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Neighbours Episode 3317 from 1999 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3316 - 3318>>
Episode title: 3317
Australian airdate: 1/06/99
UK airdate: 13/08/1999
UK Gold: 19/1/05
Writer: Roger Dunn
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Peter Hannay – Nick Carrafa
Lindy Lambert - Aurora Cotsbeck
Summary/Images by: Shona
Peter asks Sarah to marry him.
Blue Gum Mountains
Sarah tells Peter he's mad but says yes. Peter says she's the most amazing person in the world. She warns him he must not pull any silly diving stunts in the future - if he does, he'll be out.
Number 26
Phil is talking to Anne about the trials of having lodgers. He suggests she should sell, but Anne says she can't - she promised Lily she would keep hold of then house. Lance says it's still a gamble if she sells. He's off to Gamblers' Anonymous - 'The dark side, that marvellous place where we strange people meet at nights and tell each other how we've ruined our lives - then we have tea and cake' and leaves. Phil warns GA won't work until Lance admits he has a problem.
Blue Gum Mountains
Peter talks about getting take out but they have no phone and his mobile won't work out in the country. Sarah says happily she isn't really hungry anyway - maybe they should just go for a quiet drink somewhere.
Gamblers' Anonymous Meeting, Erinsborough High
Lance walks into the meeting. The leader asks if he wants to say anything but he tells her maybe he will later. Another man, Simon, gets up to talk as Lance looks on.
Number 28
Susan is marking when Bill comes home. His chisel slipped and he has a cut on his finger. Susan is concerned and thinks he's over tired. Bill is adamant he doesn't want Karl to know and shrugs it off. Karl comes in and spots Bill's bandage whilst lecturing him about pacing himself at work. He asks Susan to get the first aid kit and says this is what he's been talking about. Susan says that his finger is fine in a vain attempt to keep the peace. Bill hands his father money for lodgings and leaves. Susan tells Karl Bill's doing his best.
Gamblers' Anonymous Meeting, Erinsborough High
Simon finishes and Lance stands to tell his story:
'My name's Lance W. I'm here because of a lot of stupid things that I've done - well stupid things to do with gambling anyway, which have been heaps. I broke into my own house, stole my mother's antique fob watch to place the next bet. I even wrecked the house to make it look like it wasn't me. Pretty good, huh? I am a compulsive gambler. I have an addiction to gambling. I'm here because I have to face the fact that something's gone wrong inside me and I'm going to need help, which I think maybe I've found and that could be the best luck of all.'
They applaud.
Number 26
Phil and Ruth are playing scrabble. Lance arrives back in a good mood. He goes to make tea and Anne, Ruth and Phil follow. He tells them it went pretty good even though Anne's sceptical he even went at all. He tells them he spoke to the group and it felt good to admit his problem. Anne says as if they don't know he has a problem and Lance says he meant admitting it in front of those who knew how it felt. 'Not the ones you ripped off?' Anne demands and Ruth is angry with her. 'Congratulations', Anne says coolly to her brother.
Lou's Place
Amy plays darts with Bill. She complains about Damien who won't return her calls. She moves onto the subject of Bill and Anne moving in and Bill says they can't afford it. Amy takes it as an excuse, thinking Anne is just being conservative and old-fashioned. She proposes Lance and she move in too - it'll be fun, they can have parties! With things so bad with her mum that she's staying at no.30 and Bill in conflict with his dad, it's a perfect opportunity.
Blue Gum Mountains
Peter wants to know about Sarah's past boyfriends, even though he promises it won't make a one bit difference. She admits she was engaged when she was younger and there was only one man who really mattered but not anymore. Peter says there was one (sort of) too not anymore - they were together when they were students and when he joined MSF it didn't survive. He asks if she's ever been in love. She says yes but it was a different life before him. He gives her a ring made out of grass, just temporary so she can choose the real one.
Number 30
Amy lies on couch reading a magazine. Sarah and Peter arrive back. They tell her they're engaged and Amy is excited about it - it's so perfect. She tries to tag along with them to lunch at Lou's Place so she can see the ring, which they look less than happy about.
Number 26
Lance is on phone about work while Anne eats breakfast. Ruth asks one of them to get shopping, leaving a list and a $50 bill, but Lance is busy, and Anne is annoyed that she'll have to get it. Bill arrives to talk to Anne and knocks over her juice. As they clean up he asks why they can't move in. Lance announces he's got a job and he picks up the yellow pages. Unknown to them the fifty is no longer on the table. Bill mentions that Amy wants to move out and Anne is angry he's been talking to Amy about their business. Bill says she's avoiding real issue - she isn't being honest about wanting to live with him. He leaves saying she can come and find him when she has something to say to him.
Lou's Place
Amy, Peter and Sarah arrive for lunch. Peter and Sarah don't have a ring yet. Amy asks when the big day is. Peter says it'll be soon, a day that suits everyone. And then what next? Asks Amy. Peter says to Amsterdam and then maybe to England as he's wanting to do his Masters Degree in Public Health. Sarah looks surprised - obviously this is news to her.
Number 26
Phil asks what Anne's problem is, picking up on her icy tone. She answers that it's Bill...and Lance. She asks Phil if he thinks Lance is really going to the meetings. Phil tells her that's where trust comes in. Anne looks for the money for the shopping and can't find it but doesn't let on to Phil that it has vanished.
Lou's Place
Sarah says she isn't sure about moving to Amsterdam - they haven't discussed it yet. Peter promises they will later. Karl and Susan come in and Peter says they have a celebration. He's won the lottery, his numbers have just come in - Sarah's agreed to marry him! They smile and Susan congratulates them. Amy says it's romantic and Karl agrees as Susan tries to read his expression.
Number 28
Karl feeds Dahl while Susan scrubs the oven. Susan asks whether it's odd that Sarah's jumped in so quickly. Karl answers that she's old enough to know what she's doing. Bill enters and asks what - Susan quickly says they were talking about Sarah and asks him about the oven - he did popcorn in it and now it's a mess. Karl breaks the news to him about Sarah. 'Love at first sight', Bill scoffs and Karl says it does happen. Karl says he won't be interfering in Bill's business for the next three months. 'Only 3 months?' Bill asks.
Number 26
Anne tells Amy she's stirring things up as far as Lily's house is concerned. It hasn't got anything to do with her. Amy tells her she's being old fashioned, and tries to convince her to move in. Anne lets it slip that the fifty for the shopping went missing and that she suspects Lance took it. Amy doesn't believe it, but, alluding to Lance's gambling and her continuing worry about it everything something occurs, Anne says she doesn't want all the problems that come with a house. Amy knows it's Bill that's the problem and not Lance. Anne admits that once they're joined up and living together it's going to be harder to break apart.
Number 30
Peter asks Sarah about the ring. She's angry that people know about what they're doing when she doesn't. Peter explains that he thought she would want to go, with her sister being over there. She says she doesn't want to follow in someone's footsteps all the time. He says he's used to making snap decisions at work but she says this isn't work. They resolve it and Sarah reaffirms her commitment to him.
Number 26
Lance talks about his job. Anne brings up the fifty dollars and asks what happened to it? He tells her it must be there, but she says it isn't there. He demands to know if she's accusing him.
<<3316 - 3318>>
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