Toadie and Lance discover Lou is advertising for new tenants
Steph celebrates her new job
Joel tells Flick to stop playing games
Flick tells Joel to get used to it - she wants to learn. Joel tells her to find Shane to pay and talks to Shane about the prospect of them losing a few of their participant - some might not pass the fitness test.
The Coffee Shop
After some buttering up Lou admits to Joe that he needs some help with his art exhibition. Joe promises to be over later. Lance and Toadie come in and tell Lou that his eviction is illegal. Lou tells them that it's his right and it's too late for grovelling. Toadie won't leave number 30 until their proper eviction notice is served and not a day before their time is up. Toadie gives him a look as he and Lance leave. Joe asks whether he's seriously evicting them and Lou tells him he'd better believe it before both of them burst into laughter.
Joel doesn't see Flick and thinks that she's gone home. But in fact she's walking towards them. She jumps into the pool and gives Joel a big cheesy smile.
Number 26
Joe thinks he's lost his touch with his barbecued snags. Steph thinks he's just a bit rusty and Joe agrees, saying that he won't let the other bludgers win. Steph is looking at her contract - she's been hired as a sub-contractor and Joe thinks that it might be pricier going that way than it's worth. But, Steph points out, it's the only job she's been offered.
Joel times the swimmers - they have to be able to swim the distance under ten minutes. Flick's time is 10:08. She comes to ask Joel whether she made it: he looks at his clipboard, sees the time and, despite this, tells her that she has. Now they have to tread water for ten minutes!
Number 30
Allana comes over with a treat for Lance - the entire first series of 'Cosmosis'. Toadie is reading up on the Lou issue and finds they could hold him off for months - they could go to tribunal and, if Lou doesn't have a good enough reason to evict them, get the decision overturned. Allana doesn't think Lou has a good enough reason. They could actually win this!
Flick made it, just, and Joel tells her that he's proud of her - actually proud of all of them! Flick looks very happy with herself.
Community Hall
Joe and Steph appear to help Lou. Joe is still going on about the subcontracting but Steph reckons it's the way of the future. He tells her that they have to make a lot to make it pay for them. Steph won't wait for something else - maybe she should take a risk. Lou thinks that there's nothing wrong with some risk taking.
Number 30
Toadie didn't remember Tenancy law at all - he's found that they can apply for an extension of time, even if their appeal against Lou's decision fails. Toadie will construct a good sob story so they can stay longer.
Community Hall
Lou still isn't happy with where his paintings are and Joe's getting a little irate. Lou has finished reading Steph's contract and has decided that it's a one way street - it's dodgy, worker's exploitation! Joe thinks that Lou's a master of worker exploitation but Lou reminds them that they're not workers - they're friends.
Number 30
Lance thinks they should keep it friendly with Lou but Toadie wants to work with the law, as Lou is doing. Allana wonders if all this hassle is worth hanging onto this place, but there's no doubt of that in Lance and Toadie's minds. Lance suggests that maybe he could move in with her if they get evicted but Allana reacts strongly against it, giving the reasons that it's just a room she rents and there's no space.
Joel is teaching the group and Flick asks about dive buddies - could they be friends or more than friends? Joel says it doesn't matter, as long as they can dive. Would he save her if she got into difficulty? Joel tells her that if she follows the rules that situation should never arise.
Number 30
Lance wonders if he gave the wrong impression about moving in - he was just wondering about a spare room. Allana thinks that he might not have to move out anyway. Lance walks her to the bus, after she refuses his offer of a lift.
Lou's Place
Toadie is working and happens to eavesdrop on a group of people talking about someone who's found someone who's as geeky as they are, and who made said person do lots of tasks. Toadie butts in and asks if they're talking about Allana - the space kid they were talking about is his housemate. The woman introduces herself as Clementine, Allana's sister, and admits she's never heard of Toadie, although he has heard of her. They're all happy to hear that Toadie is the Toadfish from Uni FM.
The Coffee Shop
Flick spots Joel and thanks him sarcastically for leaving her to walk home alone. Joel doesn't want to show favouritism and decides to go, not even finishing his coffee - the Flick Scully effect.
Number 26
Steph thanks Lou for looking at her contract and tells him she's not taking the job. He's giving them a free dinner at the pub as thanks for their hard work that afternoon.
Flick comes in and, when Joe's gone, Steph asks about Joel's reaction to Flick turning up. She admits that he either couldn't stop looking at her or couldn't get far away enough. Steph thinks Joe will hit the roof, then tells her that Woody wants her to visit again. Steph doesn't want to lead him on but she has been thinking about getting back together with him.
Number 30
Lance is on the phone to Ruth, telling her that maybe it's time he got out and saw the world a bit - the US in particular. He answers the door - it's Allana. Lance wants to talk to her. He thinks that maybe he shouldn't get tied down to another lease - that he should go and see the world. The 'Star Trek' tour at Paramount and Vegas - he's always dreamed of this. Lance thinks they should do it now, when they can do it cheaply and don't care about where they sleep. He promises her that it's an extremely do-able idea.
Lou's Place
Toadie gets some drinks for Clementine and comments on her unusual name. Allana (or Dorothy) got the rough end of the bargain and changed hers a few years ago. She asks about Lance - and wonders if he's trying not to describe him as gullible. Toadie had thought that maybe he was being lead but, after the name business, Allana and Lance have promised to be honest with each other. Clementine says that she kept telling Allana to come clean - it's no disgrace. Toadie is confused and asks what is not a disgrace. "Having a name like Dorothy, of course." Says Clementine. Toadie looks thoughtfully as she walks away.