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Neighbours Episode 2111 from 1994 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2110 - 2112>>
Episode title: 2111
Australian airdate: 21/03/94
UK airdate: 16/12/94
UK Gold: 04/12/00
Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: Geoff Bennett
Guests: Tom Weaver: George Mallaby
Len Mangel: John Lee
Eric Weaver: Guy Mallaby
- "Tracy" by Skinwalker
- "Madame Butterfly Is In Trouble" by Deborah Conway
- "Moondah" by Ayers Rock
- "True Tears Of Joy" by Hunters & Collectors
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
- Danni uses Cheryl's credit card to buy clothes
- Pam receives some flowers. She tells Cody she bought them for herself.
- Len asks Helen if he can "give her a ring sometime" and take her out for a meal.
- Cody rages at Michael that he doesn't care for her anymore. He tells her that he "could have AIDS"
CODY: Is that supposed to be some kind of a joke, because it's not very funny.
MICHAEL: It's no joke.
CODY: But, how? You said needles...
MICHAEL:(angry) I don't *do* drugs, I told you! It was a long time ago, I was going out with this girl...
CODY: And you didn't use condoms?
MICHAEL: Chrissie and I were just mates. We were fooling around with each other one night, and...
CODY: Was she a junkie?
MICHAEL: No, she wasn't. She never had anything to do with that.
CODY: Well, then, what makes you think you could be positive?
MICHAEL: I don't know. There's just always been that worry, you know?
CODY: Because you were stupid enough to have unprotected sex.
MICHAEL: It was only once!
CODY: That's all it takes! You're amazing. All this time you've been pressuring *me* to have sex, and I don't understand why, Michael, why haven't you brought this up before?
MICHAEL: I would have...I don't want to put you at risk, Cody.
CODY: Oh, that's a relief(!) So why bring it up now?
MICHAEL: Well, when you were talking about Gaby being careless, I mean, I just didn't want to keep any secrets from you!
CODY: I don't believe this.
MICHAEL: Cody, I'm sorry.
CODY: I've got to tell you, Michael, I'm having real trouble dealing with this.
MICHAEL: Me, too.
CODY: You make me feel guilty about Drew, and all the time you...
MICHAEL: I'm sorry.
CODY: Yeah.
Cheryl rings Brett to tell him she's on her way home. Danni is worried - she's bought a lot of expensive stuff. Brett has spent a fair bit too.
Brett decides to ring the credit card company to ask for a balance. They tell him they'll ring back.
No.28 (evening)
Doug and Cody are playing cards. Pam tells them that she's going to be out all day tomorrow, on an art gallery excursion.
DOUG: No worries, I'll cook.
CODY: And I'll get takeaway(!)
Pam tells them she's going with a "new friend" and Helen will be there too.
Cody goes off to make a phone call.
Julie answers the phone to Cody, and Michael says he'll take the call in the kitchen.
Julie pointedly tells Helen that Len has already called twice today. Hannah laughs and says that Helen is too old for romance(!) Julie doesn't approve of Len after being married to Nell all those years.
Cheryl and Lou have arrived home and are greeting Danni and Brett. Rick brings in their suitcases. Apparently Lou has bad sunburn on his back and is wincing.
Cheryl gets some presents out for Danni and Brett. She feels a vibe and asks them what is going on. Before they can answer, Rick drags Brett off to get his rat out of his bedroom(!)
Coffee Shop
Cody and Michael are chatting in an empty shop. She suggests to Michael that he gets a test, and his ex- girlfriend should too.
CODY: Have you ever talked to her about it?
MICHAEL: Sort of. Chrissie reckoned, what was the point of knowing, there's no cure. It could be years before she showed any symptoms.
CODY: That's really stupid. I mean, isn't it better to know? The odds are you're probably both OK.
MICHAEL: Some people say that the stress of knowing you've got it can drag you down even faster. I've been trying to put it out of my mind.
CODY: That didn't work, did it?
MICHAEL: Thanks(!)
CODY: I mean, you've got to have that test, Michael.
MICHAEL: Yeah, it is better to know.
CODY: Of course it is.
MICHAEL: And the test could be negative.
CODY: And you're probably worrying about nothing.
MICHAEL: I hope so, Cody. I really hope so.
No.24, the following morning
Rick is moaning at Brett that Jeffery the rat has gnawed on his shoes.
The phone rings and Brett and Danni dive to answer it - but Cheryl gets there first.
CHERYL: No, I didn't order a statement. How much?! Are you sure? Uh- huh, yeah. No, no, no, no, no, I didn't order a limousine. A helicopter?
Lou is looking alarmed by this point.
CHERYL: No, no, no, please, don't go on with the list, I'll see that this bill gets paid today. Yep. Thank you very much for calling. Bye bye.
Danni and Brett try to sneak off.
Art Gallery
Helen is giving Pam, Len and several others a tour of the gallery. It's a bit boring and Tom suggests to Pam that they skive off. However, before they can, Helen calls them back to the group.
Lassiter's Complex
Michael has been for his HIV test and apparently the doctor was very encouraging. Cody thinks his ex should get a test too. She thinks Michael should find her and convince her.
Danni and Brett tell Cheryl that they get a lot less pocket money compared to Debbie, Michael and Cody, it's fine(!) Cheryl blinks in astonishment. She tells them they're grounded for life! They grumpily protest and she tells them to be quiet.
Outside the Art Gallery
Everyone is painting. Helen chats to Len. He tells he was mates with a few artists and picked up some tips from him(!) Also, apparently things are finished with Gwen.
Tom goes over to look at Pam's painting and admires it. He flatters her and they flirt a bit. Pam looks a bit guilty.
No.24, Brett's bedroom
Brett is looking for Jeffery the rat. He looks under the bed and screams in surprise - there's a snake under there!
Hannah is trying on a new dress when Helen and Len come in. Julie and Hannah are very cold towards Len.
HELEN: You'll either be polite, young lady, or you'll go to your room, now what's it to be.
HANNAH: I'll go to my room.
She walks off. Len says he'd better go, so Helen shows him out.
Pam comes in, in a great mood after her day out. Doug has cooked a meal and is currently wiping down the surfaces. He asks how he day was, then announces he's off to the pub to play darts.
Cody observes that Pam is looking a lot happier lately, and she's glad she's got a new friend and a new hobby. Pam looks a bit guilty.
Brett has enlisted Rick to look for the snake. He says the snake had a lump in its throat about the same size as Jeffery(!) However, Brett discovers Jeffery behind some furniture. Rick says he'll find somewhere else to sleep, he's had enough of Brett.
No.26, Kitchen
HELEN: How dare you be so rude to one of my guests?
JULIE: Oh, Gran, you're not really serious about him, are you?
HELEN: It doesn't matter whether I am or not, I will not tolerate that sort of behaviour in my house. And apart from anything else, what sort of effect are you having on Hannah? She's obviously following your example.
Julie is unrepentant and says that Len is living with another woman.
HELEN: What's really going on here, darling? You trying to control my life as you're controlling Philip's.
JULIE: ...
HELEN: Don't look so shocked. I've seen you hurt and manipulate him just to get what you want.
JULIE: I have not.
HELEN: Oh, darling. Moving into the girls' room to boycott his newsagency job, well, it's just plain childish. If I were you, I'd get my own life in order before I start organising other people's.
Coffee Shop
Cody is still encouraging Michael to find Chrissie. She asks if Michael really liked her and he says he did.
No.26, Hannah's bedroom (during the night)
Hannah gets down from her bunk and suddenly falls to the floor screaming in pain. Julie wakes up and puts the light on. She sees a snake and drags Hannah away, telling her to remain calm.
<<2110 - 2112>>
Cody Willis, Michael Martin in Neighbours Episode 2111
Cody Willis, Michael Martin

Michael Martin, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2111
Michael Martin, Cody Willis

Brett Stark, Danni Stark in Neighbours Episode 2111
Brett Stark, Danni Stark

Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2111
Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Cody Willis

Julie Martin, Hannah Martin, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2111
Julie Martin, Hannah Martin, Helen Daniels

Julie Martin in Neighbours Episode 2111
Julie Martin

Hannah Martin, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2111
Hannah Martin, Helen Daniels

Rick Alessi, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark, Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2111
Rick Alessi, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark, Danni Stark, Brett Stark

Cody Willis, Michael Martin in Neighbours Episode 2111
Cody Willis, Michael Martin

Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2111
Cheryl Stark

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2111
Lou Carpenter

Brett Stark, Danni Stark, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2111
Brett Stark, Danni Stark, Lou Carpenter, Cheryl Stark

Danni Stark, Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2111
Danni Stark, Brett Stark

Tom Weaver, Pam Willis, Len Mangel in Neighbours Episode 2111
Tom Weaver, Pam Willis, Len Mangel

Tom Weaver, Pam Willis in Neighbours Episode 2111
Tom Weaver, Pam Willis

Cody Willis, Michael Martin in Neighbours Episode 2111
Cody Willis, Michael Martin

Danni Stark, Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark in Neighbours Episode 2111
Danni Stark, Brett Stark, Cheryl Stark

Helen Daniels, Len Mangel in Neighbours Episode 2111
Helen Daniels, Len Mangel

Pam Willis, Tom Weaver in Neighbours Episode 2111
Pam Willis, Tom Weaver

Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2111
Brett Stark

 in Neighbours Episode 2111

Len Mangel, Helen Daniels, Julie Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2111
Len Mangel, Helen Daniels, Julie Martin, Hannah Martin

Pam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 2111
Pam Willis, Doug Willis

Pam Willis, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2111
Pam Willis, Cody Willis

Brett Stark in Neighbours Episode 2111
Brett Stark

Julie Martin, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2111
Julie Martin, Helen Daniels

Michael Martin, Cody Willis in Neighbours Episode 2111
Michael Martin, Cody Willis

 in Neighbours Episode 2111

Julie Martin, Hannah Martin in Neighbours Episode 2111
Julie Martin, Hannah Martin

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