- Stonie behaving suspiciously around Rick when he returns from America.
- Philip handing Lou some personal mail. Lou refusing to tell Philip what's going on.
- Ren talking to Annalise about self- defence classes.
- Rupert Sprod reluctantly showing Rick the photo he took of Stonie and Cody kissing at the Year 12 party.
No. 30
It's evening- time and Rick is pacing the kitchen as Mark comments that it's the Christian philosophy that's got him going - but he adds that hasn't turned into a religious nut. Rick asks him suddenly if Cody went out with other guys or if Mark saw her hanging out with other guys while he was away. Mark shrugs that he didn't - unless he counts Stonefish. Rick mutters that he reckons Cody has been going out with Stonefish while he's been away. Mark tells him that Cody only saw Stonefish to help him study. He insists that she isn't seeing *anyone*. Rick whips out the photo and shows it to Mark, asking tersely what he thinks about *that*.
No. 24
Annalise hangs up the 'phone after trying to get hold of Ren. Marlene tells her that she's at the Waterhole. Annalise corrects that it's Chez Chez and explains that she and Ren want to see Helen, as she's done self- defence before. She then comments to Cody that it's good that Rick's back in town. Cody - who's at the kitchen table - goes to leap up and head out, but Marlene stops her and tells her to eat her dinner up first!
No. 22
Brett is trying to learn his lines for the school play, but he's struggling. He pleads with Danni to help him do a line run, but Danni says she doesn't need to learn her lines as she picked up some tips from a magazine. Lou comes downstairs, all dressed up, and Cheryl laughs about the fact that he's going to the dogs; he thinks he's a gambler after winning the Cup Day sweep! He heads out.
No. 26
Ren and Annalise are at No. 26, where Helen is saying warmly that she thinks self- defence classes are a wonderful idea. Ren asks if it's hard to learn, and Helen smiles that if she can do it, anyone can. Ren and Annalise both ask if she can show them some moves and Helen nods that she can show them the preliminaries. She then asks where they can hold the classes and Annalise suggests the space behind Marlene's shop.
No. 30
Rick is telling Mark that the photo is the first thing he saw when he got home, so can Mark blame him for getting mad? Mark suggests that maybe he doesn't know the full story. Rick sighs that he missed Cody when he was away. He adds that there were girls in the US, but he never touched them.
No. 24
Cody is struggling to finish the big meal Marlene put on her plate! She finally completes it and goes to head out - just as Ren and Annalise come in, Annalise saying she was wondering if they could use Sam's office space for the self- defence classes. Marlene nods that if they just give him a couple of bucks, it should be fine. She then takes a huge plate of food out of the oven for Annalise!
No. 30
Mark offers to make Rick some dinner, but he says he wants to hit the sack. He heads off to bed. Ren and Cody come in through the back door and Cody asks where Rick is. He returns, holding the photo, and thrusts it at her. Looking shocked, she starts to tell him that it's not what he thinks, but Rick snaps that he isn't interested; he wishes he hadn't come home.
No. 22
Susan and Libby turn up at No. 22 and Susan asks Cheryl if she has some blue cotton, as she's trying to finish Libby's costume for the play and has run out. Cheryl hands her some and invites her to stay for coffee. Brett dashes over and joins them and asks Libby to run through some lines with him.
No. 30
Cody is telling Ren that it was at the end- of- year party for Year 12; it was pretty wild and someone spiked the punch. Ren muses that you'd *have* to be drunk to kiss Stonie! Cody insists that she wasn't drunk - she didn't want it to happen, and she pushed Stonefish away. Ren listens and then says she thinks it'll all work itself out - Cody just needs to tell Rick everything; the only reason he flew off the handle is because he's full of jetlag. Cody thanks her and gives her a hug. Ren muses that she's great with everybody *else's* love life!
No. 22
Lou arrives home from the dogs with some winnings. After Cheryl gives him a hug, he heads off to bed. Brett asks Libby and Danni if they want to run some lines, but Danni reminds him that she doesn't have to. Susan assures Brett that he'll be all right on the night.
No. 30
Sitting at the kitchen table, Cody is telling Rick that the kiss really didn't mean anything - she was tipsy and missing him and Stonefish made the first move; and she definitely didn't enjoy it - it was just a stupid mistake. Rick comments that he'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt - but he believes she's telling the truth. He picks up the photo and rips it into pieces. Cody thanks him, saying he scared her: she didn't want to break up with him. They hug happily and Rick smiles that it's good to be home. The two of them kiss passionately.
No. 30
The next morning, Ren is eating a light breakfast, telling Mark that the self- defence classes are starting this morning. Rick comes into the kitchen, beaming:
RICK: Isn't it a beautiful day?
Ren smiles that she guesses he and Cody are cool again! Rick nods that Cody explained everything: she just made a mistake. Ren grins that he and Cody are so cute together!
No. 22
Brett joins Danni and Cheryl, who are having breakfast, and shows that he hasn't shaved, so he has a minuscule beard! Cheryl tells him to have breakfast, but Brett says he promised to go to the school and set up for the play. He adds that the way his stomach is, he'd probably chuck breakfast up. He then asks Danni if she's coming, but she says she'll be there after the self- defence class. Annalise comes in and tells Cheryl that she's decided on a colour scheme for the wedding, so she thought they could discuss flower arrangements and decorations. Cheryl, however, tells her to leave it all to her. Lou joins them and says he's going to check the traps. He refuses breakfast and heads out, leaving Danni to ask her mother what that was all about. Cheryl shrugs:
CHERYL: Oh, just Louie's funny little ways.
The Hungry Bite
A while later, Annalise serves Lou coffee and asks what the problem is, as he's nervous: he keeps fiddling with his tie. Lou replies tautly that he has some personal matters to take care of, and they may concern Cheryl, but at the moment he'd rather she knew nothing about them.
Space behind Marlene's shop
Helen is taking most of the Ramsay Street women, plus Billy, through the basics of self- defence. She tells everyone that these lessons are to build up a sense of inner confidence and empowerment. Marlene asks how older people can feel confident in a gang of 16- year- olds. Helen, however, replies that they choose their victims: those who cower and look defeated; but young people can help scare off attackers too by walking tall and looking straight ahead. She goes on that the next thing is to have a proper instructor, but these basics should do until then.
The Hungry Bite
Cheryl is looking through a wedding dress magazine, telling Annalise that any of the styles would look lovely on her as she has such a wonderful figure. Annalise asks Cheryl if she noticed that Lou was acting strange this morning. Cheryl comments with a smile that she went past the bank on her way there this morning and the balance on their joint account has dropped by a considerable amount - that would be enough to make *anyone* nervous! Annalise tells her that Lou has a secret; Cheryl doesn't think he's having an affair, does she? Cheryl bursts out laughing that he definitely isn't! Annalise, however, finds a questionnaire in a magazine she has in front of her, entitled 'Is your man cheating on you?'. She reads out the first question: has your partner changed his wardrobe lately? Cheryl muses that, as a matter of fact... Annalise continues:
ANNALISE: Question two: has your partner been going out on his own lately?
A look appears on Cheryl's face.
Space behind Marlene's shop
Libby and Danni are practicing self- defence moves. When they've finished, Helen smiles that she thinks everyone has done extremely well, and she tells everyone to think positive. She then reveals that she's made a special lunch for everyone to celebrate their first class!
No. 30
Cody is looking at Rick's photos from his trip to the US, laughing as he makes a giant US- style sandwich!
The Hungry Bite
Annalise finishes the magazine questionnaire. She tells Cheryl that her score is 35, which means:
ANNALISE: "Your partner has been behaving in a highly- suspicious manner. Keeping secrets, mysterious errands and a sudden interest in appearance can only mean one thing: he's having an affair."
Cheryl reminds Annalise curtly that this is supposed to be fun - but the look on her face suggests that she's worried.