Note: Lisa gone from cast list. Harold Bishop now in permanent cast. Brass band from City of Dandenong.
Tommy decides to get Harold marching to distract him from being tense whilst playing the tuba. They practice marching out in the street.
Lance owns up to the prank in school, to let Anne off the hook.
Lou shows Ben the potential new garage and asks if he's up for the deal.
Ben is very impressed by the old cars that are sitting around, that he would get to work on if he goes ahead with the deal. Lou presses him for an answer, but Ben is keen not to rush and asks if they can discuss it over a coffee. Lou agrees but doesn't look very impressed.
Anne spots Lance trying to put a necklace on. He explains that Amy recons he'd look cool in it, as Mitch has one. Anne agrees that it's a nice necklace, but asks why he wants to wear it. She helps him to put it on, explaining that she doesn't want to see him get hurt.
Lassiter's Park
Sarah is sitting on a swing in the park when a young fluffy dog appears. She notices that there seems to be no owner.
Ramsay Street
Sarah arrives to find Ben coming out of Lou's house. As they continue over the street to Number 30, the stray dog arrives again. Sarah is keen to feed it and so picks it up. Harold arrives on the street playing his tuba, giving Sarah an incentive to take the dog inside, followed by Ben.
As Lance goes off to find something to stop the noise of Harold's tuba playing, Lou pops over and asks if Anne would be able to baby-sit Lolly. She agrees, forgetting she'd agreed to meet Billy. Lance reappears with a bag of cotton wool, and Anne asks if he'd be willing to do the babysitting.
ANNE: Kids love you
LANCE: Well, it's not mutual!
She finally manages to convince him to take Amy with him and make use of the spa.
Neither Debbie nor Hannah are impressed by Harold's tuba playing in the street. Debbie claims that as the eldest she gets to nominate Hannah to go and tell him to be quiet. Hannah isn't so impressed and recons that Debbie should go. Debbie wins though and starts to push Hannah out the front door.
DEBBIE: Sometimes you've got to be cruel to be kind, which is cruel to him, and kind to us.
Ramsay Street
Hannah tries to talk to Harold, but instead he tells her that he won't be able to take requests for another few weeks, but that he has an excellent teacher in Tommy. Hannah suggests that practice with other people is advantageous. Harold's eyes light up and he thanks her for the idea as he rushes off.
Number 30
As Sarah attempts to vacuum, Ben contemplates the advantages and disadvantages of going into business with Lou. Lou is after 51% of the shares which would give him the advantage, but it would be a great business opportunity. On the other hand Lou made cuts with the bus and Ben isn't keen on ripping people off for their money.
Sarah hears a noise and goes to the door to find the same dog poking his head around. She tries to convince Ben to keep him, claiming that he must be a hungry dog.
SARAH: Aww, with that cute face he looks like my uncle Bob.
BEN: You have an uncle with a wet nose?
SARAH: I'm going to call him Bob. How do you like that, Bob?
Sarah continues to coo over the dog, and begs with Ben to keep him. He agrees.
Lou's House
Anne pops over to ask if Lance would be able to babysit instead. Lou asks why Lance doesn't speak for himself, and agrees that it would be ok for Lance to do so. Lance asks if he can bring a friend - girlfriend with him. Lou agrees on the basis that there is no hanky panky!
Debbie and Hannah marvel in the silence that is Harold not playing his tuba. Hannah can't work out why anyone would want to play the tuba.
HANNAH: I don't think anything that man plays would be cool.
DEBBIE: Oh, I don't mind. I think Harold on the drums could be a spunk!
Debbie is joking, as they dig into their cake. Hannah wonders if she could get a job in the Coffee Shop, but Debbie reminds her the rules are rules and not till she's older. They're conversation is halted as an entire brass band starts playing in the street.
DEBBIE: I thought you'd fixed it!
HANNAH: I did. Sort of.
Ramsay Street
As the brass band files in in succession, Harold is pleased to see them and Tommy gives him some music and encourages him to join in. Ben wonders where they came from, and Hannah admits it is possibly her fault.
Lance hangs up the phone from talking to Amy about the babysitting. He mentions to Anne that maybe the four of them could go out sometime. Him and Amy, her and Billy, as a way to get to know her better. Anne tells him she's fine on her own, just not so nice when she's with her friends. She rushes out to watch the brass band in the street.
Number 30
Ben is impressed with the brass band, but Sarah is more concerned with molly-coddling the dog. She decides to head back outside to watch them as Lou arrives wanting an answer from Ben. Ben admits there are a few things that concern him, the 49% split and cost cutting. Lou is angry to hear that Ben thinks he'll cut corners, following the Bus incident. He apologises for thinking it was a good idea in the first place and leaves.
Ramsay Street
As the band come to the end of a number, Lou is not in the mood to talk to Harold and heads home. The others applaud Harold with his performance, when Ben rushes out. He tells Sarah he recons he's blown it with Lou and rushes across the road to give it another go.
Lou's House
Ben apologises, he admits he thought it was too good to be true and so looked for something suss. He agrees to the deal, but 50:50. Lou isn't keen, so Ben suggests a mediator, someone who's impartial, but with enough business sense to know what they are talking about. They agree to ask Phil. They shake on it.
Ramsay Street
As the band mingles and chats in the street, Harold thanks Hannah for the suggestion of playing as a group. He spots Tommy, so goes to thank him for organising it so quickly, before dashing on to thank the other residents for watching. They ask if the band can play anything more modern.
As the band starts playing up again, the residents stand to the side and watch.
LOU: You know it's amazing. Playing away with the rest of band Harold doesn't sound half bad. Or is that just my hearing gone funny?
Number 30
Sarah returns to the house with a surprise for Bob. But it seems he's got there first with the surprises as she turns to find the living room ripped to shreds.