- Joe telling the ambulance services that Tina, his passenger in his cab is about to have a baby. And he's in a bush fire, by the way.
- Joel kissing Flick after the Deb Ball.
Number 30's backyard
Joel and Flick are still kissing and very pleased about it, too. His foot - complete with suit trousers and shoe - falls into the water. I guess that's some clever soap device to show us how kissing Felicity means more than anything else to him.
I'm struggling to understand why.
The middle of nowhere / Number 28
Joe pulls the taxi over and calls Karl back. He asks how far apart the contractions are - Tina says all the time and Karl can tell that she's started pushing. He tells her to pant. Karl tells Joe that there will be a fire truck heading in his direction.
Karl tells Joe he needs something to keep the baby warm, and Joe has blankets. Karl also tells him he needs things to tie the umbilical cord with in two places. Tina is STILL seatbelted in! Honestly! Karl - sensible man - tells Joe to get her out of the car. Joe's battery starts to die, so he has to put the phone down.
The Scullys'
Darcy's at the door and is telling Lyn and Steph what's going on.
The middle of nowhere / Number 28
Joe comforts Tina and asks her how she's doing - she's now on the ground. Joe calls Karl back and he asks him what he can see. Joe has a look - embarrassed, and tells Karl that he can't see anything, but Tina pushes again and Joe can see the head of the baby. He can't see any blood loss.
Joe tells Karl that he can't hear an ambulance or truck - and then Karl passes Joe to Lyn. Lyn tells him to get out to somewhere safe - she becomes a bit hysterical and breaks down. Karl takes the phone and tells him to worry about Tina, who's still pushing.
Number 30
Human Nature are now singing on the Neighbours set. Oh pur-lease. Toadie returns and can't believe they had a party without him. Lance tells him it's Human Nature and Toadie is astounded. And sick with jealousy.
Then Toadie finds a huge hole in the wall, and there are apparently problems with Toadie's door and the bathroom. Oh, and the carpet in the lounge.
Steph runs in and tells Flick what's going on - she deserts Joel, who at her departure, leaps into the pool.
The Kennedys'
Steph and Flick run into number 28 and Darcy's on the phone, with news that the fire truck's on his way, but they have to wait until the fire passes them. The phone rings again, and Joe wants to know when the ambulance is going to get them.
Karl gives him instructions on how to help the baby come out slowly. But just as he's telling him about tying the umbilical cord, the phone cuts out. Lynnie is worried.
Number 30
Toadie is furious with Lance and Joel and the state of the house - he refuses to tell Lou when he's not the person responsible. They all say goodbye to Human Nature, then realise that they're going to need to clean up.
Toadie and Lance want the story on Flick from Joel. Lance and Toadie think he's stupid for even trying to date a girl who's father lives two doors away, but Joel sets them straight about the bush fire and reprimands their puerility.
Number 28 / middle of nowhere
The television is on and reporting bad stuff about the bush fire.
Joe calls Karl and is charging his phone up from the car, so they are shouting to each other. Karl tells Joe to tell Tina to make long pushes - they pushes she's making are anything BUT long!
The head's out! Black hair!
Joe tells Tina to ensure that she takes a break between contractions. Her pushing noises are really annoying me, incidentally. They're very wimpish.
The baby's coming out and Joe is too excited about it all - he can't believe it! He tells Tina she's done really well. The baby is HUGE. About 8 weeks old, I reckon.
Number 30
Lance tells Joel not to put the hole filler on so thickly on the wall. Joel doesn't like them teasing him about Flick, so he tells them to shut up - or there will be more holes in the walls with their heads in. Lance and Toadie laugh that he's going to be in so much trouble - presumably with Joe!
The middle of nowhere
Joe tells Lyn that he's a beautiful baby, and that he's cut the cord - then realises that they're no longer on the phone. His car battery has gone dead and he can't get out.
Number 28
The television is still reporting the fire, and Karl tries to reassure Lyn that Joe is probably driving out now. Little does he know. Karl answer the door to Joel who is asking for news. Flick tells him they've lost contact.
The middle of nowhere
Joe can't get the car started, so he gets Tina and the baby into the bar and they'll have to let the fire pass over them; she's afraid they'll burn. So would I be!
Cut to later, and a fire truck arrives at the car, smoke all around them! They open the door and get them all out. For someone who's just had a baby, Tina's walking remarkably well, and clutching the baby to her with no care whatsoever. Good job it's probably only a blanket in her arms, then.
Number 28
Darcy is on the phone and reports that they're being airlifted to hospital. Lyn and Karl go to the hospital.
Number 30
Lance and Toadie are still discussing Joel and his crush on Flick - they think he's insane to fancy her.
Lance tells Toadie that he needs someone to be in love with, and he should check out Allana's sister. Toadie doesn't want to be in love with another space cadet like Allana! But Lance says that she's nothing like her sister - she's actually Toadie's type. Toadie realises that Lance has never met any of her family or friends.
Erinsborough Hospital
Joe comes through the door and Lyn flies at him! I can't believe that Lyn and Jarl got there before Joe and Tina! Joe introduces Tina to Lyn and Karl, and Tina thanks Joe, telling him he did so well. Aw!
Lyn hugs Joe and Karl congratulates him. Double aw.
Number 30
Lance tells Toadie that he needs some sleep, and Toadie asks Lance to ask Allana about her sister. Joel tells them that they need to do some more cleaning and repairing before Lou sees the house. Toadie likes the fact that Joel is at least happy now, but Joel says that's just because he's surrounded by people with more problems than him! Heh!
There's someone at the door and it's Joel for Flick. He takes her outside to the front porch and asks after her dad. She says that he's good, and she asks how he is. She wants to know - is this the start of a new relationship or not?
Like I even care.
End Credits