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Neighbours Episode 4420 from 2004 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4419 - 4421>>
Episode title: 4420
Australian airdate: 20/02/04
UK airdate: 31/03/04
Writer: Ben Marshall
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Maureen Callaghan: Bernadette Schwerdt
- "Trigger" by Sandrine
Summary/Images by: Carly/David
Lyn and Izzy's confrontation in the street.
Susan saying to Karl that she wasn't aware they were divorcing.
Susan throws the negligee she bought into the bin. Karl suggests they go to a movie, but Susan sarcastically says she wouldn't want to give people the wrong idea by being seen together. Karl says he can't handle it and is going out.
Ramsay Street
Izzy walks up to Karl's car and says she knows she shouldn't speak to him but wants to know if he's okay. He tells her he's going to their not-so-local waterhole and asks if she wants to join him, "things couldn't get any worse for the both of us." Izzy agrees and says she'll meet him there. Susan can see them through the window.
Karl tells Izzy he's only staying for Susan's sake and can't see reconciliation from his side. He thinks he should just move out into a flat. He wonders how long till the kids find out, and what they'll think of him. Susan has followed them there and can see them chatting. Izzy spots her and tells Karl that she's just going to powder her nose.
Izzy goes up to Susan and says it's silly for her to hang around. She says that all her and Karl are doing is talking, her being there won't help and she should go home. Susan looks upset and leaves.
Karl comes home and apologises for walking out before. He says that Susan is the most important thing in his life. He says that he's been stupid and he just wants to start again. Susan is very happy.
Until we see that she was daydreaming and she is alone on the couch.
Coffee Shop
Harold is going off his nut at a confused Toadie until Karl intervenes. Karl finds out that Harold was getting angry over a comment about sauce. Harold says that people can act like "bloody idiots" and is he just supposed to lie back and say, "walk all over me please, thank you! Missed a bit!" Karl says he wants to see Harold in the surgery, now.
Karl wants to administer a personality test. Harold asks him if all his "women troubles" have affected his judgment - which only proves Karl's concerns. "Is that the sort of question you would have asked me in a million years before the stroke?" Karl thinks that the stroke has affected Harold's brain. Harold looks worried, "so you're saying my brain is damaged?"
Karl says Harold's socio-emotional functioning has changed. To prove his reasoning he tells Harold that the coffee he had that morning was bitter, which starts Harold off on a rant until Karl says he made it up. "The coffee was fine Harold, your response wasn't." Karl lists all the bad points Harold has shown since the stroke, and says it may have effected his frontal lobes which control personality and behaviour.
Karl goes out to get a specialist's number and sees Lyn waiting. She's only there to get their medical records; they're going to another doctor from now on. Karl isn't too impressed with Lyn's judgment of him.
Susan is telling the counselor about running into Izzy at the bar. The counselor asks what Susan hopes to get out of the session. She says that she wants strategies, "I want to know what to say to him that will save the marriage." Maureen, the counselor, says the strategies Susan needs are ones to help her cope with a separation from Karl. Susan wants to fight for her marriage but Maureen wonders whom she's actually fighting.
Toadie's Office
Karl brings a coffee in for Toadie and asks him if he could help him with some banking advice. Toadie gets uncomfortable and asks if that means he's taking sides, because it's not something he's prepared to do. Toadie says he's staying neutral. Karl says he would never make Toadie choose sides and dejectedly leaves the office.
Coffee Shop
Harold compliments Lyn when he sees her and then asks if that was alright. He tells her that Karl's "got his knickers in a twist" about Harold's behaviour. Lyn agrees there's nothing wrong with Harold admiring people, but begins to look uneasy when Harold starts on about "delicious curves, delicate little limbs" and "the ample flesh all in the right places." Lyn freaks out and bails when Harold starts complimenting her on her womanly physique.
Toadie apologises to Karl about before, he thought Karl wanted him to represent him. Karl says it's alright, and even if Susan wants legal help he wants Toadie to oblige. Toadie finds it awkward because they're like parents to him, and he's on both of their sides. Karl thanks him and says he knows how much it must bother Toadie to see them like this. "Yeah, I'm not thrilled."
Joe barges in to Karl's office and says he's there for his appointment. He's under the pseudonym of Mrs. Smith because he wasn't sure if Karl wanted to see a Scully right now. Karl says Lyn was in earlier and Joe correctly guesses she was a bit feisty. He also says that he wants to say something to Karl.
Lyn brings Susan something to eat, and Susan apologises for getting angry with her for confronting Izzy. Susan says she wishes she knew what Karl was thinking, and Lyn says they all know whom the expert on that is. Susan hopes they aren't affecting Lyn and Joe, but Lyn says they're fine and that Joe actually thinks a lot of Karl.
"You're a moron Karl," says Joe. Karl really doesn't want to hear it, but Joe continues. "I look at you Karl and you're a clever bloke, but you're acting like a retard." Joe says Karl shouldn't throw away the best years of his life, then lets Karl have his say. Karl tells Joe he does love Susan, he'd throw himself in front of a bus for her if he had to - He's just not in love with her anymore.
Susan wants to know the truth from Izzy about what Karl is feeling. Izzy's hesitant at first, but on Susan's insistence she says that Karl and Susan's marriage is over, and that Karl wants to be free from everything and everyone. Izzy says she's sorry but Susan angrily says she doesn't need her pity.
Karl arrives home to see his suitcases on the front step. He walks inside to find Susan sitting nonchalantly on the couch.
KARL: "What's happened? What's with the bags?"
SUSAN: "They're yours, I want you to leave."
KARL: "Why did this happen all of a sudden?"
SUSAN: "I just decided. I'm not going to sit around while you go to bars with your little drinking buddy. And I'm not going to run around and make your lunches and iron your shirts either."
KARL: "I never asked you to do that."
SUSAN: "No, but you were happy to let me."
KARL: "Only because I thought you needed to."
SUSAN: "Well that's very considerate of you Karl, but let me tell you, I'm not going to wait and hope for anything better from you, you've mucked me around long enough."
KARL: "I have tried, god knows I have tried to make this easier for you."
SUSAN: "To make what easier? You don't even know what you want! You apparently know what you don't want, me. Ugh, just take your stuff and close the door on the way out."
Susan looks on in two minds as Karl walks out the door.
Ramsay Street
Harold, Joe and Lyn watch as Karl packs the boot of his car. Izzy brings some misdirected mail to Toadie and they watch also. Karl and Izzy share a look that says, 'Well, it's finally happened'. Susan watches Karl drive away from out of the lounge window and lets the curtain fall back down as she lets out a sob.
<<4419 - 4421>>
Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 4420

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

Izzy Hoyland, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Izzy Hoyland, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4420
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop

Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4420
Karl Kennedy, Harold Bishop

Lyn Scully, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Lyn Scully, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Maureen Callaghan in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy, Maureen Callaghan

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4420
Toadie Rebecchi

Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4420
Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully

Karl Kennedy, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 4420
Karl Kennedy, Joe Scully

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4420
Izzy Hoyland

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Harvey, Harold Bishop, Joe Scully, Lyn Scully, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Harvey, Harold Bishop, Joe Scully, Lyn Scully, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Izzy Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4420
Toadie Rebecchi, Izzy Hoyland

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4420
Susan Kennedy

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