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Neighbours Episode 4387 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4386 - 4388>>
Episode title: 4387
Australian airdate: 9/12/03
UK airdate: 13/02/04
Writer: Ben Marshall
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Trixie Tucker: Wendy Stapleton
Erin Perry: Talia Zucker
Carmella Cammeniti: Natalie Blair
Chris Cousens: Simon Mallory
- "Taking Back Whats Mine" by Leah Haywood
Summary/Images by: RAEMAE/Mona
- Liljana telling Sky and Serena she got a job working at the surgery but needs their help
- Chris telling Serena she could be a model
- Trixie asking Lou to invest in a new show
Coffee Shop
Lou looks shocked that they are asking $500,000 to invest in the show. Trixie tells him it will make him executive producer and it's a guaranteed hit. Lou asks if the role will still be hers if he doesn't invest? Trixie says yes and she's sure someone will invest in it. Lou asks Trixie for more info like a prospectus in the show. Trixie says she'll get him one.
Sky and Serena are looking through Teen girl magazine commenting about dresses. Liljana comes out asking the girls if she looks like a reception. She girls tells her she'll be fine and ask her if she has all the computer manuals with her. Sky tells her she can call them if she needs to. Serena asks Lil if she can buy a dress for the formal. Liljana runs off into the bedroom telling Serena that the dress they saw in the window and liked, she bought it for her. Serena looks worried telling Sky that Lil liked it not her. Liljana comes back with the dress. Sky really likes it but Serena isn't as enthusiastic. Liljana goes off to work. Sky tells Serena that the dress is nice and her mum chose well. Serena says yeah, if she wants to commit social suicide.
Lou tells Connor to teach Carmella hold to fold the napkins. Carmella tells Connor she tried to tell her dad to back off but it didn't work. Connor says he's sure he cares. He tells Connor his dad gives him complete freedom and it seems like he's not really interested. Carmella says she'd trade any day. Connor goes back to teaching her to fold napkins.
Community Hall
Susan is supervising the kids decorating the hall. Karl comes in and gives her a coffee.
KARL: How about lunch?
SUSAN: Yeah, lunch would be great, and then maybe in return I could take you out tonight?
KARL: I thought you were chaperoning here at the ball...no...don't do it to me.
SUSAN: Oh go on, you look that nice in a suit.
KARL: Last year some kid threw a water bomb at me and I'm not sure it had water in it...!
SUSAN: He was from a disturbed home.
Karl finally gives in.
Sky and Serena walk in and see the decorations. Sky tells Erin it not what the committee approved. Erin tells her after she left they had another vote. Serena says the decorations look good. Sky says they look tragic.Serena asks Sky what she's going to wear.
SKY: Oh you know. Bin bags or hession, some bit of social suicide I call fashion.
Sky tells Serena they need to make the hall look cool. Serena tells Sky she only came in to show her face and she's now going to see Chris for another photo session as she needs money to buy a dress.
Sky tells her she has a nice dress. Serena tells Sky if she likes it so much she should wear it.
Liljana tells Karl about his next patient. Karl asks Liljana to do a mail out to his cardiac patients. Liljana asks on the computer?
Chris tells Serena that this shoot is for a high-class evening-wear and asks her to choose a dress. Serena picks one and her mobile rings.
Switching between the surgery and the studio
Liljana asks Serena what a mail merge is. Serena says she doesn't know and asks her if she tried the help menu. Lil says she but they are only pretending to be in English. Lil then says it's telling her she's performed and illegal operation. Serena tells her to switch it off and re-boot it. Lil tells Serena to put Sky on as she may know what to do. Serena tells her she's not there. Lil asks why as they are meant to be decorating the hall together. Serena says she's got to go and tells Liljana to ask Karl then hangs up.
Boyd is waiting in the kitchen. Sky tells him to keep his eyes shut until he tells him to open them . Sky comes out in her formal dress. She tells Boyd to open his eyes. Boyd asks her if there is a theme? Sky days she' got it at the op shop and it's a 50s dress. She shows Boyd a suit and bow tie she found for him. Boyd asks if he has to make a statement and he just wants to look good. He tells Her that Max has already hired him a tux and asks her if she minds. Sky says no but asks if he cares that they won't match. Boyd tells her they match where it counts.
Chris is taking lots of photos of Serena in the dress he chose. Afterwards she's standing looking at herself in he mirror. Chris tells her she looks great. Serena says the dress is exactly want she wants for the formal. Chris says he shouldn't but she can wear it to the formal if she wants and comments about her boyfriend not knowing what hit him. Serena tells him she doesn't have a boyfriend. Chris says really.
Pub Office
Lou is looming through the Prospectus Trixie says she knows there are risks but life's flutter and they can take a risk or die of boredom. Trixie tells Lou she's sorry but she's just bursting to know what he thinks. Lou says he'll let her know. Trixie leaves promising not to interrupt him anymore.
Jack is reading an article in the paper to Taj. "Stolen exams a mystery"
"While the student gave details of the theft itself, he claims not to know the names of those he sold the exam papers to" Jack and Taj are relieved saying they can party now.
Coffee Shop
Boyd and Sky walk in and see Liljana. Lil asks where Serena is. Sky tells her she's still decorating the hall. Lil tells them they are slack for leaving it all to Serena. Sky says that Serena is really dedicated to hard work. Boyd goes over to get a drink. Liljana asks Sky about her dress for the formal. Sky tells her Boyd thinks she's making a statement because she got it at the op-shop. Liljana tells her to wear what she wants to wear and to be true to herself. Lou asks Harold what he thinks of the show. Harold says it's high risk and Lou is smart enough to know if it is a good deal or not.
Lou tells Trixie he consulted a couple of Business mates. He starts to tell her what he's decided when she interrupts and takes the prospectus and rips it up. She tells Lou she's sorry she got caught up in the excitement and if he lost out on it she could never forgive herself. Lou asks her what if another backer doesn't come along? Trixie says then it was never meant to be.
Liljana is handwriting addresses onto envelopes. Karl ask her if the printer is down again and she can print straight from the database onto the labels. Liljana grabs a sheet saying there aren't any left. Karl tells her there are more in his office in the cupboard behind his desk. Susan comes in to meet him for lunch. Liljana opens the cupboard and there's a bottle of alcohol in there. Before she sees it Karl comes and shuts the cupboard and tells her they are actually out. Liljana asks him if he wants her to get some more. Karl says yes but she can get them tomorrow. He tells her she can have the rest of the day off. Karl tells Susan he has one last patient to see. Liljana is packing her bag with all the computer manuals. She tells Susan she just likes to keep up with all the latest software.
Liljana and Harold are waiting Sky and Serena to come out in their formal dresses. Serena comes out in the dress Lil bought her. Harold takes a photo. Sky comes out in her dress and Harold takes pics of them together. Liljana tells them they have to be home at 11:30pm. Outside Serena picks up a bag she's hidden in some plants with the dress she got from Chris. Serena asks Sky where she should change. Sky tells her in the garage and asks her for a favour. She tells Serena it will be like out of those American B-grade makeover movies.
Community Hall
Serena and Sky walk in. Sky is wearing the dress Lil bought for Serena. Boyd sees them and tells Sky how great she looks. Erin takes Serena away and asks her where her man is. Serena looks nervous and starts to make an excuse. She then sees Taj. Serena goes over to him and puts her arms on his. Taj tries to leave and Serena asks if she can come. Taj asks her what she's up to. Serena tells him that she doesn't have a date and the other girls got the idea that they were together. She asks him if he can just stand and talk for a bit so she doesn't look like a looser.Karl comes over to Susan.
In his best Elvis voice: Hey lovely lady
SUSAN: Hey, dude.
KARL: Feel like some sweet, sweet lovin' on the dance floor.
SUSAN: Oooh yeah do you know anyone?
Erin goes over to Sky and tells her the individual routine id getting boring. Sky tells her she doesn't know what her problem is but she bets it's hard to pronounce. She tells Erin to go back to her Barbie dolls. Boyd comes over and asks Sky if everything is ok. Sky says it is now that he's here.Serena asks Taj if he can walk her to the girls with his arm around her. Taj says they need to go outside first.
Taj leads her outside and she looks worried.
TAJ: What are you worried about Serena?
SERENA: I just wanted to know what you want.
Taj leans in front of her: Isn't it a case of what you want - me!
SERENA: Well... um...
Taj puts his hand on her waist: Because here I am, all of me. Right here. Right now.
SERENA: Look just because you helped me out in there doesn't mean, you know, we can...
TAJ: You're totally freaked aren't you
TAJ: I bet you haven't even kissed a boy before.
SERENA: Look, if you're not interested it doesn't mean you can be rude.
TAJ: I'm just trying to make a point. Look, you're a nice kid, Serena but that's just it, you're a kid, OK?. You shouldn't play these games ok, especially not to impress your friends.
Trixie is singing. She ends her song and everyone applauds. She thanks the audience for being so great and tells them that that was her last show. Lou looks shocked. Lou asks why. She tells him she wants to be the best housewife in Erinsborough.
Outside the Hall
Students are lining up to use the toilets. Sky goes in one. Erin sees her and goes over to it. She starts to rock it saying now time for the human cocktail shaker. She asks the others to join in. Sky shouts at them to stop. They keep rocking it. Serena comes out and asks what's going on. Sly is yelling at them to stop. The port-a-loo tips over. Sky gets out covered in its contents and everyone laughs. Serena hides behind the others. Sky takes the dress off and walks away.
<<4386 - 4388>>
Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop, Erin Perry in Neighbours Episode 4387
Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop, Erin Perry

Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop

Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Serena Bishop

Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Liljana Bishop

Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Serena Bishop

Chris Cousens, Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Chris Cousens, Serena Bishop

Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4387
Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter

Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4387
Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter

Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4387
Jack Scully

Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4387
Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4387
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Sky Mangel, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Sky Mangel, Liljana Bishop

Liljana Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Liljana Bishop, Harold Bishop

Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop

Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4387
Sky Mangel, Serena Bishop, Boyd Hoyland

Serena Bishop, Erin Perry in Neighbours Episode 4387
Serena Bishop, Erin Perry

Serena Bishop, Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4387
Serena Bishop, Taj Coppin

Sky Mangel, Erin Perry in Neighbours Episode 4387
Sky Mangel, Erin Perry

Serena Bishop, Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4387
Serena Bishop, Taj Coppin

Taj Coppin, Serena Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4387
Taj Coppin, Serena Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4387
Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker

 in Neighbours Episode 4387

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