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Neighbours Episode 4369 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4368 - 4370>>
Episode title: 4369
Australian airdate: 13/11/03
UK airdate: 20/01/04
Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: Julie Bates
Guests: Trixie Tucker: Wendy Stapleton
- "Dont Sail" by Charlton Hill
Summary/Images by: Kulin/Mona
- Audrey in the grass and running down the road
- Lou says he feels 'young again'
- Boyd tells Harold Sky went only to protect Serena
- Izzy sees Karl drinking
Susan rushes in to get a coat for the cinema and sees Karl with the now-empty wine-bottle. He tries to make light of it but she's insistent, pointing out that he's drunk a bottle of red in about an hour. She keeps asking how long he's been having a drink behind her back and why he waited until she went out, if it's no big deal. He gets a bit aggressive, saying it's because he knew she'd react this way and insists it's the first time. When he adds that he's not going to live like this and if he feels like having a drink he'll have one, she starts to leave, saying coldly 'I'll be late'. Taj has been eavesdropping at the front door while they argue and Susan meets him on her way out. He hurries off to his room, embarrassed and she goes back to Karl, saying of course she believes him if he says it's the first time he's had a drink but she doesn't understand why he couldn't just come out and tell her. He looks troubled as she leaves.
City garbage-dump
Audrey is eating from the lid of a 'The Good Life' pizza box.
Liljana's off shopping just as David gets home, looking tired. She asks if he had a hard day and tells him he can tell her all about it when she gets back. David comments that he saw Sky over at Boyd's house. Harold replies that she was a big help at the charity stall and tells David, when he queries the concept of 'grounding' that he found out that Sky went along to protect Serena, who let her take the blame. David asks Serena...
Lou's fixing a light-bulb in the toilet so Trixie doesn't have to 'take a twinkle' in the dark. She answers the phone, asking the caller to hold. Lou finds it's Nina on the phone and she wants his help. 'Your dad? Go ahead...'
David is angry at Serena who persuades him not to tell Liljana, saying she's sorry and she doesn't even like Taj any more. He cuts her allowance for a week, then two weeks when she argues. Once she's gone, Harold suggests a month would have been more appropriate and comments that he feels Liljana should know. David tells him coldly that while he realises it's his house he has to be allowed to impose the discipline in his own family. They sit side by side on the lounge, arms folded in identical positions.
Taj is sitting at the table when Karl comes in and makes rather forced small-talk in a 'breezy' manner. Taj starts to tell him he appreciates everything he and Susan have done, but there's something he'd like to say. He points out that Karl told Susan it was the first drink he'd had. He tries to go on by saying he saw his father, who had a drinking problem start in that way, but Karl cuts him off, saying very coldly that he doesn't appreciate being told how to behave by a guest in his own home.
Karl, Susan and Taj are eating breakfast in an uncomfortable silence. Taj answers the phone as he's on the way out. It's Libby. Susan quickly takes the phone off him, saying she'd been meaning to tell her and then obviously saying Libby can still come to stay. The phone-call's cut short and Karl comments that Libby won't come while Taj is there, so maybe he can go and stay with a friend. Susan just looks at him and doesn't reply.
Serena and David leave, despite her reluctance to be seen in the non-BMW car as he tells her the scratch is still being fixed. Liljana wants to meet David for lunch, but he tells her he'll have to work through. Liljana asks Harold about the local Unis and he's first surprised but then supportive when he finds it's for her. She looks in her coffee-cup and sees a fork, which symbolises that someone she knows is telling her lies.
Coffee Shop
David's sitting with Toadie who wants to sort out some procedural things and is dismayed to see Harold who is unexpectedly at work because Izzy's sick. David tells him he's consulting Toadie's company and Harold goes off impressed. Toadie tries to persuade him to tell the truth as all the pretence must be so stressful, but David insists things will look up. Toadie looks doubtful.
Lou has told Trixie that Nina has asked him to beg her to go home and talk to Nick, so they can sort it out. Nick has also contacted Trixie, saying he wants to see her as he and his lady-love are fighting. She thinks it's 'too little too late', but Lou says that perhaps if there's any chance of a reconciliation she should go and try to sort it out. Both look as though it's really the last thing they want.
Coffee Shop
Serena bumps into Taj and has just spoken a few words when Liljana comes in and sends her off to school. She comments sarcastically that it's funny that whenever Serena's around he's never far away. Meanwhile at one of the tables, Susan and Karl are having an argument about Taj. Karl wants him to go somewhere else so Libby can come back but Susan is adamant he should stay until after his exams. Karl catches sight of Taj watching them from another table, just as Susan has said she'll phone Libby and ask her to delay her visit until Taj has gone.
Toadie is talking to Tim on his mobile about a fax David should have done, but hasn't finished because he went on to do something else. David wants to go back and help because it's holding Tim's job up, but Toadie insists he stay and finish his drink, commenting that it's probably hard for him as he's taken such a big step down, but he needs to finish one thing at a time and learn to prioritise. David just sighs and leans on his hand as Toadie goes back to work.
Trixie has met Nick and tells Lou he didn't want to reconcile, but to decide on the division of assets. He wasn't being very generous either. Lou tells her Nick won't get everything as he won't let it happen. She says it's not his concern, but he replies forcefully that it is.
Susan's trying to persuade Taj to stay but he's already packed and ready to go over to No 30. He tells her she and Karl have things to sort out and when he begins to reply to her query with 'I know it's none of......' is cut short when Karl comes in. Karl just says 'Whatever you thinks best', leaving her looking perplexed.
Trixie's very impressed with plans for the dressing room and moves to kiss Lou. He draws away, saying 'You know how I feel'. She comments that his eyes say something different and he tells her that it's not because of her marriage, which is now over, or Nina, but he just doesn't want to be hurt any more. She promises she'll never hurt him and says that she realises there's no need to be lonely and they kiss.
Susan has helped move Taj's things. Karl comes in and says Taj will probably feel more at home at No 30. Taj starts to say that Susan's a great lady yet Karl keeps telling her lies. He saw his own father do the same and it was his mother who got hurt most. Karl looks embarrassed and worried as Toadie comes to get Taj, who leaves, saying 'I'm through here'.
Lou's leaving, but Trixie wants to discuss 'us'. When he talks about the kiss getting him through his waiting for the two years it will take her to divorce, she shocks him by saying there will be no divorce. The marriage was a 'commitment ceremony', champers and pate and she and Nick aren't legally married, so Nina's illegitimate. He's upset that she doesn't know, but Trixie doesn't want to tell her. He says that until she's perfectly honest with her daughter they will be waiting for the next hundred years.
<<4368 - 4370>>
Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4369
Susan Kennedy

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4369
Susan Kennedy

David Bishop, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4369
David Bishop, Liljana Bishop

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4369
Harold Bishop

Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4369
Trixie Tucker

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4369
Lou Carpenter

David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4369
David Bishop

David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4369
David Bishop

Karl Kennedy, Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4369
Karl Kennedy, Taj Coppin

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4369
Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4369
Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4369
Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4369
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Harold Bishop, Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4369
Harold Bishop, Liljana Bishop

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4369
Toadie Rebecchi

David Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4369
David Bishop

Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4369
Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4369
Lou Carpenter

Liljana Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4369
Liljana Bishop

David Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4369
David Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4369
Susan Kennedy

Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4369
Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Taj Coppin in Neighbours Episode 4369
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Taj Coppin

Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4369
Trixie Tucker, Lou Carpenter

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