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Neighbours Episode 3135 from 1998 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3134 - 3136>>
Episode title: 3135
Australian airdate: 31/07/98
UK airdate: 01/12/98
UK Gold: 31/08/04
Writer: Lyn Ogilvy
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Zoe Tan: Jeuliette Hanafie
Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Karen Oldman: Pia Miranda (uncredited)
Summary/Images by: Graham
- Denny spraying Hannah's arm with paint.
- Amy telling Susan it can't be anyone inside who did the graffiti.
- Billy and Anne finding a can of spray paint in Hannah's jacket at the 40- Hour Foxtrot.
- Susan asking Hannah to come forward.
No. 30
Toadie and Karen arrive home, Toadie still dressed as a woman and ranting that he's never been so embarrassed in his life! Karen points out that he got lots of wolf whistles! She then sighs that now that they've had their attempt at detective work they should leave it to the professionals.
Public Hall
Hannah tells Susan that she didn't do the graffiti. Susan asks if she had any idea who did. Hannah replies that she has, but she can't prove it. Susan asks to see her hands. Hannah reluctantly shows her: they have paint on them from where Denny sprayed her. Susan suggests to Philip that he take Hannah home. Zoe tells Philip that it wasn't Hannah, but Philip just retorts that Hannah's lucky she has such loyal friends. Madge and Harold decide to go home. Anne comments to her mother that she can't believe Hannah would do something like that. Karl remarks to Susan that she's found the culprit, but Susan says she can't believe it's Hannah.
Outside the Public Hall
Hannah drags Philip to show him the graffiti. She tells him that the tag is Denny's. Philip points out that it still doesn't explain why she's got paint on *her* hands. Hannah just storms off.
Public Hall
As the dancing goes on, Amy takes her shoes off, complaining that her feet are killing her. Anne comments sarcastically that she's glad *she* wore *flat* shoes. Amy asks her what the problem is. Anne growls at her that *she* organised the whole thing and Amy's taken all the credit.
No. 26
Hannah marches into No. 26. She goes to storm to her room, muttering that she's tired: it must be all that criminal activity. Philip tells her that he thinks they should talk, but Hannah retorts that there's no point in talking as he doesn't believe a word she says.
Public Hall
Amy and Lance are dancing, looking tired and fed up. Ruth hands Anne and Billy drinks. Joel is dancing with Zoe, but almost falling asleep. Susan and Karl *are* asleep.

Public Hall
It's the next morning and Susan wanders round the hall during one of the regular breaks. She asks Anne if it would be a good idea to cut the event down from forty hours, but Anne tells her tetchily that she'll have to ask *Amy* that. Billy warns Anne not to let Amy get to her. Anne sighs that she's so tired.
Lying on the floor, Joel asks Zoe if she's ready to call it quits, but Zoe says she has to stay and give moral support.
Susan asks Amy if they can cut down the hours, as they've already raised more money than they expected. Amy, however, insists that they have to go on. She tells Lance that she's not giving in and she's going to get that trophy. Lance groans:
LANCE: That's what I'm afraid of.
Public Hall
It's 7:10am. Karl approaches Susan and comments that she looks tired. Susan laughs wearily that so does he! She then tells him that he doesn't have to say. Karl, however, points out that this is the time when he's most likely to be needed - people are exhausted. Susan shrugs:
SUSAN: It's up to you.
No. 26
Hannah storms into the kitchen, refusing to talk to her father. Philip tells her that she's being very silly; if she won't talk, how can they get to the bottom of this? Hannah retorts that there's no point: he doesn't care anymore - all he cares about is Ruth. Philip tells her that his feelings for Ruth are completely separate. Hannah rants that this is all Ruth's fault - and Susan's: they were the ones who insisted she made friends with Danny, and ever since then she's got herself in more and more trouble. Philip comments that Danny is a very convenient scapegoat. Hannah exclaims in disbelief that Ruth is turning him against her. Philip insists that Ruth cares very much for her, but Hannah growls that she has a very funny way of showing it - and so does he. She storms out.
Public Hall
Joel tells Zoe that he's nearly dead on his feet. Zoe, however, asks him to let her lead. She does so, but as she twists Joel round, he goes over on his ankle and falls to the floor. Karl dashes over.
Public Hall
A short time later, Karl tells Joel that there's a fair bit of inflammation there - he'll need an x- ray. Looking upset, Zoe tells Joel that she's so sorry. Karl tells Joel that he'll take him home. Zoe says she'll go with him. Ruth tells Susan that *she'll* go instead of Karl as she'd really like to see what's happening at home.
No. 28
Zoe opens the front door and Ruth helps Joel to the couch. Zoe asks Joel if he'll still be able to train, but Joel says he doesn't even want to *think* about that at the moment. Ruth comments that the sooner Karl can organise the x- ray, the better. Zoe asks Joel if there's anything she can do, but Joel retorts that he thinks she's done enough. He quickly apologises. Ruth places an ice pack on his ankle and asks him if he'll be all right by himself. Zoe says she'll stay - much to Joel's obvious horror!
No. 26
Philip groans to Ruth that he's had four hours' sleep and still feels like death. Ruth asks how things are with Hannah. Philip replies that she still denies having anything to do with the graffiti. Ruth asks if he believes her. Philip replies that he doesn't know: they've heard this tale before. Ruth nods that there was the garage and now this... Neither of them is aware of Hannah standing in the doorway to the bedroom area and listening as Philip sighs that she's normally a good kid, but it's like her whole personality has changed. Hannah moves away from the door as Philip adds that he hopes Susan gets to the bottom of this graffiti thing, as he'd hate to be accusing Hannah unfairly.
No. 28
Zoe puts a new ice pack on Joel's ankle. She tries to offer him food or drink or something to watch on television, but Joel snaps at her that he's got a time trial coming up and if he can't make it, his triathlon career is going backwards fast. He tells her to go home and get some sleep. Zoe asks if he's sure he'll be all right. Joel snaps:
JOEL: I'm sure. Goodbye.
Ramsay Street
Hannah is sitting on the kerb when Zoe emerges from No. 28. She sits down next to Hannah and asks her what she's doing there. Hannah explains that her dad hates scenes in public, so she thought she'd be safe there. Zoe asks who really did that graffiti and Hannah replies that it was Denny - but her dad thinks *she* did it and so does Ruth. Zoe suggests that they should go back to the hall and tell Susan again that she didn't do it; or some of the others may have seen something. She adds that Hannah can't sit around for the rest of her life.
Public Hall
Karl heads into the hall and Susan sighs at him:
SUSAN: Do these kids ever give up?
Karl wanders over to Lance and Amy. Amy has her head on Lance's shoulder and looks half- asleep. Karl asks her if she's OK and Amy insists that they're fine.
Across the room, Anne comments to Billy that she never realised her feet could feel so numb. Billy asks if she wants to give up, but Anne insists that she'll carry on.
Amy tells Lance that they can win this: they can outlast Anne and Bill.
Zoe and Hannah come in and Zoe asks Anne if they can talk to her. Anne, however, tells her to talk to Mrs. Kennedy. Hannah snaps that Susan wouldn't listen to her before, so why would she listen now?; nobody wants to trust her, not even her own family, so they can go to hell. She walks out.
Public Hall
It's 11:20am and the dancing is still going. Amy asks Anne and Billy how they're going. Anne replies that they're terrible; she's had it. Amy smiles that she and Lance are *fine*. As the two couples move apart, Anne comments to Billy that Amy's certainly determined. Billy tells her that she and Amy are both bloody- minded about every little thing. Anne gives in and admits that Amy did come up with the publicity... and she's so desperate to win. She asks Billy if he wants to chuck it in - 'cos if Amy doesn't win, they're never going to hear the end of it. Billy smiles that his heart *was* set on winning the trophy... but he then suddenly pretends to collapse to the ground, so they don't have to give in easily! Karl and Susan dash over in horror, but quickly realise he's faking. Susan then dashes to the stage and turns off the music. Amy exclaims:
AMY: It hasn't been forty hours yet.
SUSAN (exhausted): It hasn't even been *twenty* hours. You're the last couple standing. You win.
Amy grins at Lance happily that they won, they won! Lance just falls to the floor and closes his eyes!
Public Hall
A while later, Amy is on the stage, Lance looking tired by her side, as she tells those remaining in the hall that she'd like to thank Anne for all her hard work and dedication - without her, it wouldn't have happened. She also thanks Susan and Karl and suggests they can try for forty hours next time! Billy suggests a victory lap! Lance murmurs that he's never dancing again! Amy, however, insists that of course he will - and she suddenly realises that she forgot to think the most important person: him! She kisses him on the cheek!
Outside the Public Hall
Susan offers Billy a lift home, but he declines. Amy and Lance emerge from the hall to get some sleep. Lance remarks to Billy that it's amazing how quickly his ankle healed - but he thanks him and Anne for dropping out, as it made things a lot easier for *him*! Billy suggests to Anne that they go home. He adds that she did a really good job organising it all - and he thinks he's really lucky to have someone like her in his life. He adds:
BILLY: You *are* in my life again, aren't you?
ANNE: I... I don't know. Am I?
BILLY: As far as *I'm* concerned. What do you say?
Anne gives him a hug, happily.
No. 26
Philip opens the front door as Hannah walks up the path. He demands to know where she's been, as he and Ruth have been worried about her. Hannah cries that she went to see Mrs. Kennedy, as she thought one more try wouldn't hurt, but she didn't even ask - she realised it would be a waste of time, so she just walked. She sobs angrily:
HANNAH: I wish I'd *kept* walking, because I don't want to live here anymore with people who don't trust me and won't believe a word I say. I just wish my mother was here, because *she* never would have doubted me.
With that, she storms off to her room, leaving Philip looking worried.
<<3134 - 3136>>
Toadie Rebecchi, Karen Oldman in Neighbours Episode 3135
Toadie Rebecchi, Karen Oldman

Hannah Martin, Zoe Tan in Neighbours Episode 3135
Hannah Martin, Zoe Tan

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3135
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Anne Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3135
Anne Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy

Philip Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3135
Philip Martin, Hannah Martin

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy, Joel Samuels, Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3135
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy, Joel Samuels, Amy Greenwood, Lance Wilkinson

Philip Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3135
Philip Martin, Hannah Martin

Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3135
Susan Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3135
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3135
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Philip Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3135
Philip Martin, Hannah Martin

Zoe Tan, Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3135
Zoe Tan, Joel Samuels

Zoe Tan, Ruth Wilkinson, Joel Samuels, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3135
Zoe Tan, Ruth Wilkinson, Joel Samuels, Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Ruth Wilkinson, Joel Samuels, Zoe Tan in Neighbours Episode 3135
Ruth Wilkinson, Joel Samuels, Zoe Tan

Ruth Wilkinson, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 3135
Ruth Wilkinson, Philip Martin

Zoe Tan, Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3135
Zoe Tan, Joel Samuels

Hannah Martin, Zoe Tan in Neighbours Episode 3135
Hannah Martin, Zoe Tan

Lance Wilkinson, Karl Kennedy, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 3135
Lance Wilkinson, Karl Kennedy, Amy Greenwood

Hannah Martin, Zoe Tan, Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3135
Hannah Martin, Zoe Tan, Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson

Anne Wilkinson, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3135
Anne Wilkinson, Karl Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood in Neighbours Episode 3135
Lance Wilkinson, Amy Greenwood

Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3135
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson

Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3135
Anne Wilkinson

Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3135
Hannah Martin

Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 3135
Philip Martin

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