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Neighbours Episode 4182 from 2003 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4181 - 4183>>
Episode title: 4182
Australian airdate: 24/02/03
UK airdate: 28/03/03
Writer: Jeff Truman
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Jack Scully: Jay Bunyan
Lori Lee: Michelle Ang
Taj Coppin: Jaime Robbie Reyne
Alex Argenzio: Marco Pio Venturini
Mr Moore: Adam Palmer
- "Free" by Endorphin
Summary/Images by: Kulin/Karen (Katie)
Taj rings Nina.
Jack collects a heap of stuff from the Coffee Shop and collides with Nina as he's going out. He snaps at her when she offers to help to pick it up.
Lyn comes in from the funeral with Lori and tells her how wonderful it was that they could all be there. Lori comforts her.
Jack apologises to Nina and says he can't just pretend nothing's between them, but she says there's no choice. They go silent just as Taj comes in. He says he has two missions- to get her to do the play and persuade Jack to be in the soccer team. She says no, Jack leaves.
Since Max has told Summer nothing will happen with Joanne, she wants him to go and ask Steph out. She worries he's lonely, but he says 'slow and steady wins the race'. 'Only if you're a tortoise'.
Taj tries to get Nina to change her mind about doing the play. Nina gets angry with him until he leaves, asking her to call him when the old Nina gets back because this one's freaking him out.
Max talks to Alex in the pub until Steph arrives. He's a bit shaken that Steph and Alex are friends and about to play pool together.
Taj confides in Jack that he bombed out with both him and Nina and that she snapped his head off. Jack says he doesn't have the passion to be a good player, but then agrees to be a coach. Taj tells Lori that Nina won't do the play and she seemed to want a fight. She advises him to give her space, so he says he will, but can't put up with it for ever. Jack looks pensive.
Steph and Alex are playing pool until he gets a phone call telling him his friend can't go swimming with sharks with him at the aquarium. Steph agrees to go instead. Max isn't happy when she says yes, though he pretends to be.
Boyd offers to do jobs and is angry that the ban on the concert still stands. Summer asks Max if he's invited Steph out, but he tells her that's never going to happen. He says he's happy because he has them.
Lori's kissing Jack who's not terribly responsive, because, he says, he's coming down with something.
Lyn's in the kitchen upset. Steph tells her she's going swimming with sharks with a really nice guy she's met. Lyn's understandably apprehensive 'Let's hope he survives long enough for me to meet him'.
Lori is talking to Nina in the Coffee Shop when Boyd comes in. Lori teases him 'what's it like, you know, being a perve?' and tells him to be afraid, very afraid as he's going to get his when he least expects it. He rushes off, spooked.
Lyn asks max if the swimming plan is very dangerous. Max reassures her and smiles when Steph sounds keen.
Alex and Steph swim with the sharks and she loves it. He thinks she's great and she thinks he's great and kisses him.
Taj and Boyd and others are playing a soccer match. One player's injured but Jack refuses Taj's request to play for the last few minutes. Boyd has to go on.
Lyn tells Max she received an excited call from Steph and goes on to comment how young people these days like extreme sports, which makes him go serious. Steph comes in raving that it makes you feel so alive. Alex flatters Lyn, but she won't let Steph persuade her to try it for herself after the baby's born. Max watches, not too pleased.
Alex tells Max it went well with Steph as she's so game - one of his other girlfriends fainted afterwards. Max asks if this is his standard operating procedure, not very impressed.
Boyd feels upset that he gave away a penalty and lost them the game. Jack talks to him nicely, but Taj comes up and tells Jack he was the one who lost it for them and he isn't the superstar people think he is. They fight and get into trouble. Taj says he hasn't finished with him and criticises his strategy for the game. Jack replies that he knows about soccer and a whole lot more.
Lori tells Nina and Boyd about it and wonders what's important enough to hit one another about. Taj says to an already nervous Nina 'Listen, Nina, we've got to talk'.
<<4181 - 4183>>
Nina Tucker, Taj Coppin, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4182
Nina Tucker, Taj Coppin, Jack Scully

Alex Argenzio, Steph Scully, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4182
Alex Argenzio, Steph Scully, Max Hoyland

Alex Argenzio in Neighbours Episode 4182
Alex Argenzio

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4182
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully

Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4182
Boyd Hoyland

Alex Argenzio, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4182
Alex Argenzio, Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Alex Argenzio in Neighbours Episode 4182
Steph Scully, Alex Argenzio

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4182
Steph Scully

 in Neighbours Episode 4182

Alex Argenzio in Neighbours Episode 4182
Alex Argenzio

 in Neighbours Episode 4182

 in Neighbours Episode 4182

Alex Argenzio, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 4182
Alex Argenzio, Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Alex Argenzio, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4182
Steph Scully, Alex Argenzio, Lyn Scully

Taj Coppin, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4182
Taj Coppin, Jack Scully

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