bar
Lil is telling Susan she has been fighting these feelings for a while now and isn't something that has happened lately. At the bar, Izzy tells WatchingPaul that he could phone Susan's mobile and say her house is on fire as a way of getting rid of her, but Paul tells Izzy to keep quiet instead. Izzy brings Susan over her food and she invites Lil back to have her food but Lil knocks her back. Izzy now tells WatchingPaul to go to Lil. Paul heads over and offers her an apology as a way of breaking the ice and tells her that she has been put in a difficult position, but to make things easier he is going to recommend that The Trust doesn't lay charges against David. This shocks and surprises Lil and she thanks him saying it is extremely generous.
PAUL: Yeah, well I'm not doing it to score points. I just happen to think that you deserve better than this.
NotKerry's place
Gabby tells Harold that he is her only friend but if she had a job that would be better, and when Harold goes to say something she tells him that she quit TGS. Harold asks if she's been to an agency, but NotKerry says she has and tells him that she can't claim the dole either since she quit. Harold asks when she last ate - she says a sandwich at breakfast, so he tells her they are going out for dinner then he's going to discuss giving her a loan. When she protests, he reiterates that it is just a loan and they head out for food.
No. 24
Lil has obviously given David the news about Paul not bringing charges against him and he is naturally ecstatic and wonders how she did it before adding he knew that Paul would come through for him. Serena asks if the charges are dropped what happens now? David thinks that the Police will have to stop their investigation, but Lil tells them not to count their chickens just yet and adds that if they do continue then she will support in him court but beyond that she isn't making any promises. To a shocked Serena and David, she tells them that she is leaving him. Lil asks Serena to pack a bag, as she will be coming with her. David tries to stop her saying she is his life, and asks her to say he loves her. She says she used to love him but he has destroyed it with his lies and greed and as he breaks down she yells at Serena to go pack a bag, but Serena says she isn't leaving. Serena is in tears too and pleads with Lil to stay with them as a family, but Lil can't and leaves Serena and David comforting each other.
NotKerry's place
Gabby tells Harold that she thinks she knows why he is being so kind to her - it's because she reminds him of his daughter. Harold says that isn't the case, he's helping her because he can see the good qualities in her that he likes and she returns the compliment. Finally he admits that there is a strong resemblance between Kerry and NotKerry Gabby and adds that the more he gets to know her, the less he sees of Kerry in her. He tells her that he's missed talking to her these past few days and at her prompting he tells her about David and how he has failed as a parent. NotKerry says he isn't responsible for David's mistakes and tells him he is a kind man before kissing him, and it isn't a quick peck on the cheek either but a full blown one-sided pash! Gabby probably realising that Harold isn't kissing her back, stops and apologises saying she shouldn't have done that. Harold says he should go and does despite Gabby wanting to explain.