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Neighbours Episode 3285 from 1999 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
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Episode title: 3285
Australian airdate: 16/4/99
UK airdate: BBC: 30/6/99
Writer: Jon Stephens
Director: Gary Conway
Guests: Tad Reeves: Jonathon Dutton
Craig Pinders: Nathan Godkin
Sgt. Joanna Douglas: Matilda White
Dr. Veronica Olenski: Caroline Lloyd
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Paul tells Harold that he wants to go to live with his father.
Harold is shocked and upset about Paul's decision. He asks Paul what will happen about school and his friends in Erinsborough. Harold asks what his father thinks about the idea and Paul says he's pleased. Harold wishes that Madge was at home.
The Pub
Toadie comes in and tells Lou that Pinhead is still unconscious. Lou asks Toadie if he'll supervise Paul and Tad on the bottling of Pear Passion. Toadie says he's too busy. He shows Lou some logos he's sketched out but Lou is not impressed.
Drew comes in - he has been fixing Toadie's car. Drew sees the logo and likes them!
Paul is telling Tad about his idea to go and live with his dad. Tad says he can't wait - when Paul's gone, all the girls in Erinsborough will be his(!). Paul is worried about Harold and Madge - they are upset. Paul doesn't want to hurt their feelings.
Toadie is just off to the hospital. Tad says he's inspired by Paul's decision-making and says he is going to drop out of school to become a private detective(!)
Susan and Karl are trying to think of ways to fill their day.
Hospital Room
Toadie is reading to an unconscious Pinhead from the newspaper and talking to him as if he were awake. Slowly Pinhead starts to wake up.
Garden of Lou's
Tad and Paul are washing bottles out. Lou shows them how to mix a sterilising liquid and sterilise the bottles. He agrees to pay them $7 an hour. Some of the bottles are brown and some are clear. Lou says some will be Pear Passion Premium and others Pear Passion Regular(!).
Hospital Room
Pinhead has woken up and the nurse is pleased with his reflexes. When the nurse has gone, Toadie apologises for the argument they had, but Pinhead doesn't remember it. He only remembers a car coming up behind him.
The Coffee Shop
Lou has come in for a cup of coffee to neutralise the effects of tasting the Pear Passion. Harold tells him about Paul's decision to leave to live with his father. Harold has serious doubts about Paul going to live with Leo. Harold says he can't lay down the law - it'll only drive Paul away. Lou suggests ringing Leo for a chat.
Hospital Room
The police are interviewing Pinhead about the accident. He can't remember very much. Karl and Susan come in. Pinhead says he must be sick if the school principal is visiting(!).
The Coffee Shop
Harold asks Drew to talk to Paul - to make sure that the move is really what he wants. Harold hasn't been able to get hold of Leo.
Karl and Susan come in. They are having a lazy day and finding it difficult(!).
Garden of Lou's
Tad and Paul are cleaning bottles. Toadie comes to see Lou to arrange a fee for Pear Passion - it is Toadie's recipe after all. Toadie has to threaten Lou a bit and they finally agree on a 60-40 split.
The Coffee Shop
Paul and Tad come in. Harold asks Paul if he can have a word. He says he's had a word with Leo and apparently the move is not a fait accompli - there's a lot to be discussed. Paul is angry with Harold - he says he's sticking his nose in and he will do whatever he likes.
Susan has agreed to watch half the football match with Karl. Susan has decided to support the other side.
The Garage
Drew is chatting to Paul about the move. He says Paul will make new friends in Port Lincoln. Paul tells him off for trying to use reverse psychology. He tells Drew that Madge and Harold are taking it pretty hard.
Karl and Susan are encouraging their respective teams. Susan is really getting into the game(!)
Harold is sitting in the living room cleaning his tuba and looking depressed. Paul come in and apologises for yelling at Harold in the Coffee Shop. Paul says it just feels right for him to go and live with his dad. Harold says that he and Madge will stand by Paul in whatever decision he makes and they'll always love him.
Susan is shouting for her team who are winning and Karl is very annoyed. Karl switches off saying it's half-time now so they should switch off. Susan says she's changed her mind - she's enjoying the game so much!
The Garage
The police give Drew a description of the stolen car involved in Pinhead's accident and asks him if it rings any bells. Drew says he'll call them if he has any information for them.
Tad asks Toadie if there's much work for private detectives(!). He says he's going to leave school and become one. Toadie laughs incredulously. He says Tad has to be sixteen to leave school an anyway, it's ridiculous!
Drew comes to see Toadie. He tells Toadie that the description of the stolen car involved in Pinhead's accident matches Toadie's car.
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