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Neighbours Episode 3001 from 1998 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<3000 - 3002>>
Episode title: 3001
Australian airdate: 26/01/98
UK airdate: 21/05/98
UK Gold: 21/04/04
Writer: E.W. Johnston
Director: Richard Sarell
Guests: Mandi Rodgers : Sabina Lokic
Neville: Nathaniel Marshall
Summary/Images by: Miriam/Jeremai
- Ben's car crash
- Ben seriously ill in a coma and the doctor saying they don't know what recovery he'll make
- Caitlin telling Billy Anne hates her; Anne telling Billy she told Caitlin nothing of the sort
- Billy needing some time to himself
- Karl giving a speech as Susan's leaving party
- Sarah telling Karl that Susan's very special, and she's lucky to have Karl
Erinsborough Hospital
Lou stands by Ben's bedside, along with Ruth, and asks how things are going; Ruth tells him he's the same, and out of intensive care. Lou talks to Ben and tells him there are people waiting for him to wake up, and asks Ruth if her son can hear anything. Ruth doesn't know.
Lou tells Ruth he saw a movie when a person in a coma could hear people's voices, but Ruth isn't in the mood for any platitudes - she's only known her son for less than a year, and she hopes that Lou is feeling very guilty right now given that he encouraged Ben into racing.
Lou leaves the room, saying no-one could feel more guilty than he does right now, and Ruth chases after him apologising, saying she can't sleep and is feeling bad about things; Lou tells her to be alone with Ben as he has to go.
Number 22
Billy turns up to see Toadie, who starts questioning him about Anne and Caitlin. Billy asks Toadie what he's going to do for his birthday, and Toadie suggests a boys' night - no girls allowed! Billy's up for it, as long as Lou isn't going to have a problem with it. Lou arrives home from the hospital in a bad mood, and shouts at the Toad to turn the TV down. When Toadie asks him about a party, Lou flatly refuses - he has enough on his mind without a bunch of hoons running riot in his home.
Karl's Surgery
Karl arrives at work to find Sarah already there working on the accounts. Sarah apologises for leaving the party early last night - she didn't feel like staying up late. Sarah queries a house call that Karl made last week, and they chat about the patient. Ruth walks in, looking very unwell, and Karl and Sarah ask about Ben, for whom there's no change. Ruth asks to see Karl, and he invites her into his office.
Ruth asks Karl how long it will be before they know if Ben has brain damage or not. She's convinced that the doctors are keeping something from her, but Karl reassures her that she knows everything that they know. He might be brain damaged, and he might not - she knows as much as they know. He suggests she stop dwelling on the worst case scenario, and she admits she's worried that her son will never be the same again.
Number 32
Billy turns up at Anne's, admitting that he shouldn't have been upset yesterday - and that Caitlin has well and truly got the message that he's not interested in her. He asks Anne to come shopping with him to help him choose a present for Toadie, but Anne has promised to clean the house for her mother whilst she's at the hospital with Ben. Billy asks after Ben, and Anne says he's still unconscious - she needs to turn her brain off from it.
Bill wants to take her out to the movies tonight, and she agrees; he'd also be really grateful if she could wrap Toadie's present for him, as she can do the nice ribbony thing that he can't...!
Number 22
Toadie is having cable installed into Lou's house, and Darren thinks that it is a great idea - Lou will love it! Lou turns up unexpectedly, and isn't happy that Toadie has made a decision about his home without asking permission, regardless of who's paying for it. Darren sticks up for Toadie, but Lou's not having any of it - he's livid.
Karl's Surgery
Libby arrives with some flowers for Sarah to cheer her up, and also invites her to dinner that evening, checking with her dad first. Karl isn't too enthusiastic, but Libby persists, and after she leaves Karl wants to know what Sarah has been saying to his daughter about having man trouble. Sarah denies she's said anything, and Karl returns to his office.
The Coffee Shop
Caitlin and her friend Mandi come into the Coffee Shop and Billy arrives shortly after; they invite him to sit with them, and he does. Billy also asks Caitlin why she's ignoring him, and she says she's not, but that she'll see him at training this afternoon. She smiles coyly - she clearly has a manipulative little plan.
Erinsborough Hospital
Lou stands by Ben's bedside, and apologises to him for the way this has ended up. He tells him he enjoyed working with him, fixing the engines, fixing the car and racing on the track - he didn't know the danger involved, and wish he'd let Ben walk away when he wanted to. He says he doesn't care about the money, he just wants Ben to be well.
Ruth stands at the door behind Lou and hears him say that he'll never forgive himself if anything ever happens to Ben... She comes into the room and apologises to him for what she said earlier, and Lou confesses that he feels it's all his fault.
The Swimming Baths
Caitlin watches Billy swimming and tells Mandi she needs to get him alone because she knows he still likes her. She has a plan - and she'll need Mandi's help.
Number 28
Libby and Darren are cooking and Karl can't believe the trouble she's going to, but Libby defends her mate, saying that Sarah needs support right now. Sarah arrives for dinner, and is dressed up to the nines in a pale blue dress. Lib comments on Karl's grumpiness, and the phone rings; Sarah answers it and it's Susan. Sarah tells her that Lib invited her over for dinner, and Lib takes the phone to her mother. Karl has changed out of his work clothes and wants to talk to Susie, so takes the phone. They chat for a while and Karl shyly tells Susan down the phone that he loves her. Sarah can't help but stare at Karl throughout the whole phonecall.
The Swimming Baths
Billy is showering after his swim and Caitlin approaches him. Billy asks her to leave, but she wants him to be honest with him. He tells her again that it's over, but she doesn't believe him and kisses him. Billy pulls away sharply.
Number 22
Toadie is sitting and eating, and Lou comes home, apologising for his attitude this morning. He tells Toadie that he has stuff on his mind, and he knows that Toadie had the cable installed for him. So Toadie talks him through what's on TV this evening - which Lou is grateful for.
Number 28
Darren thinks that Libby's meal has been cooked for him before, but Sarah likes it. Karl thinks it's 'interesting.' Libby asks after her mother, and Karl says she's well, and missing him. Lib thinks Karl needs a hobby whilst Susan's away, and discusses potential hobbies inanely with the others, but Sarah doesn't want to join in the conversation.
Anne turns up looking for Billy as they're supposed to be at the movies. Libby tells her he was last seen going swimming with Caitlin, and after Anne leaves, Darren and Libby comment on Billy getting too close with another female friend, leaving Karl feeling distinctly uncomfortable.
The Swimming Baths
Billy is angry with Caitlin, and can't believe that she thought kissing him would make a difference. He's changed and packing up, but she just won't listen. And as they argue about it, Mandi shuts and locks the changing room door with the two them inside it...
<<3000 - 3002>>
Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3001
Ben Atkins

Ruth Wilkinson, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3001
Ruth Wilkinson, Lou Carpenter

Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3001
Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy, Ruth Wilkinson, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3001
Karl Kennedy, Ruth Wilkinson, Sarah Beaumont

Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3001
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson

Neville, Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 3001
Neville, Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter, Darren Stark

Libby Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3001
Libby Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont

Caitlin Atkins, Mandi Rodgers, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3001
Caitlin Atkins, Mandi Rodgers, Billy Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Ben Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3001
Lou Carpenter, Ben Atkins

Mandi Rodgers, Caitlin Atkins, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3001
Mandi Rodgers, Caitlin Atkins, Billy Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3001
Sarah Beaumont, Karl Kennedy

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3001
Karl Kennedy

Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3001
Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins

Caitlin Atkins, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3001
Caitlin Atkins, Billy Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3001
Toadie Rebecchi, Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy, Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3001
Karl Kennedy, Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont, Anne Wilkinson, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3001
Sarah Beaumont, Anne Wilkinson, Libby Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 3001
Sarah Beaumont, Darren Stark

Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3001
Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins

Mandi Rodgers in Neighbours Episode 3001
Mandi Rodgers

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3001
Billy Kennedy

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