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Neighbours Episode 2145 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2144 - 2146>>
Episode title: 2145
Australian airdate: 06/05/94
UK airdate: 02/02/95
UK Gold: 19/01/01
Summary/Images by: David/Graham
- Cheryl tells Lou that he's not going to sell her on marriage.
- Lou gives Sally a necklace, and asks if they're mates. She says of course.
- Michael finds a taxi driver unconscious. He begs Danni to drive them to the hospital. Danni says she can't as she doesn't have a license. Michael says the man will die if they don't get him to a hospital.
Number 30
Mark and Annalise arrive home, ready to celebrate with some ice cream. They see Rick and Sally together on the couch, having eaten all of Mark and Annalise's food. Sally apologises and offers to shop for them, but Mark says it's fine. Rick asks them about their night out. Mark says it was worth it to see Annalise's face when she saw Katerina. Annalise assures them that she doesn't see Katerina as a threat.
Road at night
Danni is speeding down the road in the taxi, while Michael gives her directions. Danni is panicking, Michael tells her to hang in there.
Number 24
Lou is blindfolded, tasting a set of beers. Cheryl asks which one he likes the best, Lou admits they all taste the same to him. Cheryl thought the same.
LOU: Great minds think alike, ay?
CHERYL: Soulmates, that's what we are.
LOU: Ain't that the truth. We'll probably be having wheelchair races in our old age.
Cheryl asks which one of these she should sell, Lou thinks he could brew better. Cheryl gets a call from Danni. Cheryl hangs up and tells Lou that Danni's at the hospital.
Number 26
Helen asks Phil what's troubling Hannah. Phil says after Aaron saw Jesse and Hannah at the zoo together, he's sending Jesse to boarding school. Aaron thinks that Hannah is an undesirable influence on Jesse because she gave him one of those pornographic comics. Helen says Aaron is a single parent, so it's natural he would be overprotective. Helen says he might calm down in time. Phil hopes so, for Hannah's sake.
Lassiters Office
Rick asks Gaby if she should be taking it easy now she's pregnant, Gaby tells him not to start, she got enough of that before she left home this morning. She even had Brad on the phone telling her to take it easy. Gaby hands Rick his contract for modelling for Lassiters. Rick is excited about becoming a supermodel. Before he signs, he asks for an advance on his wages, just $2000. He says it's really important. Gaby agrees, but Rick won't tell her what it's for yet, she's just made him a very happy man.
Number 24
Lou and Cheryl tell Danni that while they don't condone her driving without a license, they're very proud of her that she saved that man's life. Danni says that was down to Michael, she freaked behind the driver's seat. Cheryl thinks sometimes it takes a crisis for us to get over our phobia's. Danni gushes about Michael, he was fantastic, so strong, and knew exactly what to say. Lou makes fun of Danni being all smitten with Michael. Danni says she wants to ask Helen for driving lessons.
Number 26
Michael praises Phil on how he tackled that comic book seller. Phil says he just did what he had to do. Michael says it's the same with him and that taxi last night. Apparently Julie is going to buy them some superhero cakes this afternoon. Helen thanks Michael for her Qi Gong outfit.
The Waterhole
Pam is complaining to Cheryl about Gaby working so hard, just as Gaby walks in and overhears them. Cheryl invites her to eat with them. Cheryl recommends a new birthing centre to Gaby, but Gaby says she'll have to have a hospital birth, because of the complications she'll probably have to have a caesarean. Cheryl says she could maybe use it for the next one. Gaby is aghast at the thought of having more children. Cheryl can see it now, 10 years down the track, a swarm of kids around her. Lou arrives and overhears.
CHERYL: That's the way I did it, it made me very happy.
GABY: Well with all due respect, time's have changed, and I don't need a man to make me happy.
CHERYL: Oh yes, that's what they all say, until you meet the right man and you'll want him to whisk you away to the altar.
LOU: Really?
Cheryl sends Lou away, this is woman's talk. Gaby gets quite upset, and tells them that she is not getting married, and this child is a one off, never to repeated again. She storms off.
Number 24
Michael comes over to see how Danni is. She tells him she's going for driving lessons. Michael asks if she'd like to go out again. She says she would. Michael is relieved, as she thought she would still be interested in Mark. Danni replies, Mark who?
Number 30
Rick invites Sally to a special dinner tonight. Mark interrupts, and Sally decides to go home, she'll be back for dinner later. Rick asks Mark to have the house to himself tonight. Mark agrees.
Lassiters Office
Gaby apologises to Cheryl for earlier. Cheryl says they had no right to tell her how to live her life. She invites Gaby around to hers later, they'll really pamper themselves.
Helen is looking for information on Qi Gong, she's so far been finding it energising. Phil asks if he can join her and Brett. Helen politely tells Phil that she enjoys having time away from the family to pursue her own interests, she needs her own space. Phil comments on how Brett doesn't infringe on her own space, but her family does. Helen tells him that she thought they'd learned not to interfere on her life after what they all did to her relationship with Len.
Number 24
Gaby and Cheryl are relaxing on the sofa with facemasks on. Cheryl asks if Gaby has made any plans for her and the baby after the baby is born. She's not going to live at home forever. Gaby guesses not. Lou arrives carrying a box, and sees the two of them on the sofa.
LOU: Holy cow! Aliens have landed, what have you done with my Cheryl?
Cheryl tells Lou to let them relax and be quiet. Lou says he'll be quiet as a mouse, and if there's any cucumber left, he'll join in. As he moves the box, they hear bottles rattling. Cheryl wonders what he has, he jokes for her to keep her steakybeak out of it.
The Coffee Shop
Danni and Michael are chatting about the gig they went to, when Mark passes them saying hi. Danni barely looks at Mark, as she keeps chatting to Michael, while Mark thinks it's odd that she paid him no notice. He goes over to Annalise and tells her that Danni and Michael can't take their eyes off each other. Annalise wants to go home, but Mark says they can't as Rick has a special evening with Sally. Annalise asks why they can't spend a night by themselves. She hopes Rick is enjoying himself
Number 30
Rick and Sally are having dinner, Sally asks him about his family. He says it's just him, his brother and sister, but he wants a big family with 10 kids. Sally says he'd have to be a millionaire, it's impossible to raise that many kids these days. She doesn't think he'd be able to spend quality time with each child if there are 10 of them. He thinks they'll all just look after each other, like the Brady Bunch. He says it would take a special kind of woman. Sally looks awkward, and then changes the subject by asking him to tell her about his brother.
The Waterhole
Pam is sitting with Cheryl and Lou, apparently all the other Willises are out so she was at a loose end. Cheryl is glad she joined them, but Lou looks less keen. Cheryl tries to encourage Pam to do some karaoke. Lou offers to do some karaoke for Cheryl, and invites Cheryl up onto the stage with him. He gets on one knee.
LOU: Cheryl, I'm not going to do the karaoke. That's the little white lie. I want you to make me a happy man. Now you've knocked me back twice before, but this time I'm not going to take no for an answer. So will you marry me?
CHERYL: Lewis, please don't do this.
LOU: Cheryl, will you marry me? Come on, in front of everybody, now.
CHERYL: Lou, stop it.
LOU: Only if you say yes.
CHERYL: I don't know what to say
LOU: Cheryl, my knees are going to sleep, now will you marry me? I won't take no for an answer.
CHERYL: Alright. Fine. Yes.
Lou cheers and hugs Cheryl, who doesn't look very pleased, while everyone claps.
Number 30
Gaby stops by to see Rick. She couldn't stand the suspense any longer, she had to come by and grill him about the money. She sees he's having dinner with Sally and offers to come back later, but Sally insists she joins them for coffee. Gaby supposes Rick has told Sally about the big secret, the big $2000 secret. Rick pretends it was this dinner. He wanted to take Sally to a big expensive restaurant but it was booked out, so he cooked dinner instead. Gaby doesn't believe that, she wants to know the real reason. Rick takes out an engagement ring and gets on one knee in front of Sally. He tells Sally he can't imagine life without her, and asks her to marry him. Sally looks very unimpressed.
<<2144 - 2146>>
Rick Alessi, Sally Pritchard, Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2145
Rick Alessi, Sally Pritchard, Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb

Michael Martin in Neighbours Episode 2145
Michael Martin

 in Neighbours Episode 2145

Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2145
Danni Stark

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2145
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Philip Martin, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2145
Philip Martin, Helen Daniels

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2145
Helen Daniels

Gaby Willis, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2145
Gaby Willis, Rick Alessi

Danni Stark, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2145
Danni Stark, Cheryl Stark, Lou Carpenter

Helen Daniels, Michael Martin, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2145
Helen Daniels, Michael Martin, Philip Martin

Gaby Willis, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 2145
Gaby Willis, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Pam Willis

Michael Martin, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2145
Michael Martin, Danni Stark

Rick Alessi, Sally Pritchard in Neighbours Episode 2145
Rick Alessi, Sally Pritchard

Mark Gottlieb, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2145
Mark Gottlieb, Rick Alessi

Cheryl Stark, Gaby Willis in Neighbours Episode 2145
Cheryl Stark, Gaby Willis

Helen Daniels, Philip Martin in Neighbours Episode 2145
Helen Daniels, Philip Martin

Gaby Willis, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2145
Gaby Willis, Cheryl Stark

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2145
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Danni Stark, Mark Gottlieb, Michael Martin in Neighbours Episode 2145
Danni Stark, Mark Gottlieb, Michael Martin

Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb in Neighbours Episode 2145
Annalise Hartman, Mark Gottlieb

Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2145
Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 2145
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Pam Willis

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2145
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2145
Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Sally Pritchard, Gaby Willis, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2145
Sally Pritchard, Gaby Willis, Rick Alessi

Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 2145
Sally Pritchard, Rick Alessi

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