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Neighbours Episode 3799 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3798 - 3800>>
Episode title: 3799
Australian airdate: 28/6/01
UK airdate: 14/8/01
Writer: Hugh Stuckey
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Collector Bob: Henry Ismailiw
Summary/Images by: Tracy C
Harold asking Lou if he's still on for going to the vintage car rally and Lou knocking him back saying Harold isn't really interested in it.
Lyn trying to get hold of Steph and Michelle saying she might not be at Stanno's.
No. 26
Lyn is on the phone to Stanno and discovers Steph isn't there and he hasn't seen her in weeks. Michelle says maybe she's gone to see other friends and Lyn says what other friends and adds that Steph always tells her if there is a change of plan. Before she can escape to see Flick, Lyn wants to know the truth from her about Steph and Michelle reluctantly spills that she's gone to see Woody who she's meeting in secret and she's now broken her promise to Steph. Lyn says she is crazy for doing that and asks Michelle not to say anything to Joe at the moment.
Shopping centre
Leo runs into a shop to check out a model car when he spots a doll in a case that looks exactly like Emily's doll (Lizzy) that disappeared. He wants a closer look at it but the owner is very reluctant and tries to interest him in teddy bears instead.
The Coffee Shop
As Lou pays for his milk, Harold mentions that he was speaking to someone he knows about a similar investment scheme as Lou's Forest First but Lou is annoyed he was speaking to someone about him but Harold invites him around to No. 24 promising that he won't be sorry.
Lou leaves and Joe arrives in to collect his pie. He asks Harold for his advice on Flick since everything he's done has failed and Harold suggests good old-fashioned time.
Shopping centre
Leo is trying to get the doll out just as the owner notices and Emily runs in saying "Lizzy". Maggie says it isn't the doll but Leo now remembers the owner form the toy fair that they went to who and wanted to buy the doll just before it disappeared. Leo "suggests" he stole her but Evan apologises for him and pushes him out of the store.
No. 26
Joe comes home in a better mood - he's been taking to Jack on the phone for the second day running. Lyn asks if it was to get reassurance that he was a good dad and Joe is taken aback at her correctly guessing this.
No. 32
The Hancock's return home and Leo is still going on about the doll and Evan says that they probably made loads like it, so it may not be Emily's one but inquisitive Leo replies that the if so, why is the owner charging $500 then? Evan tries the 'there is not may around' but Leo still isn't buying it. Maggie tells a tale of her losing a jewellery box as a kid and she had to live with it forever before asking Leo to keep an eye on Emily whilst they prepare dinner. Outside the kitchen, Leo makes a pact with Emily that he's got a plan to get the doll but it is their secret.
No. 26
Lyn is panicking and telling Joe that Steph should have phone 30 minutes ago when the phone conveniently rings. It's Steph phoning and she says she is at Stanno's but is actually calling from a phone box and Lyn is subtly trying to tell her that she knows she isn't at Stanno's but Steph doesn't twig and says she'll be home soon. Michelle comes out of her bedroom and asks if that was Steph, Lyn replies it was and with rolling eyes says she's at Stanno's.
No. 24
Lou turns up and Harold offers food and drink but Lou turns him down. Harold tells him what this friend said - that he had a bad time of it after he was as keen as Lou is, and wanted Harold to warn Lou. Lou isn't keen on listening to this advice even when Harold says this friend lost a lot of money.
No. 32
Emily demands to know what the plan is to try and get the doll and reluctantly he takes her into his room to tell her after she promises not to tell their parents.
No. 26
Steph arrives home from "Stanno's" and Lyn "volunteers" to help Steph check over her bike so she can have "a chat" with her.
Outside No. 26
Lyn tells Steph that she knows she wasn't at Stanno's and that it wasn't the first time either. Steph wonders who told her before realising it must have been Michelle. After asking if she knows the risks she is taking, Lyn asks how she got in contact with Woody anyway and Steph tells her that he phoned. Lyn asks if she's ever heard of phone taps as the people who are after him could trace the call but Steph says he uses public phones and then Lyn suggests that they could get to him via her. Steph tells her that she loves him and they want to be together but Lyn says that is impossible and she's got to accept it, which Steph seems reluctant to do. Lyn hopes that Joe doesn't find out after their current drama with Flick. Steph says that Joe will know the difference - she's involved in an adult relationship whereas Flick is having a teenage crush - just as a whistling Joe comes down the stairs towards them wanting to know if Lyn needs help preparing dinner. Lyn quickly replies no and that Steph was just showing her ......the oil seals Steph replies, but to their rescue Michelle also comes down to take Joe citing that she needs help with the computer.
No. 26
Michelle is asking his advice on buying an MP3 player from America but needs is credit card to buy it saying it is only $200 plus shipping. Joe asks her what is wrong with the radio and she replies that she has the money in the bank to buy it and he gives in.
Outside No. 26
Steph asks Lyn to stop making her feel guilty but she just had to see Woody even though she hated lying to her. Lyn asks if Woody knows the dangers and Steph says yes, but they both feel the same about each other. Lyn says it's not worth risking their lives though and Steph asks what she'd do if she were in the same position with Joe when she was younger but Lyn says that is too hard (to answer).
Shopping centre (next day)
Leo and Emily arrive outside the store and send a remote control car in to get the owners attention. He follows it outside the shop and they quickly go in and with Emily keeping lookout Leo almost gets to the doll but the owner arrives back and they quickly hide inside the store.
No. 26
Just before he leaves with Michelle, Joe tells Steph that he has been chatting to Jack and everything is now going well since he moved back to England, even making friends and Steph is pleased to hear this. With the house to themselves, Lyn tells Steph she's been thinking about the Woody business - she has to do something urgently about it. Steph replies back that they know how they feel about each other and as long a nobody finds out then they are okay but Lyn comments that how long will that be and tells her to see a lawyer or get some advice from Maggie or Toadie. Steph is surprised at this suggestion since that means letting others know but Lyn assures her that they are sworn to secrecy and after reminding her that the people after Woody aren't playing she urges Steph to get legal advice before something happens. Reluctantly Steph agrees, so Lyn says today.
Shopping centre
Leo and Emily are still in hiding but Leo sneezes and the owner comes over and finds them.
The Coffee Shop
Harold gives Michelle her order and Joe is surprised at her choice (smoked salmon) and the fact she has a tab. She explains to Joe that she has the money in the bank to pay for it but he adds "for how much longer" and tells him not to worry as they head out and Lou comes in.
Shopping centre
The owner closes his shop to deal with Emily and Leo and starts by saying they can't call him a thief when they are ones too and wants their parents home phone number.
The Coffee Shop
Harold brings Lou is strong black coffee to him and they have a ding-dong over each other's attitude towards the other before Lou leaves.
Shopping centre
The owner is telling Maggie that the kids were trying to steal the doll but Leo protests their innocence saying they only wanted to look at the doll, which of course he doesn't believe. Maggie then asks to see the doll and he doesn't want her to see and says he has a buyer lined up. She then asks if he has a receipt from when he purchased it, he does, so she asks to see it but he now claims he can't find it and goes to call the police. Maggie then tells him that she is a lawyer and says under law she has the right to inspect the doll. She then tells him a little story - as a child she had a doll and her dog bit into the leg of it, and then she passed the doll onto her daughter - and gives him the option of either letting her check the doll or the police can. He goes and gets the doll and gives it to Emily.
<<3798 - 3800>>
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