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Neighbours Episode 2192 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2191 - 2193>>
Episode title: 2192
Australian airdate: 12/07/94
UK airdate: 10/04/95
UK Gold: 27/03/01
Writer: John Hanlon
Director: Tina Butler
Guests: Elliot Patterson: Jon Concannon
Cassandra Rushmore: Radha Mitchell
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
- Cody asks if Rick is scared to go skydiving
- Dave buys Mark a takeaway van
- Rick says that the van is a great idea
- Cheryl recognises Marlene and tells her to get out of her house.
A shocked silence descends.
CHERYL: Get her out of my house, Lou.
LOU: I'm sorry...?
Brett comes in and happens upon the scene.
BRETT: Who died?
LOU: Would somebody tell me what going on?
DANNI:(to Marlene) You're my grandmother?
LOU: Hang on, love.
SAM: Mrs Stark's my Aunty Cheryl. Nan's Aunty Cheryl's mum.
LOU:(to Cheryl, shocked) But you told us all she was dead.
Cheryl is stony silent.
MARLENE: Pregnant! I could make a fresh start as a Nan, and as a mother. That's why I'm here, Cheryl.
CHERYL: You heard me, Lou, I want her to leave *now*
MARLENE: It's alright, Lou, I'm going. I'm sorry, I thought it'd be a wonderful surprise. It's my fault. Silly of me. Come on, Sam, we're spoiling the party.
They leave.
No.28 (front)
Rick has climbed up a ladder on to the roof. Cody takes the ladder away and says she's conditioning him for his parachute jump(!) Rick shouts at her in terror to put the ladder back, but she ignores him.
Ramsay Street
SAM: I mean, I was expecting this really big reunion.
SAM: I didn't know there was some sort of fight between you.
DANNI: Why does Mum hate you so much?
MARLENE: She's never said anything to you?
BRETT: No, never.
MARLENE: Oh...it was her father, I guess. I mean, ex- husbands are usually pretty vicious against ex- wives. And vice versa I'd think.
DANNI: It must be more than that.
MARLENE: Well, Hector - that's my ex - took Cheryl interstate. I assume he convincd himself and Cheryl that I'd done him wrong.
SAM: Well, had you?
MARLENE: From his point of view, I suppose I had. There's always another side to every story.
CHERYL: Oh, where do I begin?
LOU: Wherever you like. Where your parents split up might be a good start.
CHERYL: Not just split up, divorced.
LOU: Whatever.
CHERYL: I just felt so shamed by it all.
LOU: Shamed? Honey, whatever caused their break- up wasn't your fault!
CHERYL: You try telling that to an eleven year old girl who thinks that everytime something went wrong it was her fault.
LOU: Do you want to talk about it?
CHERYL: No. It's all too painful and it was all her fault. After Dad took me interstate, I just told everybody that she died.
LOU: Including me! I thought we didn't have any secrets, not big ones like that, anyway.
CHERYL: Well, I never expected to see or hear from her again.
LOU: I wonder what she's doing here.
CHERYL: Well, she's not here out of any consideration to anybody else, you can bet on that.
LOU: I'm sure she means no harm, love.
CHERYL: Wish I could believe that.
LOU: Poor baby.
CHERYL:(looking at her tummy) Oh, which one of us?!
LOU: Take your pick! I'm sure you could both do without the hassle at this stage!
Annalise comes in and Mark tells her that the van out the front is his new business - fast food catering! She's surprised, but reluctantly agrees to release him from the Coffee Shop. He says they were much better as a couple when they had separate jobs and maybe they'll be able to get the magic back.
BRETT: It's really sad you feel that way, Mum.
DANNI: Yeah, Mum, I think she's nice!
LOU: I bet she's feeling lousy.
CHERYL: What?!
LOU: Imagine how you'd feel if young junior turned on you some time in the future, or any of the kids for that matter.
CHERYL: Oh, Lou!
LOU: Cheryl, it's been a long time, love.
DANNI: Yeah, mum.
LOU: Aren't you curious about her at least?
CHERYL: I don't want to discuss this anymore, the subject's closed!
DANNI: But, Mum...
CHERYL: I won't forgive her. Don't you understand, I can't!
She sighs.
CHERYL: I think I want to go back to the hospital.
LOU: Oh, come on, love, you just got home!
CHERYL: Nah, please Lou.
Annalise is having a coffee with Helen. She tells her that she's worried about her and Mark's relationship, but Helen thinks it's sensible to keep their jobs separate. Although, that does leave the problem of who can run the Coffee Shop
Poor Rick has been on the roof all this time. Cody finally puts the ladder back up. He tries to climb down, but he's shaking uncontrollably. Cody just laughs at him.
Ramsay Street
LOU: I'm sorry, Marlene. Cheryl won't come out of the house while you're still here.
MARLENE: It's alright, Lou, I understand. Come on, Sam.
They walk off.
Rick is telling Mark and Annalise about being stuck on the roof. He can't see how he's going to do a 5,000 metre parachute jump when he can't manage a 3 metre roof. Mark explains to Annalise that it's a tandem jump. Rick asks to borrow Mark's video camera.
Lou tells Marlene that she can stay on while Cheryl is in hospital - or at least for tonight as it's getting late.
No.30, the following morning
Rick is making his Will(!) Annalise is moaning about Mark setting up in the takeaway food van.
Mark comes in and Annalise starts looking through the newspaper. Mark spots Brett's article on bulimia, and then a review of Annalise's poetry book. It's not a great review and they tell her to ignore it. She stomps off, disappointed.
Brett and Danni are reading Brett's article about bulimia.
DANNI: What did Debbie think of this?
BRETT: I didn't ask her.
DANNI: Didn't you show it to her?
BRETT:(puzzled) No?
DANNI: She's going to get a bit of a shock, isn't she, when she reads this in the paper?
BRETT: No, I think she'll be pleased.
DANNI: Pleased?
BRETT: Yeah, that I'm trying to help people with bulimia.
Danni looks at him. He snatched the article back.
MARLENE: It's so sad. After all this time, she can't even bear to be in the same room as me.
SAM: Maybe it's because she's stuck in hospital. I mean, that's send anyone stir crazy.
MARLENE: She's not crazy.
SAM: But she's pregnant, isn't she? I mean, doesn't that stuff up your hormones or something?
MARLENE: You're a sweet boy, Sam.
Elliot rushes in with fifty copies of Annalise's book to give away to friends and admirers. She is still upset about the review but Elliot says to pay no attention. Apparently another newspaper is raving about her.
Helen comes in and speaks to Annalise privately.
HELEN: I think I have your Coffee Shop problem solved.
ANNALISE: Oh, really?
HELEN: What would you say to *me* as manager?
Commando Sky Divers
Rick tells Cody that he can't do the jump. Cody is filming him.
RICK: Can't we go home? I'll ring the instructor and tell him I have a rare and fatal disease or something(!)
Just then, the instructor turns up and introduces herself as Cassandra Rushmore. Rick suddenly gets interested in skydiving knowing that a woman is in charge of him(!)
Coffee Shop
Annalise explains to Danni that Helen is her new boss. Danni is pleased, but is a bit unsure about the amount of work. Helen says she can handle it.
Commando Sky Divers
Cassandra is showing Rick the harness and then the plane. They practice the tandem exit a bit.
Annalise and Mark are having a tense lunch. They argue about the soup being salty and Mark ends up accidently spilling it over her.
Carpenters Cars
LOU: Maybe you could have broken the news to her more gently.
MARLENE: Well, I realise that now, but what's done is done, it's no good crying over spilt milk.
LOU: True.
MARLENE: What we need now are some ideas that'll get through to her.
LOU: Marlene. Let me make something very clear. My loyalties lie with Cheryl. I'm only interested in what's best for her.
MARLENE: So am I, Lou. So am I.
LOU: Yes, I know, love, yeah. Well, I reckon we should get you two together.
MARLENE: We agree on that point, at least!
LOU: And that Elvis lives! I think you and I agree on a lot of points, Marlene. But like I say, that's in the long run. All we can do is wait.
MARLENE: Well, I knew it wasn't going to be easy...but I had no idea that she'd built this great high wall around her feelings. There were times over the years I've tried to contact her. Either I didn't know where she was, or my timing was lousy. Once, just after her father had died.
LOU: Well, you've got her cornered now.
MARLENE: I wonder if it'll make any difference. I mean, I've really stopped the running away too easily by moving in next- door...oh, I don't know. Maybe she'll come round. All I want is just to have my family around me in my old age. Is that too much to ask.
LOU: I will talk to Cheryl, darling.
MARLENE: I'd be *very* grateful.
Annalise has changed into her dressing- gown.
MARK: I think we have to accept the fact that we're two different people. And, well, we don't have all that much in common.
ANNALISE: Mark, that's not true.
MARK: Let me finish. It doesn't really matter, what matters is that...
ANNALISE: It *does* matter. We've got to have things in common if we're ever going to be happy.
MARK: I'll make you happy.
ANNALISE: I'll make you happy, too.
MARK: Annalise.
ANNALISE: Mark, we said we wouldn't.
MARK: I know.
MARK: We tried.
They kiss.
Cassandra edges Rick to the edge of the plane.
RICK: No, I can't!
<<2191 - 2193>>
Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2192
Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark, Lou Carpenter

Marlene Kratz, Sam Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2192
Marlene Kratz, Sam Kratz

Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2192
Cody Willis

Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2192
Rick Alessi

Brett Stark, Sam Kratz, Danni Stark, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2192
Brett Stark, Sam Kratz, Danni Stark, Marlene Kratz

Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2192
Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2192
Rick Alessi

Sam Kratz, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2192
Sam Kratz, Marlene Kratz

Mark Gottlieb, Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2192
Mark Gottlieb, Annalise Hartman

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2192
Lou Carpenter

Sam Kratz, Marlene Kratz, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2192
Sam Kratz, Marlene Kratz, Danni Stark

Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2192
Brett Stark

Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2192
Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb, Rick Alessi

Danni Stark, Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2192
Danni Stark, Brett Stark

Cody Willis, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2192
Cody Willis, Rick Alessi

Cody Willis, Rick Alessi, Cassandra Rushmore in Neighbours Episode 2192
Cody Willis, Rick Alessi, Cassandra Rushmore

Danni Stark, Annalise Hartman, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2192
Danni Stark, Annalise Hartman, Helen Daniels

Cassandra Rushmore, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2192
Cassandra Rushmore, Rick Alessi

 in Neighbours Episode 2192

Mark Gottlieb, Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2192
Mark Gottlieb, Annalise Hartman

Marlene Kratz, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2192
Marlene Kratz, Lou Carpenter

Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2192
Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb

Cassandra Rushmore, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2192
Cassandra Rushmore, Rick Alessi

 in Neighbours Episode 2192

Cassandra Rushmore, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2192
Cassandra Rushmore, Rick Alessi

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