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Neighbours Episode 4376 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4375 - 4377>>
Episode title: 4376
Australian airdate: 24/11/03
UK airdate: 29/01/04
Writer: Martin McKenna
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Natasha Laidlaw: Erin Keleher
Troy Baron: Shane Lee
Summary/Images by: Mona/Mona
- Susan tells Lyn about the secret Karl has been keeping from her
- Karl at his less then successful counselling session
- Stu asks his new girl friend to stay for a coffee
Stu's place
Stu is greeted by a breakfast in bed but then brushes his new friend off, saying he has a lot of work to do and that he had taken advantage of her by abusing his position.
Joe is complaining about the no name toothpaste he and Lyn bought when Jack comes in with Ozzy and tells them his had some sort of revelation - school was not made for him. Joe and Lyn have a little laugh and tell him that is not going to help him with his exams now. Jack tells them he is going to drop out and do something more important and suggests that Joe's construction business' name should be changed to 'Scully and son'.
Toadie and Connor are preparing for a day of bumming in front of the box and Taj tells them he'll take a day off studying and enjoy the game with them.
Joe is not that thrilled with Jack's idea and when he and Lyn discuss Jack's proposal, he tells her that he thinks Jack is just trying to skimp out of his exams. While they are discussing Jack, Lyn notices that Ozzy is not such a happy little bub today and Joe suggests they take him to Karl for a check up. Lyn quickly says no, leaving Joe a little confused.
Connor and Toadie try to get their own bludging duckling to see the light and study rather then watch the cricket, but Taj insists that he is just having a break and even his teachers say he should take a break.
Joe tells Jack that he should finish his exams and then they'll talk about the other stuff later, but Jack doesn't seem to think there is any point of him doing the exams because he can't pass. Joe and Lyn then insist on helping him study. Jack reluctantly agrees.
The Surgery
Karl is clearing out some cupboards and finds a bottle of wine. He seems determined to not keep it and drops it into bin, but after a few seconds he takes it out again. It looks like he's about to have a drink when he hears Susan. Quickly he shoves it into his desk just as she walks in. She tells him she's there to help him with inventory so they can finish it quicker.
The scene crosses between Stu's and Toadie's with the guys watching cricket.
Lyn enthusiastically jumps up at the no ball given during the game and runs into the kitchen intending to tell Joe but stops when she sees the studying going on. Joe is giving Jack a lesson in maths, but Jack seems to be a bit brain dead and is getting confused. Lyn arrives with some snacks and Jack asks about the cricket score.
The Surgery
Susan walks in and heads for Karl's desk looking for the keys to a filing cabinet. Karl quickly covers his bases and says he has the keys, but after searching his pockets, he says he can't find it.
Stu is sitting on the floor beside the oven and throws the cricket ball from one hand to another but misses and it goes rolling to the other side. (Yes, the detail is astonishing! Now, I hope you can see that one in your head.)
Connor has mastered the Australian art of a barbeque and Toadie and Taj are amazed. Taj then suggests that the cricket team should have a barbeque in the middle of a ground rather then disappear into the wherever they go. Connor tells him it's not such a crash hot idea since half of the Sri Lankan team are vegetarian.
The Surgery
Susan asks Karl what else she can do and he asks her to sort out the magazines (doctors actually do that? ) but then comes out with a better idea and asks her to go and get some new ones. After she's gone he goes into his office and takes out the bottle and the keys from his desk.
Joe is explaining something mathematical to Jack, but Jack's eyes are glued on Lyn who's eyes are glued on the TV. After Joe manages to get Jack's attention again, Jack asks him how he knows all this stuff and Joe tells him he learnt it because he needs it for work. Lyn shouts out six and claps her hand before shutting up and looking in the direction of the kitchen.
Stu reconsiders eating the pizza he just picked up and starts clapping at something on the TV.
Connor asks the other lads if either of them wants the last sausage, they both say they don't and that even Bob has given up. Taj then lets out a very impolite belch and Toadie tells him he'll pay for that. We then see Toadie cringing for a bit, and then followed by the familiar sound of someone breaking wind, quickly followed by Connor and Taj covering their faces with their shirts and making various sounds and motions of disgust.
The Surgery
Susan and Karl come back in carrying their sandwiches and Karl, after a bit of prodding, tells Susan that it was a good idea. I presume 'it' refers to their decision to take a break.
Jack is having a hard time getting his head around the meaning of a poem and Lyn tries to explain it to him. She then tells him poetry was her best subject and says she might still have her notes. They run into the living room and stop as Lyn catches up on the game. Jack tells them (Joe's sprawled on the sofa) that he's impressed by them. He hadn't actually thought they knew anything.
Stu is on the treadmill running while watching the cricket, he then picks up the phone and calls someone.
The Surgery
Susan walks in while Karl is counting some stuff and tells him that it's getting late, but he's not quite finished yet. They agree that Susan will go and do the shopping and he'll cook the dinner when he gets home. After she's left he opens a drawer and pulls out the bottle of wine.
Ramsay Street
The boy folk are playing cricket. Joe bowls Connor out and then gives Jack an opportunity to bowl, and adds that Jack not embarrass him. Joe then goes over to Mr Rebecchi and Mr O'Neill's child and asks how his study is going. Connor and Toadie tell him that Taj has been studying Ponting and the back of his eyelids.
Susan then walks up and sits down with Lyn at a table that brought out for her (well I assume it was) and Lyn asks where Karl is. Susan tells her he's back at the surgery doing some over time. Lyn mentions Ozzy not being such a happy baby and Susan tells her she'll send Karl over later. Lyn tells her not to worry. It's almost as if she doesn't want Karl to check Ozzy out and Susan looks at her oddly but then looks at the game.
Stu opens the door and it's his new friend (OK, I admit, I don't know her name). Stu apologises for being a total prat in the morning. Jonathan then calls and it seems he wants Stu to somehow increase the influx of donations.
The Scullys are preparing for dinner and Jack tells him parents that they are great tutors and that he already feels very confident about the exams. Lyn then runs off to open the door and it's Susan. She tells Lyn that she was just thinking about Lyn's reaction from earlier and was wondering why she was like that. Lyn tells her nothing's wrong and convinces her that her opinion of Karl hasn't changed.
Troy, one of Stu's LM mates turns up and Stu blasts him for stopping the plants and tells him that he'll not only be at the next meeting, but he wants an improvement.
Next morning at Stu's
Stu is once again greeted with breakfast in bed. He opens the paper and finds himself on the front page. The phone then starts ringing, but he doesn't answer it.
<<4375 - 4377>>
Natasha Laidlaw, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4376
Natasha Laidlaw, Stuart Parker

Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4376
Stuart Parker

Jack Scully, Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Jack Scully, Oscar Scully, Lyn Scully

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4376
Toadie Rebecchi

Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Jack Scully

Joe Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Joe Scully, Lyn Scully

Joe Scully, Lyn Scully, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Joe Scully, Lyn Scully, Jack Scully

Lyn Scully, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Lyn Scully, Joe Scully

Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Joe Scully

Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4376
Taj Coppin

Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Jack Scully

Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Joe Scully

Toadie Rebecchi, Connor O
Toadie Rebecchi, Connor O'Neill, Taj Coppin

Toadie Rebecchi, Taj Coppin, Connor O
Toadie Rebecchi, Taj Coppin, Connor O'Neill

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4376
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Taj Coppin, Connor O
Taj Coppin, Connor O'Neill

Lyn Scully, Jack Scully, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Lyn Scully, Jack Scully, Joe Scully

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4376
Stuart Parker

Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4376
Lyn Scully

Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4376
Stuart Parker

Natasha Laidlaw, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4376
Natasha Laidlaw, Stuart Parker

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