Coffee Shop
Tad tells Harold how he reckons it's been Doula that set him up, and that she used her partner to pose as Tad to get it to work. Tad reckons that she only offered him a job to get him to stay in the country a bit longer so they'd have time to get the documents. Harold realises that she must have been in and out of the house to get hold of the documents.
Carpenter's Mechanics
Drew thanks Boyd for the work he's done on cleaning the car for him. Boyd offers to stay longer and Drew wonders if he's trying to get out of a study session with Libby, but Boyd tells him that Joe has invited him for dinner with Michelle. Boyd isn't so keen on the idea, but Drew tells him there's nothing wrong with being admired by an older woman.
Number 26
Connor is helping Michelle with the preparations for the dinner. He tells her he's glad Joe's organised the dinner for them as then they won't have to sneak around with their feelings for one another. Joe arrives back to find them hard at work, and thanks them for the effort before disappearing.
Carpenter's Mechanics
Libby arrives with Ben to find Drew still hard at work. She mentions how Ben is restless with his teething. He tells her that he will have to work a bit longer to clear the backlog, but will be home when he's done. She asks why he doesn't get some help in, and he tells her about Boyd's help earlier, but Libby means real qualified mechanics help. Drew isn't keen on employing Stuart considering how he's friends with Steph who comes to tinker with her bike every now and then. Libby tells him he should be making a business decision not a personal one and Steph will understand.
Number 26
Joe congratulates Michelle on the effort she's put into the dinner, and she comments on how her father smells nice! He tells her he wants to show a bit of an effort for the young man who is interested in his daughter, and points out she's missing a place setting at the table. Lyn arrives back late and flustered after a crazy day at work. Michelle tells her she's got it all under control and so Lyn goes to relax. Lyn is surprised to hear that Connor will be joining them and enquires as to when the guest of honour is due.
Number 22
Joe pops over with a message for Drew, but as he isn't about Libby invites him in. She tells him she's trying to feed Ben pumpkin to see if he's allergic, but he doesn't seem to be interested in eating. Joe tells her that he'll probably start eating when he's hungry. Libby wonders if she's going over the top with the whole introducing foods thing, but Joe tells her she's just caring. Joe asks if she could have a word with Drew about giving Stuart a job. Libby tells him she's working on him, and agrees with Joe.
Number 26
Connor comes through all spruced up and asks Michelle if she thinks he's done enough to impress Joe. She doesn't say much, but seems pretty impressed herself.
Connor tells Joe that he thinks it's a good idea for them to all get dressed up and treat it as a special occasion. He tells Joe that Michelle is glad he took the news so well. Joe is pleased that she's got someone like Connor to talk things through with, and comments that the age difference isn't too much. Michelle appears and Joe comments on how she looks when there is a knock at the door. Michelle goes to open it to find it's Boyd. She is rather surprised, but invites him in anyway.
Number 22
Drew arrives back from work to find Libby feeding Ben his second jar of pears. She admits that her plan failed and that he just loves pears. She admits to eating a few herself and he admits he's been eating them at work. They decide to join Ben with his dinner so Libby goes to get some more jars for them!
Number 26
Joe introduces Boyd to Lyn and their house guest Connor! Michelle and Connor exchange glances. Boyd starts telling Joe about the accelerated learning programme, but Lyn calls them through for dinner. As they go through, Joe tells Michelle he should pay Boyd some attention or he'll think she's changed her mind.
After the meal, Lyn and Joe encourage Michelle and Boyd to go through to the lounge whilst the rest of them tidy up. Boyd starts to talk about their schoolwork, but Michelle tells him there's been a misunderstanding and that it was Joe's idea not hers. She encourages him to leave, telling him she'll explain to her parents. Lyn comes through offering tea to find Boyd has left.
Number 24
Harold arrives back late to find the house locked and empty. He rings Tad's mobile (......wonders if she could find out the number somehow) and leaves a message for him.
Tad arrives and asks his impostor (though Tad doesn't know it's him) if Doula is around. The guy questions his name, but agrees to go and find her for him.
Number 26
Michelle explains to Joe and Lyn that when Joe thought Michelle was after a guy, he got it half wrong. She explains that she has no feelings for Boyd at all, and tries to find a way to explain, until Connor pipes up announcing that it was him. Joe questions Michelle over the Romeo and Juliet incident with Boyd, but Michelle tells him it was for school. Connor tells Joe that he really cares for Michelle and that he's never felt so strongly for anyone else before. Joe and Lyn looked shocked.
Tad watches from a distance as Doula and the guy talk. She tells him she told him to get rid of everything, but he tells her he couldn't get rid of the fake licence as it took so long to get hold of. She tells him if it all goes wrong he'll be the one in gaol.
Number 26
As Lyn tries to get her head around the revelation, Connor apologises to Joe and admits he's been going on a while. Joe tells Michelle they need to talk as she's still only 15, but Michelle doesn't see what the big deal is. Joe comments that he thought they were more like brother and sister before disappearing.
Doula insists that Richard destroys the licence, but is interrupted by Tad. He tells them he's figured it all out with them living in hotels and restaurants. Tad says he'll prove it, but Richard lets slip that he can't with his passport at home. Doula threatens to call the police, but Tad says he'll do it first. Richard makes a run for it, but Tad starts a chase.
Number 24
Harold tells Drew that he and Libby will find the right way to bring up Ben that suits them. Drew admits their slowly coming around to the concept. Drew tells Harold about the papers he's brought for Lou to look at but the phone rings. It's the hospital, informing Harold that Tad has been rushed to intensive care.