- Harold and Claire watching the adult film, the cinema owner telling Harold if he doesn't want the job she can easily put the help wanted sign back up, and Madge telling Harold that his prudery has cost him a job
- Toadie on his way to the toy shop to buy things for muck up day at school, Susan telling Toadie that there are to be no flour bombs and that he'll have to be creative, and Toadie coming home with three big bags of bean bag balls
- Anne kissing James for the photo shoot, Billy telling Anne he has been stressing that she might choose the model over him, and James asking Anne if she would like to go out some time
Ramsay Street
Lance is trying to get Bonnie to fetch a stick outside No. 32 when Toadie hits him with a stink bomb. Lance chases him...
Number 28
...into the house. Susan comes in through the back door and pulls Toadie off of Lance, then catches a whiff of the stink bomb. Billy comes out of his room and Toadie and Lance decide to attack him with the stink bomb. Susan throws the two of them out of the house and tells Billy that if this is just a warm up for muck up day she shudders to think what Toadie has got planned!
Number 32
James wants to know why Anne hasn't answered his question. Anne says she is flattered but she has got a great boyfriend. James tells her she's got the wrong idea; he only wants to get to know her as a friend. They can network and he can let her know if there's any work around. There wouldn't be any harm in them getting together from time to time. Anne says she guesses not.
Number 28
Susan has Toadie spraying air freshener around the house. Billy comes home, perturbed that Anne wasn't home when they were supposed to be hanging out. Susan warns Toadie that there are to be no muck up day stink bombs and sends him to the Coffee Shop for a vegetable pie.
Madge is (naturally) at the door just as Toadie leaves. Madge wants to use the computer to spruce up Harold's CV. She says Harold doesn't sell himself enough... and that's where she comes in!
Coffee Shop
James is trying to boost Anne's confidence, telling her that she's going to be successful. Toadie comes in and asks Anne why she isn't hanging out with Billy. Anne says he never turned up. Toadie suggests she give him a call. Anne explains that Billy is her boyfriend and Toadie's best friend. James deduces that's why Toadie was being weird with him. He assures Anne that they are just friends as he puts his hand on hers, seen by Toadie from the counter of course.
Anne and James have finished their coffees and Anne says she had better go and see Billy. At that moment, Billy enters. James leaves and Anne and Billy sit down together. Billy thinks it is weird that James wants to be friends with her. Anne says it's no different to him being friends with Caitlin.
Number 28
Toadie and Billy are eating breakfast the next morning. Billy is trying to convince himself that even if James is interested in Anne, Anne is not interested in James. Toadie is not so sure and tells Billy to tell Anne he is stressing about it. Billy says he doesn't want to whinge all the time.
Caitlin arrives to go to training with Billy and comments that someone has stolen the Ramsay Street sign again. Billy tells Caitlin he's giving training a miss because he didn't sleep well and has got lots of study to do. Caitlin says he can tell her if something else is bothering him.
Ramsay Street
Ruth is collecting the newspaper as Caitlin walks down the street. Ruth is not surprised to hear that Ben is still asleep. Caitlin then bumps into Anne who is coming back from walking Bonnie. Anne is surprised that Billy isn't with her. Caitlin says she thought maybe he and Anne had had a fight. Caitlin leaves and Ruth asks Anne if everything is alright. Anne says she thought it was.
Number 24
Harold, wearing a suit, asks Madge if she has seen his CV. Madge points out the smartly presented CV on the table.
HAROLD: Where did this come from?
MADGE: Oh I don't know, maybe the elves typed it up in the middle of the night!
Harold reads over the CV Madge has written and is impressed... until he gets to the embellishments like being senior manager of a chain of restaurants!
MADGE: Harold, will you please stop fussing! People expect a bit of creativity on a CV!
Number 28
Billy is studying when Toadie comes home with Vegemite and yogurt for muck up day! Billy asks what he has got planned and Toadie says lots of little gags, but nothing to compare with the master plan.
BILLY: The master plan? What's that exactly?
TOADIE: I have no idea yet, but it is gonna be huge!
Billy says he thought he would have chilled out and Toadie asks why he is bagging on him. Billy says he's just pointing out that he is going over the top as usual. Toadie says everyone is expecting him to come up with something brilliant. Billy tells him he won't let anyone down because he's a genius.
BILLY: Hang on, hang on a sec, rewind... you missed a cue.
TOADIE: What cue?
BILLY: Well I said you're a genius; you're meant to come back with something witty like, "At last you admit it" or, "What took you so long?"
TOADIE: Ah, yeah, yeah...
BILLY: What's wrong? You usually gloat when I give you a compliment, which is why I hardly ever do it.
Toadie says he is under real pressure with the exams. Because he's supposed to be a genius he doesn't think he can live up to everyone's expectations.
Marcel Schmidt's office
Harold's interviewer, Marcel, is impressed with his CV and says the position might be a bit of a step down for him. Harold talks himself down, saying the "chain of restaurants" was actually only two outlets. Marcel tells Harold he's looking for an aggressive leader and he doesn't think Harold fits the bill. Harold says he can be aggressive but is told that at his age and with his lack of experience he will be hard pressed to find any company willing to take him on in a managerial position.
Number 24
Harold comes home in a bad mood and tells Madge she knows exactly how the interview went because she doesn't think he can get any job. Madge says there is no need to get depressed as they still own the coffee shop. Harold says he's well aware whose money bought the coffee shop. He says he has no intention of being a kept man and he is more able than people think he is. He says he's disappointed that Madge immediately thought he didn't get the job. Madge thinks he's saying he got the job and was stringing her along. Harold lets her believe it.
Number 28
Billy can't understand what Toadie is stressing about; he is guaranteed to pass his exams whereas Billy still struggles with dyslexia. They agree that leaving school is stressful and scary for everyone. Toadie says he wants to make his last day one to remember and leave school as a total and utter legend. Billy tells him he already is!
Caitlin arrives and insists Billy go to training tomorrow because he is really good and he could be a great swimmer. She leaves again and Taodie says it's pretty obvious there is something going on with Caitlin. Billy insists they are just friends.
We cut to Billy and Anne dancing in the living room under the light of a single lamp. They kiss, but when Billy pulls away, Anne has turned into Caitlin! Billy wakes up in bed, with a puzzled look on his face over the dream.