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Neighbours Episode 3777 from 2001 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
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Episode title: 3777
Australian airdate: 29/5/01
UK airdate: BBC: 13/7/01
Writer: Glenda Hambly
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Luke Dawson: Adrian Foley
Simone Pike: Amanda Levy
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Joel is enjoying Simone's company. He tells her it's over with Flick
Lou tries to persuade Harold not to sell his house
Evan rudely asks Susan when she stopped being an educator and became manager.
Susan is telling Karl that she has never met anyone more arrogant and egotistical than Evan. Drew comes in with some shopping. Susan continues to rant about Evan. Karl makes the mistake of defending Evan and says that nothing went wrong. They bicker.
The Coffee Shop
Flick and Luke are chatting. Joel accidentally tips some coffee on Luke and Flick admonishes him.
Evan is going on about what a wonderful teacher he is. Maggie says that she wishes that Evan and Susan could get along - Maggie likes her very much. Evan is not pleased.
The Coffee Shop
Flick is ranting at Joel - Luke has an important meeting to get to and now he's covered in coffee.
Lyn is gossiping on the phone to Joe. Flick and Luke come in. They were awarded a twelve month supply of T-shirt and are very pleased indeed. Lyn is making a pie for the surprise party for Harold. They explain to Luke that they want Harold to stay in the street.
Simone and Joel are hanging out. Joel is ranting about Flick. Simone says that he doesn't talk about anything else but Flick. Joel says that he really did love her, but it is definitely over between them.
Paul and Tad ask if Harold is doing anything tomorrow. Apparently he has lots of plans! Tad and Paul look worried. When Harold's gone, Tad rings Lou - they've got to get Harold there for the party.
Later at the Bishops
Lou, Paul and Tad are trying to come up with a plan. Harold comes home. Lou suggests he help Harold go house-hunting tomorrow. Tad and Paul say they'll come along too and Harold agrees.
Evan is still banging on about administration at the school. He says they could set up their own school. Maggie is not impressed. She tells him to be pragmatic. Evan says that maybe he should have a personality transplant(!). Maggie begs him to work things out with Susan.
Susan is ranting about Evan. Karl says the departmental enquiry has unnerved her. She says that people have to accept the realities of the job. Karl says it's not worth losing an excellent teacher because he breaks a few rules. Susan wishes her life was more boring - there's too much conflict in their lives between the school and the surgery.
Simone tells Joel that she's liked him right from the beginning. She is going to go away for a week while he thinks about it all. Joel thinks that a break will be a good thing. Simone says he can tell her how he feels when she gets back.
The Coffee Shop
Karl and Susan are reminiscing about "crazy days" that they used to have in college for fun. Susan tells him that she doesn't need to break rules! Susan says being with Karl breaks a few rules of nature anyway(!)
Ramsay Street
Harold, Paul and Tad are all getting into Lou's car. Lou says that he's found the perfect house for Harold, but it's a surprise. They put a blindfold on Harold! Lou says that Harold is going to love the house he has in mind! He drives off. Once they've gone, neighbours run from everywhere and start setting up equipment!
Lou's car
Lou is driving about.
Ramsay Street
The neighbours are starting the barbecue and a sign saying "Don't Go Harold" is hanging up. Joe and Karl bicker over the barbecue.
Lou drives up with Harold still blindfolded. When they get Harold out of the car, they take the blindfold off to reveal all the neighbours clapping. They all hug him and sing his praises. Harold looks a bit mixed.
Evan and Maggie are late for the barbecue. Evan doesn't really want to go because Susan will be there. Maggie says they should go in order to be neighbourly, so he reluctantly agrees.
Ramsay Street
The neighbours are all hoping that Harold will stay. Joel comes up and Flick goes off to the house to avoid him. The real estate agent rings for Harold. He announces that he has to settle with the buyer on the house. Tad and Lou says he can't just jump into it. Harold says he can. He tells the real estate agent that the deal is off - he's changed his mind. Everybody cheers.
Flick is hanging about, avoiding Joel. She peeps out of the window at him.
Ramsay Street
Everyone is congratulating Harold on his decision. The neighbours are packing up the barbecue. Harold tells Lou that he's very moved by what they all did. He smiles and looks out at the street, taking it all in. He then looks up at his own house and smiles.
Harold tells Tad and Paul that he feels so blessed to have such wonderful friends around him - especially Tad and Paul. He says has put up with quite a bit from them, but that he couldn't have got through the last few weeks without them. They tell him that Harold has never given up on them, so they couldn't give up on him.
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