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Neighbours Episode 2889 from 1997 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2888 - 2890>>
Episode title: 2889
Australian airdate: 03/07/97
UK airdate: 15/12/97
Writer: Ben Michael
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Rohan Kendrick: Paul Zebrowski
Doug Bainbridge: Roy Edmunds
Holly: Trained by Luke Hura
Bonnie & Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: Jeremai
- Libby tells Rohan she is totally over Darren
- Billy gives Anne a ring for her birthday and Ruth tells her she has to give it back
Number 26
Hannah is telling Philip how romantic it was that Billy gave Anne the ring when Debbie comes home. Debbie is going to meet Darren at the pub and Hannah asks her if it isn't time Darren bought her a ring.
PHILIP: Hannah, this is private... [To Debbie] Why hasn't he given you a ring?!
Hannah goes to answer the door. It's Ruth. She tells Philip he'll never guess what Billy gave Anne, but Philip knows all about it. Ruth says it was a worryingly expensive ring. Philip says it's not as if Billy is whisking Anne off to a desert island but Ruth says he's whisking her off to the riding camp. Philip reminds her that Lance will be there. Ruth hopes it's as innocent as he thinks.
Lou's Place
Darren buys Libby a drink. Debbie enters and stops in her tracks for a second when she sees Darren and Libby together. Darren tells Debbie that he and Libby just bumped into each other. Debbie goes to buy her own drink and Libby asks Darren why he lied to his girlfriend; he asked her to meet him here. Darren says he just wants Debbie to know it's all innocent.
Number 28
Anne and Billy are talking to Susan about the ring. Susan knows it's innocent but reminds Billy they warned him it could be taken the wrong way. Anne hopes Ruth doesn't stop her from going on the camp and Billy doesn't want to go on his own. Susan offers to go home with Anne and talk to Ruth.
Lou's Place
Darren goes to buy the next round of drinks and Libby checks that Debbie didn't mind her playing pool with Darren. Debbie says Darren is good as a friend. Libby looks over at Darren and says he must be dying to hear what they're saying.
DEBBIE: He probably thinks we're swapping notes. Men are so egotistical.
LIBBY: Aren't they? I mean, as if we'd talk about him!
Libby tells Debbie to act suspicious as Darren comes back to the table. The two of them go to play some pool and Libby whispers in Debbie's ear, leaving Darren looking concerned.
Number 32
Susan tells Ruth she's had a long talk with Billy and she thinks he just misjudged what an expensive gift could mean. She's sure it's all innocent. Ruth says Philip was laid back about it too. She double checks that Lance is going to go to the camp and agrees to let Anne go.
Number 22
Debbie and Darren let themselves into the house and Darren asks Debbie if she was OK about him being at the pub with Libby. Debbie is fine about it so Darren asks her why she's gone all funny. She asks him if he thinks their relationship is working. She's been trying to remember why they got back together. She really cares about Darren but it just feels like something's missing. Neither of them really make the effort to spend time together; he didn't call her this evening.
DARREN: This is about Libby?
DEBBIE: Not from my point of view.
Darren asks if they're splitting up and Debbie nods. She still wants to be friends but Darren gets angry and asks her to leave.
Number 32
It's morning and Lance is teasing Anne about him playing chaperon for her and Billy and tries to blackmail her to do things for him by threatening to tell Ruth he's not going. Anne agrees to anything so long as he doesn't hang around her and Billy.
LANCE: You don't have to worry about that. I'll be too busy getting friendly with some of those spunky horse riding girls.
ANNE: Yeah, right!
RUTH [entering the room]: Found your gumboots!
LANCE: Mum, gumboots are so last week!
Ruth tells Lance to make sure he showers on camp so he's not the smelly boy and tells Anne to make sure she and Billy include Lance. She gives them both a hug.
Number 28
Susan is also hugging Billy. She tells him to behave himself and Libby says he'll be too sore after a day in the saddle to cause any trouble. Ruth, Lance and Anne arrive and Ruth thanks Susan for driving the kids. Susan says she'll let Ruth know when she gets back.
Number 26
Hannah wishes she could have gone riding with the others but Philip says she would have broken her other arm too. He reminds Hannah that she had Painter and hardly ever rode her. Debbie surfaces and reveals that she and Darren broke up last night.
HANNAH: Who broke up with who?
PHILIP: Hannah! Can we have a little bit of sensitivity here?
Philip and Debbie have a hug while Hannah goes to answer the door to Ruth who wants to run something past Philip. They leave for the coffee shop and Debbie and Hannah have a hug.
Number 28
Darren arrives to ask Libby what she said to Debbie last night, as Debbie has dumped him. Libby is surprised as she thought they were just having fun.
LIBBY: Do you really think I'd waste my time and energy trying to wreck things for you?
DARREN: I don't know. I know things went badly for us but I never thought you would have done something like this.
LIBBY: Darren, I didn't say anything! Honestly, I didn't... why would I?
Darren storms out and slams the door.
Susan, Billy, Lance and Anne arrive and get out of the car at the riding camp. Doug Bainbridge welcomes the kids to his ranch. He tells them the boys cabins are in the north, the girls' cabins are in the south, and that's the way it stays! If they're advanced riders they'll be sent out with a horse and a map but if not they'll be given training. Anne says the advanced sounds good but Billy reminds her she hasn't ridden much. Doug says they have a bit of a singalong before lights out; he's not averse to getting his six string out for a country hit or a bit of bush poetry. Susan and Lance think it sounds great but Anne and Billy don't look so happy!
Coffee Shop
Ruth and Philip arrive. Ruth has seen an advert for a course on making decisions and thinks it would be good for her and Philip to help them become more confident and assertive. Philip makes fun of it and says it doesn't sound like his kind of thing but Ruth asks him to do it for her.
Number 26
Hannah is trying to scratch her arm under her plaster cast with a knitting needle. Debbie answers the front door. It's Libby. Debbie makes Hannah go away so they can talk in private. Libby tells Debbie that Darren came to see her and wanted to know if she had anything to do with the two of them breaking up. She explains Darren is paranoid because he asked her to meet him at the pub the other night. Debbie can't understand why he lied and asks if she should have had any reason to be jealous. Libby says not as far as she's concerned, and it's not fair for Darren to blame her. Debbie says she'll sort it out.
Anne, Billy and Lance have somehow got themselves into the advanced riders' group. Doug warns Billy that his horse Calypso can be a bit stubborn and he'll have to show her who's boss.
LANCE: Don't worry, if you get too scared you can just fall off!
Number 22
Darren opens the door to Debbie who wants to know why he blamed Libby for their breakup when it had nothing to do with her. Darren doesn't believe it; something must have happened that Debbie isn't telling him about.
DEBBIE: Fine, you just think whatever you like. Don't believe Libby... but I expected you to believe me.
Debbie leaves and Darren apologises to Rohan who overheard.
LANCE [riding his horse, doing an American accent]: Teenager with no name rode into town looking for some action and a pretty girl.
ANNE: Hey, um, did someone actually tell you you were funny at some stage of your life?
LANCE: Yeah someone did but he had no name either, otherwise I could have sent him a thank you note.
BILLY: Did he say no name or no brain?
Billy asks Anne if she wants to pick the pace up a bit, at which point Calypso charges away with him.
<<2888 - 2890>>
Philip Martin, Debbie Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2889
Philip Martin, Debbie Martin, Hannah Martin

Ruth Wilkinson, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2889
Ruth Wilkinson, Philip Martin

Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

Darren Stark, Debbie Martin, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Darren Stark, Debbie Martin, Libby Kennedy

Ruth Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Ruth Wilkinson, Susan Kennedy

Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2889
Darren Stark

Darren Stark, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2889
Darren Stark, Debbie Martin

Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2889
Debbie Martin

Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2889
Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson

Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy

Debbie Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2889
Debbie Martin, Hannah Martin

Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy

Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Libby Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Doug Bainbridge, Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Doug Bainbridge, Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy

Philip Martin, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2889
Philip Martin, Ruth Wilkinson

Libby Kennedy, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2889
Libby Kennedy, Debbie Martin

Doug Bainbridge in Neighbours Episode 2889
Doug Bainbridge

Darren Stark, Rohan Kendrick in Neighbours Episode 2889
Darren Stark, Rohan Kendrick

Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2889
Billy Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2889
Anne Wilkinson

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