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Neighbours Episode 3096 from 1998 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3095 - 3097>>
Episode title: 3096
Australian airdate: 08/06/98
UK airdate: 07/10/98
UK Gold: 03/08/04
Writer: Elizabeth Huntley
Director: David Myles
Guests: Kimiko Nagata: Takahito Masuda
Yukihiro Masuda: Yoko Masuda
Karma: Trained by Wally Dalton
Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: Graham
- Susan asking Karl if he wants to go skinny- dipping.
- Karma the house coming loose and trotting off while Susan and Karl are in the water!
Lou's Place
Sarah heads into the pub and Lou asks if it's time for a knock- off drink. Sarah, however, asks if he has any jobs going - maybe something in the office. Lou comments that he thought Sarah enjoyed working with Karl. Sarah replies that she does... she just feels like a change. Lou tells her that he does need someone in the carwash! Sarah, however, says she was thinking of something a bit more suitable. Lou suddenly recalls that he needs a hostess in Little Tommy Tucker's restaurant - and she'd be perfect!
Karl and Susan emerge from the water, laughing and kissing - and suddenly notice that the horse has gone! Susan snaps at Karl that she *told* him to tether it properly. They only have towels wrapped around them and Karl asks what they're going to do now; they don't even know which direction the stupid animal took. Susan, however, spots hoof tracks in the dirt.
No. 28
Joel is drumming in the lounge room when Anne comes in. He plays her the beat from a song and asks her what it is, but Anne grins that he's not the world's best drummer! Joel tells *her* to give it a go - and she takes the sticks and really shows off! She explains that Lance had a kit for a while but she ended up playing more than he did! She then suggests to Joel that he could try playing at Little Tommy Tucker's opening night tonight.
Little Tommy Tucker's
Lou is showing Sarah around the restaurant, although she comments grimly that it's not the kind of place she'd eat at herself. She asks if he has any bookings. Lou replies that it's pretty quiet, but things will pick up: the best advertising is word of mouth. He tells Sarah to be there at 6pm.
No. 32
Ruth arrives home and Anne and Lance tell her that they'd like to talk to her about the funny mood she's been in. Ruth says she just wants to get dinner started, but Anne pleads with her that they can see something's wrong. Ruth sighs that she *has* been a bit on edge: it's work - it's just been getting her down a bit; and moving the clinic into Phil's hasn't been easy. Anne asks what she and Lance can do. Ruth, however, says there's not a thing. She heads to the kitchen. When she's gone, Lance and Anne turn to each other and agree that they didn't believe her.
No. 26
Philip arrives home to find Hannah working in the lounge room. He asks her tersely if she's checked with Ruth if she's allowed to be there. Hannah retorts that she's sick of finding strangers in the house; it was supposed to be during school hours only. Philip snaps at her that Ruth is doing the best she can. Hannah retorts that it's hard to concentrate with all these weird people in their living room. She goes on angrily that she tried to talk to Ruth about it, but she couldn't care less. Philip retorts that he was relying on Hannah to be grown- up about this, and he tells her to do her homework in her room.
No. 24
Harold is looking at some paperwork on the kitchen table, and he tells Madge that something doesn't add up: there seems to be stock missing from the Coffee Shop. Madge is reading the newspaper and she tells Harold that a plot has become vacant on the council allotment, perfect for a veggie garden. She suggests that they could grow their own produce. Harold, however, sighs that it sounds like a lot of hard work - and the produce could possibly be eaten by snails. Madge tells him that at their age they need new interests and plenty of exercise!
A track in the countryside
Karl and Susan are in a car and they spot Karma standing at the side of a track, just watching them. A Japanese man and woman climb out of the car along with Karl and Susan, who are both still just wrapped in towels. Karl approaches Karma and takes her reins. Susan tells the man and woman that they don't know what they'd have done if they hadn't run into them. The man asks Karl and Susan if they always travel in the nude! Susan grins:
SUSAN: Just on very special holidays!
She then tells the man and woman that they'd like to do something to say thank you. The man suggests that a photo with the horse would be great - their family and friends in Japan would love it! Karl and Susan pose next to Karma and the Japanese woman takes a photo just as Karma nudges Karl, causing his towel to drop to the ground!
No. 26
Hannah is in the kitchen and Philip suggests to her that they grab a meal at Little Tommy Tucker's. Hannah mutters at him that he should ask Ruth. Philip sighs and tells Hannah that he apologises - he should never have spoken to her like that; things are very difficult at the moment. Hannah comments that it's like she has no rights in her own home anymore, and Ruth won't talk to her about it. Philip tells her gently that he understands her problem; there's just a very good reason why he doesn't want to pursue it with Ruth. Hannah asks *what* reason. Philip replies that if he tells her, it's in the strictest of confidences: she's not to breathe a word to anyone. Hannah promises she won't. Philip tells her:
PHILIP: There's a chance that Ruth could be very ill.
No. 24
Harold tells Madge that he's double- checked everything. Madge goes to make a cuppa. As she does so, Harold asks her if she's returned any stock lately, as there definitely seems to be some missing. He adds that he'd hate to think they've got a thief in their midst.
No. 28
Karl and Susan arrive home to find Joel drumming. Karl mutters:
KARL: You've got to be *joking*.
The two of them creep up behind Joel and tickle him! Karl tells him that they could hear him three blocks away. Joel says he'll move the kit. Susan tells him that they'll ask around and find somewhere more suitable for them. Joel then asks how their trip was, and Karl replies that it was nice getting away from the noise of suburbia... Joel invites the two of them to come to Little Tommy Tucker's tonight, with him and Anne.
No. 32
Lance and Anne arrive home to find Ruth napping on the couch. Anne asks her if she's too tired to come out to Little Tommy Tucker's. Ruth replies that she appreciates the thought, but can they make it another night? Lance, however, says he'll ring Phil and he can come too!
Little Tommy Tucker's
Sarah has turned up for her shift. She's wearing a black dress, but Lou tells her that he forgot to mention the costume. He adds that she'll love it! Sarah goes to change, and emerges a short time later in a hideous outfit, dressed to look like Tommy Tucker, which Lou complements with a blue hat!
No. 28
Karl is drumming as Susan giggles that the look on those tourists' faces when Karl dropped his towel... Karl laughs that it wasn't as bad as when Cheryl caught them in the spa! Susan then thanks him for a lovely holiday. She adds that they should do things like that more often; that time away was very special; they don't spend enough time together, just the two of them. Karl tells her that that's why they should go to a proper restaurant tonight, rather than Little Tommy Tucker's!
Little Tommy Tucker's
Harold and Madge are eating at a table, and Madge grimaces as she comments to Harold that if the two of them can't produce better veggies, she'll eat her hat! Sarah joins them and tells them that she wanted to make sure they understand that if they're prepared to sing for their supper, they get a discount on their meal. Madge, however, says they're not going to get *her* up there making a fool of herself. Sarah turns to Harold and tells him that they need someone to get the ball rolling, otherwise it's going to be a disaster.
At another table, Lance looks at something he's speared on his fork and remarks that if he gets food poisoning he's going to sue! Sarah walks over and asks Philip how he'd like to get a discount on his meal by singing for his supper. Phil resists, but Joel leaps up on the stage and sings something tuneless! Anne has to pull him off stage! He rejoins the others and Drew tells him that that was shocking! Harold then takes the stage and starts singing! Lance and Hannah declare that they're out of there! Anne tells her mother that she and Lance are so sorry they couldn't find a better place to take her.
Susan and Karl come in and look around - and are shocked to spot the two Japanese tourists sitting at a table, waving at them! Sarah joins them and Susan laughs at her costume! She tells Karl that if he paid Sarah a decent wage, she wouldn't have to come there moonlighting!
Coffee Shop
Lance and Hannah sit at a table and Lance comments that it wasn't the night he was expecting. He then remarks that it's going to be weird when their parents get married. Hannah says she thinks it'll be all right.
Little Tommy Tucker's
The Japanese couple finish singing a song and garner a round of applause. Sitting with Ruth, Anne asks her if she's all right. Ruth insists that she's fine. Anne and Joel head out, Joel commenting to Anne that the place isn't *that* bad.
Across the way, Philip is standing with Lou and says:
PHILIP: Congratulations, Lou. Short of a miracle, I think you can safely say Little Tommy Tucker's is a complete failure.
LOU (delightedly): Can I what! I've never *seen* such a glorious disaster. I wonder how much I've lost!
Sarah comes over and tells Lou curtly that she can't do this anymore. Lou insists that she was terrific, but Sarah throws her costume at him and snaps that she looked like a fool and has never been so humiliated in all her life. She storms out - just as Harold starts singing again! Lou looks at Sarah's costume and then turns and looks at Harold...!
Coffee Shop
Joel and Anne join Lance and Hannah and Joel goes to the counter to get some *real* food. Anne comments to Lance that she doesn't think their mum enjoyed it very much. Lance nods that they certainly didn't cheer her up very much; he doesn't think *anything* could, she's so stressed at the moment. Hannah says suddenly:
HANNAH: God, guys, give her a break - you'd be stressed too if you were in her position.
ANNE (frowns): What do you mean 'her position'?
HANNAH (hesitantly): Nothing - just, er, with work, you know, and all of that.
ANNE (suspiciously): Hannah, what do you know?
LANCE (warns): And don't pretend it's nothing.
Hannah sits there looking guilty at her slip.
<<3095 - 3097>>
Sarah Beaumont, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3096
Sarah Beaumont, Lou Carpenter

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3096
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Joel Samuels, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3096
Joel Samuels, Anne Wilkinson

Sarah Beaumont, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3096
Sarah Beaumont, Lou Carpenter

Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3096
Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson

Philip Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3096
Philip Martin, Hannah Martin

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3096
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Karma, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3096
Karma, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Yukihiro Masuda, Kimiko Nagata in Neighbours Episode 3096
Yukihiro Masuda, Kimiko Nagata

Philip Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3096
Philip Martin, Hannah Martin

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3096
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Joel Samuels, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3096
Joel Samuels, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Lance Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3096
Lance Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson

Sarah Beaumont, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3096
Sarah Beaumont, Lou Carpenter

Dahl, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3096
Dahl, Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Harold Bishop, Sarah Beaumont, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3096
Harold Bishop, Sarah Beaumont, Madge Bishop

Joel Samuels in Neighbours Episode 3096
Joel Samuels

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3096
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Yukihiro Masuda, Kimiko Nagata in Neighbours Episode 3096
Yukihiro Masuda, Kimiko Nagata

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3096
Harold Bishop

Lance Wilkinson, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3096
Lance Wilkinson, Hannah Martin

Sarah Beaumont, Philip Martin, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3096
Sarah Beaumont, Philip Martin, Lou Carpenter

Lance Wilkinson, Hannah Martin, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3096
Lance Wilkinson, Hannah Martin, Anne Wilkinson

Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 3096
Hannah Martin

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