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Neighbours Episode 3297 from 1999 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3296 - 3298>>
Episode title: 3297
Australian airdate: 04/05/99
UK airdate: 16/07/99
Writer: Jeff Truman
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Craig Pinders: Nathan Godkin
Janine Matthews: Clare Powell
Henk Forster: Matthew Posetti
Const. Ryan Moller: Pieter Siertsema
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Graham
Joel and Sarah tell Toadie that someone has rUng who claims to be a witness to someone dumping Toadie's car. It could be his way out.
Toadie talks to the woman on the phone - apparently she saw some dump the car and then walk off. Toadie says he'll got to the police in the morning. Sarah is pleased, but Joel and Toadie don't think he's out of the woods yet.
Lou's Place
Lou is putting up posters about Pear Passion. He wants to get some models for an "Adam and Eve" angle. Karl and Susan wind him up by saying that they're interested in modelling. They give him a really hard time(!) and tell Lou they'd be very offended if Lou thought they were too old for modelling, not to mention the legal implications(!). Lou tries to put them off by telling them it's nude modelling. They say that's fine. Lou worriedly tries to escape and they finally admit that they're winding him up!
Joel and Sarah are bickering about Geri again. Sarah says she's sick of her hanging around. Joel says that Sarah's mother stayed for a few weeks and he didn't have a problem with it. Joel it's his house too and he'll decide who he invites into it.
Ramsay Street
Karl and Susan find some flowers outside addressed to Karl. There's a clue in the card. Susan says she knows that he also got flowers in the Coffee Shop, and Karl admits that this is actually the third bouquet! Susan says he might have a stalker on his hands - they obviously know where he lives.
Sarah has a postcard from her mother - she wants her to look after an aid worker who's coming over. Joel says he can't come to stay.
Lou comes in. He offers them the opportunity to make some money - he needs and Adam and Eve for a publicity stunt for Pear Passion. Sarah isn't keen, but Joel starts negotiating a price! Lou agrees to give Joel $100! Joel says he'll get Geri to be Eve!
The Coffee Shop
Karl tells Harold that he's had some more flowers. He wants to know who's sending them so he can tell them to lay off - the florist won't tell him who it was. Harold says he could help Karl to decipher the clues on the cards. Karl gives Harold the cards and asks him to be very discreet.
The Pub
Lou wants Joel to hand out samples of Pear Passion at the door. Also, they'll have to have a few photos. He hands Joel his costume which consists of some very small fig leaves. Joel says he doesn't mean to brag but the fig-leaves Lou has given him won't cover him up sufficiently! He says he'll wear his swimming trunks underneath. Joel has not been able to get hold of Geri yet.
The Coffee Shop
Toadie is talking to the witness. She says that Toadie looks nothing like the guy who dumped the car. She says she'll be happy to back him up at the police station.
The Pub
Joel still hasn't been able to get hold of Geri. He asks Sarah to do it instead. She says she will on condition that Lou caps their rent at No.30 for a year, she'll consider it. Lou refuses.
Sarah notices some glasses on the bar that look like Toadie's that were stolen from the car. The dodgy guy that talked to Sarah the other day comes up and picks up the sunglasses. He gives Sarah his address and phone number so she can look him up, much to her disgust. But when he's gone, Sarah suddenly realises he must have been the one who stole Toadie's car - and he's just given her his address!
Toadie is ecstatic about having the name and address of the dodgy guy. Sarah says it might be a coincidence about the sunglasses, but Toadie thinks the guy is definitely the culprit - after all, Toadie did threaten him in the pub. Toadie goes to ring the police. Then he stops and says that Sarah could help to trap him using her feminine wiles. Sarah is horrified!
The Pub
Sarah has rung the dodge guy to meet her. He says he was surprised to hear from her. Sarah bats her eyelids a bit and says she changed his mind about her. He suggests he take her to a shack up the coast(!). Sarah says that she's busy tonight. Lou tries to throw the dodgy guy out, but Sarah says it's OK. She tells the dodgy guy that she's playing Eve for the Pear Passion promotion. Lou is surprised! Sarah goes through to the office to "try on her costume".
The Coffee Shop
Harold tells Karl that he has solved the cryptic clues on the cards from the flowers. He explains that the cards are an acrostic - the first letter of each line spells out the name of the sender. Karl looks at the cards and laughs in recognition.
The Pub
Sarah is back from the office. The dodgy guy says that he has a few things to do and will meet her later. Sarah asks if he'll stay for one more drink. He tries to kiss Sarah, but now Lou is in on the secret and distracts him.
Outside the Pub
Toadie, Pinhead, the witness and the police peep in the door and sneak a look at the dodgy guy. Pinhead says it could be the guy involved, but the witness says she's positive it was. Toadie signals to Lou who goes off to make "an important phonecall"
The Pub
The dodgy guy is about to leave and Sarah is trying to stall him. Toadie comes in and tells the dodgy guy that he's got his sunglasses. He asks Toadie what he's going to do about it. At that moment, the police arrive and the dodgy guy realises that he's been set up. He tells Sarah that "she's gone". Toadie tells him not to threaten Sarah and takes his sunglasses back as the police march the dodgy guy off!
Ramsay Street
Karl and Susan are on their way to the Pear Passion launch and bump into Harold. Karl drags Susan off before Harold can talk about the flowers.
The Pub
The dodgy guy (Hank) has been charged. Joel goes to get changed for the Pear Passion. Sarah says she only said she'd be Eve to put Hank. Lou is worried, and Sarah drags him off for a chat.
Outside the pub
Joel, dressed in swimming trunks and fig leaves, is handing out samples of Pear Passion. Karl has a taste and says he has been looking for something to sterilise his instruments(!) Sarah comes up dressed as Eve (in a bikini and figleaves) and looking exasperated. She agreed to do it on the condition that she got veto over who moves into No.30! Joel is appalled - she's only doing it to stop Geri from moving in. Joel is very angry. Lou comes up and tells them to behave - there was no shouting in paradise!
The Pub
Lou introduces Pear Passion. He pulls back the curtain to find Joel and Sarah arguing. Everyone laughs. Lou draws back the curtain! Lou encourages everyone to peel the labels off their bottles and if they are lucky they will reveal a prize. Noone wins the "discount accommodation at Lassiters" or the "discount haircuts from the salon". Lou asks if anyone has won the "discount counter meals at the pub" and everyone puts their hand up! Lou looks confused and annoyed!
Ramsay Street
Joel, Sarah and Toadie are walking home. They see Karl sitting on his porch playing the guitar and singing the words from the flower cards. Susan comes out and tells him off. Karl says that her poetry should be put to music! She says that it took him long enough to work it out(!) Joel and Toadie cheer, so he starts an encore! Susan goes into the house and slams the door. Then she comes back with a jug of water and pours it over Karl's head!. He stops suddenly and agrees to go back inside. In retaliation, he shakes his now-soaking wet hair all over Susan! Joel and Toadie laugh their heads off, but Sarah is unimpressed.
<<3296 - 3298>>
Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3297
Joel Samuels, Toadie Rebecchi, Sarah Beaumont

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3297
Lou Carpenter

Sarah Beaumont, Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3297
Sarah Beaumont, Joel Samuels

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3297
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3297
Sarah Beaumont

Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3297
Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy

Joel Samuels, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3297
Joel Samuels, Lou Carpenter

Hank Forster in Neighbours Episode 3297
Hank Forster

Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3297
Harold Bishop, Karl Kennedy

Hank Forster, Sarah Beaumont, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3297
Hank Forster, Sarah Beaumont, Lou Carpenter

Sarah Beaumont, Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3297
Sarah Beaumont, Joel Samuels

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3297
Lou Carpenter

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3297
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3297
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3297
Sarah Beaumont

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