Episode title: 4397 Australian airdate: 20/01/04
UK airdate: 27/02/04
Writer: Stuart Gaunt
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Trixie Tucker: Wendy Stapleton Chris Cousens: Simon Mallory Carmella Cammeniti: Natalie Blair Nurse Evanovich: Clare Renton-Power
Music: Summary/Images by: Mona/Mona
Recap Serena runs off from the hotel room. Trixie catches Connor and Carmella. Harold wakes up. Serena, Lil, Sky and Boyd arrive at Harold's place. David has stayed overnight at the hospital. Boyd tries to comfort Sky by telling her that "Harold's a tough old guy". After he leaves, Serena says it must be nice to have someone when things go bed. Sky then asks about Chris. Serena tells her it was shocking. She tells Sky, she never wants to see Chris again. Harold is asking for something, but David is finding it difficult to understand what Harold wants. First he offers him a pillow. Harold then says he wants a drink and David starts to pour him a glass of water, but he doesn't want that. David then offers to get a cup of chamomile tea, which from Harold's reaction, is what he'd originally wanted. David tells him that the symptoms are temporary and that Harold will be back to normal in no time. Trixie asks whether Connor had managed to get Carmella home safe and sound. "She's a pretty little thing," She tells him. "Although it's usually the pretty ones that cause the most trouble, right?" Connor doesn't get the chance to reply though, because Lou walks in. Trixie tells Lou to rest and they'll call every day to check up on Harold, but Lou tells her they can't go on their honeymoon. Trixie is not happy. Lil puts down a plate piled with toast in front of Sky and Serena and they both comment on it. The door then knocks and Serena goes off to answer it. There's no one there but a dozen roses. She carries them in and Lil thinks that they're for Harold, but Serena and Sky seem to know better. Serena then gets a text from Chris. "Did you get the flowers? Sorry about last night. Friends?" Carmella sneaks up behind Connor and he calls her a mafia princess, then they start kissing. She's there for the whole day. Carmella asks whether Lou and "the off off off understudy" will be in. Connor tells her to write Trixie off, because Trixie doesn't particularly like her. Carmella tells him she's a mafia princess "I have hags like her for breakfast." Lou tries to quietly enter Harold's room, but the door closes with a thud and Harold stirs. He asks Harold how he feels and Harold tells him he's been better. Lou then reminisces about the last time they were in hospital together. He says they never got around to finishing the car race they had. Harold then apologises about the wedding. Lou tells him it's not important. "Ours is a friendship that comes along once in a lifetime...if you're lucky. And to see you through this mate, whatever it takes." David is telling the ladies the latest on Harold, and that now he's conscious, the prospects for him are much better. Serena then asks to go to "Alexander Carson's" house. She asks if she can stay there for a while, to get her mind off things and Lil agrees as long as she's back by dinner time. Sky on the other hand goes off to do the washing, leaving the adults alone. After they've left, David confesses his concerns about Harold to her. "It's like he's a prisoner inside his body." Lou, Lil and David are walking down the corridor. David and Lil have just spoken to the neurologist, who has told them that Harold will need a lot of care once he's back at home. David and Lil start thinking up ways to alter their work commitments so they'll have more time to help Harold. Lou then chips in saying he'll get Max to take over the pub, meaning he'll have his days free, but David and Lil, unintentionally (so it seems) exclude him by making the Harold situation a "family" thing. Serena is at Chris' place, apologising about the previous night. Chris tells her he should be apologising. He tells her they can keep things professional between them, Serena doesn't want things to remain professional. She asks him how she can make it up to him. He tells her he needs a model for some bikini shots, but he says he'll get someone older who feels more comfortable with it all. Serena is looking through the bikini's that Chris has, but she doesn't seem keen on any of them. Chris walks in and tells her that the pictures may get published in an American magazine, which Serena seems stoked about. Boyd walks in telling Harold about the vegetarian options on the menu. When Harold doesn't seem that crazy about the food options, Boyd leaves to find drinks for himself and Sky. After he's left, Sky tells Harold to not let the staff boss him around. He says he won't. SKY: Because you need to get better really, really soon and I mean that.HAROLD: You want someone to play up (something that I couldn't understand.)SKY: You know when they called and told me that you were in hospital, I didn't know what to think. You really scared me grandpa. I thought I'd lost you.HAROLD: It's alright.SKY: I really love you and it would be unfair for you to leave me now. Serena walks in dressed in a dressing gown and Chris tells her not to worry, a lot of people are nervous for their first time. She tells him it's weird to think so many people will see her like that. He asks her whether she's concerned when she's on the beach and there's no difference between what she's wearing now and what she wears at a beach. He then prints out a copy of the pictures and gives them to her. Trixie tries to whisk Lou away from the hospital, but Lou insists on staying. Once he's gone, Trixie comments to Connor, or no one in particular, that if she'd wanted a husband who was never around, she should've just stayed with Nina's father. Connor then gives her a few home truths about how self centred she is, which Trixie is not happy about. He tells her someone had to tell her and Trixie storms out saying she'll make him wish it wasn't him who had told her. Serena arrives back home from "Alex's" place. Sky tries to remind her of their conversation from the previous night, but Serena won't hear of it. As far as she's concerned, Chris totally understands what happened. She then shows Sky the pictures and tells her they may get published in the American magazine. Sky, again tries to talk her out of doing this modelling thing, but Serena tells her she's jealous and walks off leaving the pictures with Sky. Connor is telling Carmella about his wee chat with Trixie and Carmella tells him he did good by setting the witch straight. He doesn't think it's so great, because Trixie is after all the only person who knows about them. Carmella doesn't think she'd tell Rocco, "would she?" Sky is telling Boyd about her latest discussion/argument with Serena and Boyd thinks that maybe Serena will figure Chris out for herself. Sky doesn't think so, but decides it's time she fixed things herself. Harold is repeatedly pressing the buzzer, just as nurse (Ivanovich, I think) comes in. He tells her he's "cold, very cold." The nurse says she'll go and get another blanket for him. Harold tells her there's one right there, he looks in the direction of the other patient in the bed beside him. The nurse tells him that's Mr Harris' blanket and she goes off to find another one. Harold, meanwhile is not in the mood to wait and forces himself to sit up on the side of the bed and snatches the blanket off Mr Harris and lies down, looking pretty satisfied with himself. |
Boyd Hoyland, Serena Bishop, Sky Mangel Serena Bishop, Sky Mangel Serena Bishop David Bishop, Harold Bishop David Bishop, Harold Bishop David Bishop Harold Bishop Trixie Tucker, Connor O'Neill Trixie Tucker, Connor O'Neill, Lou Carpenter Liljana Bishop, Serena Bishop, Sky Mangel Carmella Cammeniti, Connor O'Neill Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter Harold Bishop Harold Bishop Liljana Bishop Liljana Bishop, David Bishop Liljana Bishop, David Bishop David Bishop, Liljana Bishop, Lou Carpenter Lou Carpenter Serena Bishop, Chris Cousens Chris Cousens Chris Cousens Boyd Hoyland Sky Mangel, Harold Bishop Harold Bishop Sky Mangel Sky Mangel Chris Cousens, Serena Bishop Serena Bishop, Chris Cousens Serena Bishop, Chris Cousens Serena Bishop Connor O'Neill Serena Bishop Serena Bishop Serena Bishop Sky Mangel Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter Harold Bishop