Cheryl, Danni, Brett and Marlene are welcoming baby Louise home.
MARLENE: She's a heavy bubby!
BRETT: She's not heavy, she's my sister!
Cheryl looks around the room and notes that some undesirable furniture has survived the move(!)
MARK: Annalise, the house is in my name, so it makes sense that I'm the one that stays, OK?
ANNALISE: You can always change the lease to be under my name.
MARK: Why would I want to do that?
ANNALISE: Because, it's the gentlemanly thing to do. I mean, a decent man wouldn't kick a woman out of her own home.
MARK: I love the way you play helpless female when it suits you!
ANNALISE: I am not playing anything! I'm too busy to look for somewhere else to live anyway.
MARK: You've got a steady income, OK, I haven't.
Rick wanders into the room.
MARK: I can't afford to move out.
ANNALISE: That's not my problem!
MARK: Yes, it is.
Rick sits down on the sofa.
ANNALISE: I'm not going!
MARK: Neither am I! Fine, we'll let Rick decide, won't we Rick?
RICK: Don't involve me in this, guys.
MARK: Come on, mate, you've got to live with the person who stays.
ANNALISE: You'd better start packing because Rick likes me better than you, don't you Rick?!
MARK: Anyone who's lived with you before sure as hell wouldn't do it again, unless they didn't have to.
They glowers at each other.
RICK: OK, OK, you want me to pick? You can *both* go. I can't stand living around either of you these days.
He walks off to his room.
Gaby has just put the baby to bed and is shushing Pam, Doug and Cody not to wake him up.
GABY: I have been up with him all night, so I'm not about to take any chances. Zac can hear a pin drop on a carpet a mile away!
DOUG: You're calling him Zac? Does that mean your old man did the right thing after all?
GABY: You shouldn't have tampered with his birth certificate. If I wanted to give him a middle name I would have done it myself.
GABY: But, I prefer Zac to Shannon now, so he is.
DOUG: His great- grandpa Zac will be up there bragging to his mates right now!
They start talking about the christening, and Gaby tells them she's not having him christened - she doesn't believe in it. She then goes off for a nap leaving Pam and Doug agog.
Brett is finishing his breakfast while Marlene waits on Cheryl. Cheryl moans that Lou's ceramic pig is still in the house, as well as the bar(!)
Cheryl tells Danni to get to school, even though she'd rather stay home to coo over Louise.
Coffee Shop
Brett is trying to get Danni or Cody to be his partner for the competition. Rick comes in and tells them that he's finished his last community service job. In 3 months, he'll get his licence back too, so he'll be able to get away from Annalise and Mark(!)
No.22 (Garden)
Lou is doing some gardening when Cheryl comes out. Marlene has been fussing over Cheryl, and she points out to Lou that she has already survived four children without Marlene's help(!)
LOU: Let's settle this once and for all. Is it going to be Louise or Shannon?
CHERYL: Louise seems to have stuck, hasn't it.
LOU: Well, it is the feminine version of her father's name after all.
CHERYL: It's only fair that your name be represented considering she'll have my surname.
Lou looks a bit awkward but doesn't say anything.
CHERYL: Do you know there are so many men that wouldn't have a bar of their child being named after the mother? You know what men can be like sometimes. Oh, I don't have to put up with any of that chauvinistic nonsense with you!
She hugs him, happily. Lou looks worried!
Annalise and Mark are bickering again. They agree to start be civil to each other, and then they can both continue to live there...until she finds somewhere to live. They start arguing again about who should move out.
Pam and Doug awkwardly ask Gaby about the christening issue. They say it's traditional. Gaby points out that none of them are religious and it would be hypocritical. Pam says it's a celebration of Zac's entry into the world and Doug thinks it isn't a bad plan just in case God is real(!)
GABY: Look, if I believe in anything it's that if Zac is a good person then he can't go wrong.
PAM: But, Gaby...
GABY: Get off it, mum! It's my decision, alright?!
Outside No.22
Lou is waiting for the postman, looking shifty. He takes the letters, but the birth certificate is not among them. He asks the postman if he can re- direct his mail to the car yard (no)
Annalise asks her mate if she has a spare room, but she is living with her boyfriend now and doesn't want a flat mate. Annalise tells her how much in love she and Mark used to be, but gradually you come to hate the things you used to love(!)
Cody and Rick are playing darts, happily. Annalise glowers at them.
Gaby is telling Cheryl that she's fed up of all the advice from the family. Cheryl laughs and says that family are very handy to have around, so it's worth the unsolicited advice.
CHERYL: Isn't it better to have a family that cares a little bit too much than one that isn't there at all?
GABY: ...Yes!
Pam is ranting about Gaby treating her like "a nobody". Annalise is still ringing round trying to find somewhere else to live. Cody and Rick are there and Annalise rants at Rick for not just saying that he'd prefer to live with her over Mark(!) She is currently staying at Lassiter's, but it's very expensive. She doesn't want to move back though, she needs to find somewhere else.
No.28 (Front), the following morning
Lou asks Doug if he can hide the key for his mailbox in his garden(!) He explains that he has to stop Cheryl seeing the surname. They have a misogynistic conversation about tradition and just telling Cheryl that's how it is. Lou is worried that Cheryl is going to hit the roof when she finds out!
Gaby is in a bad mood trying to get the baby to sleep. Cody takes over for a bit. Gaby tells her that she feels a bit bad about the christening issue, but Cody says Gaby has the final decision. She suggests some sort of compromise though.
Coffee Shop
The assistant in the Coffee Shop (Kristy) is just back from her honeymoon, much to Annalise's distaste. Annalise asks if she can rent her spare room, but she doesn't want to - she's just got married. Annalise says that the romance will die after marriage anyway(!)
RICK: Annalise, I hate to tell you this...but you pretty much depress everyone you come into contact with these days.
Cody goes to settle the baby. Gaby apologises to Pam for their differences over the christening yesterday. From now on, she's going to let Pam say her piece as Zac's grandmother, even if she doesn't always act on her advice. Also, Cody has suggested a compromise - a naming day. Pam is pleased and hugs her.
Danni is fussing over Louise again. Marlene has got Louise on a very specific schedule and tries to take her off for a bath, but Cheryl says that it won't hurt for Danni to hold her a little longer.
Marlene has put a breakfast for Cheryl out in the garden. She smiles and obediently goes off to the garden.
Ramsay Street
Lou sees the postman giving today's letters to Brett and Danni. Lou rushes over and snatches them out of Brett's hand. The postman tells them that Lou doesn't want to show Cheryl something he's delivering today (how discreet!)
Lou comes over and tried to snatch the letter out of Brett's hand. He refuses. He runs off with the letters, closely followed by Lou.
Garden of No.22
Marlene and Cheryl are having breakfast when Lou, Brett and Danni arrive at a run. Lou tries to act innocent, but Cheryl has already picked up the letters.
CHERYL: Ahhh...the birth certificate! Louise's name's official!
Lou waits for the axe to fall.
CHERYL: Awww...Shannon Louise Carpenter.
Lou closes his eyes.
CHERYL: Carpenter?
Lou smiles, weakly.
CHERYL: Louis?!