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Neighbours Episode 4375 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4374 - 4376>>
Episode title: 4375
Australian airdate: 21/11/03
UK airdate: 28/1/04
Writer: Judith Colquhoun
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Trixie Tucker: Wendy Stapleton
Aaron Barkley: Stewart Adam
Sandra Callum: Carole Patullo
- "Shower" by Sandrine
Summary/Images by: snazzy_sista/Mona
Trixie declares that she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life waiting, even if Nina doesn't approve of their relationship. She bends down on one knee and proposes to a bewildered Lou.
Trixie look nervous and asks for an answer. Lou looks hesitant, but she declares that she loves him and he loves her, and that is all they need. Lou rambles on about how he is a crusty old bachelor and how much time the pub takes up-but Trixie interrupts him. She tells Lou that she knows how afraid he is of getting hurt again, and she confesses that she feels that pain too; however they have each other to protect them from that pain. She closes her speech by saying that they have been given a rare second chance, and that they can be either brave or lonely. Lou shakes his head and mutters that people will think their crazy and she laughs asking him whether they already think of them like that. Lou grins, and announces that they better be brave. Trixie looks delighted, and they hug each other.
Izzy is flicking through holiday booklets with Summer when Max walks in. Summer is leafing through the brochures for Europe and asks Izzy whether she can speak other languages. Izzy rattles off some French and Max looks impressed. She asks whether Steph speaks any languages and Max laughs answering that she can speak English, and motorbike. Max tells Summer that he is ready to drive her to school, but Summer informs him that Declan is walking her to school. Max looks surprised, but she declares that he has a poster to give to her. Max then tells her that he will pick her up after school for boxing, but Summer once again informs him that she is getting a lift with Declan's mum- after all there is no point making four trips and causing pollution. Summer says goodbye to Max and Izzy and heads out the door, leaving Max dumbfounded. He turns to Izzy and asks whether he heard right- after all she wanted to hit Declan a week ago. Izzy laughs and says that it's ok to feel a bit left out, those phases come and go. He notices that pamphlets and asks how she is going to pay for a holiday. Izzy blushes, but tells him that she has saved some money from the Coffee Shop and that she could use some R&R. Max looks a bit uncomfortable. Max points out that the money he lent her to buy into the Coffee Shop was a temporary loan, and because Summer starts high school next year, and Boyd with year 12 he may need the money sooner rather than later. Steph then comes in and notices the pamphlets and declares that she could use a holiday, and Izzy, who continues to look put out by Max's words hops up and leaves. Steph asks whether she put her foot in it again. Max wraps an arm around her and tells her that Izzy is just going through a reality check.
Susan is sitting at the table when Karl comes to join her. She says to him that Lib called when he was in the shower and she is still quite upset about Audrey- after all that's another link with Drew gone. Karl sighs and comments about how good the muffins are. Susan smiles and replies that she made them herself. Karl looks sceptical and replies 'Eden Hill's bakery?' and she happily nods. Karl then mentions that he has made an appointment with a councillor and Susan looks delighted. He continues, saying that he will sort out his problem - if he had one and Susan looks proud and pleased and tells Karl how much she loves him.
Lou breaks the news of their engagement to Harold, and he stands there with his mouth wide open. Lou looks nervous, but then Harold laughs and says that it is a fantastic surprise and he couldn't be more pleased. Lou looks serious and reminds him that Nina won't feel very pleased, but Harold reassures Lou that Nina is a sensible girl and that she will come around. Lou looks cautious and asks whether there is any word of warning, but Harold grins and reminds him that a second chance doesn't come around often and to seize the day. Lou smiles and thanks Harold for being happy for him, as he really appreciates it and leaves Harold looking like his whole day has brightened up.
Lou tells Steph and Karl the news at the garage and they look thrilled. Steph hugs Lou and Karl congratulates him, when Lou's mobile. He answers it and heads into the office thanking Lauren for calling him back because he has something important to tell her. Both Karl and Steph look pleased, and Karl then asks her how she is going and if she is ready for radiology. She smiles and confesses that she is ready as she will ever be and thanks him for being a tower of strength for her. She then curiously asks him why he didn't specialize in something, and Karl sighs. He tells her that he thought about it, but then married Susan and had kids, so becoming a GP sort of fell into place. A new car then pulls up and the garage and Karl and Steph watch curiously. Lou then emerges out of the office and informs them that he is the new mechanic. A 'spunky macho' guy holds his hand out and introduces himself as Aaron.
Karl heads into the counsellor's office and sits down. On arrival he tells her that his wife thinks that he has a drinking problem. She asks him what he thinks and he answers that he doesn't really... before changing his answer to a certain no. The counsellor then asks why Susan thinks that he has a problem and he quickly replies it is because of his drinking habits. Karl then tells her that being a Dr. is stressful and drinking helps relieve the stress and he thinks of it as a reward and something to help him unwind. The counsellor looks sceptical, but he firmly replies that he is a Dr and would recognize the symptoms so he is not an alcoholic. He reassures her and himself, that he can go weeks without alcohol and that he doesn't have a problem.
Trixie is at the Coffee Shop, organizing with Harold what they can have at the wedding. She tells him that they would only like simple finger food, and some of Harold's delicious zucchini slice. Harold looks pleased that he could help and promises her that the wedding can be catered for. He then leans in close to Trixie and asks her to promise not to hurt Lou, as he as already been hurt so many times. Trixie smiles and thanks Harold for being so caring and promises him that that will never happen- after all he has not been the only one to be hurt.
Lyn and Susan are in the Coffee Shop discussing the good news when Izzy serves them. Susan looks the other direction. Lyn comments on the age difference, which seemed to have rattled Izzy, and she quickly defends herself saying that it wasn't any of their concern. Lyn looks puzzled and tells her that they were talking about Trixie and Lou. Izzy looks relieved and hands them their coffees and Susan turns around only once Izzy has left. Susan sighs and says that she cannot stop thinking about Karl- and Lyn is quick to reassure her that she would never judge Karl on anything like that, after all he has helped both her and Steph through tough times. Susan then tells her that Karl has gone to see a councillor today and Lyn grins and thinks that it's terrific. Susan smiles and hopes that everything turns out well.
The counsellor sits there patiently and says to Karl that if he is not ready to admit that he has a problem that this whole program is useless for him. Karl looks frustrated and blurts out that he has a problem with Susan. The counsellor looks confused and Karl blushes and says to her that he really loves her and the only reason he came today was because of her and the problems she has with his drinking habits. She asks him what kind of drinking habits he has, and he looks embarrassed and mumbles that he has about three or four glasses of wine most days, then changes it to every day. She reminds him that four glasses is equivalent to almost a whole bottle, and that seems quite excessive. Karl is quick to defend himself and reminds the counsellor that four glasses isn't a lot to the French or the Italian - but the counsellor tells him that she has been to both those countries, and drinking that much wasn't part of their everyday life. She then confesses that Karl is currently in denial about his problems, and the first step he needs to take is to admit it. Karl looks upset and declares that the whole conversation is pointless and degrading and excuses himself. As he leaves, the counsellor shakes her head sadly.
Steph is fixing Susan up with the bill for the car and reminds her to tell Karl that the brake pads need replacing next service; however neither Susan and Lyn are paying much attention. Both are looking quite fond of the new mechanic who is working on a car. Steph laughs and waves her hand in front of Susan's face, which finally wakes her up. Lyn asks who that is and when Steph answers the new mechanic they all turn to him quite fondly. Max then arrives and declares that they should start charging admission to the garage. Steph looks embarrassed and Max grins. He tells them is they want to take a look, make it less obvious - however stop drooling. Steph playfully punches him and tells him that she wasn't looking, it was Susan and Lyn. Susan and Lyn glance at each other guiltily and they pay the bill and leave, and Max laughs.
Back at the Coffee Shop Max asks Steph whether she can stay for dinner but she declines saying there is something she has to do first, but will try and make it back in time. Max reminds her to behave around Mr. Mechanic and she blushes. He kisses her and leaves, and Steph approaches Izzy. She asks Izzy if she can take some time off to meet the new grease monkey in the garage. Izzy looks surprised and asks whether he is any good, and Steph nods enthusiastically. Harold looks slightly put out, reminding them if two guys had the same conversation they would be outraged. Izzy smiles and replies that women have lived with double standards for centuries, and now it is time for males to get their own back. She asks Harold for some time off and when he agrees, Izzy kisses his cheek and her and Steph run out the door. Harold looks amused.
Aaron is sitting in the pub and Steph points him out to Izzy. She squeals excitedly and gasps. She takes off her jacket and hands it to Steph. She tells Izzy that he is a nice bloke and they should get on. She thanks Steph for giving her this opportunity.
Izzy finishes chatting to Aaron and Steph rushes up to her, asking how it went. She smiles, admitting he is nice, and asks whether she has really spoken to him. She shrugs and admit that she had a coffee with him and he seemed nice, but Izzy grins slyly and tells her that he plays for the wrong team. Steph looks outraged and says 'no?!' but Izzy nods sadly. Steph giggles and tells Izzy what a waste that is, and they both burst out laughing.
Later on at the pub everyone is celebrating Lou and Trixie's engagement. Max quietly points out to Steph that they are a bit of an odd couple, after all Trixie is much younger than Lou is. Steph shrugs and admits that it is the same in their relationship, and while Max declares that it isn't the same, Steph wishes them all the best. Summer pipes up that she would drink to that but she has no lemonade. Steph and Max look amused and Max takes her to the bar to get her some more.
Lou walks into the back office to find Trixie ringing Nina's mobile again. He asks whether she got a hold of Nina, but she shakes her head sadly, insisting that she has rang a thousand times, but nothing except her voice mail. Lou inquires whether Trixie has broken the news to Nina, but she shakes her head sadly telling Lou that it didn't feel right to do over the phone- so she left messages to come down to the pub. Lou hugs her and insists that it's early days and that Nina will arrive.
Back at number twenty eight, the Kennedys are getting ready to go to the pub. Susan asks Karl how the counselling session went, and Karl said that the counsellor knows her stuff, but its early days. He tells Susan he will be going back to see her; Susan admits she knows this isn't for him, and he says he couldn't have done it without her. They agree that they're a good team. Susan sighs and says that it's a relief to have it all out in the open; Karl hugs her tightly, but looks very uncomfortable.
Lou proposes a toast and everyone at the pub quiets down. He thanks everyone for coming and promises to give people better notice for the date of the wedding. Once everyone stops laughing Lou looks at Trixie and thanks her for making him the happiest man alive and produces out of his pocket an engagement ring. She gasps and puts it on her finger kissing Lou and all the woman push to the front to have a look. Lou tells her since Christmas is around the corner he thought the ring would be appropriate. It's a diamond ring surrounded with rubies and emeralds and everyone looks awed. Max asks Steph whether she wants one of these and she grins and insists that she isn't a diamonds type of girl. Later on everyone is chatting and Lou catches up with Karl. Karl tells Lou that it has been a great party and he and Trixie deserve it. Lou smiles and says to Karl that he would be happy if he and Trixie ended up like he and Susan. Karl laughs and reminds Lou that there have been many up's and down's in their relationship, but Lou says to him that each time they come out smiling. Karl looks guilty.
During the night Karl is wandering around in his dressing gown and gets out his briefcase. Dahl squawks at him and Karl shushes him as he reaches into the bottom of his briefcase and pulls out a alcohol bottle. He tries to drink some but it is empty and tries to refill it, however Susan comes out. He hides the bottle behind his back and she asks what he is doing up so late. He insists that he couldn't sleep so he was going to watch some TV - except he cannot find the TV guide. She smiles and says that he will not find it in his briefcase, and as he closes the briefcase he sneaks the bottle back in. He reaches for the TV guide off the coffee table and admits that he must be going blind in his old age. He ruffles through it and tells Susan that Summer Guide is on. Susan smiles and insists that she loves that movie so they sit down to watch it. Karl looks relieved.
As Lou closes up the pub Trixie approaches him and gives him a hug. She thanks him for the ring and admits that she didn't really need one. Lou smiles and reminds her that if they are doing it the official way she should get a ring. Lou looks at Trixie and tells her that there is something else he can offer her- breakfast in bed. Trixie looks pensive and Lou nervously tells her that she doesn't have to accept the offer.
<<4374 - 4376>>
Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4375
Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter

Summer Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4375
Summer Hoyland

Karl Kennedy, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4375
Karl Kennedy, Steph Scully

Sandra Callum, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4375
Sandra Callum, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4375
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4375
Karl Kennedy

Steph Scully, Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4375
Steph Scully, Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Aaron Barkley in Neighbours Episode 4375
Aaron Barkley

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4375
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Izzy Hoyland, Harold Bishop, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4375
Izzy Hoyland, Harold Bishop, Steph Scully

Aaron Barkley in Neighbours Episode 4375
Aaron Barkley

Izzy Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4375
Izzy Hoyland, Steph Scully

Joe Scully, Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4375
Joe Scully, Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Lyn Scully

Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4375
Steph Scully, Summer Hoyland, Max Hoyland

Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4375
Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4375
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully, Harold Bishop, Izzy Hoyland, Joe Scully, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4375
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully, Harold Bishop, Izzy Hoyland, Joe Scully, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Max Hoyland, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4375
Max Hoyland, Steph Scully

Trixie Tucker, Lyn Scully, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Steph Scully, Max Hoyland, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4375
Trixie Tucker, Lyn Scully, Summer Hoyland, Susan Kennedy, Steph Scully, Max Hoyland, Harold Bishop

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4375
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4375
Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker

Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4375
Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker

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