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Neighbours Episode 3638 from 2000 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3637 - 3639>>
Episode title: 3638
Australian airdate: 11/10/00
UK airdate: 01/12/00
Writer: Patrick Edgeworth
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Ed Dockerty: Fin Edquist
Leo Hancock: Josh Jay
Emily Hancock: Isabella Oldham
- "Be There With You" by Human Nature
- "Lie" by Tim Watson
Summary/Images by: Miriam/Jeremai
- Steph, Dee and Tess flirting with a farmhand on their girls' weekend away.- The girls on horseback chasing after Errol the horse who is galloping away...
Some woodland, Somewhere...
Tess, Dee and Steph are on horses galloping after Errol the runaway horse.
The Kennedys'
Karl sees Libby's photo of Drew and Steph in the paper promoting Wigs For Kids. Karl says that he's pleased to be spending the afternoon reading the paper, but Lib reminds her that Jenny Hancock's children will be here soon to stay for a few days - Susan has gone to pick them up.
Just as Karl's about to start tidying up, Susan arrives home with Leo and Emily; she introduces them to Karl and Libby, and explains that they're upset about their mother going away.
Leo and Emily start fighting over a teddy bear so Karl sorts it out. Good ol' Karl!
Some woodland, Somewhere...
The girls are still chasing Errol the runaway horse, and as they leap over a log, Tess is thrown from her horse.
Maybe no-one will notice she's missing?
The Scullys'
Joe sees the picture of Steph and Drew in the paper, and Lyn hopes that Steph will be okay with it, given how she feels about Drew and all. Joe dismisses it as a phase, and Lynnie quickly spots an exercise bike for sale - but Joe says she can't have one as it's a waste of money. However, as she goes off for a shower he looks back at the ad in the paper...
Some woodland, Somewhere...
Steph and Dee catch up with Errol, and Steph dismounts her own horse to grab Errol's reins. Dee compliments her nature with horses, and says that she loved the ride - it was excellent!
Then they notice that Tess is missing.
The Kennedys'
Karl is asking Leo questions about his computer games, and Susan is helping Emily make something with ribbons. Karl can't get through to Leo, but Susan reassures him that they just need to get used to being here.
Libby announces that she's going out for a while as the house descends in to chaos with Leo and Emily fighting over the ribbons...
Lou's Place
I typed "Leo's Place" first before I realised a) he's underage and b) he's like, eleven years old.
Drew is at the bar as Lyn and Joe come in. Lou has put the Wigs for Kids picture up, and Lib also comes in and admires it. Joe tactfully pulls Lyn away from Lib and Drew at the bar by promising her a surprise.
Lib tells Drew that she feels sorry for Leo and Emily with their parents away, but they're causing havoc; she doesn't know what she'd be like with kids, but probably not very good. Drew tells her that he's moving back to Oakey sooner than he thought - he has a buyer for the garage.
Lib tells him not to grab the first offer - Drew asks her why she cares.
Some woodland, Somewhere...
Tess hasn't been found, yet. Shame. And Steph things they should carry on looking, but then they see her back at base - with the farmhand who compliments Steph on her nature with horses.
That's, like, twice in one episode. All this good continuity is doing my head in...
Lou's Place
I got it right this time.
Drew and Lib are still at the bar, and Drew apologises for what he said before - he's just stressed about the move. Lib thinks he'll be pleased when he's back on home turf, but Drew says it won't be easy to leave.
Lib takes food back for the kids and leaves.
The Kennedys'
Karl and Susan are trying to get the kids to bed, but Emily wants Topsy. Topsy? Leo shows Susan who Topsy is - a top, funnily enough, that spins and supposedly says goodnight to Emily.
I think it's meant to be endearing but I just find them annoying.
Karl tries to separate Leo from his computer game, but the kid gives Karl a death stare that actually rivals Susan's.
The Scullys'
Lyn and Joe are enjoying a meal together whilst the kids are away, and Lynnie thinks that Joe is very romantic, and she'd please like to know what the surprise in the living room is.
He agrees to show her as she runs off. He unwraps the blanket-covered bike, and she's thrilled with it! She's concerned about the money, though, but loves it as she gets on and has a go...!
She says that Joe won't recognise her in a few weeks, but he doesn't want her to change too much. He doesn't want this to become a fad...
The Kennedys'
Karl and Susan collapse on the sofa, knackered after the kids were so demanding. Karl asks her if she's still looking forward to grandchildren?!
Leo comes out of his room, and says that Emily thinks there's a monster in her room, but Susan says she knows the one, and that he's very friendly. She suggests one more story which Leo can choose, and then they'll all go to bed.
Leo picks a book and just as Lib comes in, he hits her with a flying cushion.
Some woodland, Somewhere...
The girls and Farmhand man are sitting round a campfire. Steph professes that she's an outdoor kinda girl; Tess says she prefers her animals with two legs - the indoor type of girl. Dee says she's the best of both worlds, and low maintenance.
Farmhand man thanks Steph for finding Errol and leaves - he has to pack ready to leave, as he lives 3000Ks away. Apparently.
The girls take the mickey out of each other - amazed that guys are able to make them say things that they don't really mean.
The Kennedys'
Susan finishes the book and Karl takes Leo to bed. Emily wants the book again and Susan asks Lib to read it, but Emily falls asleep before she can, so Suse carries her to bed.
The Scullys'
Joe is riding the bike in the middle of the night, and Lyn calls from the bedroom, wondering where he is. He says he's making her a cup of tea and makes some tea-stirring noises for good effect. Lynnie completely buys it.
The Kennedys'
Karl comes and grabs breakfast pancakes to take into Emily's room, and Susan asks Leo if he'll play her something on the piano, but he's not really into it. In fact, he doesn't say a word. How rude. How can someone sit with Susan and not say anything?
Susan starts to play the piano and Leo runs off. Lyn knocks on the door and said she heard Suse playing - would she teach her the piano at all? Susan would love to! Excellent! She'll talk to Lyn later about it as she has to go out now. Karl will look after the kids.
Leo starts hitting some of the piano keys and Lib watches him from the table.
The Scullys'
Joe is on the bike again, just as Steph, Tess and Dee get home - as soon as he hears them he leaps off the bike! Lyn comes to welcome her daughter home and they all say that they had a great time.
They all fight over who the Farmhand man liked most, and Dee confesses that he gave her his number - it turns out he gave them all his number!
Drew's at the door - he gives Steph a drill that he borrowed from Joe a while ago whilst he was clearing out his stuff. Joe calls Drew in for a drink and he acquiesces.
The Kennedys'
Karl has to go on a housecall and Lib is now in charge of the kids - she tries to get Emily to talk to her and play hide and seek, but she's not interested. Leo says that Emily wants her mum, so Lib explains that her mum's in Nigeria to help her dad feel better. Emily nods. Cute. I think.
The Scullys'
The girls natter on about Farmhand man again, and Drew has to leave.
The Kennedys'
Leo suggests that Emily might like a ride in the car to cheer her up, but Drew comes to the door, and asks if Emily would like to see the Fairy Garden after the drive. Leo doesn't want to go on the drive, so Drew says he'll look after Leo whilst Emily goes out with Lib.
Wow - it's like they were making a really clever parallel of Lib and Drew and two kids compared to Karl and Susan and their kids at number 28. How, like, really clever. I'd never have got that analogy...
But cynicism reigns in this recap, so we'd better cut to:
<<3637 - 3639>>
Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3638
Steph Scully

Steph Scully, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3638
Steph Scully, Drew Kirk

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Emily Hancock, Leo Hancock, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3638
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Emily Hancock, Leo Hancock, Libby Kennedy

Tess Bell in Neighbours Episode 3638
Tess Bell

Lyn Scully, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 3638
Lyn Scully, Joe Scully

Dee Bliss, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3638
Dee Bliss, Steph Scully

Susan Kennedy, Leo Hancock, Emily Hancock, Karl Kennedy, Dahl in Neighbours Episode 3638
Susan Kennedy, Leo Hancock, Emily Hancock, Karl Kennedy, Dahl

Drew Kirk, Lyn Scully, Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 3638
Drew Kirk, Lyn Scully, Joe Scully

Tess Bell, Ed Dockerty in Neighbours Episode 3638
Tess Bell, Ed Dockerty

Drew Kirk, Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3638
Drew Kirk, Lyn Scully, Libby Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Leo Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3638
Karl Kennedy, Leo Hancock

Joe Scully, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 3638
Joe Scully, Lyn Scully

Karl Kennedy, Dahl, Susan Kennedy, Leo Hancock, Emily Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3638
Karl Kennedy, Dahl, Susan Kennedy, Leo Hancock, Emily Hancock

Ed Dockerty, Steph Scully, Tess Bell, Dee Bliss in Neighbours Episode 3638
Ed Dockerty, Steph Scully, Tess Bell, Dee Bliss

Emily Hancock, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3638
Emily Hancock, Susan Kennedy

Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3638
Lyn Scully, Susan Kennedy

Joe Scully in Neighbours Episode 3638
Joe Scully

Steph Scully, Lyn Scully, Dee Bliss, Tess Bell in Neighbours Episode 3638
Steph Scully, Lyn Scully, Dee Bliss, Tess Bell

Drew Kirk, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 3638
Drew Kirk, Steph Scully

Libby Kennedy, Emily Hancock in Neighbours Episode 3638
Libby Kennedy, Emily Hancock

Tess Bell, Dee Bliss, Lyn Scully, Joe Scully, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3638
Tess Bell, Dee Bliss, Lyn Scully, Joe Scully, Drew Kirk

Libby Kennedy, Dahl, Leo Hancock, Emily Hancock, Drew Kirk in Neighbours Episode 3638
Libby Kennedy, Dahl, Leo Hancock, Emily Hancock, Drew Kirk

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