Number 32
Hannah is asking Debbie why Philip had to go to the police station when Julie and Philip arrive home. Philip has been released on bail. Hannah gives him a hug and Julie says it's all a terrible mistake. Philip says his solicitor will sort it so there's nothing to worry about.
Number 28
Doug checks Pam isn't having second thoughts about moving away for his new job. Gaby says she will miss them. Doug jokes that getting away from Brad could have its advantages. Gaby gets a phone call from Philip and says she'll see him in a minute. Gaby leaves and Doug asks Pam what they should do about the house. Pam doesn't want to sell it as she wants a home to come back to.
Number 32
Gaby arrives and Philip asks if she knows what's going on. Gaby says Paul virtually confessed that he used the funds from the Gold Coast project to bail out his Hawaiian company then put all his transactions through the DMH company to frame Philip. Philip asks if there's any written proof but Gaby says he just said it. Julie refuses to believe her brother would do that.
Number 24
Cheryl tells Lou that Darren is in the detention centre, awaiting trial. She told him she wouldn't help him out again but it's hard. Lou is distant and Cheryl tells him that Lauren will be OK. Lou thinks he should have been a better father but Cheryl says there's only so much a parent can do, like with Darren.
LOU: Well pardon me for being rather upfront, but Lauren has not yet to my knowledge committed an armed robbery.
Cheryl is slightly cut by Lou's comment and tells him Lauren is 18 and can do what she wants.
Number 28
Pam and Doug get up the following morning and Brad and Gaby give Doug a walking stick and anti- ageing cream for Father's Day! His real present is dinner for two at Eduoard's. Gaby is going to the office to try and find something to help Philip. Pam has to do a couple of hours at the hospital so they leave Doug and Brad to take care of the barbecue.
Number 32
Philip thanks Debbie and Hannah for his homemade and incorrectly spelled Father's Day card. The girls go to get breakfast and Julie apologises to Philip for last night. Philip doesn't know what other explanation there is than that Paul deliberately set him up. Two police officers arrive to tell Philip that the charges against him have been dropped because they have received a signed confession from Paul.
JULIE: What's going to happen to Paul?
POLICE OFFICER: Well, not much at this stage.
POLICE OFFICER: He did a runner... bolted to Brazil.
Ramsay Street
Pam invites Beth to the barbecue this afternoon and Gaby calls her an incorrigible matchmaker. Cheryl says good morning and Pam invites her and Lou to the barbecue as well but Cheryl doesn't think Lou would be interested at the moment. Pam says they'll see about that and heads towards No.24, leaving Gaby waiting for her lift to work.
Lassiters Office
Philip is moving stacks of files the police have returned when Gaby arrives. Philip tells her about Paul's confession. It's a relief but they have to see what they can salvage from the files. The bank account has been frozen so the quicker they sort things out the better.
Number 28 back yard
Brad is lighting the barbecue when Doug, Cheryl and Lou appear. Doug gets Cheryl a beer but Lou is sticking to soft drinks because if he starts drinking he might not be able to stop. Beth arrives and Doug teases her and Brad about only being good friends.
Number 24
Lauren lets herself into the house but nobody is home. She finds photos of herself and Lou spread out on the dining table.
Number 28 back yard
Pam and Gaby have returned and Pam complains about the burnt sausages. Doug says it's Brad's fault because he's too busy talking to Beth which Pam is pleased about. Lou is leaving as he wants to be by himself but tells Cheryl to stay. Doug asks when Brad and Beth are going to make him a grandfather! Brad insists they are just staying friends.
Ramsay Street
Lauren is walking down the driveway as Lou returns. Lou is delighted to see her and they hug.
Number 32
Debbie and Hannah are playing snakes and ladders. Philip is happy to be surrounded by his family. Julie tells him she's decided that Michael should come and live with them when he's released as she knows how important family is to Philip.
Number 24
Lauren tells Lou she felt uncomfortable after what happened with Brad, and after Lou got engaged to Cheryl she didn't think he needed her any more. She can't help feeling he's marrying Cheryl for all the wrong reasons but Lou says he hasn't said yes yet; Cheryl was jumping the gun and he couldn't say no in front of a room full of people. Lauren tells him he can't get married just so he doesn't hurt her feelings. Lou says he could do a lot worse but tells Lauren she is the most important person in the world to him; if he doesn't want her to marry Cheryl he won't.
Number 28 back yard
Pam tells Gaby she has handed in her notice but Gaby asks what if Dad doesn't get the job. Pam says it's time to show a bit of faith in him. Lou returns with Lauren, which makes everything awkward. Lou asks Cheryl for a word and Beth glances at Brad as he looks at Lauren.
Number 28
Inside, Lou tells Cheryl he doesn't want to hurt her feelings but he can't marry her. Cheryl is clearly disappointed and asks if this has anything to do with Lauren. Lou says he never actually said yes.
CHERYL: You won't get a better offer, you know. Lauren won't be around for ever. And it's lonely on your own, I can tell you.
Number 28 back yard
Pam, Gaby, Beth and Brad are standing around the barbecue and Lauren tells Doug she has put a dampener on things. She goes over to the others and apologises for all the trouble she caused. Doug heads inside and Lou tells Lauren he overheard what she said and he's proud of her.
Number 28
Doug takes the phone call from Baz. Pam comes inside and overhears the bad news; he didn't get the job. Pam doesn't believe it.
Number 32
Philip and Julie like the cookies Hannah has baked. Julie has an announcement to make to Philip and the girls. They have been through a rough time but from now on things are going to be good; she and Philip have decided that family is the most important thing... and so she wants to have another baby! Philip is shocked.