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Neighbours Episode 2146 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2145 - 2147>>
Episode title: 2146
Australian airdate: 09/05/94
UK airdate: 03/02/95
Writer: Serge Lazareff
Director: Richard Sarell
Guests: Sally Pritchard: Brenda Webb
John Muir: Benjamin Grant
Andrew MacKenzie: John Morris
Bert Lazarus: Marcus Eyre
- "You Know Who You Are Tonight" by Ian Moss
- "Little Darling" by Jimmy Barnes
- "I Remember" by The Badloves
- "Just Like Fire Would" by The Saints
- "I Hear Motion" by The Models
- "Answering Machine Blues" by Ian Moss
Summary/Images by: Jeremai
- Rick tells Sally he loves her and that's all that matters
- Lou asks Cheryl to marry him in front of the pub customers and Cheryl says yes
- Rick proposes to Sally in front of Gaby
Number 30
Gaby makes a quick exit so that Rick and Sally can talk. Sally is upset that Rick has proposed out of the blue as they are too young and things were going well between them. Rick suggests living together instead. Sally needs time to think and leaves.
RICK: Well... she didn't say no!
Number 24
Danni is ogling basketball players on TV when Lou and Cheryl arrive home and announce their engagement. Danni and Brett are not surprised.
Lou and Cheryl get into bed and Cheryl is concerned that they are not following tradition.
LOU: It's a bit late for that. I mean the one about the baby being born nine months after the wedding. I think we jumped the gun!
Cheryl thinks they should stop sleeping together and she should move back into No. 22 until after the wedding. Lou is not thrilled!
Number 30
Annalise thinks Lou's proposal was romantic but Mark thinks it was a bit weird. They ask Rick how dinner was and Rick lies that it couldn't have gone better. He leaves to go and congratulate Lou and Cheryl.
Sally's place
Gaby has come to talk to Sally and told John about Rick's proposal. Sally tells Gaby she hasn't given Rick an answer yet. John tells Sally that Rick is still a baby and calls her a chicken for not turning him down. Sally is upset as she doesn't want to upset Rick.
Number 24
Rick says he hopes he didn't get Lou out of bed. Lou says he did, but he couldn't sleep anyway because he was so excited about the engagement. Rick tells Lou that he proposed to Sally this evening as well. He plans to keep asking until she says yes, like Lou did with Cheryl. Lou tells Rick not to get his hopes up.
Lou and Cheryl wake up in bed the following morning. Cheryl is still intent on moving back into No. 22. She thinks it's sweet that Rick has proposed to Sally and that they can make a go of it... as can she and Lou if they do things right.
Number 30
Rick tells Annalise she won't have to worry about the house being overcrowded for much longer because he and Sally are engaged and will probably get their own place. Annalise thinks it's great news but hopes they have a long engagement as her mum got married young and things didn't work out.
Number 24
Cheryl asks Lou to move his home brewing equipment out of the laundry. Brett and Danni appear and joke about them arguing already! Cheryl teases the kids, saying Lou wants a Native American ceremony where they sing their vows and then crawl under a blanket to kiss and cuddle (at which point she rather disturbingly launches herself on Brett!) but instead they are going to have a hippie ceremony. Lou says she actually thinks they should have a naked ceremony... "Starks naked"!
"The Hungry Bite"
Annalise tells Mark that Rick proposed to Sally but Mark is too busy stressing about the game bird supplier letting them down, his mother wanting him to visit, and the cool room breaking down. Annalise suggests they take a holiday. Cheryl comes in for her order and asks Mark for a word when he gets back to work.
Number 28
Lou and Doug are discussing the homebrew. Doug offers to store it for Lou but Gaby doesn't want the smell around either. Doug says he will store it at the house renovation site while he finishes the work for the council and they can be brewing partners.
The Waterhole
Cheryl is telling Mark about her idea for theme nights at the pub, starting with a Hawaiian night in a couple of days. Mark says he will need more staff but Cheryl says they can't afford it; they will just have to cut corners. Mark refuses but Cheryl says he will just have to cope.
Doug's old house
Lou and Doug are moving the brewing equipment into the shed. Doug asks Lou what type of beer it's going to be and Lou says a lager. Doug thinks a regular draught with some variations would be better. Lou says they have room for both.
The Waterhole
Mark is having an argument with butcher Bert Lazarus over the quality of his meat.
MARK: This meat could poison people! I won't buy it.
BERT: I'll see you in court, son. That's libellous!
"The Hungry Bite"
Danni returns Annalise's dress and Annalise asks if it worked. Danni says it was a pretty wild night in the end but they had a good time. Annalise asks if she and Michael hit it off and Danni says sort of. Bert the Butcher comes in complaining about his run- in with Mark; he can't understand what Annalise sees in him. Mark comes in and Bert tells him he'll be hearing from his solicitor!
Mark is stressed and Annalise tells him he needs a week off to visit his mother. Mark tells Annalise that his parents are hippies who live in their own little world and are no help to anyone. Annalise thinks he should at least give them a chance to help.
Erinsborough High School
Rick brings Sally some flowers and tells her he's going to give her space to think... until she says yes! Around the corner, John has arrived to pick up Sally.
The Waterhole
Annalise tells Cheryl that Mark is on edge about everything. Cheryl says she pays him well enough to handle crises. Annalise doesn't know what to do. Cheryl suggests a massage, hot bath or just a cup of tea. Annalise says he would think she's his mother, which Cheryl thinks is hilarious.
Sally's place
Sally and John arrive home and John tells Sally to take a few days off to get her head straight before she gives Rick the flick. Sally asks why he's so callous; he used to be like a big brother to her. John says he doesn't see her as a little sister any more.
Doug's old house
A man arrives in a car, looking for Doug, and Lou points him in the right direction. He introduces himself to Doug as Andrew McKenzie, the council's recreation officer. He wants the place operational as a museum within six months, ready for the council's centenary. He also tells Doug to get Lou and his homebrew off of council property!
<<2145 - 2147>>
Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2146
Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi

Danni Stark, Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2146
Danni Stark, Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Mark Gottlieb, Rick Alessi, Annalise Hartman in Neighbours Episode 2146
Mark Gottlieb, Rick Alessi, Annalise Hartman

Sally Pritchard, John Muir, Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 2146
Sally Pritchard, John Muir, Gaby Willis

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2146
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Annalise Hartman, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2146
Annalise Hartman, Rick Alessi

Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2146
Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2146
Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark

Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2146
Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb

Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 2146
Gaby Willis

Lou Carpenter, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2146
Lou Carpenter, Doug Willis

Cheryl Stark, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2146
Cheryl Stark, Mark Gottlieb

Lou Carpenter, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2146
Lou Carpenter, Doug Willis

Bert Lazarus, Mark Gottlieb, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2146
Bert Lazarus, Mark Gottlieb, Cheryl Stark

Annalise Hartman, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2146
Annalise Hartman, Danni Stark

Annalise Hartman, Bert Lazarus, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2146
Annalise Hartman, Bert Lazarus, Danni Stark

Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2146
Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi

John Muir in Neighbours Episode 2146
John Muir

John Muir, Sally Pritchard in Neighbours Episode 2146
John Muir, Sally Pritchard

Andrew MacKenzie, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2146
Andrew MacKenzie, Doug Willis

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2146
Lou Carpenter

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