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Neighbours Episode 2888 from 1997 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2887 - 2889>>
Episode title: 2888
Australian airdate: 02/07/97
UK airdate: 12/12/97
Writer: Ian Coughlan
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Rohan Kendrick: Paul Zebrowski
Bonnie and Dahl: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: Jeremai
Number 32
Ruth is telling Lance and Amy that their birthday lunch budget won't stretch to half of Erinsborough. Anne checks it's still OK for her to go on the horse riding camp. Ruth says she shouldn't let her go on principle after she went behind her back but she has called the campus and it sounds OK. Anne is sorry for not asking first and Ruth agrees to let her go. Lance complains that he wouldn't get away with doing something like that.
RUTH: Considering the fortune I've spent on your birthday presents, I don't want to hear any whingeing!
Number 28
Toadie thinks Billy must have done something really bad to have spent $150 on Anne's birthday present.
BILLY: They ought to make you wear 'L' plates on your brain. I mean, thinking for you is a really, really bad mistake!
Toadie asks when he's going to give it to her anyway and Billy says Anne's birthday is tomorrow so he can figure it out! Karl and Susan arrive home so Toadie quickly changes the subject.
TOADIE: ...And I said that's a ridiculous price to spend on a banana smoothie!
Karl and Susan want to talk to Billy in private. Billy tells them he's not going to change his mind about giving Anne the ring. Karl reminds him that Ruth is only letting him see Anne on the basis that things don't get too serious between them. Anyone would see a ring as serious. Anne bursts in, telling Billy Ruth has said yes to the riding camp, but Billy hasn't told Karl and Susan about it yet.
BILLY: The only thing I need you guys to do is sign a form and lend me a deposit.
KARL: Lend you a deposit? After you've just gone out and spent a fortune on...
BILLY: Yes, I know, I know... on my fish!
TOADIE: Fish?!
BILLY: Yeah, you know. My fish. For my fish tank!
ANNE: You've got a fish tank? Where?
BILLY: Well I don't have the tank do I because they all died before I could set it up!
Karl's answer to the camp is no but says Billy hasn't asked his mother yet. Susan looks surprised and it sounds like she's about to say something reasonable but Karl cuts her off and says they haven't had a chance to discuss it yet. Susan asks Karl for a word in the kitchen (because there's so much more privacy over there).
Number 22
Lou comes home and tells Darren the police have been questioning him all afternoon; they're convinced he set fire to the bus for insurance money. Rohan asks why they think that and Lou says probably because even his friends think he did; Philip told them he asked him to give him an alibi.
Number 32
Karl has arrived to talk to Ruth about the camp and Ruth says she assumed Billy had his permission. Karl says Susan thinks he should find out about it before saying no. Lance is making lots of noise in the background and Ruth says it's his annual ritual of trying to find his birthday presents. She sends him out of the room and tells Karl she's rung the camp and doesn't think the kids could get up to any harm. She's also booked an extra ticket for Lance as a birthday surprise. Anne and Billy come in and Karl tells Billy he can go on the camp.
Number 26
Hannah is bugging Debbie with a book about snakes when there's a knock at the door. It's Toadie, looking for Helen but she's not in so he asks for a word with Debbie instead. Jamie- Lee got back together with her parents today and asked Toadie to give Helen back the necklace she stole. Debbie says Helen will be really disappointed as she didn't want to believe Jamie- Lee had a bad side.
Number 22
Lou doesn't feel like going to work the following morning. Even if he doesn't go to jail his reputation is ruined. Darren reveals he once asked Cheryl what she saw in Lou and she said he never lets life get him down. He tells Lou he really helped him stay positive when he didn't get the bank loan so he should take his own advice. Lou says he's right and leaves to "mend some fences".
Libby arrives, looking for Rohan, and has an awkward conversation with Darren who thought she and Rohan had broken up. Libby says that doesn't mean they can't still be friends. Darren says it's a pity Libby doesn't spend more time with himself as a friend and Libby says she wouldn't have a problem with that. Rohan comes downstairs. Libby wants to go to the markets to get out of the house.
Number 26
Lou arrives looking for Philip but he's out. Lou says he owes him an apology and asks Debbie to pass on the message. Debbie is distant and explains to Lou that Helen is upset about Jamie- Lee.
Coffee Shop
Rohan and Libby enter the coffee shop as Darren is leaving.
DARREN: Again? Must be fate keeps throwing us together!
LIBBY: You don't think it's the fact we both drink too much coffee do you?
Rohan doesn't think Darren is over Libby but Libby says Darren and Debbie are tight these days. Rohan asks Libby if she is over Darren and Libby says yes. Rohan says he must have been reading it wrong!
Number 32
Lance is opening his presents at the birthday lunch. Toadie gives him a CD which Billy recognises as his from a scratch on the back. Toadie says he must have wrapped the wrong one! Ruth gives Lance a cheque made out to the riding camp so he can go with Billy and Anne. Billy and Anne look horrified but pretend to be OK about it. Billy gives Anne the ring and she loves it. Ruth looks concerned and quietly asks Karl if it's real. Karl says he told Billy it was too much and Ruth says Anne can't keep it.
Number 28
Libby answers the door to Darren who asks her if she wants to go to the pub. Libby is confused and Darren reminds her she said she wouldn't have a problem with them hanging out. Toadie barges past to get a different CD for Lance. Libby is concerned about Debbie. Darren says they both see other people and it doesn't bother Debbie. Libby reluctantly agrees to go to the pub.
Number 26
Debbie is on the couch with Holly, watching TV, when Lou comes to the door again. He has been thinking about Jamie- Lee. She had a grudge against him so he suspects she set fire to the bus. He asks Debbie to back him up if he tells the police.
Number 32
Ruth gives Hannah some extra cake for Helen and Phil as she leaves but sadly there's no extra for Toadie. Returning to the living room, Ruth finds Anne kissing Billy. Ruth hints that it's time for Billy to leave and he does so. Ruth wants to talk to Anne.
Lou's Place
Darren and Libby are playing pool. Darren misses a shot and Libby laughs. Darren says he forgot how much fun they used to have together but Libby is noncommittal.
Number 32
Ruth tells Anne that the ring is completely inappropriate and she has to give it back to Billy. Anne doesn't see why and Ruth tells her she's being naïve. They had a deal that she and Billy would take things slowly. If she can't trust them then they will have to re- think the camp.
ANNE: Mum, that's blackmail!
RUTH: We had an agreement.
ANNE: And we kept to it. I can't believe that you don't trust me.
RUTH: It's not you I don't trust.
ANNE: Well if that were true you wouldn't be doing this. I love the ring and Billy and nothing you can do is going to change that.
<<2887 - 2889>>
Ruth Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2888
Ruth Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2888
Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2888
Karl Kennedy, Susan Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Toadie Rebecchi

Lou Carpenter, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2888
Lou Carpenter, Darren Stark

Ruth Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2888
Ruth Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Karl Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Hannah Martin, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2888
Toadie Rebecchi, Hannah Martin, Debbie Martin

 in Neighbours Episode 2888

Lou Carpenter, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2888
Lou Carpenter, Debbie Martin

Darren Stark, Rohan Kendrick, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2888
Darren Stark, Rohan Kendrick, Libby Kennedy

Hannah Martin, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2888
Hannah Martin, Lance Wilkinson, Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2888
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2888
Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

 in Neighbours Episode 2888

Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2888
Ruth Wilkinson

Libby Kennedy, Darren Stark in Neighbours Episode 2888
Libby Kennedy, Darren Stark

Holly, Debbie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2888
Holly, Debbie Martin

Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2888
Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi, Ruth Wilkinson

Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2888
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson

Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2888
Darren Stark, Libby Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2888
Anne Wilkinson, Ruth Wilkinson

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