Mark drops a dessert on Jeffrey.
Annalise is not pleased with Mark and things are made worse when it turns out that the business dinner guests were real after all - they just got held up. Annalise ends up leaving with Jeffrey just to spite Mark.
Coffee Shop
Brad and Ally have been to the movies and are geting on well. He invites her to go to the beach with Beth and Wayne, but Ally would rather have Brad all to herself.
Debbie comes in and sits at the counter with Beth. Ally quickly gets up saying she has a lot of homework, but quickly corrects herself to "housework"
Jeffrey's place
Jeffrey has changed out of his wet clothes and is wearing a dressing gown as he pours Annalise a drink. Jeffrey thinks Mark is jealous of them but Annalise says there's nothing between them. Annalise and Jeffrey start kissing.
Willises, the following morning
Doug is just off to "work" and Pam is feeling very bored. Doug suggests that she knits some clothes for Julie's baby(!)
Wayne comes in to see Brad and asks him to coach the school basketball team. Brad isn't keen at first but eventually agrees.
Julie has come round to tell Helen that there's no baby after all - the tests got mixed up.
Helen comes round and is puzzled when Brad tells her to pass on his congratulations to Julie. Pam is surprised that Helen doesn't know - Julie's pregnant. Helen puts Pam straight and says she hopes Pam hasn't mentioned it to anyone else.
Coffee Shop
Debbie sees Brad and says she didn't think Ally was Brad's type - she seems a little young. Debbie thinks Brad should get back together with Beth. He's quite annoyed by this and storms out.
Sean tells Ally off for missing school and being out late at night. But she's horrified when Wayne is taking their class today and runs off.
Coffee Shop
Beth is looking through the Situations Vacant while Mark dawdles over his coffee looking upset. He explains to Beth what happened with Annalise and her boss last night and how Annalise hates him now. Beth says Mark should just tell Annalise straight out how he feels about her. But Mark thinks that he doesn't have as much to offer as Jeffrey.
Just then Annalise comes in and totally ignores Mark.
Helen is babysitting Pam again and suggests she does some drawing. Pam decides to draw the hospital(!)
Doug is sitting on a bench eating a packed lunch when Julie comes along. She's surprised to see him and Doug says he's just checking out the amenities in the park! He congratulates her on the baby and Julie is not pleased.
JULIE: I'm no more pregnant than you are, Doug Willis!
The Pub (outside)
Mark and Brad are chatting about their love lives. Mark is upset that Annalise isn't interested in him and is going out with her boss, a stock-broker guy. Brad sympathises and advises Mark to talk to Annalise - maybe she's only going out with her boss to make him jealous.
Ally has skived off her lesson and Sean is sick of covering for her. He lectures her on her behaviour but she is oblivious. He says he's found out the best sports class for her - Wayne doesn't take basketball, so she'd better do that.
Debbie catches up with Ally and wants her to tell Brad about her age. Ally says it's none of her business.
DEBBIE: If you don't tell him, I will.
Helen tells Julie that Pam is the source of the baby gossip - because she saw her at the surgery. Julie hopes the gossip won't get back to Phil. Helen wonders what Doug was doing in the park thinking it a bit strange he wasn't off working on a block of flats as he told Pam.
Beth has dropped round to see Brad. She asks how things are going with Ally and looks a bit disappointed when he says it's going well. Beth insists she's not jealous though.
BRAD: You and me are just friends, aren't we?
BETH: If that's the way you want it, fine.
She walks out.
Annalise is telling Helen about her "new man". She's rather disappointed when Annalise says it's her new boss, but Annalise thinks she's in love with Jeffrey. Helen says that Mark must care for her a lot to react by throwing a dessert on Jeffrey. But Annalise still says that she's not looking for someone like Mark. Helen reminds her that money isn't everything.
Outside the Coffee Shop
Annalise tells Jeffrey that she wants to be with him. He tells her they'll make a great team and kisses her. Mark sees this and looks upset.
Pam is trying to paint and not doing very well. They talk about Julie's phantom pregnancy and also Doug's new job.
Ally runs out to basketball practice with the rest of the students. Shock horror, the new coach is Brad. He's shocked to see Ally in school uniform and she promptly runs off.